2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 1 Women of achievement Period 4 Using Language课后阅读作业 新人教版必修4.doc

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2018年秋季高中英语 Unit 1 Women of achievement Period 4 Using Language课后阅读作业 新人教版必修4.doc_第3页
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Unit 1 Women of achievement Period 4 Using Language课后阅读作业 . 阅读理解AQueen Victoria was monarch of Great Britain from 1837 until her death in 1901. This period is often called the Victorian Age. Queen Victoria was a stern and serious woman. One reason she was so serious was that she had suffered a great loss. When she was twenty years old, she married a German prince named Albert. Victoria and Albert were deeply in love, and their marriage was extremely happy. In 1861, after they had been married for twenty-one years, Albert died, leaving Queen Victoria heartbroken. For the rest of her life, the lonely Victoria mourned his loss. It was customary in those days for a widow to dress in black for a short time after the death of her husband. But Queen Victoria dressed in black for forty years. And for forty years, as another sign of her grief, she wrote her letters on white paper edged in black. Even before Prince Albert died, Queen Victoria was known as a very serious woman. She had a strong sense of duty and worked very hard at all her tasks. In her diary she wrote, “I love to be employed; I hate to be idle. ”She never forgot that she was Britains queen and always acted with great dignity(尊严). Victoria had high ideals and moral standards(道德标准)that sometimes made her seem stuffy(古板的). She was also very sure of herself. She always thought that she was right, and expected everyone to agree with her. 【语篇概述】本文主要讲述了维多利亚女王的故事。1. Which of the following statements about Queen Victoria is NOT true according to the passage? A. She had great confidence in herself. B. She ruled Great Britain for sixty-four years. C. She enjoyed her marriage to a German prince. D. She became a serious woman after her beloved husband died. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Even before Prince Albert died, Queen Victoria was known as a very serious woman. ”可知在她丈夫死前她就是一个很严肃的人。2. Queen Victoria wrote her letters on white paper edged in black because_. A. she was a stern womanB. black was her favourite colourC. that was one way to show her feeling of sadnessD. it was a custom among monarchs of Great Britain【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“And for forty years, as another sign of her grief, she wrote her letters on white paper edged in black. ”可知, 她用镶有黑边的纸写信表示她对丈夫的哀悼和怀念。3. All of the following characteristics EXCEPT_ can be used to properly describe Queen Victoria. A. confidentB. lonesomeC. workaholicD. indecisive【解析】选D。推理判断题。第二段第六句“For the rest of her life, the lonely Victoria mourned his loss. ”说明她孤独; 第三段第二句“She had a strong sense of duty and worked very hard at all her tasks. ”说明她工作很努力; 第四段第一句“She was also very sure of herself. ”说明她很自信。只有D项没有涉及。4. The underlined word“mourned”in the second paragraph means_. A. felt sad or sorrowful in a social situationB. expressed publicly ones sadness because someone has diedC. checked regularly in order to find out what was happeningD. included in a group of numbers, ages, measurements with particular limits【解析】选B。词义猜测题。从下文来看, 她丈夫死后, 女王一直穿黑衣服, 用镶有黑边的纸写信表示她对丈夫的哀悼和怀念, 由此可推断该词为“悼念; 哀悼”。BI came to live here where I am now between Wounded Knee Greek and Grass Greek. Others came too, and we made these little grey houses of logs that you see, and they are square, It is a bad way to live, for there can be no power in a square. You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle, and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round. In the old days when we were a strong and happy people, all our power came to us from the respectful circle of the nation, and so long as the circle was unbroken, the people were getting rich. The flowering tree was the living center of the circle, and the circle of the four quarters nursed it. The east gave peace and light, the south gave warmth, the west gave rain, and the north with its cold and strong wind gave strength and continuous power. This knowledge came to us from the outer world with our brief. Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle. The sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. Birds make their nests in circle, for theirs are the same as ours. The sun es forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same, and both are round. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always e back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves. Our places were like the nests of birds, and these were always set in a circle, the nations circle, a nest of many nests, where the Great Spirit meant for us to nurse our children. But the Wasichus(Indian word for“white people”)have put us in these square boxes. Our power is gone and we are dying, for the power is not in us any more. You can look at our boys and see how it is with us. Where we were living by the power of the circle in the way we should, boys were men at twelve or thirteen years of age. But now it takes them very much longer to be bull-grown. 【语篇概述】本文描述了一名印第安人认为自己的民族被白人从领地赶到方形房子之后, 以前生活中的种种祥和就此消失了。