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Book1英语重要句型串讲 一 课文重现1 Theteacherisaveryenthusiasticwoman MsShen 2 Weategreatmeals Forthefirstfewhundredkilometersofthejourney thescenerywascolorful 3 Wesawabandonedfarms 一百多年前建立的 called cookedbyexperts builtmorethanonehundredyearsago 相关习题1 Mostoftheartists tothepartywerefromSouthAfrica A invitedB toinviteC beinginvitedD hadbeeninvited2 Thecomputercenter lastyear isverypopularamongthestudentsinthisschool A openB openingC havingopenedD opened 总结 1 在什么时候用过去分词作定语 当被修饰的名词或代词与动词之间存在被动关系时 用过去分词作定语 1 TheteacherisaveryenthusiasticwomancalledMsShen Theteacherisaveryenthusiasticwoman MsShen who that is called 2 过去分词作后置定语时可与定语从句互换 2 which thatwerecookedbyexperts 3 which thatwerebuiltmorethanonehundredyearsago 相关练习 1 who thatwereinvitedtotheparty 2 whichwasopenedlastyear 拓展 1 什么时候用现在分词作定语呢 当被修饰的名词或代词与动词构成主动关系时 用现在分词作定语 2 现在分词作定语也可与定语从句互换 Theman stand underthetreeismyfather Theman underthetreeismyfather standing who that is standing 课文重现1 Inotherwords thereare 女生人数是男生的三倍 2 地球是月球的49倍大 threetimesasmanygirlsasboys Theearthisforty ninetimesaslargeasthemoon Theearthisforty ninetimeslargerthanthemoon Theearthisforty ninetimesthesizeofthemoon 句型转换1 Thisroadisfourtimesaslongasthatone Thisroadis4times ofthatone Thisroadis4times thatone 2 Thewingsoftheplane whichstretchedoutfor80feet wereofitsbody A morethanthelengthtwice B morethantwicethelength C twicethelengthmorethan D twicemorethanthelength 3 Tenyearsagothepopulationofourvillagewas thatoftheirs 2008 陕西 16 A astwicelargeasB twiceaslargeasC twiceasmuchasD astwicemuchas thelength longerthan 总结常见的表达倍数的三种句式 a A be 倍数 as 形容词原级 as B b A be 倍数 形容词比较级 than B c A be 倍数 the 名词 size number length width depth height weight age of B 三 课文重现It sixyearssincewelast eachother AndthisisthefirsttimeI yourhometown is hasbeen saw havevisited 相关习题1 Doyouknowourtownatall No thisisthefirsttimeI here A wasB amcomingC cameD havebeen 2 It sbeensixyears hehadalittlemisunderstandingwithme A sinceB beforeC whenD that3 Itwasthefifthtimethathe lateforschool whichmadetheteacherangry A wasB hadbeenC hasbeenD is 总结 1 自从某人 以来有多长时间了 Itis hasbeen 一段时间 since从句 一般过去时 was 过去完成时 2 某人第几次做某事 This Itisthe 序数词 time that从句 现在完成时 was 过去完成时 a It sbeensixyearssincewelastsaweachother sixyears welastsaweachother Wehaven tseen sixyears b Hehasn tsmokedfortwoyears twoyears he twoyears he for Itissincesmoked Ithasbeensincesmoked 四 课文重现1 ishard aworldwithoutmetals 2 thenbecame foruniversities usethesystem It tothinkof It possible to aswell 相关习题1 It snecessary topractisereadingEnglishaloudeverymorning A foryouB ofyouC byyouD withyou2 Itiskind tohelpme A foryouB ofyouC byyouD withyou 总结 a Itis adj forsbtodosth 该句式中 作表语的形容词只能说明不定式的行为性质和特点 不能说明不定式的执行者 