2019高考英语一轮基础练 Unit 4 Cyberspace(含解析)北师大版必修2.doc

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Unit 4 Cyberspace 阅读理解AOn Christmas Eve, 1944, my grandmother urged my uncle, then 12 years old, to slip out of the concentration camp where they were imprisoned near 15 miles east of Vienna to go to Deutsch-Wagram. “People are charitable around Christmastime,” Grandma Lili said to her son, Gyuri. “Ask for some food. Anything they can spare. Tell them that were on the edge of starvation. Tell them that your 3-year-old sister can not get off the bed because shes outgrown her shoes.”In the dark of that night, Gyuri secretly left the camp and walked nearly four miles to Deutsch-Wagram, the closest town. He happened upon a house and knocked on the front door. A woman opened that door. She was probably alone, her man far away, fighting in the war, her children asleep in their beds. The 12-year-old pieced together in German exactly what his mother had told him to say.“e back tomorrow, whispered the woman. The next day, my uncle returned. The woman opened the door with a smile. She piled his hands with bread, clothing, a pair of shoes that her child had outgrown and a pair of socks. The woman had knitted warm socks for my mother. After putting on the socks and shoes that fit, my mother got off the bed in delight. Her ragged shoes were passed on to a younger child who was also living in the camp. They shared their unexpected harvest with the entire camp. It was a quiet celebration of human kindness around Christmastime.In April 1945, my mother, uncle and grandmother were liberated. And it was those very socks and shoes that my mother wore as she walked some 28 miles over two days to Bratislava on her walk to a new life.To the unknown giver, I thank you. In the desperation of a cold and snowy land, when many hearts were closed and death was more likely than life, especially for Jews, you gave them hope and fort.1.What did Gyuri manage to do on Christmas Eve?A. Get permitted to go out.B. Receive food and clothing.C. Express what his family needed.D. Celebrate Christmas in the camp2.Why does the author mention shoes so many times?A. To prove the truth of the story.B. To help the development of the story.C. To attract readers attention to the story.D. To make clear the background of the story.3.What feeling did the author write the text with?A. DesperationB. Gratefulness.C. ExcitementD. Sorrow.4.What is the passage mainly about?A. Light in darknessB. Peace to mon peopleC. Courage in face of dangerD. The influence of Christmas【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了1944年圣诞前夕,奶奶一家在集中营里日子艰难,迫不得已12岁的叔叔秘密走出集中营去附近的村庄求助,一位善良的女士给予了他们一家一些物质上的帮助。这位好心人的善举给了过着暗无天日的日子的奶奶一家不仅是物质上的帮助还有对未来的希望,最终一家人坚持到光明的到来。1.C 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句The 12-year-old pieced together in German exactly what his mother had told him to say.并结合第一段的内容可推断,Gyuri努力用德语拼出了他母亲告诉他说的话,表达了他的家人的需要。故选C。3.B 【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段首句To the unknown giver, I thank you.和“you gave them hope and fort”并结合全文内容可推断,故事讲述好心人对作者的奶娘一家慷慨相助,因此推断作者对这位好心人充满感激之情,故作者讲述这个故事时带着感恩的心态。故选B。4.A 【解析】主旨大意题。纵观全文特别是文章最后一段可知,在积雪覆盖的寒冷的冬天,人们封闭自己,死亡比活下去更容易的情况下,这位善良的人不仅给予了奶奶一家物质上的帮助,而且给了他们希望和抚慰。就像黑暗中的亮光鼓励他们走向新的生活。因此推断这篇文章歌颂了黑暗中人性光明的一面。故选A。B(2017河北石家庄高三一模)For visitors,Teller Lake in Colorado looks like a fishbowl filled with thousands of gorgeous goldfish. However, to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Department they are a group of dangerous species that could end up destroying the lakes ecosystem.The problem is that these fish arent native to the lake which means they have no predators(捕食者)This allows them to multiply in large numbers. The officials believe that most of them are a result of a few unwanted pet goldfish that were thrown into the lake.While that may appear to be a kind thing to do, it is extremely dangerous, not to mention illegal. Thats because as the nonnative species grow in