2018-2019年高考英语学业水平测试一轮复习 阅读理解 第Ⅳ题 语法填空.doc

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第题语法填空命题特点设置该题型的目的在于考查学生在语境中正确运用语法知识的能力,以促进考生实际语言运用能力的提高。考查的重点为:动词的时态和语态、非谓语动词、词性转换、形容词和副词以及介词、代词、冠词和从句。设置题型有两种:一种为无提示词,主要考查关联词、冠词、代词、介词;另一种为有提示词,主要考查时态和语态、词性转化、非谓语动词、名词复数、形容词、副词级别。方法技巧(1)根据语法知识填空:每个空都会涉及语法规则,如:形容词修饰名词;句与句之间用关联词等。全面考虑,具体分析,然后确定答案。(2)根据逻辑关系填空:如表示因果关系的词有thus,therefore,so等。(3)根据语篇标志词填空:如表示语篇结构层次的first,second 等。(4)根据固定词组填空:如by the way,devote.to.等。(5)根据固定句型填空:如so.that.,spend time in doing等。解题步骤(1)通读全文,理解大意。(2)巧用已知,分析局部结构、句法结构,确定词性。(3)复读全文,仔细核查,语法正确,语意贯通。Passage 1As we all know, learning is a process of gaining knowledge. Learning is ones own business, 1._ cannot rely on others. It is ones lifelong task, which cannot 2._ (finish) in one move.A successful learner is an 3._ (independence) one, who has 4._ a determined will and amazing patience. He will try to discover his own way of learning. Instead of waiting for the help of his teachers and friends, he will make efforts 5._ (create) favorable conditions on his own strong spirit. It will certainly be 6._ great help, if there is a good environment, enough books and 7._ (equip), as well as instructions from his teachers and friends.Even if one has got all these favorable conditions, one cannot be sure to succeed in learning. So the most important factor in learning 8._ (lie) in ones own effort.To learn is rather 9._ hard working and persevering business. Many a man is a failure because he cannot bear such hardships. Persistent efforts can make up for a lack of talent and 10._ (able) one to get a great deal of progress in learning.【语篇解读】本文讲述了如何做一个成功的学习者。1解析:本处为非限制性定语从句。关系词在非限制性定语从句中作主语,指物,应用which。答案:which2解析:句意:它是终生的任务,不能一次被完成。由finish和task之间是逻辑上的动宾关系可知,应用被动语态;结合cannot可知,应填be finished。答案:be finished3解析:本处应用形容词作定语,故填independent。答案:independent4解析:句意:成功的学习者既有坚定的意志,又有惊人的耐心。both . and .“既又”。答案:both5解析:make efforts to do sth.“努力做某事”,是固定短语。答案:to create6解析:根据固定结构“be of helpbe helpful”可知,此处填介词of。答案:of7解析:本处and连接两个并列的名词。故填equip的名词形式equipment。答案:equipment8解析:根据上下文时态可知,此处应用一般现在时;结合主语factor可知,应用第三人称单数形式lies。答案:lies9解析:句意:学习是一件需要勤奋和坚持不懈的事情。business当“事情”讲时,通常用单数,此处表泛指,故应用不定冠词;hardworking的读音以辅音音素开头,故填a。答案:a10解析:句意:坚持不懈的努力能够弥补天赋的缺乏,使人能够在学习方面取得很大的进步。本处and连接两个动作make up和enable。答案:enablePassage 2I had an 1._ (interest) experience playing ping-pong last year. I was playing against a fine opponent. When the score was 20 to 20, I placed my bat on the table, 2._ (thank) my opponent and began to walk away. She called me back and said we had to continue 3._ one of us won.“Look,” I said, “if we continue, either you or I will win. If you win 4._ (easy), I will begin to doubt my skill. If I win, you will be unhappy. Isnt it 5._ (good) to know that we both played well, that we enjoyed the petition, and that we played to an equal score?” This was a surprising ending for my opponent and for the persons 6._ (watch) this contest. It made sense to me to leave with a tie game, an impasse (僵局): no winner, no loser!Our present technology makes 7._ possible for nations to destroy other nations. In such a nuclear time there can be no winners, only losers. Under these 8._ (condition), the only choice 9._ (avoid) global destruction is a global impasse. We cannot destroy this beautiful planet by holding on to 10._ old understanding of victory. The only victory is in achieving a satisfying impasse. No one wins, but no one loses, either.