2019-2020年新人教版英语高三Module 9《Unit 3 Australia》word学案.doc

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2019-2020年新人教版英语高三Module 9Unit 3 Australiaword学案一. 本周学习内容:高三新课:Unit 3(II)Australia二. 知识总结与归纳:1. It was probably once connected to South America, but the continents separated as the earths plates moved.澳洲很可能曾经同南美洲连在一起,但是随着地球板块的活动而分离开了。connect to / with :与有联系连接The child connected the moon with a fairy tale his grandma told him.separate:分离短语:separatefrom.2. Having been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.因为澳大利亚同其他大陆已经分离了几百万年了,所以澳大利亚与许多动植物是世界其他地方找不到的。Having been separated from other continents for millions of years:现在分词的完成式做原因状语。Having put up the tent, they started to cook their supper.3. One strange animals lay eggs yet feeds its young on its milk.有一种动物很奇特,会下蛋,而又给她的幼崽喂奶。lay egg:下蛋。lay的其他意思:摆放;把归于相关的短语:lay out:布置;安排;lay down:放下;lay aside:把放在一边;lay off:裁员;lay the foundation of .:奠定的基础feed sb. on sth. :用喂养;feed sth to sb.feed on.:以为食In winter they feed the horses on hay and corn.Chinese people feed on rice chiefly.You can feed these turnips to the rabbits.其他短语:feed with:用补给be fed up with = be tired of厌倦He fed the fire with some logs.I have fed up with these boring meeting.4. In area, it is approximately the same size as the USA(without Alaska) which, however, has more than fourteen times as many people.澳大利亚的面积大致相当于美国(不含阿拉斯加)。而美国的人口却是澳大利亚人口的14倍多。approximately:接近;近似于(指质量或数量)His description of the event approximately to the truth but there were a few inaccuracies.the same size as=as big aswhich, however, has more than fourteen times as many people非限定性定语从句修饰the USA。后面省略了as Australia.more than fourteen times as many people倍数句型:倍数as as 倍数形容词副词比较级 than.倍数表示比较大小,长度,重量等名词of .倍数that / those of.Tom is twice older than Jack.Tom is twice the age of Jack.Toms age is two times that of Jacks.5. The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a “dingo”.设置篱笆的目的是用来阻拦一种叫做dingo的野狗。keep out:阻拦,不让进来;使置身于之外其他有关keep的短语:keep on doing:坚持继续做;keep off:推迟;避开;挡住;keep sb. from doing:阻止某人做;keep up:维持; keep up with:跟上They closed all the windows to keep out the cold.Keep off the grass.He keeps on phoning me, but I really dont want to speak to him.The heavy rain kept them from going out.6. Farms in the middle of Australia are usually so large that the farmers use motorbikes or helicopters for the task of rounding up the sheep or cattle.澳大利亚中部的农场很大,农场主们得用摩托车或直升飞机来赶牛羊。round up:聚拢,集中在一起。The guide rounded up the tourists and hurried them back into the bus.7. The climate is different depending on the area.气候因地区不同而各异。8. Outings are popular and most Australians are delighted to share a cold glass of beer or lemonade with a friend.外出交流是很普通的事,大多数澳大利亚人都喜欢同朋友们一道享受一杯冰冻啤酒或柠檬汁。be delighted to do.:高兴地去做还可以与介词at / with / by 连用。We were all delighted to receive your invitation.She was delighted at the chance.注意:delightful:令人愉快的The news is delightful to us.短语:to ones delight :令人高兴的是。To his great delight, he passed the examination with first-class honors.【典型例题】一. 单项选择:1. The store had to _ a number of clerks because sales were down.A. lay outB. lay offC. lay asideD. lay down答案:B分析:销售量下降,公司不得不暂时裁减一些雇员。lay out:布置;安排;lay down:放下;lay aside:把放在一边;lay off:裁员2. Television may be a splendid _ of munication, but it prevents us from face to face municating with each other.A. mediumB. recreationC. experienceD. generation答案:A分析:电视是一个很好的交流媒介;但它也阻碍了我们面对面的交流。medium:媒体;recreation:娱乐3. _ the Internet is bridging the distance between people, it may also be breaking some home or will cause other family problems.A. WhenB. WhileC. IfD. As答案:B分析:尽管互联网促进了人与人间的交流,但它也可能破坏人们的家庭或引起其他的家庭问题。While:尽管。4. It is reported that the United States uses _ energy as the whole Europe.A. as twiceB. twice as muchC. twice much asD. twice much答案:B分析:美国消耗的能源是全欧洲的两倍5. They still _ each other over the question of pay.A. differB. differ fromC. differ inD. differ for答案:B分析:他们在报酬问题上观点仍然不同。differ in:在上不同。6. _ full preparation, we decided to put off the meeting till next week.A. We did not makeB. Having not madeC. We had not madeD. Not having made答案:D分析:由于没准备好,我们决定把会议推迟到下周。Not having made现在分词的完成式做状语。二. 翻译句子:1. 这些熊以这种特殊的树叶为生。2. 在这个问题上我只好保留不同意见了。3. 赶快把同学们集合起来,我们该返回学校了。4. 没问题他们会很高兴照顾他的。5. 我们的学校面积将近200英亩。答案:1. These bears feed on the leaves of this special tree.2. Im afraid Ill have to differ on this matter.3. Please round up the students quickly, Its time to return to school.4. No doubt they will be delighted to take care of him.5. The approximate area of my school is 200 acres.