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高考英语状语从句及连接词 AdverbialClausesofTime 时间状语从句 1 hecomesheretomorrow Iwillcallyou 2 hewaswalkinginthestreet hemetTim 3 Shesang sheworked 4 Therewasanapplause sheappearedonthestage When While When as themoment assoonas theminute thesecond immediately directly instantly 5 Itwon tbelong hefinisheshiswriting 6 hehadfinishedhiswork heleftthere 7 Itistwoyears hecamehere 8 Icatchacold Ihavepaininmyback 9 shetoldme Ihadnoideaofwhattheyhadsaid before After since Everytime eachtime Until when 持续性 非持续性动词都可 当 时 正在 忽然 Areyougoingtobeasailorwhenyouleaveschool sb wasdoing when sbwasabouttodo wasgoingtodo when sbhadjust hardlydone when when atthistime atthattime Whydoyouwalkwhenyouhaveacar 在 的情况下Howcanweexplainittoyouwhenyouwon tlisten ifWhyareyouherewhenyoushouldbeinschool 本该 而 whileWhileIwaswalkingdownthestreet Icameacrossanoldfriend while Helikespopmusic whileIamfondoffolkmusic WhileIreallydon tlikeart Ifindhisworkimpressive while Whilethereislifethereishope while when although aslongas as 当 一边 一边 随着 某事一发生 另一事立即发生 两个动作同时发生 Asthecaptainpassedme Iaskedhimwhethertherewasanyhopeofsavingtheship Asthedaywenton theweathergotworse as1 Shesangassheworked 2 Smartasheis hedoesn tstudyhard 3 YoumusttrytodoasIdid 4 Asshewaslateforclass shehadtosaysorry beforeItwillbehalfayearbeforeIcomeback Itwon tbehalfayearbeforewemeetagain Wesailedfourdaysandnightsbeforewesawtheland Wehadn trunamilebeforehefelttired 肯定句 才 否定句 就 itwillbe 一段时间before 多久之后才 itwon tbe 一段时间before 不久就 考点 名词短语引导时间状语从句1 WheneverytimeIwasintrouble hewouldcometohelpme 2 Atnexttimeyoucome dorememberbringyoursonhere 3 ForthefirsttimeImetthegirl Ifeltinlovewithher 4 Youarewelcometocomebackatanytimeyouwantto 5 AtthelasttimeshesawJames hewaslyinginbed 语法规则 everytime eachtime nexttime thefirsttime anytime等名词短语引导状语从句不加介词 考点 一 就 刚 就 我一到达上海就给你打电话 时态 时态要求 改错 Ihardlygothomewhenitbegantorain翻译为 刚 就 的连接词有时态要求 IwillcallyouassoonasIarriveinShanghai had 以一般现在时代替将来时 主句用haddone 从句用did nosooner than hardly when scarcely when till until和not until 1 until till引导时间状语从句用于肯定句时 主句的动词是延续性动词 表示动作或状态一直持续到until till所表示的时间 意为 某动作一直延续到某时间点才停止 如 Wewaiteduntilhecame 2 用于否定句时 主句谓语动词是非延续性动词 从句为肯定 意为 某动作直到某时间才开始 如 Hewon tgotobedtill untilshereturns 3 till不可以置于句首 而until可以 如 UntilyoutoldmeIhadnoideaofit 4 not until句型中的强调和倒装说法 ItwasnotuntilyoutoldmethatIhadanyideaofit NotuntilyoutoldmedidIhaveanyideaofit 1 Itwasn tuntilnearlyamonthlater Ireceivedthemanager sreply A sinceB whenC asD that 2 Itwasnearlyamonth Ireceivedthemanager sreply 3 Itwasnearly9o clock Ireceivedthemanager sreply 4 Itwasnearlyat9o clock Ireceivedthemanager sreply before when that 考点 易混淆句型itis 时间 sincebeforewhenthatItisfiveyears hefinishedhisresearch Itwasfiveyears hefinishedhisresearch Itwasfiveyearslater hefinishedhisresearch Itwas5o clock hegothome Itwasat5o clock hegothome when that since before that AdverbialClausesofPlace 地点状语从句 You dbettermarkamark youhaveanyquestion You dbettermarkamarkattheplace youhaveanyquestion Mom whatdidyourdoctorsay Headvisedmetolive theairisfresher inwhereB inwhichC theplacewhereD where where where AdverbialClausesofReason 原因状语从句 1 Becausehewasill hedidn tgotoschool 2 youdonotunderstand Iwillexplainagain 3 Asshewaslateforclass