2019-2020年高一英语M1 U3 Reading I导学案 牛津译林版.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语M1 U3 Reading I导学案 牛津译林版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高一英语M1 U3 Reading I导学案 牛津译林版【使用说明与学法指导】课前先预习课文,掌握文章大意,完成相关预习题。将预习中不明白的地方用红笔标出,待课上解决。课堂上15分钟自学课文,独立完成Task1,Task2.Task3规范书写。(写好后熟读课文)小组合作探究10分钟,尽可能解决所遇问题。(仍有问题的提出来,其它小组帮助解决,老师给予必要的点拨)当堂检测 【Learning goals】1. To prehend the passage thoroughly and get the main idea2. To learn to catch the detailed information by self-directed study and cooperation.3. To understand sentences with however or but【Important and difficult points】To find the main points in the three letters and express them.【课前预习,静学深思】Whats the meaning of the title “Dying to be thin”1) The first is that _2) The second is that _2. What was Amys problem and how did it e?_ _3. 完成金太阳导学案P77 基础学习交流练习【课内探究,携手共行】Task 1: 完成金太阳导学案P77-78阅读理解探究 I. Fast reading; II. Careful reading 练习。Task 2: 完成课课练P77二. 表格填空Task 3: plete the form according to the context of the passage. (P44, students book)SubjectMain point1 Dying to be thin2 Recovering3 Re: Recovering【活学活用,当堂检测】Fill in the blanks with proper words.Having a 1. _ figure is important to women, especially to actresses. Amy is preparing to 2. _ in a new TV show, she is taking weight-loss pills instead of 3. _ out in the gym as she 4. _ to do. The pills are quite 5. _ with young women because they really 6. _. Amy has lost 7 kilograms, but she sometimes doesnt feel so 7. _. The pills contain a harmful chemical, which has 8._ her liver to 9. _. Now recovering in hospital, she has e to know that people shouldnt feel 10._ of the way they look.Think of the ways of losing weight and their advantages & disadvantages. 【课后拓展,能力提升】完成阳导太阳导学案P79第三层级 技能应用与拓展预习金太阳导学案P79 重点句式探究以及P82-86单词和短语探究

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