常见的词汇有 easy difficult hard important possible impossible necessary等 b Itis adj ofsbtodosth 该句式中 作表语的形容词表达不定式的逻辑主语的品行 性格或性质 常见的词汇有 kind nice good honest careful clever wise stupid foolish rude polite impolite等 五 课文重现1 DegreesofComparison P47 It sgetting 越来越亮 youare you llsee 你离得越近 看见得就越多 Iread Ilearn 读的书越多 获得的就越多 brighterandbrighter Thecloser themore Themorebooks themoreinformation 相关习题Ifwehadfollowedhisplan wecouldhavedonetheworkbetterwith moneyand people A little fewerB fewer lessC less fewerD less few2 ThemoreIlookatthephoto A IlikeitthebetterB thebetterIlikeitC themorebetterIlikeitD themuchmoreIlikeit 总结 a 表示越 越 用 the 比较级 主语 谓语 the 比较级 主语 谓语 表示 b 表示越来越 用 比较级 and 比较级 或者 moreandmore 形容词原级 表达 课文重现Inever science butlastyearIchangedschools andthescienceteachersatmynewschoolareexcellent usedtoenjoy 相关习题1 Thecountrylifehewasusedto greatlysince1992 A changeB haschangedC changingD havechanged2 Someoftheheatneartheearth ssurfacecan electricity A usetomakeB beusedtomakingC usetomakingD beusedtomake3 Sheused intownbutnowshefindsherself inthecountry A tolive usedtoliveB toliving usedtolivingC tolive usedtolivingD toliving usedtolive 总结 usedtodosth 过去常常做某事beusedtodoingsth 习惯于做某事beusedtodosth 被用作做某事 课文重现1 She skindandpatient andsheexplainsEnglishgrammar clearly evenIcanunderstandit 她和善而且有耐心 她对语法的讲解是如此的清晰 甚至连我也能听得懂 sothat 完成句子 1 HespokefastIcouldn tfollowhim 他说得如此快以致于我听不懂他所说的 2 Ineverknow youngachildwithwiseahead 我从未见过如此聪明的小孩儿 3 Itwas badweathertheycouldn tgoout 天气是如此地糟糕以致于他们不能出去了 4 Theyare littleboys theycan tjointhearmy 这些男孩儿的年龄尚小以致于他们还不能参军 so that so so such that such that 总结 表示如此 以至于 用so such that such that 的三种情况 such adj 不可数名词 that2 such adj 可数名词的复数 thatsuch a an adj 可数名词的单数 thatso that 的三种情况 so adj adv that 2 so adj a an 可数名词的单数3 somany much few little 少的 n 注意 当表示小的时用such a an little 名词 同义句替换 Heissokindateacherthatweallrespecthim Heis thatweallrespecthim such a kind teacher 八 课文重现Physicswillneverbemyfavoritelesson butIthinkthatIwilldowellintheexam 物理永远不会成为我最喜爱的科目 但我认为有陈老师教我 我一定会考得不错 withMrs Chenteachingme 完成句子 1 Shesaidgoodbyewithtears 她含泪说再见 介词短语 2 It sbadmannerstotalkwithyourmouth 含着满嘴食物说话是不礼貌的 形容词 3 Iwentoutwiththelight 我外出时没关灯 副词 4 Withsomanythings Ican tgoonholiday dealwith 有这么多事要处理 我不能去度假 不定式 5 Withallthingssheneeded shewenthomehappily 买了所需要的东西后 她高兴地回家了 过去分词 6 Wewentthroughtheforestwithoutanydifficultywiththeguideus lead 由向导带路 我们毫不费劲地走过了森林 现在分词 inhereyes full on todealwith bought leading with复合结构 with复合结构的六种类型 doing donewith n pron 名词或代词 todo adj 形容词 adv 副词 介词短语该结构位置可前可后 通常作原因状语或伴随状语 反馈练习答案1 5AABDA6 9A B A CA10 Theharderyouwork thegreaterprogressyouwillmake Themoreactiveyouare themoreprogressyouwillmakeinEnglish Thankyou

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