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Unit2Thecandystore Lessonone in的用法 In 在 里面 例如 Thecatis thebox in 点击鼠标填空 继续 on的用法 on 在 上 例如 Thedollis thebox on 点击鼠标填空 继续 under的用法 under 在 下面 Thecatis thebox under 点击鼠标填空 继续 1 whereisthecat It s thebus 2 whereisthewhitecat It s thehouse 点击鼠标填空 继续 practice Whereisthebasketball clock It s thedesk Wherearethepencils balls Theyare 介词小集合 in on behind在 后面 under在 下面 介词in的用法 in 在 里 Theboyis thebox in 介词on的用法 on 在 上 Thegirlis thebox on 介词under的用法 under 在 下 Thecatis thebox under 介词behind的用法 behind 在 后面 Thebirdis thebox behind Jerryistheplate 介词大考验 on Look Jerryisthebottle 介词大考验 in Jerryisthecheese 介词大考验 under Tomislying 躺 Jerry 介词大考验 behind Jerryisstanding 站 Tom 介词大考验 beside beside在 旁边 Thebooksare thebag in Thebooksare thedesk on Theballis thechair under Thecatisthebasket in Thecatisthechair infrontof Thecatisthedesk on What sonthedesk 1 3 1 Thereisaclockonthedesk 2 Thereisapictureonthedesk 3 Therearesomebooksonthedesk 2 介词小集合 in在 里面 on在 上面 behind在 后面 under在 下面 Infrontof在 前面 near在 旁边 over在 上方 Whereisthepen It sonthebox It s thebox in Where sthepen nd It s thebox under It s thebox behind bi haind Theblueboxisnextto besidetheorangebox Thewoodenhouseisovertheriver Themanisinfrontofthebus Thedriverisinthefrontofthebus Floor7isaboveFloor6 Floor6isbelowFloor7 at athomeatthegateof atthebusstopatthetable inoutonunder at overunderabovebelowinsideoutsidebefore infrontofbehind nextto besideopposite nearbetween and 表示方位的介词 infrontofIaminfrontofyou inthefrontofIaminthefrontoftheclassroom nexttoMissShenisnexttotheteacher sdesk betweenIstandbetweenthedeskandthecomputer oppositeHanbaoxiaoziisoppositeourschool Talkaboutourclassmatesinourclass Milliesits me Amysits Millie Simon Kittysits Sandy Sandysits Kitty me Kittysits Simon infrontof between and nextto beside between and behind Simonsits Kitty Amysits Millie Simon Thewindowis thedoor Thechalkis theteacher sdesk Amysits Sandy infrontof infrontof between and opposite on Kate sbedroom printer shelf Simon Katehasacomputerinherroom Itisherdesk Herprinterishercomputer Thereisalampthebesidetable Amy Whereisthebesidetable Simon Itisthebedandthearmchair Amy WhereareKate stoys on nextto on between Simon Theyareabox Amy DoesKatehavemanybooks Simon Yes Theyareashelf Theshelfisthebed Amy IsKate sroomverytidy Simon No Therearelotsofthingsherbed in on above under 用适当的介词填空 1 Wecan tseetheball It s thedoor 2 Shallwemeet thegateoftheshop 3 IsTomplaying thestreetor theroad 4 Thereisabridgetheriver 5 Isit thetwins Theeldersisteris myleftandtheyoungeroneis myright 6 Thebigtree ourclassroomisnearly100yearsold 7 Aplaneisflyingourhead 8 Shelivesmyhome Weareneighbours behind at in on over between on on infrontof above nextto 在 的前面infrontof在 两者 之间between and 在 的旁边nextto在地板上onthefloor在河上overtheriver在门的对面oppositethedoor在老师的讲台上ontheteacher sdesk在床头柜上onthebedsidetable在床和扶手椅之间betweenthebedandthearmchair在架子上ontheshelf在床的上方abovethebed在床底下underthebed 记住重点词组 3 句子 重点句 1 Milliesitsinfrontofme 2 AmysitsbetweenMillieandSimon 3 KittysitsnexttoSandy 4 Thechalkisontheteacher sdesk 5 Thehouseisoverariver 难句 1 Thewindowisoppositethedoor 2 Theshelfisabovethebed 1 有两本书在讲台上 2 Tom坐在Lihua和我之间 3 学校的对面有一个小店 4 墙上有两个书架子 Therearetwobooksontheteacher sdesk TomsitsbetweenLihuaandme Thereisashopoppositetheschool Therearetwobookshelvesonthewall 5 我的房间里有一台打印机 6 她的打印机在她的电脑旁边 7 在床头柜上有一盏台灯 有许多东西在她的床底下 Thereisaprinterinmyroom Herprinterisbesidehercomputer Thereisalamponthebedsidetable Therearealotofthingsunderherbed Theend

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