2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语选修八Unit 3《The world of colours and light》重点词汇讲解.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语选修八Unit 3《The world of colours and light》重点词汇讲解.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语选修八Unit 3The world of colours and light重点词汇讲解一、考纲知识预览类别新课标要求掌握的项目高考必会单词1. calculate (v.), calculation (n.), calculator (n.)2. float (vt& vi.)3. weep (vi.)4. negotiate (vt. & vi.), negotiation (n.) 5. adore (vt.)6. explore (vt.), explorer (n.), exploration (n.)7. assistance (n.), assist (vt.), assistant (n.)8. abandon (vt.)9. fee (n.)10. bargain (n. & vi.)11. graduation (n.), graduate (vi.)12. experiment (vi. & n.)13. height (n.), high (adj.)14. cave (n.)15. pattern (n.)16. stick (vt.)17. disgusting (adj.), disgusted (adj.), disgust (v.& n.)18. dip (vt. & vi.)19. paint (n. & vt.), painting (n.)20. repeat (vt.& vi.), repetition (n.)高考必会短语1. range from to 2. still life 3. have an appetite for 4. start from scratch 5. make a reservation 6. be admitted to7. be made out of 8. cut out 9. have a go at 10. share (in) sth with sb.11. distribute to 12. on the way13. be off to 14. stick to 15. abandon doing sth.16. build up 二、重点词汇讲解1. range v. (在一定范围或幅度内)变动,变化;排列,将排成行;n.系列,行range from to 从到范围range between and 在范围内变化in the range of 在范围内;在射程内out of range/beyond range 在射程外out of ones range 能力达不到的;知识以外的within range of 在射程以内;在范围以内short-range/long-range 短程的,近期的/ 远程的,长期的 Acmodation ranges from tourist class to luxury hotels. 住宿条件从经济旅馆至豪华宾馆不等。 Estimates of the damage range between $1 million and $ 5 million. 估计损失在100万到500万元之间。 There will be an increase in the range of 0 to 3 per cent. 将会有0到3个百分点的增长幅度。 This was outside the range of his experience. 这超出了他的阅历。 He shouted angrily at anyone within range. 他看见谁,就对谁吼叫。 The cat stayed well out of range of the children. 这只猫离孩子们远远的。 These missiles have a range of 300 miles. 这些导弹的射程为300英里。2. abandon vt.(1) 抛弃,放弃,戒除(2) 离弃,遗弃,背弃(3) 纵情,恣意 Snow forced many drivers to abandon their vehicles. 大雪迫使许多驾驶员弃车步行。 The baby had been abandoned by its mother. 这个婴儿被母亲遗弃了。 He abandoned himself to despair. 他陷入绝望。abandon oneself to 沉溺于abandon doing sth. 放弃做某事abandon ones country/friend 背弃祖国或朋友abandon hope of doing 放弃做with abandon 放纵地,放任地,尽情地 I have abandoned hope of any reconciliation. 我已对任何和解不抱希望。 We had to abandon holding the game due to the bad weather. 由于天气不好,我们只好放弃比赛。 The children played with water with abandon. 孩子们尽情地玩水。比较:abandon, leave, desert & quit abandon指因外界压力或影响永久舍弃自己所感兴趣的食物或人。leave “离开,遗留”,是普通用词,一般没有感情色彩。desert 指某人或某物在困难的时候或困境中被人背弃。quit 指突然或出其不意地放弃,往往带有感情意味。例:Some children leave school at 16. 有些学生16岁就毕业离校了。She was deserted by her husband. 她被丈夫遗弃了。If I dont get more money, Ill quit. 如不给我加薪,我就辞职。3. talented adj. 有才能的,天才的,有才干的talented players/ artists/ youngsters 天才运动员/ 艺术家/ 神童be talented intalent n. 天才,天赋,天资have a talent for Mozart had a great talent for music. 莫扎特有音乐天赋。 She showed considerable talent for getting what she wanted. 她很有天资,能够心想事成。 He is a great talent. 他是个了不起的人才。4. distribute v. 分发,分配某事物,散发distribute 在表示“分发”的意思时,同义词为give out, 在表示“散发”时,同义词为spread。distribution n. 分发,分配distribute sth to / among 把某物分给 The organization distributed food and blankets to the earthquake victims. 这个机构向地震灾民分发了食品和毯子。 The money was distributed among schools in the area. 这笔款项是在本地区的学校中分配的。 Make sure your weight is evenly distributed. 注意让你的体重分配均匀。 The map shows the distribution of this species across the world. 地图上标明了该物种在全世界的分布情况。5. adore vt. 热爱,爱慕adorable adj. 迷人的,讨人喜欢的adoring adj. 表示爱慕的adoration n. 爱慕,敬爱adore sb./sth. 爱慕,喜欢某人/ 物adore doing sth. 喜爱做某事 What an adorable child! 多可爱的小孩啊! He waved to the adoring crowds. 