【语篇解读】本文讲述了作者的一次乒乓球比赛的经历。当对方要求一定要分出胜负时,作者却觉得平局对双方都好。1解析:此处需要用形容词修饰名词experience。interesting“有趣的”。答案:interesting2解析:句中三个动词place, thank和begin为并列谓语,都是发生在过去的动作,故用一般过去时。答案:thanked3解析:根据句意可知,她叫我回来说我们应该一直打到有人赢为止。答案:until/till4解析:修饰动词win,需用副词。答案:easily5解析:此处是将平局和有胜负作比较,应该用比较级。答案:better6解析:persons和watch之间为主谓关系,故用动词ing形式。watching this contest作定语,修饰the persons。答案:watching7解析:it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式短语to destroy other nations。答案:it8解析:由these可知此处需要用名词的复数形式。答案:conditions9解析:choice, determination, decision, effort, right等名词后的定语常用动词不定式。答案:to avoid10解析:an understanding of sth.意为“对某物的了解”,且old的读音以元音音素开头,故填an。答案:anPassage 3What defines a healthy city? Is it a place with a lot of open spaces 1._ people can exercise and enjoy the fresh air? A place with little or no pollution? A place in which people can 2._ (free) socialize and express their ideas? Perhaps, its all that plus more. Other considerations are the availability of health and fitness facilities, an excellent healthcare program and sincere efforts by 3._ local government to actively promote health and wellness among its citizens. Of all the cities in the world, one of the top six 4._ (healthy) cities is Copenhagen, Denmark.Copenhageners love to walk. Foot traffic accounts 5._ 80% of all traffic in the Copenhagen city center. Those who prefer it can also bike. It is estimated that more than a third of all work trips in Copenhagen 6._ (carry) out on a bike. As for the climate here, the city does not have the blessing of pleasant weather all year round. 7._ everything starts to freeze, it turns several city squares into huge skating fields. The frozen parts of the city also make 8._ easier for residents to skate around. The city also has museums and art galleries for the kids and 9._ (grownup). It has the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and the Royal Library housed in a rather grand building 10._ (call) the Black Diamond.【语篇解读】本文讲述了世界上最健康的六大城市之一哥本哈根。1解析:分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词为open spaces,关系词在定语从句中作地点状语,故用关系副词where。答案:where2解析:修饰动词短语“socialize and express their ideas”,应用副词freely。答案:freely3解析:根据语境可知,此处表特指。答案:the4解析:此处表示“最健康的六大城市之一”,应用形容词最高级。答案:healthiest5解析:步行占交通总量的80%。account for“占(一定数量或比例)”,是固定短语。答案:for6解析:work trips与carry out之间存在动宾关系,空处应用被动语态;根据文章的整体时态可知,空处应用一般现在时;由“a third of all work trips”可知,空处应填are carried。答案:are carried7解析:当开始上冻的时候,一些城市广场就变成了巨大的溜冰场。when/as“当时候”,引导时间状语从句。答案:When/As8解析:本处it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是to skate around。答案:it9解析:本处and连接两个并列的名词kids和grownups。答案:grownups10解析:call与被修饰的名词building之间为动宾关系,应用过去分词作定语。答案:calledPassage 4There is good and bad news about the number of trees on our planet. The good news is 1._ there are seven times more trees than we 2._ (think). A few years ago, scientists estimated the world had 400 billion trees, but a new study makes a 3._ (calculate) that there are around three trillion trees. Thats a three 4._ (follow) by 12 zeroes. But Dr Thomas Crowther told the BBC that this new number is unable 5._ (change) anything.What is the bad news? Thousands of years ago, the earth had around six trillion trees. Human activity has cut the number of trees on the planet 6._ half. A good example of this is 7._ fact that Europe used to be one of the giant forests. Dr Crowther said people are 8._ (responsibility) for the loss of three trillion trees. Another 15 billion trees are lost each year because of deforestation (毁林) and farmland. The scientists said this figure is “9._ (extreme) higher” than a century ago. Dr Crowther added, “This study highlights how much more effort 10._ (need) if we are to restore healthy forests worldwide.