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山东省济宁市微山县第二中学2018-2019学年高一英语上学期期中试题注意:本试卷共8页,满分100分,时间90分钟第I卷 (共50分)第一部分 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) AOn the way to my pany, I was driving behind a small truck. I was a few minutes late and watching the two men ahead of me talking in that slow truck made me angry.The light turned green, but the truck was still moving very slowly. I became impatient, so I turned right to go past it. Suddenly, a new blue Chevy Silverado was rushing by. I tried to stop, but my car hit the side of the Chevy.“Pow!” I heard a big noise and then I realized that an accident happened. For a moment, just a moment. I asked if I was OK, and honestly, I was waiting for people to e over and help me. Those thoughts didnt last long, as the answer came into my mind that the air bag had saved me. Luckily, I was still alive.Slowly I opened the door. The warm, bright morning sunlight hit my face and I felt better. I saw the Chevy Silverado and I ran over to check if the driver in it was injured. “Are you OK?”I shouted loudly through the window. His head was down, eyes closed, and he didnt answer me.At that moment, I thought I was looking at a dead man. Full of fear, I shouted again, and knocked at the window heavily once more. His eyes started to open, and he slowly shook his head, “Yes.”Once again,I said to myself, “How lucky I am!”1The writer was in such a hurry because _. Ahe must wait for the green lights Bhis car was behind a slow truck Che wanted to go past the small truck Dhe was a little bit late for his work2The time when the accident happened was _. Ain the afternoon Bat noon Cin the morning Din the evening3Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage? ASomeone else helped the writer when the accident happened. BThe writers car hit the side of the Chevy Silverado. CThe driver of the Chevy Silverado didnt answer the driver at first. DThere were at least two men in the slow truck.BWhat is language for? Some people seem to think its for practising grammar rules and learning lists of words the longer the lists, the better. Thats wrong. Language is for the exchange (交流) of ideas and information. Its meaningless knowing all about a language if you cant use it freely. Many students I have met know hundreds of grammar rules, but they cant speak correctly or fluently. They are afraid of making mistakes. One shouldnt be afraid of making mistakes when speaking a foreign language. Native speakers make mistakes and break rules, too. Bernard Shaw once wrote, “Foreigners often speak English too correctly.” But the mistakes that native speakers make are different from those that Chinese students make. Theyre English mistakes in the English language. And if enough native speakers break a rule, it is no longer a rule. What used to be wrong, bees right. People not only make history, they make language. But a people can only make its own language. It cant make another peoples language. So Chinese students of English should pay attention to grammar, but they shouldnt overdo (做过头) it. They should put munication(交际)first.4. Language is used to_.A. record some informationB. express oneselfC. talk with foreigners onlyD. practise grammar rules5. Generally, when an American or an Englishman speaks English, he or she_.A. never makes mistakesB. often makes mistakesC. always makes mistakesD. cant avoid making mistakes6. The sentence “Foreigners often speak English too correctly.” means that_.A. foreigners always learn standard EnglishB. foreigners speak English according to the grammar rulesC. foreigners speak English more carefullyD. foreigners never make mistakes when they speak English7. When we speak a foreign language, we should_.A. speak in native wayB. speak by the rulesC. not be afraid of making mistakesD. speak to native speakersCI have never traveled by plane but I would like to. Anyway, one can find advantages and disadvantages when traveling by plane.The most important advantage is that it is the fastest way of transport when you take a long-distance travel. One can arrive in Spain in almost two hours and a half by plane. He cant even realize time passing and he has arrived at his destination. He does not have to wait three days in order to arrive in Spain by coach (长途公共汽车), which makes him feel pain in his legs and feel tired.Then, think about the conditions. We are attended by a beautiful hostess who will take care of us on the flight. The fort helps us forget about the possibility of some technical problems.Anyway, many people feel scared when it es to flying in a plane.They say that the risks of losing your life in plane travel are higher than in car travel.Apart from this disadvantage, there are people who dont choose to travel by plane because they get altitude sickness and they think air fares are too high.One piece of advice I would like to give to people