他向崇拜他的群众挥手致意。 He gazed at her with pure adoration. 他一往情深地注视着她。 I simply adore his music! 我简直太喜爱他的音乐了! She adores working with children. 她热爱为儿童工作。6. appetite n. 爱好,欲望,食欲,胃口have an appetite for 有的爱好,有的渴望have a good/poor appetite 胃口好/ 不好lose ones appetite 无食欲loss of appetite食欲不振spoil/ ruin/ take away ones appetite 影响食欲 The public have an insatiable appetite for scandal. 公众对丑闻总是喜闻乐道。 The walk has given me a good appetite. 散步让我胃口大开。 He suffered from headaches, insomnia and loss of appetite. 他患头痛,失眠和食欲不振。 Dont spoil your appetite by eating between meals. 不要在两餐之间吃东西,以免影响胃口。7. admit vt. 承认,准许进入(后接介词to/ into),容许,可容纳admit doing/having done sth. 承认做过某事admit of 容许有,有可能,容有的余地admit sb. to/into 接纳某人进入,录取,吸收某人参加 I admit my mistake/ that I was wrong. 我承认是我的错/ 我错了。 He admitted having stolen the car. 他招认偷了那辆汽车。 His conduct admits of no excuse. 他的行为无可宽恕。 The theatre admits only 250 people. 这家戏院只能容纳250人。 Every year, about sixty new boys and girls are admitted to this school. 这所学校每年招收六十名男女新生。8. experiment n. & vi. 实验,试验make/carry out/ perform/ conduct/do an experiment 做实验experiment on/ upon /with sth. 用做实验by experiment 通过实验/ 试验 To find a new cure for the disease, he made a lot of experiments. 为了找到治疗这种疾病的新方法,他做了大量实验。 He experimented on rats. 他用老鼠做实验。 The scientists are experimenting with new methods. 科学家们正在试验新方法。 Find out by experiment what foods the baby likes. 通过试验来弄清楚婴儿喜欢吃什么。比较:trial, experiment & test 三者都含有“证明、发现某事物的过程或方式”的意思。 trial指“对人或物进行试验以确定其效果或价值等”。You will succeed by trial and error. 经过反复实验,你会成功的。 experiment指“为研究某事物的发生或为获得新知识而进行仔细试验的过程”。We experimented until we succeeded in mixing the right color. 我们不断进行实验,直至将所需颜色调配成功。 test指“通过试验、检查、使用、比较等就其是否正确、合格等方面作出决定”。None of this range of cosmetics has been tested on animals. 这一化妆品系列从未在动物身上试验过。9. stick vt. 刺,放置,张贴;vi. 坚持,卡住stick (together) with glue 用胶水把粘到一起stick out 伸出stick to 坚持(原则等);粘在上边stick to ones post 坚守岗位stick with 跟在一起,忠于get stuck 卡住,无法移动 The needle stuck in my finger. 针扎进我的手指了。 The glue doesnt stick very well. 这种胶水粘不住。 We dont want to hear your opinion; stick to the facts! 我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实! If youre driving, stick to soft drinks. 如果你开车,那就坚持喝软饮料。 Stick with me and youll be all right. 有事你来找我就没问题了。 The bus got stuck in the snow and we had to walk the rest of the way. 公共汽车陷在雪中开不动了,剩下的路我们只好步行了。10. bargain n. 便宜货;划算的买卖;交易,协议;vi. 讨价还价,谈判,讲条件a good bargain 自己占便宜的协议;上算的交易make a bargain 约定好,协议bargain clothes/ prices 减价的衣服/ 便宜的价钱bargain with sb. about/ over/ for sth. 与某人讨价还价;谈判bargain for/ on sth. 预料,有备于 I might buy a TV, if I can find a bargain in the sales. 如果我能在大减价中找到便宜货,我也许会买台电视机。 Youve got a good bargain there. 你做了一笔很上算的交易。 I made a bargain with him. 我和他做了一项交易。 Dealers bargain with growers over the price of coffee. 商人与种植者就咖啡的价格进行商洽。 The exam was more difficult than I had bargained for. 这次考试之难出乎我的意料之外。11. rather than Abstract art is about shapes, colors and textures rather than objects. rather than: 与其(某人/物),不愿,不要,不是Figure out the different uses of “rather than” in the following sentences. I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee. 我想喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡。 Rather than squeezing your own oranges, have you tried buying packs of orange juice? 你是否试过买几盒橙汁,而不是自己榨? He ran rather than walked there. 他是跑过去,而不是走过去的。 These shoes are fortable rather than pretty. 这些鞋子与其说漂亮倒不如说是舒服。 Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 不想让蔬菜就这样烂掉,他以半价把它们卖了。12. devote to The sad thing is that although van Gogh devoted his whole self to painting, he only sold one painting before he died in 1890. devote to 为某人/物付出(时间、精力等),向某人/物奉献(时间、精力等),献身于某事物 Im devoting all my time and energy to being a mom right now. 