【模拟试题】一. 单项选择:1. Some animals hibernate in the winter, which can _ the cold.A. keep outB. keep offC. keep upD. keep back2. Its known to all that cattle _ mainly on grass. A. eatB. feedC. takeD. put3. The two sides in the dispute still differ _ each other _ the question of pay A. with; overB. with; inC. over; withD. on; over4. The Shepherd had to _ the sheep before the night fell. A. break upB. round upC. pick upD. call up5. Faced with the reporters _ questions, the prime minister had much trouble answering them. A. absurdB. strangeC. pointedD. reasonable6. Mr. Paul, who is a man of _ height, is said to be our English teacher this term. A. monB. mediumC. ordinaryD. usual7. Today in Australia, there are thousands of creatures, _ are endangered by human beings.A. many of themB. most of whomC. the majority of which D. whose may8. Did you buy the dress yesterday ? No, _ I liked the color, I didnt like its style.A. WhileB. SinceC. BeforeD. As9. Paper produced every year is _ the worlds production of vehicles. A. the three times weight ofB. three times the weight of C. as three times heavy asD. three times as heavier as10. _ hard before, Tom is afraid of failing in the exam. A. Having been workedB. Not to have worked C. Having never workedD. Never have worked二. 完型填空:I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was 1 and when I was 14 he said, “Youre never going to be 2 but a failure.”After five years of 3 jobs, I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl. It was the best 4 that could have happened to me. I 5 I wanted to do something positive with my life because I wanted to prove to 6 that what people said about me was 7 . Especially her mother, who had said to me, “Lets 8 it, youve failed at everything youve ever done. ” So I tried hard with my 9 and went to college. My first novel 10 while I was at college.After college I taught during the 11 in high schools and attended evening classes at London University, where I got a 12 in history. I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of 13 that job to write full time 14 I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University. I began to feel proud of myself 15 was a working-class boy whod 16 school early, now teaching at the university.My writing career took off when I discovered my own style. Now Im rich and 17 , have been on TV, and met lots of film stars. 18 what does it mean? I 19 wish all the people that have put me down had 20 : “ I believe in you. Youll succeed.”1.A. bright B. useless C. simple D. hopeful2. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing3. A. low B. poor C. good D. useful4. A. support B. happiness C. surprise D. thing5. A. admitted B. decided C. planned D. told6. A. me B. them C. her D. it7. A. wrong B. right C. stupid D. faulty8. A. see B. know C. understand D. face9. A. experiment B. practice C. writing D. position10. A. came on B. came in C. came out D. came back11. A. day B. night C. month D. year12. A. graduation B. pass C. degree D. success13. A. giving in B. giving back C. giving out D. giving up14. A. while B. if C. when D. or15. A. there B. here C. it D. that16. A. left B. attended C. changed D. graduated17. A. tired B. calm C. nervous D. famous18. A. And B. But C. However D. Well19. A. just B. exactly C. so D. very20. A. praised B. said C. answered D. advised三. 阅读理解:There are two kinds of physical activity which require special training. The first demands exact, careful movements of the muscles(肌肉). This kind of activity must be strictly controlled because even a slight movement in the wrong direction will lead to a mistake. To type quickly, for example, a person needs training; the slightest movement of a finger in the wrong direction may cause a spelling mistake. A dancer who has to dance on the point of her shoes or turn around on one foot must be trained for a long period-of time before she can sense her own center and balance herself. You may have seen a girl walking on a rope across an empty space, which, too, requires a lot of practice.The second kind of physical activity needs greater strength or extra effort. Most of us get tired if we try to run half a mile without stopping, but a specially-trained person can do this without much effort. Three years ago, some scientists carried out experiments, which produced meaningful and unexpected results. They wanted to find