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2019年小学一年级英语上册单词测试题一、读一读,选一选( ) 1、goodbye A你好 B再见( ) 2、name A名字 B我的( ) 3、afternoon A上午 B下午( ) 4、hi A 熊猫 B你好( ) 5、my A我 B我的( ) 6、good A好的 B你的( ) 7、morning A早晨 B下午( ) 8、your A你 B你的( ) 9、what A 什么 B是( ) 10、it A 它 B这个( ) 11、is A是 B去( ) 12、yes A是 B不是( ) 13、I A我的 B我( ) 14、Im A我是 B我的( ) 15、open A 关上 B打开( ) 16、colour A 颜色 B白色( ) 17、no A是 B不是( ) 18、point A听 B指( ) 19、Ms A女士 B先生( ) 20、a A一(个,件)B一些二、算一算,选一选1、two + six = ( ) A seven B eight2、ten three = ( ) A five B seven3、five + one = ( ) A six B ten4、eigh five = ( ) A two B three5、three + six = ( ) A nine B ten6、seven six = ( ) A one B three7、one + one = ( ) A two B four8、four + six = ( ) A nine B ten9、nine four = ( ) A five B six10、three + one = ( ) A four B ten三、把单词序号写在相应颜色的括号里1 2 3 4red pink green blue5 6 7 8 9orange purple yellow white black红 粉 黄 绿 蓝 紫 橙 黑 四、连线girl door window boy ball dog panda sit down bird stand up一课时:be 动词主讲与人称代词的搭配1、基本形式:am、are、is(1) am第一人称I+am (注意:“I”无论何时都要大写,不管位于句首还是句中)例:I am a beautiful girl. I am twenty.(2) are第二人称you+are; 一人称复数we+are; 三人称复数they+are 他复数名词+are (注意:第二人称单复数同形,都为you) 例You are my good friend. We are in the same class.They are on the road. The books are on the desk. (3 i第三人称he(男) +is ; she(女)+is; it(不是人)+is;其他单数名词+iHeSheis a good student. It is a white cat.A dog is on that stree2、肯定、否定、疑问(等于号后是简写)肯定否定be动词后加not一般疑问be动词移到主语前一般疑问否定一般疑问回答 肯定和否定I am =Im .I am not=Im not .Am I?Am not I?Yes,Im.No,Im not.You are= youreYou are not=You arentAre you?Are not you. .? =Arent you?Yes,you are.No,you are not.SheHeIt is=SheHeIt is not =SheHeIt isntIs sheheit?Is not sheheit? =Isnt sheheit?Yes,sheheIt is.No,sheheIt is not.We are=WereWe are not=We arentAre we?Are not we?=Arent we?Yes,we are.No,we are not.They are=TheyreThey are not=They arentAre they?Are not they?=Arent they?Yes,they are.No,they are not.例:I am(not) from London.My eyes are(not) small.My hair is(not) long.Am I a Chniese? 回答: 肯定:Yes, you are. 否定: No, you arent.Is the cat fat? 回答:肯定:Yes, it is. 否定: No, it isnt.注意:在一般疑问回答中,肯定回答除Im不可简写,否定回答均可简写。另:特殊疑问句中:wherehowwhowhatwhy+be动词+人称代词或名词?例:What is your name? My name is GaoBuHan. Where are you? Im in the classroom.3总结:Be的用法口诀 I用am;you、we、they 都 用are;is连着he,she,it;单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写


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