numbers,they pete with the existing fish for food sources like small insects.Given that there is only a limited supply of resources,this could result in the goldfish overpowering the native fish species. In the case of Teller Lake, the officials are particularly worried that the goldfish will move downstream and affect the population of some of the endangered native species that live there.Another major cause for concern is the diseases the goldfish may be carrying.The Colorado Parks and Wildlife biologists,therefore, have no option but to remove the fish from the lake in the most efficient manner.The fish will then be fed to injured birds like eagles and ospreys.Experts say that most owners believe they are doing the “right thing” by returning their pet to the wilderness.However, saving one pet often results in destroying the areas ecosystem and hurting other animals.According to experts,the best way to dispose_of unwanted fish or any other animal is to get advice from the people that sold the pet.【解题导语】金鱼是一种常见的宠物,为许多人所喜爱。可是近日美国科罗拉多州的特勒湖却被数千条金鱼占据。1Why did the dangerous goldfish appear in Teller Lake?AThey were born into the lake.BThey were thrown by the officials.CThey were abandoned by their owners.DThey were brought in by some biologists.C解析:细节理解题。依据第二段的最后一句可知,科罗拉多州公园与野生动物保护管理处的官员认为,这几千条金鱼是由被主人扔在湖中的宠物金鱼繁殖而得来的,由此可知这些鱼是被主人抛弃的,故选C项。2How is the lakes ecosystem likely to be influenced by the goldfish?ANew diseases may be brought in.BNative fish may be eaten by them.CThe lake water may be polluted.DFood sources may increase.A解析:细节理解题。依据第三段的最后一句可知,另一个令人担心的问题是这些金鱼有可能携带疾病。故选A项。3What will happen to the goldfish after theyre caught?ATheyll be killed at once.BTheyll bee food for birds.CTheyll be set free downstream.DTheyll be raised in the fishbowl.B解析:细节理解题。 依据第四段的最后一句可知,这些金鱼会被喂给受伤的鸟。4What does the underlined phrase“dispose of”in the last paragraph probably mean?AAttend to.BTake over.CGet rid of. DHold on to.C解析:词义猜测题。由上文可知,专家在探讨清除湖中金鱼最有效的方法,因此“dispose of”在本句中是“处理,清除”的意思,故选C项。CThe British are supposed to be famous for laughing at themselves, but even their sense of humor has a limit, as the British retailer Gerald Ratner found out to his cost.When Ratner took over his fathers chain of 140 jewelry shops in 1984, he introduced a very clear pany policy. He decided that his shops should sell down market products at the lowest possible prices. It was a great success. The British public loved his cheap gold earrings and his tasteless silver decorations. By 1991, Ratners pany had 2,400 shops and it was worth over 680 million pounds. But in April of that year, Gerald Ratner made a big mistake. At a bit meeting of top British business people, he suited up and explained the secret of his success People say “How can we sell our goods for such a low price?”. He say “Because they are absolute rubbish.” His audience burst out laughing. But the British newspapers and the British public were not so amused. People feltinsultedand stayed away from Ratners shops.Sales fell and six months after his speech ,Ratners share price had fallen by 42%. The following year, things got worse and Gerald Ratner was forced to resign. By the end of 1992, he lost his pany, his career and his house. Even worse, 25,000 of his employees had lost their jobs. It had been a very expensive joke.1.What are the British noted for according to the passage?A. Their jewelry shops.B. Their love for jewelry.C. Their jokes about themselves.D. Their harmless humor.2.How did Ratner achieve success in his business?A. He cut down his labor cost.B. He adopted an effective business model.C. He employed a lot of new staff.D. He developed great relations with business VIPs.3.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “insulted”?A. Offended.B. Amazed.C. Abused.D. Attracted.4.What does the story of Gerald Ratner suggest?A. Action speaks louder than words.B. What goes around es around.C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.D.A man may dig his grave with his teeth.