out whether a certain amount of physical exercise would injure those suffering from heart problems. They selected some male patients and trained them in continuous bicycle riding. They were surprised to find that the harmful effect of a given amount of physical effort was actually less on the hearts of these trained patients than on those of the patients who were not similarly trained. This is important because it shows that regular physical exercise enables us to make better use of the oxygen, we breathe in and that this training, in fact, reduces the amount of work our hearts do. Many tasks which are hard for untrained people are not hard at all for trained people.1. The first kind of physical activity must be strictly controlled because _. A. a mistake in the wrong direction is dangerous to the fingers B. a wrong movement in a direction will cause no mistakes C. a movement in the wrong direction will cause a mistake D. a slight movement of a finger will lead to a mistake2. What must a dancer do before she can balance herself ? A. She must dance on the point of her shoes. B. She must receive long-time training. C. She must turn around on one foot. D. She must perform again and again.3. The experiments done by some scientists showed that _. A. some male patients were asked to ride bicycles regularly in the experiments B. the physical exercise had more harmful effect on the hearts of the untrained patients C. the physical exercise was harmless to the male patients with heart trouble D. the physical exercise could be helpful for the patients to take in more oxygen4. What would be the best title for this text? A. Training Our Bodies B. Physical Activities C. Movement Training D. Extra Body Effort四. 短文改错:My car just wouldnt move any further. It was plete1. _dead , and I was a few miles far away from anywhere on a cold,2. _wet night. I decided walk around a little before accepting Id3. _have to spend the night in the car. Maybe I can find a4. _telephone. Actually, I didnt have to walk far before I 5. _found a small house standing on a field with a light 6. _shone from the sitting room. I knocked at the door and7. _was delighting when a pleasant old man opened the 8. _door but listened to my story carefully. He said he had9. _no telephone, and it wasnt one within walking distance.10. _参考答案一. 单项选择:1. A一些动物冬季冬眠用来御寒。keep out the cold:抵御寒冷。2. B众所周知牛以草为食。feed on:以为食。3. A双方就报酬问题彼此存在分歧。differ with sb. over / about sth:在方面与人有分歧。4. B牧羊人在天黑前把羊聚拢起来。round up:把聚集起来。5. C面对记者的尖锐的问题,首相感觉很难回答这些问题。pointed:尖锐的6. BPaul先生中等身材,据说这学期是我们的英语教师。medium:中等的(adj)7. C在澳大利亚有许多生物都受到人类的威胁。前半句有逗号结尾,后面应当是the majority of which引导的非限定性定语从句。8. A我尽管喜欢它的颜色,但不喜欢它的款式。While:尽管;虽然。9. B每年生产的纸的重量是世界上生产出的卡车重量的三倍。three times the weight of倍数句型。10. C由于以前没有努力学习,Tom很害怕考试通不过。Having never worked分词做原因状语。二. 完型填空:本文叙述了“我”少年时因学习不好受人蔑视,爱上一位中产阶级的姑娘后才奋发图强改变自己的命运,最终功成名就的人生经历。1. B useless:没有用,从上文“I did very badly at school”可以看出,作者给校长的印象是“无用”。2. A Youre never going to be anything but a failure . 意为:你将一事无成。(你将只是一个失败者)根据never可判断选anything。nevernot anything but=nothing but=only。3. B poor job“低等的、劣等的工作”。low与job搭配不当,因他学业不好,文凭不高,故推断“我”应做poor job;useful不合句意。4. D 句意:这可能是发生在我身上的最好的事情。5. B 根据其宾语可判断出这是作者作出的决定。decide:决定6. C 我想向她证明人们对我的评价是错的。her指the nice middle class girl。7. A A 项wrong:错误的,不对的。D项faulty:不完美的,有缺陷的,有错误的。8. D face it:承认,正视(现实)。9. C writing写作,由下一句话“在大学时我的第一部小说出版了”,推知“我”努力尝试写作。10. Ce out“出版”;A项e on“上场;改善;快,加把劲;得了吧!”;B项e in“(潮水)上涨;取得(名次);时兴,流行;可利用,可提供;到达”;D项e back “回来,返回;再度流行”。11. A根据下文“attended evening classes”可判断出是白天在大学里教书。12. C句意:“我”获得了历史学学位。13. D此句意为:我成了一位大学讲师,并且正考虑放弃那份工作(讲师)去专门从事写作。A项由give in“屈服,让步”;B项give back“归还;使恢复”;C项give out“用完,耗尽;停止运转;分发,散发;发出,放出(光,热);宣布”。14. Cwhen在此处相当于just at that time,suddenly,用来引出一个忽然出现的动作。15. B句意:这(里)是一个工人阶级男子,他曾过早辍学,现在在大学教书。 16. Aleft school “辍学”;B项attend school “上学”。17. D根据下文“have been on TV,and met lots of film stars”可判断出作者出名了。A项:累了;B项:镇定的;C项:紧张的。18. B转折连词,A项:并且,顺接连词;C项:然而,副词。19. Ajust= mercyonly,表达了作者惟一的愿望。20. B根据直接引语可确定选B。say强调说的内容;此句意为:我多么希望那些曾经蔑视过我的人们过去说的话是,“我信任你,你必能成功”。此句用的是虚拟语气。Put sb. down:“使(当众)出丑”。三. 阅读理解:本篇介绍了两种需要特别培训的身体运动。1. C 细节题。由第一段的第二句“这种活动必须被严格控制,因为朝错误方向的一个微小运动将会导致错误”可知答案为C。2. B 细节题。由第一段的倒数第二句“一个的舞蹈者在前必须经过长期的训练”可知答案为B。3. B 细节题。根据第二段的第五、六句可知答案。4. A 主旨大意。文章第一句“有两种身体活动需要特殊训练”为主题句,下面两段内容均是以此展开的。四. 短文改错:1. pletepletely2. 去掉far3. decided后加to4. cancould5. 6. onin7. shoneshining8. delightingdelighted9. butand10. itthere

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