目前我把所有时间和精力都放在当妈妈这件事上。 Mother Terasa has devoted herself to caring for the poor. 特蕾莎修女把自己的全部身心都倾注在照顾穷苦人之上。 Kiko is devoted to her music. 基科热爱她的音乐。13. take up Li Ming has decided to take up painting as a hobby. take up 继续take up sth. 填满,占据(某空间或时间);拿起,抬起;吸收液体;开始从事某事(尤指职业);接续讲(中断的或他人未讲完的故事);接受(建议或挑战) This chapter takes up where the last one left off. 本章接续上一章谈到的内容。 This table takes up too much room. 这张桌子太占地方。 Blotting-paper takes up ink. 吸墨纸能吸墨水。 She has taken up a job as a teacher. 她当上老师了。 Are you going to take up the challenge of lasting a whole week without arguing? 坚持一周内不争吵,你打算接受这一挑战吗?练习:一、单词拼写。1. They decided to take apart the machine and started again from s_.2. Every year, he won s_ at school because of his excellent study.3. In the market dealers (商人) were b_ with growers over the price of coffee.4. I failed to e on time yesterday, because my car got s_ in the heavy snow.5. The newspaper is d_ free to everyone in the school.6. She has a lot of hobbies, r_ from playing chess to canoeing.7. Adam Smiths m_ “The Wealth of Nations” was written in the 18th century.8. The children have gone _ (探索) in the woods. The teacher told them to take notes of all the unknown things.9. Some people feel that e _ on animals is very cruel.10. I finally got everything for the Christmas party arranged with the a_ of my parents.11. He had an a_ for life and enjoyed exploring the workings of objects and animals.12. We hope for a p_ settlement of the quarrel between the countries.13. During the floods the river water rose to the h_ of the main road beside it.14. Taking pictures replaced painting as his hobby because he thought he would love the life of a p_. 15. Sitting on the s_ of the canals, she watched and painted the local fishermen and sailors16. Adam Smiths _ (杰作) “The Wealth of Nations” was written in the 18th century. 17. After a career as a journalist, she was looking forward to a happy and _ (宁静的) retirement. 18. After _ from a university, he has worked as a middle school teacher. 19. Were very proud of the five students from this school who were awarded _ (奖学金). 20. Do you think you could go upstairs and be with the boys in the _ (宿舍)? 21. One of the rooms has been made into a small modern art _ (美术馆). 22. Someone who catches fish as a sport or as a job is called f_.23. It is said that his son is studying _ (建筑学) at university. 24. Sometimes we can see a beautiful r_ in the sky after a shower in summer. 25. Hiring new employees can be very much a _ (主观的) process. 二、单项选择。1. Let us suppose that you are in position of parent. Would you allow your child to do such a thing?Certainly not.A. a; aB. a; theC. the; aD. the; the2. Having been warned of the likely lung cancer, Mr. White had to _ on smoking. A. cut down B. cut off C. cut in D. cut out3. The representatives were seen with the employers about their pay. A. seated and was negotiated B. seating and negotiatedC. seated, negotiating D. seating to be negotiated4. Tom adores _ classic novels and dreams _ a writer. A. reading; being B. to read; of being C. reading; of being D. to read; being5. The girl had to the journey because of her mothers illness. A. cut short B. abandon C. give up D. all of the above6. He abandoned the accepted styles and rules of painting and from scratch, created a style of art known cubism. A. started; as B. started; for C. starting; as D. starting; for7. I _ at a party held in honor of our new major.A. made his acquaintance B. made my acquaintanceC. made an acquaintance D. made the acquaintance8. Here is