2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修五Unit 2《The environment》(Project)教案.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修五Unit 2《The environment》(Project)教案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修五Unit 2《The environment》(Project)教案.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修五Unit 2The environment(Project)教案教材:牛津高中英语(模块五)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 2 The environment板块:ProjectThoughts on the design:继续围绕本单元关于环境的话题,本单元的Project主要是谈我们国家对于环保所采取的得力措施,从长江我们的母亲河入手是最合适的。例文“保护长江”的学习同时,教师指导学生report的写作方式,例如文章结构以及文中事实和数据的例举,使文章更具说服力。本课时的另一个目的是培养学生能力的同时,唤起学生的环保意识。Teaching aims:After learning the Project, the students will be able to 1. know how to plan and do research for the report.2. use they have learnt to plete a project.3. know how to cooperate each part of work together.Teaching procedures: Step 1 lead in (PPT 4-26)1. A quiz about Yangtze River (PPT 4-8)2. We are proud of the great river and enjoy some beautiful pictures with music. (PPT 9-16)3. Show some pictures about the destroyed river. (PPT 17-26)Explanation由与长江有关的常识导入,使学生对长江母亲河的自豪感油然而生。迷人风景的欣赏过程中,画面突然转变为母亲河遭到破坏,命运交响曲响起,使学生受到视觉和听觉的同时冲击,强烈感觉到保护母亲河的紧迫性。Step 2 learning a text (PPT 27-33)1. Find out main idea of each paragraph. (PPT 28-29)P1 The environmental problems of the Yangtze River have raised concern.P2 Many people have recognized the importance of protecting the Yangtze River and many environmental organizations and projects have been set up. P3 Two special government projects are under way to protect the river. One is the water and soil preservation project.P4 The second project is a nature reserve for white-flag dolphins.P5 The environmental situation of the Yangtze River is improving. 2. Analyze the structure (PPT 30-31)Devide the five paragraphs into several parts.Part1 para.1 Raising the issuePart2 para.2-4 How to solve the issuePart3 para5 Conclusion3. Analyze the report in details. (PPT 32)4. In order to make the report convincing and impressive, the writer gives us a lot of facts and data. Can you find some examples from the text? (PPT 33)Explanation本环节的设计是对于例文的学习。由学生通过阅读总结各个段落的大意,有利于其对于文章结构的分析。而结构的分析其实是为下一步由学生自己写report服务的,因此,教师在指导分析文章结构的同时,还引导学生注意文中一些事实以及数据的列举。Step 3 Find out the similar structure of “Climate change and a low-carbon life” (PPT 34)Step 4 writing a report (PPT 35-51)1. Planning (choose a good topic) (PPT 36-48)Show pictures of environmental problems talked about in this Unit.The topic for your report will be _. 2. Preparing (write an outline)Review the structure of the text.Dont forget to give facts and data to make your report convincing and impressive.3. ProducingSearch more information after class and finish the report.Explanation本环节的设计是指导学生完成report,计划部分先回顾本单元所谈论涉及到的一系列环境问题,由学生选择自己的主题;准备过程中再次提及参考先前所分析的例文结构,并且提醒学生注意事实及数据的提供才能使文章更具说服力,最后由学生课后根据所选主题,收集更多的相关信息完成Report。

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