2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 16 Stories课时练 北师大版选修6.doc

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Unit 16Stories课时练(一)阅读理解提速练练速度(限时:35分钟).阅读理解A(2018济南一模)In what can only be described as a heroic act,a golden retriever managed to save her owners life by lying on top of him for almost 24 hours to keep him from freezing to death after slipping on ice and breaking his neck. On New Years Eve,64yearold Bob,who chose not to reveal his last name for privacy reasons,of Petoskey,Michigan,was watching a football game between Clemson and Ohio State.It was around 10:30 pm.when he decided to go outside and fetch some more wood for his fireplace wearing only long underpants,slippers and a shirt.He had taken the short,15foot walk to the firewood shed thousands of times before,but this time his poor choice of footwear made him slip,and the fall left him unable to move. “I was screaming for help,but my nearest neighbor is about a quartermile away and it was 10:30 pm.,but my Kelsey came,”Bob recalls.“By morning my voice was gone and I couldnt yell for help,but Kelsey didnt stop barking.She kept barking for help,but never left my side.She kept me warm and alert. I knew I had to hold on through this and that was my choice to stay alive.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一只金毛猎犬挽救了主人性命的故事。1Who saved Bobs life? AHis friend. BHis neighbor. CHis son. DHis dog.解析:D细节理解题。由“In what can only be described as a heroic act,a golden retriever managed to save her owners life by lying on top of him for almost 24 hours to keep him from freezing to death after slipping on ice and breaking his neck.(第一段)在一次只能将其描述为英勇事迹的事件中,一只金毛猎犬成功地挽救了她的主人的性命。在主人在冰上滑倒摔断脖子之后,她在主人身上趴了将近24小时以防他被冻死。”和下文内容可知,是Bob的狗救了他的命。故选D。2What was the reason for Bobs slipping? AHe seldom went out at night. BHe didnt wear proper shoes. CIt was too dark to see clearly. DThe weather was freezing cold.解析:B细节理解题。由“He had taken the short,15foot walk to the firewood shed thousands of times before,but this time his poor choice of footwear made him slip,and the fall left him unable to move.(第二段第三句)那段通向柴火棚的路很短,只有15英尺,他走过了数千次,但是这一次,他穿错了鞋子滑倒了,而这次滑倒让他无法动弹。”可知,Bob没有选对鞋子导致他滑倒,即他滑倒的原因是没有穿合适的鞋子。故选B。3What can be learned about Bob from the story? AHe was shy in public. BHe liked playing football. CHe lived all by himself. DHe got on well with neighbors.解析:C推理判断题。由“I was screaming for help,but my nearest neighbor is about a quartermile away and it was 10:30 pm.,but my Kelsey came.”Bob recalls.(第三段第一句)Bob回忆道:“我当时在喊救命,但是离我最近的邻居在大约1/4英里以外的地方,当时又是夜里10:30,不过我的Kelsey来了。”可知,Bob出事时,喊救命想让邻居来救他,最后是他的狗救了他,由此可推知,Bob一个人住。故选C。长难句分析:It was around 10:30 pm.when he decided to go outside and fetch some more wood for his fireplace wearing only long underpants,slippers and a shirt.(第二段第二句)分析:本句为主从复合句。其中when引导定语从句。从句中的“wearing only long underpants,slippers and a shirt”为现在分词短语作伴随状语。译文:夜里大约10:30的时候,他只穿着长衬裤、拖鞋和衬衫就去了屋外,打算取一些柴火回来加到壁炉里。词汇积累:heroic adj.英雄的,英勇的reveal v揭示,透露recall v记起,回忆起alert adj.警觉的,戒备的B(2018青岛质量检测)I built my BBS for the blog petition and disappeared for a long time. Now I just want to take it as my mood board,recording my life in another nation. Its quite an expected and challenging chance for me to spend one year in the USA.I am a little bit dependent person and easy to miss hometown. Therefore,I need to learn how to be independent and control myself in a sense. The first challenge is cooking.I cannot cook before as we,most young people,are treated well at home and eat in canteens or restaurants,while we have to learn cooking for ourselves since its not easy to overe for me to eat fast food here every day. After the master and twoyear PhD studies,I have grasped the skills for doing experiments,so I can cook not that badly via those“talents”I felt so proud with my masterpieces. The second challenge is going outside. I live in a quite small city without subway,taxi