a ticket for you, Sir. _ I wasnt speeding.A. Thank you. B. My pleasure. C. Whats the matter? D. Im sorry.9. Was Mary still angry with me? To tell the truth, _ reading your letter, she didnt open it. A. but forB. far fromC. rather thanD. no wonder10. Ann is in hospital. Oh, really? I _ know. I _ go and visit her. A. didnt; am going to B. dont; would C. dont; will D. didnt; will11. Why are you so popular with your students? As a teacher, I seldom give my students so difficult a problem _ they cannot work out.A. as B. that C. if D. which 12. You neednt add any explanation here because the meaning of the word will be _ very clearly in the next paragraph.A. picked outB. brought outC. brought upD. looked up13. Its so nice to hear from her again. , we last met more than thirty years ago.A. Whats more B. Thats to sayC. In other words D. Believe it or not14. Mistakes in public notices can be seen here and there.A. being translatedB. translatingC. having translatedD. translated15. After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane _ her job as a doctor in the countryside.A. set outB. took overC. took upD. set up16. Everything was perfect for the picnic _ the weather.A. in place of B. as well as C. except for D. in case of17. Lianzhan said that people in Taiwan and Mainland must try hard to understand each other, and _ misunderstanding. A. do away B. do upC. clear away D. clear up 18. He narrowly missed being seriously hurt, if not_, by the explosion.A. killed B. being killed C. be killed D. to be killed 19. Susan _for three years to be a puter analyst but found her progress discouraging.A. has worked B. worked C. had worked D. was working 20. Few people paid full attention to their health conditions _ they were seriously ill.A. when B. if C. until D. before 21. As _ humorous people, _ British like playing a joke on others. A. the; 不填B. 不填; theC. a; theD. the; the 22. I have to collect _ about the topic before I start writing the book. A. a few more materials B. a few more material C. a little more materials D. a little more material23. No one can walk the wire without a bit of fear unless _ very young. A. having been trained B. trainedC. to be trained D. being trained24. Could you tell me what he said just now? Sorry, I _ what was going on outside.A. had thoughtB. was thinkingC. thoughtD. think 25. Has Mary finished writing her article? No, and it _ before class was over.A. should be finished B. should finish C. should have finished D. ought to have been finished26. As is generally agreed, a family without love is not _ a family as a body without soul in a man.A. such B. as much of C. so much of D. much of 27. I want to be alone right now! Get the picture? _.A. Yes, I like it very much B. Fine! Ill leave, then. C. Thatll do. D. Yes, Ill take it.28. Only after the second tower of the World Trade Centre did people know it was not an accident, but an attack of some kind.A. had hit B. did fall C. was hit D. was fallen 29. The villagers, _ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross. A. all of their homes B. all their homes C. whose all homes D. all of whose homes 30. Excuse me, but I want to use your puter to type a report. You _ have my puter if you dont take care of it. A. shantB. might notC. needntD. shouldnt31. Do you really want to go out? It may rain. _, I shall go out; I dont mind the rain. A. Anyway B. Otherwise C. Somehow D. Therefore 32. Not only _ give people relaxation and pleasure, but _ increase their knowledge of any kind. A. can travel, it can B. travel can, can it C. can travel, can it D. travel can, it can 33. Id