【文章大意】本文为记叙文。讲述的是英国零售商Gerald Ratner因为自嘲时说错话而导致失败的故事。2.B 【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段第一句话中的“he introduced a very clear pany policy.” 和第二句话He decided that his shops should sell down market products at the lowest possible prices. 可知他采用了一种有效的商业模式以最低价销售产品,故选B。3.A 【解析】词义猜测题。根据第二段最后两句话可知人们感到受到了侮辱冒犯,都不去他的商店了,由此可知该词与offended一致,故选A。D(2017安徽六校高三素质测试)The African elephant, the largest land animal remaining on earth, is of great importance to African ecosystem.Unlike other animals, the African elephant is to a great extent the builder of its environment.As a big planteater, it largely shapes the forestandsavanna(大草原) surroundings in which it lives, therefore setting_the_terms of existence for millions of other animals that live in its habitat.It is the elephants great desire for food that makes it a disturber of the environment and an important builder of its habitat.In its continuous search for the 300 pounds of plants it must have every day, it kills small trees and underbushes, and pulls branches off big trees.This results in numerous open spaces in both deep tropical forests and in the woodlands that cover part of the African savannas.In these open spaces are numerous plants in various stages of growth that attract a variety of other planteaters.Take the rainforests for example.In their natural state, the spreading branches overhead shut out sunlight and prevent the growth of plants on the forest floor.By pulling down trees and eating plants, elephants make open spaces, allowing new plants to grow on the forest floor.In such situations the forests bee suitable for large hoofed planteaters to move around and for small planteaters to get their food as well.What worries scientists now is that the African elephant has bee an endangered species.If the elephant disappears, scientists say, many other animals will also disappear from vast areas of forest and savanna, greatly changing and worsening the whole ecosystem.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。非洲象对非洲森林和大草原的生态系统十分重要, 它们的觅食对生态环境有很大影响。现在, 令科学家们担忧的是, 非洲象正濒临灭绝, 这也就意味着整个非洲的生态系统正在遭受威胁。1What does the underlined phrase “setting the terms” most probably mean?AImproving the quality.BWorsening the state.CFixing the time.DDeciding the conditions.D解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段内容可知, 非洲象对非洲的生态系统十分重要, 它们在很大程度上是生态环境的创造者, 它们塑造了非洲的森林和大草原的环境。由此可推断出, 非洲象决定了在它们的栖息地上生活的其他动物的生存条件。因此, “setting the terms”的意思应为“决定了条件”。故选D。2The passage is developed mainly by _Ashowing the effect and then explaining the causesBgiving examplesCpointing out similarities and differencesDdescribing the changes in time orderA解析:写作手法题。根据文章内容可知, 第一段内容主要介绍了非洲象对整个非洲生态环境的重大影响, 接下来的三段话主要解释了为什么它们会有这么大的影响。因此全文应是按照先给出结果、再说明原因的方式展开的。故选A。3What is the passage mainly about?AForests and savannas as habitats for African elephants.BThe eating habit of African elephants.CDisappearance of African elephants.DThe effect of African elephants search for food.D解析:主旨大意题。根据文章内容可判断出, 本文主要讲述了非洲象对非洲森林和大草原的生态系统的重要性, 它们的觅食对生态环境有很大影响。故选D。4What do we know about the open spaces in the passage?AThey are home to many endangered animals.BThey result from the destruction of rainforests.CThey are attractive to planteating animals of different kinds.DThey provide food mainly for African elephants.C解析:细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句In these open spaces are numerous plants in various stages of growth that attract a variety of other planteaters.可知, 那些开阔的地方对各种食草动物很具吸引力。故选C。 