shehadtosaysorry 4 classisover let sgotoplayfootball 5 Hemustbeill heisabsenttoday Since Nowthat for because since as for because 直接原因 非推断 语气最强 回答whysince 通常放句首 译为 既然 as 不谈自明的原因 语气最弱 for 放句中 引导后半句表推测原因 原因状语从句 becausesinceasfornowthatconsidering that seeing that 既然 考虑到 鉴于 鉴于 由于 既然 因为 AdverbialClausesofPurpose 目的状语从句 1 Theysetoutearly theymightarrivethereintime 2 Takeyourraincoat itshouldrain 3 Theboyhidhimselfbehindthetree hisfathershouldseehim sothat inorderthat incase incase forfearthat 1 I dliketoarrive20minutesearly Icanhavetimeforacupoftea A assoonasB asaresultC incaseD sothat2 You dbettertakesomethingtoreadwhenyougotoseethedoctor youhavetowait A evenifB asifC incaseD inorderthat AdverbialClausesofResult 结果状语从句 Itis goodastorythatI llneverforgetit Itis agoodstorythatI llneverforgetit so such 条件状语从句 ifonceas solongasasfarasunlessonconditionthatincase suppose supposing providing provided youtouchanEnglishperson youshouldsay sorry theyaredirty certainseasarenotabletocleanthemselves wedon tloseheart we llfindawaytoovercomethedifficulty Iknowyoushouldn thaveanyproblemthere If Once Aslongas Asfaras Youcanhavemybicycleforafewdays youreturnitbySunday anythingimportanthappens pleasecallmeup youhadonemilliondollars whatwouldyoudo Don ttouchanything yourteachertellsyouto onconditionthat Incase Suppose Supposing unless AdverbialClausesofManner 方式状语从句 Youmusttrytodo Idid Theoldladytreatstheboy hewereherson asif asthough as AdverbialClausesofConcession 让步状语从句 heisold heworkshard yousayso Idon tbelieveit Smart heis hedoesn tstudyhard Theoldtowermustbesaved thecost A howeverB whateverC whicheverD whereverwhether nomatterwhetherwhoever nomatterwhowhatever nomatterwhatwhenever nomatterwhen Although Though Eventhough evenif as as倒装 虽然 尽管 though Lateasitwas theykeptonworking Childasheis heknowsalot MuchasIadmirehisfather Idon tlikeJohn Tryasyoumay youmightfailaswell Borrowthebookasyoumay youmustreturnitontime AdverbialClausesofComparison 比较状语从句 1 Hedoesn tworksohardasyoudo 2 Themoreyouworry thelessyou llsucceed 3 Shedidworseinthetest sheexpected than 考点 the 比较级 the 比较级Therearethingspeopleacceptless youdefendthem A asB whileC themomentD themore 1 Itwasevening wereachedthelittletownofWinchester A thatB untilC sinceD before2 DidJackcomebackearlylastnight Yes Itwasnotyeteighto clock hearrivedhome A beforeB whenC thatD until Itwasathalfpastseventhathearrivedhome 3 Itwassometime werealizedthetruth A whenB untilC sinceD before4 Scientistssayitmaybefiveorsixyears itispossibletotestthismedicineonhumanpatients A sinceB afterC beforeDwhen 5Howlongisit welastspenttheholidayinthecountrytogether A beforeB whenC thatD since6 It squiteatime YaoMingwasinjured butitwon tbelong hereturnstothecourt A since beforeB after whenC before sinceD that when 1 Wewerehavingameeting someonebrokein A whenB asC untilD while2 Wewereabouttosetoffonourway itsuddenlybegantorain A whileB whenC asD after3 Wehavejustarrivedatthestation thetrainleft A whileB asC afterD when 1 Youmustkeeponworkingintheevening youaresureyoucanfinishthetaskintime A asB ifC whenD unless2 Intimeofseriousaccidents weknowsomebasicthingsaboutfirstaid wecansavelives A whetherB untilC ifD unless

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