2019年高考英语一轮优练题 Unit 5 Nelson Mandel-a modern hero(含解析)新人教版必修1.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮优练题 Unit 5 Nelson Mandel-a modern hero(含解析)新人教版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语一轮优练题 Unit 5 Nelson Mandel-a modern hero(含解析)新人教版必修1.doc_第3页
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Unit 5 Nelson Mandel-a modern hero一、阅读理解。Friendship is one of the basic bonds between human beings. While the characteristics of friendship might vary from one country to another, people from all cultures not only enjoy friends but need them.Many studies have shown that teenagers who have no friends often suffer from psychological disorders. It has been shown that teenagers, perhaps more than any other age group, need panionship and a sense of belonging. The negative consequences of loneliness have also been observed among the elderly. The death of a spouse often leaves a widow or a widower totally bereft. If, however, they are surrounded by friends and relatives and if they are able to express their feelings, they are more likely to recover from their grief.“No man is an island.” In other words, we are all parts of society. We all need the love, admiration, respect and moral support of other people. If we are fortunate, our friends will provide us with all of these necessary aspects of life.As most people observe, there are many levels of friendship. The degree or intensity of friendship varies depending on the personality of the individuals involved and the context of the relationships. Outgoing persons enjoy being surrounded by many people whereas shy persons are perhaps content with fewer but more intense friendships.Everyone is not equally open with all their friends. The degree of closeness is determined by many factors. Close friends can be formed at any stage in ones life but they are usually very rare. Not very many people have more than a few really close friends. Regardless of the level of closeness, all friendships are based on reciprocity (互惠), honesty and a certain amount of love and affection.1.Who are more likely to suffer from psychological disorders without friends?A. Teenagers.B. Adults.C. The elderly.D.A couple.2.What does the sentence “No man is an island” really mean?A. No man is willing to live on an island.B. Man usually doesnt go to an islandC. Everyone is related with our society.D. Our society is just like an island.3.What can we learn about outgoing people?A. They like being alone.B. They are fond of making friends.C. They have intense friendships.D. They have fewer close friends indeed4.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A. The formation of close friends.B. The number of real friends.C. Honesty, love and affection.D. Factors to determine the degree of closeness.【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。主要讨论讲述的是友谊的重要性。不论是青少年还是老年人,都需要朋友的陪伴。没有人是孤立的,每个人都是社会的一部分,都需要他人的爱、陪伴和关心。人人需要友谊,需要归属感。1.A 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段首句“Many studies have shown that teenagers who have no friends often suffer from psychological disorders.”可知,没有朋友的青少年更可能遭受精神疾病。故选A。3.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段尾句“Outgoing persons enjoy being surrounded by many people whereas shy persons are perhaps content with fewer but more intense friendships.”可在,外向的人喜欢交朋友。故选B。4.D 【解析】段落大意题。通读最后一段可知,本段讲述亲密程度是由许多因素决定的,不管亲密程度如何,友谊都是建立在互惠,真诚,爱和情感的基础上的。二、单句语法填空1You cant imagine the trouble I had (persuade) him to change his mind.答案:persuading2These ancient buildings (witness) the rapid growth of the city as well as the growth of this country.答案:have witnessed3Although he made a serious mistake in his work, he was lucky to escape (fire) by his boss.答案:being fired4This job could be done (equal) well by a puter.答案:equally5Everything begins hard. Dont hesitate to turn me if you are in difficulty.答案:to6Everyone who reached the top of Mount Tai (reward) with a magnificent view.答案:was rewarded7Her (devote) to the job left her with very little free time.答案:devotion8There is no reason to be disappointed. As matter of fact, this could be rather amusing.答案:a9Maggie thought it was (fair) that women were not allowed to receive education.答案:unfair10The last time I went to Scotland was in May, the weather was beautiful.答案:when三、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可能填入空白处的最佳选项。