or even public bus(except school catbus)Its quite inconvenient to live here without a car.However,I have no driving experience in China though I got the license six years ago. I dont want to spend such a long time to practice it. My friends are very friendly and they drive me to the supermarket and go hiking with me,which makes me a little bit upset or embarrassed as a “bubble”between she and her boyfriend.On the other side,the lack of taking public transportation experience made me so confused when I first went to NYC for a conference. Fortunately,I met several nice guys and they showed me the correct ways. I am looking forward to walking or transporting around on weekends. The third challenge is overing loneliness.Its hard to say why I may feel lonely even though I have Chinese roommates.I still cherish the dream last night that I went back to China even though for experiment purpose. I will work harder to realize my goal and return without any pity.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了作者重新使用自己很久以前创建的论坛,在上面记录自己在国外生活时遇到的几项挑战及自己应对挑战的办法和态度。4Why does the writer use her BBS again?ATo take another petition.BTo disappear for some time.CTo take it as a way to study.DTo keep a record of her foreign life on it.解析:D细节理解题。由“Now I just want to take it as my mood board, recording my life in another nation.(第一段第二句),现在我只想把它当做我的情绪板,(用来)记录我在异国他乡的生活。”可知,作者再次使用论坛是为了在上面记录她在国外的生活。故选D。5How did the writer learn cooking?AShe learned cooking by herself.BShe learned cooking from a cook in a restaurant.CShe learned cooking from books at university.DShe learned cooking from her mother at home.解析:A细节理解题。由“.while we have to learn cooking for ourselves since its not easy to overe for me to eat fast food here every day.(第三段第二句)而我们必须学着自己做饭,因为我难以忍受每天都吃这儿的快餐。”并结合第三段倒数第二句中的“I have grasped the skills for doing experiments,so I can cook not that badly via thosetalents”可知,作者是自学做饭的。故选A。6What can we learn from Paragraph 4?AThe writer bought a car and practiced driving it.BGoing outside on weekends is a terrible thing for the writer.CThe writers friends helped her a lot when she went outside.DThe transport is quite convenient where the writer lives.解析:C推理判断题。由“My friends are very friendly and they drive me to the supermarket and go hiking with me, which makes me a little bit upset or embarrassed as a bubble between she and her boyfriend.(第四段第六句)我的朋友们很友好,他们开车带我去超市,和我一起去远足。但是在她和她男朋友之间当电灯泡使我有点不安和尴尬。”可推知,作者外出时她的朋友们帮了她很多忙。由第四段第三至五句可知,作者没有买车,排除A项;由第四段最后一句可排除B项;由第四段第二句可知,作者居住的地方交通很不方便,排除D项;故选C。7What kind of person is the writer?APositive. BSelfcentered.CIndependent. DWeakminded.解析:A推理判断题。由“I will work harder to realize my goal and return without any pity.(最后一段)我会更加努力学习以实现我的目标,然后不留任何遗憾地回国。”并结合文章描述的作者自学做饭等事情可推断出,作者是一个积极乐观的人。故选A。长难句分析:Its hard to say why I may feel lonely even though I have Chinese roommates.(倒数第二段第二句)分析:这是一个主从复合句。It为形式主语,动词不定式短语“to say why I may feel lonely.”作真正的主语;其中why引导的宾语从句作动词say的宾语;even though引导的是让步状语从句。译文:很难说清楚我为什么会感到孤独,即使我有中国室友。词汇积累:petition n竞赛,比赛challenge n挑战independent adj.独立的masterpiece n杰作inconvenient adj.不方便的,不便利的overe v克服,战胜C(2018成都第二次诊断)What are your retirement plans?Keep working?Get more exercise?Or learn something new?You may put_them_on_hold.Theres a chance that,sooner or later,you might have to move further than you were thinking.As far as Mars(火星) On Thursday,National Geographic will show the first ever Mars showhome,giving earthlings an idea of what their life could look like on the Red Planet.Set in the notsodistant year of 2037,the iglooshaped structure could be the home of your future. It shows a house built using recycled spacecraft parts and Martian soil,called regolith,which has been microwaved into bricks.Some parts of the home are recognisablekitchen,bedroombut there are fundamental differences that are vital for human survival. As the Martian atmosphere is around one hundredth as thick as