2019-2020年高一英语 My Neighborhood5导学案.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 My Neighborhood5导学案学习目标1.知识目标:理解 A Lively City 一文的大意及主要信息2.能力目标:理解文章中的长难句,掌握文章中的重点句型,并能灵活使用它们3.情感目标:促进学生自主学习,培养合作精神学习重点理解 A Lively City 一文的大意及主要信息学习难点理解文章中的长难句,掌握文章中的重点句型,并能灵活使用它们学法指导1.speaking 2.practising 3.discussing 4.pair-working&group-work学 习 过 程学习笔记(教学设计)【(自主学习)预习案】重点单词学法指导:对照词汇表准确拼读下列单词,并反复背诵单词的意思,然后写出各单词的意思。该环节为阅读课文扫除单词障碍。1.survey_2.neighbourhood_3.local _4.suburb_5.attractive_ 6.fortunate_7bother_8.pretty_ 9.sound_10.nuisance_11.rent_ 12.stone_13complete_14.climate_ 15.island_16.gorgeous_17.architecture_18.starve_19.harbour_20.approach_21.countryside_重点短语学法指导:读课文,用红笔把下列短语画出来;尝试翻译下列短语(P31- P32)1.be made of _2.on the coast _3. a five-storey apartment block_4.put up _5.high-rise buildings_6.the business district_7. in the south of _8. in a suburb _9.in the countryside_10.fifty miles away from _11.one of the most attractive places_11.one of the most attractive places_13.shopping malls _ 12.feel fortunate living here_14.for a while _15.that sounds great _16.Im starving_17.high-rise buildings_18.by the sea side/sea_重点句型学法指导:读课文,在文中用红笔划出这四个句子,并分别用最清晰,最快速的方法读几遍。1. This is the first time Ive visited your hometown.2. I feel very fortunate living here.3. Whats the climate like?4. Sounds OK to me.5.A friends told me about a nice little fish restaurant near here 6. Its been six years since we last saw each other, you know.7. Sixteen-year-old Zhang Hua lives in the south of China, in the city of Guangzhou.8. The house is two storeys high and is made of local stone.【(合作学习)探究案】Task 1 Read it fast and find out the right order of the journey :A. the little fish restaurant.B. the harbour in the western district.C. the business district.D. the huge apartment block.Please practice like this :Firstly they visit _,secondly _,thirdly_,and lastly they visit _.Task 2 Careful reading(在第二遍阅读材料时,让学生回答和课文内容有关的细节性问题,对课文有更进一步的理解和认识,同时扫除词汇障碍)Students read the passage carefully, and fill in the blanks below.Read the text P32 and fill in the blanks. Xiamen, a lively city, is one of the most attractive and interesting cities on the 1._Climate Pretty hot and 2._ in the summer and 3._ in the winterPeople Everyone seems so 4. _Places of interest mentionedGulangyu Island , a gorgeous island with some interesting 5._Two districts mentioned The business districtA great number of 6._building and great 7._The 8._district The most 9._part of the city with some really pretty10._.Read the text P32 again and choose the best answers.1. How are Xiao Li and John Martin traveling in Xiamen?A. By taxi B. By bus C. By bike D. By car2. According to the text, what will John Martin do tomorrow? A. He will leave Xiamen. B. He will go to visit Gulangyu. C. He will buy some presents. D. He will rent an apartment.3. We can learn from the text that _. A. Martin had never been to China before. B. tourists may annoy local people C. the weather there is wet in winter D. there are some pretty parks in the northwest【当堂检测】Task 1: Read the passage and answer the question.阅读理解(Words: about 230; time:4minutes) Gulangyu, separated from Xiamen Island by the 600-metre-wide Egret River(鹭江),covers an area of 1.87 square kilometers and enjoys the title of “Garden on the Sea “ . Its original(最初的) name was Yuan Sha Zhou. In the Ming Dynasty it was renamed Gulangyu, meaning “drum waves”, because the holes in the southwestern reefs (暗礁) hit by the waves make sounds like drums.Dragon Head Hill, Hoisting Flag Hill and Hen Hill stand in a line in the island. Overlapping(重叠的) peaks stand under white clouds and are decorated with green trees and bright flowers. The air in the island is fresh. The whole place is free from any kind of vehicles and is particularly quiet. All this creates an atmosphere of a fairyland.The architecture in the island varies greatly and includes both Chinese and foreign styles. Thus the island is known as a “World Architecture Museum”. The people here love music very much and have a large number of pianos even though there is a population of only 20,000 people. Thus the island is praised as the “Piano Island”.Today, Gulangyu is listed as one of the nations major scenic spots. The main sites of interest here include the Sunlit Roc, Shuzhuang Park and the Memorial Hall to Zheng Chenggong, which are visited by millions of people from all parts of the country and the rest of the world every year.Task 1: Answer the question according to the passage.What titles does Gulangyu Island enjoy?_Task 2: Describe your home/hometown_【当堂小结】【课后巩固(布置作业)】【纠错反思(教学反思)】


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