When my kids were small,I started a tradition in our house of giving eight gifts over the course of the eight days of Hanukkah(光明节)I liked the idea of _1_ a candle every night and giving my children a gift to unwrap to _2_.It was easy to go into a toy store and pick up something _3_ less than$10 each,or even$1 each(at the dollar store)My children didnt ask for anything much in particular and they _4_ whatever they got.As the years progressed,I _5_ the tradition of eight gifts for each night of Hanukkah.But this year,Hanukkah _6_ something else.My specialneeds son decided that he wanted to _7_ a puter,and it was up to me to buy all the parts of it.When I wouldnt _8_ that,he decided he wanted a P1ayStation.Then Amazon gift cards.Then money.And when it became clear that it wasnt going to happen,he got _9_.I keep _10_ him that Hanukkah isnt about greed or materialism.Its about the miracle of an oil lamp that _11_ for eight days.Its about being _12_ of our heritage.Its about freedom.But he _13_.I know deep down that his obsessions(迷恋的物)are out of his _14_ ,and definitely out of mine.Having a specialneeds child is as _15_ as it gets.Some days are better than others and not all holidays _16_ the way I hope.But despite his unrealistic requests,hes a(n) _17_ child who is showing me the true meaning of life.And as we enter a new year and light the _18_ approaching the time,I wele his differences _19_ I learn how to turn negative requests into _20_ ones.1A.buyingBdonatingClighting Ddrawing2A.celebrate BpresentCsend Dplay3A.at BforCin Dfrom4A.ate BthrewCliked Ddrank5A.held up Bgave inChanded in Dkept up6A.made BbecameCfound Ddesigned7A.build BbuyCuse Dwatch8A.rely on Blearn fromCagree to Ddream about9A.calm BhappyCselfish Dupset10A.telling BwarningCpromising Daccusing11A.lays BhangsCwaits Dburns12A.tired BproudCafraid Dlack13A.nodded BsleptCinsisted Dfailed14A.mind BsightCcontrol Dplace15A.wonderful BdangerousCinteresting Dchallenging16A.run out Bbreak downCwork out Dput down17A.strange BamazingCbad Denergetic18A.candles BlampsCtorches Dlanterns19A.when BasCunless Duntil20A.relative BpossibleCreasonable Dpositive【解题导语】本文主要讲述了作者一家过光明节的传统、变化及作者的应对策略和反思。【核心词汇】greed n贪婪materialism n物质主义miracle n奇迹1C根据下文的“And as we enter a new year and light the _18_approaching the time”可知,此处指点蜡烛。2A根据上文的“Hanukkah(光明节)”可推知,节日是用来庆祝的。3B根据语境“less than$10 each,or even$1 each(at the dollar store)”可推知,此处表示东西的价格,故用介词for。4C结合语境“My children didnt ask for anything much in particular”可推知,孩子们并不挑剔,很喜欢拿到的礼物。5D结合下文的转折“But this year, Hanukkah _6_ something else”和“My specialneeds son”可推知,作者保持那个传统很多年。6B根据转折“But this year,Hanukkah _6_ something else”和“My specialneeds son”可推知,今年有些不同,有了新变化。7A根据语境“and it was up to me to buy all the parts of it”可推知,儿子要组建一台电脑,要作者去买零配件。8C根据下文的“And when it became clear that it wasnt going to happen, he got _9_ ”可推知,作者没同意儿子的要求,儿子就有了其他更多的要求。agree to“同意”。9D很明显,作者没同意儿子的要求,儿子感到难过。upset“难过”。10A很明显,作者在不断地给儿子讲道理,说明节日的意义。11D根据下文的“And as we enter a new year and light the _18_ approaching the time”可推知,D项burn“燃烧,发亮”符合语境。12B固定搭配be proud of意为“以为傲,为而自豪”,符合语境。13C根据下文的“I know deep down that his obsessions(迷恋的物)are out of his _14_ ,and definitely out of mine”可推知,儿子不为所动,坚持自己的要求。14C根据“obsessions(迷恋的物)”可推知,儿子陷入迷恋的事物之中,已经失控。out of control“失控”。15D很明显,作者应对有特殊需求的儿子有些棘手。challenging “挑战性的”。16C根据“the way I hope”可知,有些事情并不像作者希望的那样发展。work out“成功地发展”。17B根据语境“who is showing me the true meaning of life”可推知,此处的语气表示肯定、赞赏,故选B。 amazing“了不起的”。18A根据上文的“I liked the idea of _1_ a candle every night”可知,节日期间作者一家点蜡烛庆祝。19B根据语境可知,此处表示逻辑上的因果关系,故选B。as“因为”。20D与语境中的“negative”形成对比可知,此处表示把负面要求变成积极要求。positive“积极的”。四、单句改错1Having got involved in a theft, he was sentenced for five years in prison. 答案:forto2The first time when I met him, he was working as a secretary in a big pany. 答案:去掉when3The boy lost his heart when he knew he failed the exam again. 答案:去掉his4Its important to learn to take a positive attitude to life when you are in the trouble. 答案:去掉the5Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours they reach a decision. 答案:hours后加did五、单元语法定语从句()1(2018福建四地六校联考)What about the tea at the party yesterday, Bob?Oh, it was the best one I had ever had.答案:that2(2018辽宁东北育才一模)So long as you stick to it, the moment will definitely e you can have your dream e true.答案:when3(2018宁夏银川一中月考)During the last twenty years in the United Sates, many big corporations have transferred their businesses from big cities to the suburbs, rents are lower.答案:where4(2018福建福州八中质检)The terrible accident happened on a day Father left for America, a day well never forget.答案:when; that/which5(2018山东临沂一模)I will never forget such a beautiful village I spent my childhood with my grandparents.答案:where

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