the Earths,people will need permanent shelter from the sun and society will move largely indoors. Most buildings will be connected by underground passages and the houses wont have windows.The homes will have simulated solar lighting,or natural light that has been bent several times. Walls will need to be 10 to 12 feet thick,to protect people from dangerous rays that can pass through six feet of steel,and a double airlocked entrance to keep the home under proper pressure. “We dont think of our houses as things that keep us alive,but on Mars your house will be a survival centre,”says Stephen Petranek,author of How Well Live on Mars.This is not just the stuff of scifi.“Ten to twenty years from now there will certainly be people on Mars,”Petranek says. “Weve had the technology for 30 years to land people on Mars,but we havent had the will,”Petranek says.But two main factors have“pletely swung public attitudes” The private panies participation has forced government agencies to up their game,and influential films such as Gravity and The Martian have caught societys eye.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了未来人们在火星上的家是什么样子,介绍了其构造,材质,以及使用这些材质的原因,还介绍了加速人们被送到火星上的两大因素。8What can we know about the showhome from the text?AIt has no windows or doors due to security concern.BIts design presents the idea of environmental protection.CIt has thick walls keeping the home under proper pressure.DIts underground passages connect all the buildings together.解析:B推理判断题。根据第三段第一句It shows a house built using recycled spacecraft parts and Martian soil, called regolith, which has been microwaved into bricks可知,他展现的是一个房子使用回收的宇宙飞船的零件,所以它的设计呈现出的是环境保护的理念。故B项符合题意。A项,根据第四段第二句the houses wont have windows可知,房子没有窗户,没有提到没有门。故A项错误。C项,根据第五段第一句Walls will need to be 10 to 12 feet thick, to protect people from dangerous rays that can pass through six feet to steel可知,墙有10到12英尺厚,是为了保护人们免于射线辐射的伤害,而不是使房子处于合适的压力之下。故C项错误。D项,根据第四段第二句Most buildings will be connected by underground passages and the houses wont have windows是大多数的房子被地下通道连接,不是所有的房子。故D项错误。故正确答案为B。9What does the underlined words“put_them_on_hold” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?APut them off. BGive them away.CCarry them through. DTake them seriously.解析:A推理判断题。根据第一段倒数第二句Theres a chance that, sooner or later, you might have to move further than you were thinking可知,早晚你有可能走得比你现在想的这些情况还要远,所以前面提出的几个计划要推迟一下,A项意为“将它们推迟一下”,符合题意。give them away意为“泄露它们”,carry them through意为“完成它们”,take them seriously意为“重视它们”,均没有表达出“推迟”之意,故错误。故正确答案为A。10According to Petranek,what has sped up the process of sending people to Mars?AThe great influence of Mars showhome.BThe development of related technology.CThe petition from private panies.DThe popularity of influential books on Mars.解析:C细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句The private panies participation has forced government agencies to up their game可知,私营公司的参与迫使政府机关来加速它们的计划,所以加速将人们送到火星进程的应该是私营企业的竞争,故C项符合题意。故正确答案为C。11What is the best title for the text?ALiving on Mars:Possible or NotBSending People to Mars:Yes or NoCFirst Ever Showhome:How Is It MadeDFuture Home on Mars:What Will It Be Like解析:D主旨大意题。D项意为“未来在火星上的家,将会是什么样”,符合题意。故正确答案为D。D(2018合肥高三教学质量检测)Half off usually unaffordable products?Only $49.99 for that $100.00 dinner? Thats the magic of Groupon,but for some small business owners the“great business”offered by Groupon can be equal to the kiss of death. How could that occur? The math of Groupon seems simple at a glance,but upon further inspection the numbers dont add up when it es to smaller businesses. A Groupon typically offers a 50% discount on a product or service,then the remaining profit is divided between Groupon and the small business.While Groupon has already received the profit in advance,the merchant is left waiting for their cut. Those worrying numbers are assuming the price cut is 50/50,which,in some cases,is being