5. According to the passage, the Indians_. A. dont have modern instruments in their homesB. refused to move from round placesC. lived in round places, but were forced to live in square housesD. lived in round places, but then decided to move into square houses【解析】选C。主旨大意题。阅读全文可知A、B、D不符合原文之意, 而答案C是本文大意的描述。6. Two things being pared in the passage are_. A. the Indians past and present living conditionsB. the Indians past and modern beliefsC. the Indians old and new powerD. people and nature【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据本文内容可知全篇作者都在把过去的祥和与现在的不如人意进行对比, 故选A。7. In the second paragraph“the four quarters”refers to_. A. the four rooms of the Indians houseB. the four kinds of natural powerC. the four seasonsD. the four directions【解析】选D。词义猜测题。根据第二段. . . and the circle of the four quarters nursed it. The east gave. . . the south gave. . . the west gave. . . the north with. . . 可知D为正确答案。8. According to the author, once the Indians moved into square houses, _. A. they had to move to other housesB. boys took more time to grow into menC. they forgot the old way of lifeD. everyone was not happy【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据最后一段But now it takes them very much longer to be bull-grown可知现在男孩要长大需花费更长的时间。. 完形填空Harriet Tubman was born a slave. She didnt get a1to go to school. 2a child, Harriet had to work very hard in3all day. That way, her owner could4a lot of money when he sold his crops. Harriet5think that she was being treated fairly. 6Harriet grew up, she ran away from the plantation(庄园)to the northern United States. There, and in Canada, 7could be free. Harriet liked to be free. She felt8for all of the black people who were9slaves. Harriet returned to10to help other slaves to run away. She made11that they got to the north and became free. Harriet was in great12because of a13law. The law said it was not permitted to14slaves run away. She also15that the slave owners said they would16$4, 000 to anyone who could catch Harriet Tubman. There were many stories about Harriet helping slaves run away. In all, she made nineteen17back to the South and guided about 300 slaves to18. When the Civil War broke out, the northern states19with the southern states. Harriet20the northern states because the northerners believed that slaves should be free. She worked as a nurse and spied behind enemy lines until the northern states won the war. 【语篇概述】美国内战期间, 一位著名的黑人女英雄Harriet Tubman先后返回19次帮助南方奴隶逃往北方, 阅读本篇, 你会对她的勇敢而钦佩! 1. A. dayB. chanceC. permissionD. moment【解析】选B。固定搭配题。此处不是强调上学时间的长短, 排除A、D两项。从下文_a child, Harriet had to work. . . 可知, 她是没有机会去上学, 而不是别人不允许。故选B。2. A. AsB. BeingC. SinceD. Like【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。as a child相当于when she was a child。3. A. the farmB. a schoolC. the fieldsD. a factory【解析】选C。固定搭配题。从下文的That way, her owner could_ a lot of money when he sold his crops. 分析, 排除B、D两项, farm与on搭配, 故答案为C。4. A. makeB. payC. gotD. spend【解析】选A。固定搭配题。make money赚钱。5. A. certainlyB. didntC. no moreD. no longer【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。从下文她长大后, 从庄园逃跑判断, 她认为别人对她不公平, 所以她才逃跑, 故答案为B。6. A. SinceB. AfterC. ThenD. With【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。Harriet长大以后, 从庄园逃到了美国北部。7. A. the whiteB. whiteC. blackD. black people【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。她是黑人奴隶, 之所以逃到那里, 是因为那里的黑人是自由的。8. A. happyB. sureC. wrongD. sorry【解析】选D。固定搭配题。根据下文她帮奴隶逃跑一事, 她对奴隶应该感到同情、抱歉和不安, 故选D。9. A. stillB. yetC. onlyD. not【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。由上题解释可知她为仍然是奴隶的黑人感到同情、抱歉和不安。10. A. CanadaB. the SouthC. the NorthD. the U. S. 【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。根据上下文, 她从南部逃到北部, 再返回, 应该是回到南部, 故选B。11. A. perfectB. wayC. possibleD. sure【解析】选D。固定搭配题。make sure固定词组, 意为“确信, 确保”。12. A. angerB. anxietyC. hurryD. danger【解析】选D。固定搭配题。in danger固定词组, 意为“处于危险中, 有危险”。13. A. explainedB. gainedC. passedD. broken【解析】选C。词义辨析题。pass通过法律等, 根据上下文, 此处指“因为通过的一项法律”。14. A. helpB. set freeC. stopD. catch【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。她处于危险中就是因为法律不允许帮助奴隶逃跑, 故选A。15. A. foundB. noticedC. found outD. made sure【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。Harriet也发现奴隶主说他们将悬赏4 000美元抓她。find out指通过各种途径发现, 符合句意。16. A. payB. makeC. spendD. get【解析】选A。固定搭配题。由上题解释可知选A。17. A. lettersB. incidentsC. tripsD. trials【解析】选C。固定搭配题。结合文章上下文, 此处指“她总共返回南方19次”, 此处trips符合语境。make trips往返。18. A. freedomB. safetyC. NorthD. southern states【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。她帮奴隶逃跑就是为了让他们获得自由, 故选A。19. A. unitedB. foughtC. made peaceD. gave in【解析】选B。固定搭配题。美国内战指南方和北方发生斗争, fight with和斗争。20. A. looked forB. stood forC. looked onD. went to【解析】选B。短语辨析题。stand for意为“赞同, 支持”, 符合句意, 故选B。. 短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除: 把多余的词用斜线()画掉。修改: 在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词的下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。I as well as my parents are going to New York City this month. I had been looking forward to visit there for a long time. It is one of the most beautiful cities all over the world. There are many places of interests where you can learn it in school. Id also like to see the Empire State Building. Unfortunate, the Twin Towers were destroyed in September 11, 2001, and I would have the chance to see them by himself. Now I am getting ready for the excited trip. I am sure it will be an unforgettable experience. 答案:

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