2019-2020年外研版高中英语必修1 Module 2《My New Teachers》(Period 4)word学案.doc

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2019-2020年外研版高中英语必修1 Module 2My New Teachers(Period 4)word学案【学习目标】了解、掌握、应用以动词-ing形式作宾语的动词。【学习重难点】理解文章并完成相关练习。1. 有些动词或短语后面只能跟动词的-ing形式作宾语,而不能用不定式:eg.:admit, avoid, consider, enjoy, finish, mind, suggest, practice, give up, look forward to, be used to, put offeg.:I am considering (give) him some advice, we are used to (live) here.2. 动词-ing形式的否定式为: not + Vingeg.:They regret not helping the boy. 3. 有些词后面既可以跟-ing,又可以跟to do,但意义有所差别。remember to do sth. remember doing sth. forget to do sth. forget doing sth. regret to do sth. regret doing sth. stop to do sth. stop doing sth. try to do sth. try doing sth. go on to do sth. go on doing sth. mean to do sth. mean doing sth. cant help to do sth. cant help doing sth. 4. advise, allow, permit, forbid等词后直接接动词的-ing形式作宾语,如果后面有名词、代词作宾语,则其后用不定式作宾语补足语。We dont allow here. (smoke)We dont allow students here. (smoke)【自我检测】1. Bill suggested a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo. during the vacation. A. having held B. to hold C. holding D. hold2. Robert is indeed a wise man. Oh, yes. How often I have regretted his advice. A. to take B. taking C. not to take D. not taking3. There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man. My goodness! I cant imagine that old. A. to be B. to have been C. being D. having been4. We are not permitted the books out of the library. A. taking B. took C. take D. to take5. Tony was very unhappy for to the party. A. having not been invited B. not having invited C. not having been invited D. having not invited6. That would mean a lot of time. Really? I dont mean any time. A. wasting; wasting B. wasting; to waste C. to waste; wasting; D. to waste; to waste7. Im very busy myself these days, so I really cant help your problems. A. to solve B. solving C. solved D. to solving8. Our English teacher advised us more after class. A. to practice to speak B. practicing to speak C. to practice speaking D. practicing speaking9. The rules of our school dont allow at school. Thats to say, nobody is allowed here. A. to smoke; to smoke B. smoking; smoking C. to smoke; smoking D. smoking; to smoke10. I dont feel like such a long trip. Id like with my mother at home. A. making; staying B. to make; to stay C. making; to stay D. to make; staying必修一 Module 2 My New TeachersThe Fifth Period(Writing )【短文改错】阅读下列文章,修改错误。在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词;把多余的词用(/)划掉;在错的词下划一横线,并在该该行右面的横线上写出修改后的词。本文中共10处错误,每处错误及其修改均仅限一词,且全文只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I still remember how nervously I was on my first day in the new school three years ago, when I found difficult to follow my teacher in the first English class. The teacher spoke English throughout the class, that was totally different from lessons I had taken before. In the morning class the next day, the English teacher came to me while I am reading the text aloud as other students. After listen to me for a while, she gave me a big smile and said he liked my voice very much. The smile shone on the whole day and the following days. A week later, I was volunteered to take charge of English study in my class. Thank to the forting smile in my first morning class, I began to confident.【写作】根据下面的提示写一篇题为“My New English Teacher”的短文。1. 李老师留给我们的第一印象是年轻、漂亮、热情、有活力。2. 她讲授清楚,有耐心,并且总是鼓励我们,因此同学们都积极参与课堂活动。3. 她教我们刚刚两个星期,但已经成为最受我们欢迎的老师。4. 在李老师的帮助下,我们一定能在英语上学到很多东西。

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