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文中介绍了地球上树木的现有量。1解析:分析句子结构可知,空处引导表语从句,从句成分和句意完整,故用that。答案:that2解析:这里说的是“比我们原本以为的”,故要用一般过去时。答案:thought3解析:根据空前的“a”可知此处要用名词形式。答案:calculation4解析:follow与three之间有逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词作定语。答案:followed5解析:be (un)able to do sth.意为“(不)能做某事”,是常用表达。答案:to change6解析:in half意为“减半”。答案:in7解析:根据语境可知,此处应该用定冠词the特指fact。答案:the8解析:根据语境可知,此处指人们应该为树木的减少负责。be responsible for“对负责”是固定搭配,故填responsible。答案:responsible9解析:根据句意及句子结构可知,空格处修饰形容词higher,应用副词形式。答案:extremely10解析:这项研究表明,如果要在世界范围内恢复健康的森林,那我们需要再做多少努力。主句主语effort与need之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。“how much more effort”的谓语应用单数,故应填is needed。此处也可理解为表示将来要发生的动作,故主句可用一般将来时。答案:is needed/will be neededPassage 5For more than six million American children, ing home after school means 1._(e) to an empty house. Some deal with the situation by watching TV. Some may hang out outside. 2._ all of them have something in mon. They spend part of each day alone. They 3._ (call) latchkey childrenthey are children who look after themselves while their parents work. And their bad situation has bee a subject of concern.A headmaster of an elementary school said that there was a school rule against wearing jewelry. A lot of kids had chains around their necks with keys 4._(attach). He was constantly telling them to put them inside shirts. There were so many keys, 5._ he slowly learned were house keys.He began talking to the children who had them. Then he learned the influence working couples and single parents were having 6._ their children. Fear is the biggest problem faced by children at home alone. Many had nightmares and were worried about their own 7._(safe)The most mon way latchkey children deal with this is by hiding. It might be in a bathroom, under a bed 8._ in a closet. The second is TV. Theyll watch it with the volume turned up high. Most parents dont realize 9._(it) effect on their children and most parents are slow to admit the fact 10._ they leave their children alone.【语篇解读】本文介绍了美国“挂钥匙儿童”这一社会问题。1解析:mean to do sth.“打算做某事”;mean doing sth.“意味着”。根据语境可知,此处表示放学回家意味着回到一个空房子,故填ing。答案:ing2解析:根据语境可知,一些孩子看电视,一些在外面闲逛。空后又说“have something in mon”,故填转折连词But。答案:But3解析:主语They与call之间构成动宾关系,且根据“they are”可知,该句为一般现在时态,应填are called。答案:are called4解析:此处为“with宾语宾补”结构,attach与keys之间是动宾关系,故填attached。答案:attached5解析:分析句子结构可知,此处为非限制性定语从句,从句缺少主语且先行词为keys,指物,故填which。答案:which6解析:have influence on sb.“对某人有影响”,故填on。答案:on7解析:根据句意可知,此处指很多孩子做噩梦并担心自己的安全,应用名词形式,故填safety。答案:safety8解析:根据句意可知,此处指有可能藏在卫生间、床底下或壁橱里。表示选择,故填or。答案:or9解析:根据句意可知,此处表示电视对孩子的影响,故填its。答案:its10解析:根据句意可知,此处指大多数父母很迟缓地承认他们不管孩子这个事实;分析句子结构可知,这是同位语从句且不缺成分,故填that。