七选五(2017临沂市模拟)The Dos and Donts of Learning a New LanguagePeople decide to learn another language for many different reasons.Some learn another language because they would like to live in another country.1._ Some people have to study a language at school and others might decide to learn a language just for fun!Ive been learning French for just over two years.I decided to learn it because I wanted to learn something new and I love French culture.Learning French has been a fun and exciting journey but its also been challenging.Ive learnt a lot about the challenges while learning a new language and have put together some “dos” and “donts” to help other language learners.2._Learning a new language can be a hard process that requires a lot of motivation.Try different activities to make your language learning more enjoyable.Why not try watching your favourite TV series in that language or listening to music in that language?Do write down your mistakes3_ I like to write the mistakes that I make in a small pocket book.Dont set unrealistic expectationsIf you have recently started learning another language, it may be unrealistic to expect to be fluent within a couple of months.Be aware that it could take a while.4._ Its very difficult to have a native accent.The most important thing is that youre clear and people can understand you.Dont be scared5_ I worried about my accent, pronunciation, grammar and didnt make the most of speaking opportunities.Looking back, it seems silly and now Im more than happy to speak French.Dont be afraid or overthink it, just be confident and speak.ABe confidentBDo enjoy itCThe same thing goes for accents.DOthers decide to learn a language because of their job.EI wasnt confident when I first started speaking French.FTake your time and celebrate the progress that youve made so far.GA person correcting you is a good thing and it will help you improve.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。作者通过自身的语言学习的经历, 讲述了语言学习过程中需要注意的相关事项。1D解析:上文提到一些人学其他语言是因为想在那个国家居住;下文提到一些人不得不在学校学习其他语言, 而有些人则是为了有趣。故空格处也是学习其他语言的原因。D项“其他人决定学一门语言是由于他们的工作”能够联系上下文, 符合语境。故选D。2B解析:根据本段内容可知, 学习语言需要积极性, 尝试不同的活动让语言学习成为一种享受, 比如看这种语言的电视剧或听这种语言的音乐。B项“一定享受它”能够概括本段内容, 适合作本段小标题。故选B。3G解析:根据本段小标题“Do write down your mistakes”可知, 该段讲述的是要把你的错误写下来。G项“有人为你纠错是好事, 它会帮助你提高”符合语境。故选G。4C解析:根据空格后的“Its very difficult to have a native accent.”可知, 要想达到地道的口音很难。C项“(学习一门语言都会遇到)同一个问题, 就是口音问题”能够联系下文, 符合语境。故选C。5E解析:下文提到作者担心自己的语音、语调等问题。由此可推知, E项“我刚开始讲法语时, 很不自信”能够引出下文, 符合语境。故选E。、七选五Are you having trouble concentrating when youre reading a book or listening to a lecture?This list of activities might help to improve your study habits.Make a list.We often have trouble paying attention to one thing because our brain wants to think about something else. 1 You dont worry about whatever else you should be doing.Sleep more.Studies show that people who sleep fewer than eight hours a night for a period of time have slower response systems and more difficulty recalling information. 2 Eat healthier foods.Many people enjoy foods high in fats and sugars. 3 They might give you a temporary burst of energy.However,that energy is soon followed by a crash.Reduce screen time.This may be the most unpopular suggestion among young people.Screen time time spent looking at cell phones,televisions,puter screens,has a clear effect on the attention span. 4 5 Concentration improves for students who participate in team sports.It could be that being active is helpful in this way.Participating in a sport trains your brain to concentrate on specific tasks,and shut out other thoughts.ABe active.BPractice more.CThese foods can provide enough energy for focusing.DBut these foods cant be helpful enough when it es to focusing.EThat is bad news for teens who stay up studying the night before a test.FResearchers advise parents to limit it when their children need to be focused.GBy writing down all the things you need to do,youll gain a sense of control.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了几种提高注意力的方法。1G根据本段的主题句“列清单”以及空后的“You dont worry about whatever else you should be doing.”可知,选G项。2E根据本段的主题句“Sleep more.”和空前一句的内容可知,选E项。3D下文的“that energy is soon followed by a crash”与D项中的“cant be helpful enough”相对应,故答案为D。4F本段的主题句“Reduce screen time.”与选项F中的“limit it”对应,故答案为F。5A空处为本段的主题句,由下文的“It could be that being active is helpful in this way.”可知,答案为A。

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