who choose to travel by plane is that they should not even think for a second about the plane crashing. Just relax, be fortable and everything will be all right. Planes are well equipped and advanced technology tries to offer perfect protection to all passengers.8. The passage tells us _.A. the advantages of traveling by planeB. the disadvantages of taking a plane C. both advantages and disadvantages of traveling by plane D. the fort of traveling by plane9. Which of the following is NOT the reason why people dont like to travel by plane?A. The risk of losing life is higher by plane.B. They cant have a good sleep on a plane.C. It costs more to take a plane.D. Some people have altitude sickness.10. Whats the authors attitude towards plane travel?A. She is fond of it.B. She is against it.C. She thinks it not reliable.D. She is worried about it. 11. What advice does the author give in the passage?A. Never travel by plane. B. Never forget the risksC. Never worry about plane crashing D. Never care about the time passingDThere are many differences between British English and American English. I used to teach a course about the differences between the two. We speak English on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean but we have many differences in our mon language. We have examples of the same words having very different meanings, differing spellings of the same words as well as pletely different words for the same things. Here are some examples.A cookie in the US is called a biscuit in the UK. A biscuit in the US is a small cake in the UK. Crisps in the UK, are known as chips, but we British people eat a plate of chips that you call fries in the US. In the UK, a pie can be made from either meat or fruit, while in the US pies are normally made from fruit; pot pies are made from meat. Most things are measured in grams and kilograms in the US, not pounds and ounces.One very obvious(明显的)difference is the side of the road we each choose to drive on. Petrol in the UK is gas in the US. The place where we fill up our cars, in the UK, is a garage; while in the US, its a gas station. The term garage is also used as a place to store your car next to or close by your house. In the UK we call a lorry what is known as a truck in the US.An elevator in the US is called a lift here, and the first floor in the US, is called the ground floor here, so many visitors get off on the wrong floor in British hotels.I could continue with this. There are countless examples of differences within our one shared language. With so many differences, no wonder its hard to understand each other well.12. The passage is mainly about the differences between British English and American English in_.A. sound B. grammarC. vocabulary D. spelling13. We can infer (推断)that the author may be_.A. a driver from the USB. a gas station worker from the UKC. a cook from the USD. a teacher from the UK14. In the authors opinion, _.A. language differences dont affect understandingB. it is impossible that some Americans get off on the wrong floor in British hotelsC. there will be fewer differences between American and British English in the futureD. the same words in the two different types of English may have different spellings15. What can we learn from the passage?A. In the UK, things are measured in pounds and ounces.B. Pies mean the same thing in the UK and the US.C. “Elevator” is monly used in the UK.D. British and American people drive on the same side of the road.第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) Ann Jones is one of the most 16 people I have met. She is only twenty-five, but she has traveled to over fifty different 17. Five years ago, she was a typist in Birmingham, but she decided to give up her 18 and see the world. Since then, her 19 has changed pletely.The first time she went 20 was seven years ago, 21 she was just 18. She took a boat to France and then hitch-hiked (搭便车) around 22 for five weeks. She has visited Europe many times since that first trip, but this holiday was the one which 23her start travelling. She never forgets the 24 of those five weeksalthough it was not all enjoyable. When she was on a train, somebody 25 her purse. So she lost all her 26 and had to work in a restaurant for two weeks. She made some good friends there, and has 27 there several times since then.How did she find money for her 28? After her first trip abroad, she went home and worked for two years to 29 money. Now she travels continually, finding 30 when her money is little. She has made a lot of 31 ; she says she has learned quite a few 32. Although she has had occasional(偶尔的) 33 and has often been sick, she never thinks about 34 her travels. “My first time abroad changed my life,” she says, “and I have wanted to 35 ever since.”16. A. beautifulB. helpfulC. interestingD. kind17. A. cities