generous. When you break it down to numbers,a Groupon deal seems disastrous,but its not only the numbers small business owners have to worry about. The point of Groupon deals is to attract new and hopefully longterm customers. Yet,does this actually happen?The majority of consumers buying the Groupon are there for the bargain and dont return after using their Groupon. CFHS Junior Angelita Pope stated,“I love the deals offered by Groupon!They can really save you so much money.”However,she went on to say that she hadnt returned once to any of the businesses after using her Groupon. For some small businesses,the pressure lies with the responses of their loyal customers,who watch as new faces get the same product or service for half the price that they have been paying for years. When you break it down,Groupon indicates that the business offering the deal is not only willing to be flexible with their price,but also that their product or service isnt worth the price theyre charging for.When bining these factors,its no wonder loyal customers are put off by the idea of their favorite shop offering Groupons. Now I by no means say Groupon has bad effects on all businesses;however,the storm of Groupon is actually a disaster for a small business. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。本文主要论述了Groupon团购在给购买者带来巨大好处的同时,也给小企业带来了灾难。12What is good about Groupon? AIt can offer a large discount. BIt helps add up the numbers. CIt can improve the quality of the product. DIt brings small business owners more profit.解析:A推理判断题。由“A Groupon typically offers a 50% discount on a product or service.(第二段第二句)Groupon团购通常会对某种产品或服务提供50%的折扣”可知,Groupon团购的好处就是可以提供大幅度的折扣。故选A。13CFHS Junior Angelita Popes statement suggests that _. Asmall business owners neednt worry about deals Bpeople like using Groupon in the same business Cthe purpose of Groupon is to promote business DGroupon may not bring customers back解析:D推理判断题。由CFHS Junior Angelita Pope stated,“I love the deals offered by Groupon!They can really save you so much money.”However,she went on to say that she hadnt returned once to any of the businesses after using her Groupon.(第三段最后三句)CFHS的初级社员Angelita Pope说:“我喜欢Groupon团购提供的买卖,它们真的能够为你节省很多钱。”然而,她继续说在使用Groupon团购后,她再也没去过那些店里买东西。可以推断,Groupon团购可能无法带来回头客。故选D。14What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 4 refer to? ANew faces. BLoyal customers. CGroupon dealers. DSmall businesses.解析:B指代判断题。分析关键句“For some small businesses,the pressure lies with the responses of their loyal customers,who watch as new faces get the same product or service for half the price that they have been paying for years.(第四段第一句)对于一些小企业来说,压力在于他们忠实的老顾客的反应,当新顾客以半价买到他们多年来一直在买的同样的商品或服务时,他们全都看在眼里。”分析关键句的内容和结构可知,who引导的是定语从句,修饰前面的loyal customers,后面的that引导的也是定语从句,修饰前面的the price,这个定语从句的主语是they,谓语是have been paying,由此可知,they指代前面提及的忠实的老顾客。故选B。15What could be the best title for the text? AA new business trendGroupon dealing BThe development of a Groupon pany CThe effects of Groupon on small businesses DA fantastic shopping experienceGroupon解析:C标题概括题。文章在第一段提到Groupon提供的“好买卖”对于一些小企业来说等同于死神的吻;文章主体内容是说Groupon的运营和小企业对此的看法;文章最后一段提到Groupon风暴对于小企业来说实际上是一种灾难,由此可知,本文主要论述的是Groupon对小企业的影响,最佳标题应是C项。.七选五(2018河南长葛市月考)Are you planning a class reunion but having a tough time finding former classmates? Read on and see if the following tips will help.With the ing of modern technology and munication, the simplest way to look for former classmates is by searching the worldwide web. _1_ Search the names of the classmates you want to find. Type their full names in the search bar of your browser and see if they generate results. If the person you are searching for is an active Internet user, there is a great chance for you to get instant results._2_. There are other ways by which to locate your former classmates. _3_. It means the father, mother or any close relatives you may personally