2019-2020年高一英语《Unit 21 Body language The sixth period》学案.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语Unit 21 Body language The sixth period学案一学习目标1.A.Can you tell me the reason why you like Bungee jumping? B.Can you tell me the reason _ _ Bungee jumping? 2.A.Excuse me,but where can I find the police station,please? B.Excuse me,but can you tell me _ _ _ the police station? 3.A.After enjoying the rides at the Headland,visitors can go to the Lowland by shuttle. B._enjoyed the rides at the Headland,visitors can_the shuttle _the Lowland. 4.A.He was so poor that he couldnt afford a small house. B._ very poor,he didnt have money to _ a small house. 5.A.You cannot think of any better result than this. B.This is the _ result _ you can _. 二、问题及例题1、-ing形式与不定式作主语的区别1) 不定式作主语一般表示某个特定的、比较具体的动作;而-ing形式作主语则表示抽象的、泛指的动作。如: It is bad manners to stare at a foreign guest.Learning a foreign language is very useful to me.2). 动词不定式的逻辑主语可以由for短语表示。如果逻辑主语与前面的形容词有主表关系,则由of短语表示。而-ing形式的逻辑主语可用名词或代词的普通格或所有格来表示。如:Its not an easy job for man to make use of atomic energy.It is very kind of you to do me a favor.Wang Mings being a college student greatly encouraged me. 注意:置于句首时要求用所有格形式2、某些短语后也常跟动词-ing形式作宾语。如:习惯于 be/get used to 喜欢 prefer to 坚持 stick to 谈到 e to 反对 object to 期待 look forward to 导致 lead to 加上 add to 献身于 devote to 开始 get to 被宣判 be sentenced to三、 目标检测四、 Page62, exercise 3.配餐作业 下列题中任选两组题完成(AB)或(BC)基础题(A组题)Page121, exercise34of Grammar.巩固题(B组题)II. 根据括号内的汉语提示用动词-ing形式将下列句子补充完整。1. _ (散步是一种很好的锻炼形式) for both the young and the old. 2. I hope you dont mind my _ (关掉窗户). 3. The main thing is _ (及时到达那里).4. The boys _ (熬夜如此晚) worried his mother.5. Its no good _ (告诉他) he wont listen.提高题(C组题)12. He is very busy _ his papers. He isfar too busy _ callers. A. to write; to receive B. writing; to receive C. writing; receiving D. to write; for receiving13. Please stop _, boys, I have something important to _ you. A. saying; talk B. telling; say C. talking; speak D. talking; tell14. We cant imagine _ in the entrance examination, for she has never been to school. A. she succeeding B. her succeeding C. she succeed D. her to succeed15. We suggested _ in hotels but the children were anxious to camp out. A. sleeping B. sleeping C. to sleep D. to sleep16. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy _ for her examination. A. to prepare B. to be prepared C. preparing D. being prepared17. It is no good _ remember grammatical rules. You need to practise what you have learned. A. trying to B. to try to C. try to D. tried to18. “Why were you so late for work today?”“_ to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffic.”A. Driving B. I drove C. To drive D. That I drove19. Were looking forward_ the photo exhibition. A. to visiting B. to visit C. to having visited D. visiting20. Do you remember_ me at a party last year? A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. met21. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _.A. catching B. to be caught C. being caught D. to catch22. In some parts of London, missing a bus means_ for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting

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