B. placesC. continentsD. countries18. A. jobB. organizationC. advantageD. habit19. A. decisionB. appearanceC. lifeD. opinion20. A. abroad B. outdoorsC. throughD. home21. A. whatB. whereC. how D. when22. A. AmericaB. EuropeC. Asia D. Africa23. A. persuadedB. admittedC. made D. got24. A. scheduleB. excitementC. concern D. determination25. A. stoleB. foundC. caught D. lent26. A. hopeB. moneyC. shortingD. courage27. A. forgottenB. rememberedC. missedD. returned28. A. friendsB. travelsC. graduation D. insurance29. A. spendB. collectC. save D. waste30. A. workB. sceneryC. partner D. dream31. A. moneyB. homesC. mind D. friends32. A. skillsB. booksC. languages D. subjects33. A. difficultiesB. pleasuresC. happinessD. enjoyments34. A. joining inB. giving upC. suffering fromD. setting down35. A. restB. succeedC. express D. travel第II卷 (共50分)第2节 语法填空(每小题1分,满分10分) 1._(voyage) of people fromEnglandplay animportantpart 2._ spreading the English language.At present, English is3._(frequent)spoken as anofficialor mon language in many countries,such asAmerica,Singapore,Malaysiaand someAfrican countries. All4._(base)onBritish English, the English spoken in these countries can be well understood bynative English speakers. But 5._ (actual), these Englishes have beengradually changing inaccents,spellings,expressions and theusage of vocabulary.Because 6._this fact, you canmake use ofthe differences to tell which country the foreigners of yourblock are from. For example, if a bossfluently 7._ (mand)his driver, “e up straightto myapartment byelevatorand takesomegasfor my trucks andcabs”, instead of8._(request), “Please e to myflat9._liftand take somepetrolfor mylorriesand taxis”, you canrecognizehis Americanidentity, while 10. _lattersuggests that he is British.第三部分 写作 (共三节,满分40分)第一节 完成单词(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)11. 你是土生土长的中国人吗?Are you a n_ of Chinese?12. 所有货物需运送至往洪灾地区。All the goods are to be t_ to the flooded areas.13. 我梦想着能说一口流利的英语。I dream to speak f_ English.14. 惊讶于他们的技巧如此熟练,我下定决心要像他们一样好。Amazed at how skillful they were, I was d_ to be just as good.15. 我认识到我可能误解你了。I r_ that perhaps I misunderstood you.16. 单凭容貌来判断一个人是不可靠的。Its not r_ to judge a man only by his looks.17. 你的口音听起来好奇怪。Your a_ sounds so strange.18. 他对生活持有积极的态度。He has a positive a_ towards life.19. 他尽力劝说我戒烟,但是没有用。He tried to p_ me to give up smoking, but in vain.20. 一位重要的官员打电话要见你。An important o _ called to meet you.第二节 单句改错 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 注意:每句有且只有一处错误。错误类型及修改方法:增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。21. In my view, the new flat is very fortable to live.22. After graduation from college, they made up their mind to go and settle in the countryside.23. Believe it or not, there is not such thing as standard English.24. The scientist prefers going to work on foot every day to drive his car.25. I mand that he goes at once.第三节 书面表达(满分25分)某英语刊物正在进行有关旅游的征文活动,请根据以下提示,以Travelling为题目,用英语写一篇短文,以便向该刊投稿。1旅游好处很多:领略大自然以及其他城市的美丽风景;呼吸新鲜空气;结交新朋友;放松自己,强身健体;2旅游常见问题:天气因素;被人偷;可能受伤;3旅游的准备工作:了解天气情况;找个旅伴(travelling panion)相互照应;小心谨慎;避免意外。注意:1.内容必须包括以上所有要点;2可适当增加内容,以使行文连贯;3词数:120左右。20182019学年度第一学期高一年级第二学段英语试卷答题纸题号语法填空单词拼写单句改错书面表达总分得分第二节:语法填空 (每小题1分, 满分10分)1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _第一节 完成单词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)11. _ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _ 15. _16. _ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. _第二节 单句改错 (每小题1分,满分5分)增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。21. In my view, the new flat is very fortable to live.22. After graduation from college, they made up their mind to go and settle in the countryside.23. Believe it or not, there is not such thing as standard English.24. The scientist prefers going to work on foot every day to drive his car.25. I mand that he goes at once.外装订线内装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_准考证号:_第三节:书面表达 (满分25分)_ _ 座 号20182019学年度第一学期高一年级第二学段英语答案一、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)15 DCABD610 BCCBA1115 CCDDA二、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)1620 CDACA2125 DBCBA2630 BDBCA3135 DCABD三、语法填空(每小题1分,满分10分)1. Voyages 2. in3. frequently4. based5.actually 6. of7. mands 8. requesting9. by10. the四、完成单词(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)11. native12. transported13. fluent14. determined15. recognized/realized 16. reliable17. accent18. attitude19. persuade20. official五、单句改错 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)21. In my view, the new flat is very fortable to live.in 22. After graduation from college, they made up their mind to go and settle in the countryside. minds23. Believe it or not, there is not such thing as standard English. no24. The scientist prefers going to work on foot every day to drive his car. driving 25. I mand that he goes at once. go六、书面表达 (满分25分)One possible version:Travelling

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