know. Though there is a possibility that your former classmates may have changed residence due to work or marriage, their parents usually stay in the original homes.Ask assistance from the school records section of your school, the principal and even your former teachers if they are still around. _4_, if you havent any idea about your classmates location._5_. if you live in a small county it is not a difficult thing to do. Usually, it is the information from friends that is most helpful in tracking down a person. Whats amusing is one contact person is enough to establish a chain of information.And thats ityour job in finding former classmates is done. Now all you need to do is set the date, time and place of your reunion. Enjoy!AAsk mon friendsBHere are suggestions on how it can be doneCOne way is by getting in touch with the familyDThere is also a network of friends on the InternetEOld addresses and telephone numbers can still be of useFYou can also consult the graduate group of your neighbourhoodGYou should not narrow down your search to the Internet alone【语篇解读】本文作者针对如何寻找以前的同学这一问题,给出了自己的建议。1解析:B语义理解题。由Search the names of the classmates you want to find. Type their full names in the search bar of your browser and see if they generate results. If the person you are searching for is an active Internet user, there is a great chance for you to get instant results.可知这里是提出了一些建议,所以选B。2解析:G语义理解题。由There are other ways by which to locate your former classmates.可知你不要把你的寻找局限于网络,所以选G。3解析:C语义理解题。由It means the fater, mother or any close relatives you may personally know.可知一种方法就是和他的家人联系,选C。4解析:E语义理解题。由if you havent any idea about your classmates location.可知旧的地址和电话号码可能仍然有用,选E。5解析:A语义理解题。由If you live in a small county it is not a difficult thing to do. Usually, it is the information from friends that is most helpful in tracking down a person. Whats amusing is one contact person is enough to establish a chain of information.可知寻问共同的朋友,选A。课时练(二)英语知识运用板块练练准度(限时:25分钟).完形填空(2018东北三省四市模拟一)As a child,Bill was untidy. It has been said that in order to _1_ this,his mum drew up _2_ clothing plans for him.On Mondays he might go to school in blue. on Thursdays in black,and so on. Weekend meal _3_ might also be planned in detail.People around Bill _4_ that he was exceptional.One of his friends recalled,“He was _5_ the kind of kid you didnt want _6_ our team. We all knew Bill was _7_ than us. Even back then,when he was nine or ten years old,he talked like a(n)_8_ and could express himself in ways that none of us understood.” Bill was also well _9_ his classmates in mathematics and science. He needed to go to a school that _10_ him,Lakeside,an allboys school for _11_ students. Lakeside allowed students to go after their own _12_,to whatever extent they wished.The school _13_ itself on helping all its students to reach their _14_ potential.It was the ideal environment for someone like Bill Gates. During his time at Lakeside, Bill scored a _15_ eight hundred on a mathematics test.It was extremely important to him to get this gradehe had to take the _16_ more than once in order to do it. puter time was expensive and,because he was anxious to get more _17_ and because Bill already had an understanding _18_ what he could achieve _19_,he decided to _20_ a pany:The Lakeside Programmers Group.“Lets call the real world and try to sell something to it!”Bill announced.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,主要记述了Bill Gates在童年时代的生活、学习及兴趣爱好等。1A.balance Bkeep Cwatch Dcontrol解析:A考查动词辨析。根据上文内容可知,Bill小时候不整洁,所以此处指为了弥补这个缺点。balance意为“(使)相等,相抵,抵消”,符合语境。keep意为“保持”;watch意为“观察,注视”;control意为“控制”,均与语境不符。故答案选A。2A.certain Bstrict Cweekly Dtimely解析:C考查形容词辨析。根据下文可知, Bill的妈妈为他制订了一周的着装计划。weekly意为“每周的”,符合语境。certain意为“某一的,确信的”;strict意为“严格的”;timely意为“及时的”,均与语境不符。故答案选C。3A.dishes Bconferences Cplaces Dschedules解析:D


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