like to take a weeks holiday. _, were too busy.A. Dont worryB. Dont mention itC. Forget itD. Pardon me34. Could you tell me _ of you would like to take part in the English petition?A. whichB. whoC. whomD. whose 35. Did your boss phone you again the next day? No, it was a fortnight _ he gave me a second call. A. thatB. whenC. beforeD. since36. The flowers _ sweet in the garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.A. to smellB. smelling C. smeltD. to be smelt 37. Julia is always saying that she cannot _ being laughed at.A. understandB. permitC. allowD. stand 38. Lizzie was _ to see her friend off at the airport.A. a little more than sadB. more than a little sad C. sad more than a littleD. a little more sad than39. Never in my wildest dreams _ these people are living in such poor conditions. A. I could imagine B. could I imagine C. I couldnt imagine D. couldnt I imagine 40. Without my glasses, I couldnt _ whether that figure on the blackboard was a three or an eight. A. make out B. make up C. make for D. make off 三、动词填空。 1. I remember _ (weep) with pride when my first son was born.2. The official had these clothes and blankets _ (distribute) among the refugees.3. The government and rebel leaders sat down at the _ (negotiate) table for the first time yesterday.4. To begin to answer these questions, he demanded we first _ (explore) the normal course of human language development.5. The poem is well worthy of _ (adore). 6. The baby was found_ (abandon) outside a local hospital. 7. In the streets, there are many workers _ (bargain) for better pay. 8. _ (repeat) for several times, the sentence was eventually understood by all the students. 9. I would defend the right of scientists _ (experiment) on animals. 10. Paul succeeded in _ (stick) two pieces of paper together at last.四、根据课文内容填空。Li Ming is telling Yang Yan all about his trip. First, Li Ming along with his aunt and grandmother, who are both very (1) t_ artists, started in Spain and went to the city of Malaga, the (2) b_ of Pablo Picasso. He was amazed to learn that Picasso was not only a painter, but also a sculptor and a (3) p_. Second, they flew to Paris, where all the buildings are very (4) h_. During four days in Paris they spent one whole day at the Louvre Museum, where there is the famous Mona Lisa painting by the (5) I_ artist Leonardo da Vinci. Besides being a painter, da Vinci was also a sculptor, an (6) a_, and engineer and a scientist. He made a lot of scientific (7) d_ that he shared with the world, particularly in the field of (8) a_. Third, they went to Amsterdam. On the way there, they flew over a (9) t_. Some people were scared, but he liked seeing it. Yesterday they went to the Van Gogh Museum, where he knew something about Van Gogh and his paintings. Towards the end of his life, Van Gogh created more (10) a_ artwork. Fourth, tomorrow they are off to another museum in Amsterdam. At last Li Ming promises to tell Yang Yan more about his trip when he gets back.参考答案一、单词拼写1. scratch2. scholarships3. bargaining4. stuck 5. distributed6. ranging7. masterpiece8. exploring9. experimenting 10.assistance 11. appetite12. peaceful13. height 14. photographer 15. shores 16. masterpiece 17. peaceful 18. graduation/graduating 19. scholarships 20. dormitory21. gallery 22 fisherman 23. architecture 24. rainbow 25. subjective二、单项选择CACCD CACBD ABDDC CDACC CDBBD CBCDA AACAC BDBBA三、动词填空1. weeping 2. distributed 3. negotiating 4. explore 5. being adored 6. abandoned 7. bargaining 8. Repeated 9. to experiment 10. sticking 四、课文填空1. talented

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