答案:thatPassage 6At my workplace there arent enough 1._(opportunity) to be different. We give care to others but sometimes we forget to care for 2._(we) and each other.So, I print 3._(inspire) messages, happy pictures, etc, and post them on a blank space 4._ Ive found in one of our rooms. I believe they add to our “emotional education”One person asked me, “Why do you try to help these people? They are not very nice?” My answer 5._(be), “If it affects one person then its a good thing.” It doesnt matter whether it has an impact 6._ anyone else. What matters is that Im the 7._(good) person I can be.I know those 8._(print) stories and articles are read because they keep getting moved about. So, 9._(eventual), like sandpaper against a rough surface, 10._ surface will bee smooth and the messages will get through. How long it takes really doesnt matter.【语篇解读】本文为夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己的经历告诉我们关爱别人的同时,也不要忘记关爱自己。1解析:根据空前的“there arent”可知,there be句型中的主语应用复数形式。答案:opportunities2解析:句意:但有时我们忘记了关心自己和互相关心。空处在句中作介词for的宾语,且主语和宾语表达相同的意思,故此处使用反身代词。答案:ourselves3解析:根据语境可知,所填词为定语,修饰messages,故用形容词inspiring“令人鼓舞的”。答案:inspiring4解析:分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句修饰先行词a blank space,且在从句中作宾语,故用that/which。答案:that/which5解析:根据上文中的“One person asked me”可知,此处也应用一般过去时态。答案:was6解析:此处是固定搭配have an impact on .“对有影响”。答案:on7解析:根据空前的“the”可知,此处应用最高级,故填best。答案:best8解析:分析句子结构可知,空处在此作前置定语修饰stories and articles,且print与stories and articles之间为逻辑上的被动关系,故此处使用过去分词作定语。答案:printed9解析:根据语境可知,此处应使用副词eventually作状语修饰整个句子。答案:eventually10解析:此处surface为特指,空处填the。答案:thePassage 7Talking is the most effective and satisfying way of munication with others. There are many forms of munication, 1._ include texting, cell phones, email, and social media. 2._ (use) these alternative forms to municate with others may be faster, 3._ they lack many qualities that a face-to-face conversation 4._ (possess)Facial expression and body language can 5._ (great) affect a conversation. They can be used to give a person some information about what the other person 6._ (think) and feeling. Facial expression can 7._ (apply) to video chatting, but body language can only be found in a face-to-face conversation. Talking in person can have physical 8._ (feature). Giving someone a hug and holding their hand 9._ (fort) them can only be done in person. When you are talking to someone by texting or messaging them, physical touch does not exist at all, which can limit the connection 10._ the people in the munication.【语篇解读】随着科技的发展,现代的交流方式多种多样,但是面对面交流和肢体语言交流仍是不可替代的交流方式。1解析:分析句子结构可知,该句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为forms of munication,关系词作从句的主语,故用which引导该定语从句。答案:which2解析:分析句子结构可知,此处为动名词短语作主语,故用动名词Using。答案:Using3解析:句意:使用这些可替代的交流方式可能会更快捷,但是它们缺乏面对面交流所拥有的特点。根据句意可知,两句间为转折关系,故用转折连词but。答案:but4解析:根据上下文时态可知,空处应用一般现在时;该从句的主语是单数可数名词,故谓语动词用单数。答案:possesses5解析:空处修饰动词affect,故用副词形式greatly。答案:greatly6解析:根据该句中的“feeling”和语境可知,面部表情和肢体语言能给人一些他人正在想什么的信息,故用现在进行时。答案:is thinking7解析:主语Facial expression和动词apply之间为动宾关系,故用被动语态。由can可知,应填be applied。答案:be applied8解析:根据下句中的“Giving someone a hug”和“holding their hand”可知,面对面交谈有两个身体特征,故用复数形式。答案:features9解析:根据句意可知,空处表示拥抱和握手的目的,故用动词不定式。答案:to fort10解析:这里表示“人们之间的联系”,应用介词between。答案:betweenPassage 8Dr. Barone has helped many kids smile who were born with defects (缺陷), including me. She did my first two operations when I was a baby, which were the most important and 1._(effect)I dont remember the first two operations very well, but I do recall 2._ third. Dr. Barone was kind and eased me into the process. She let me choose my sleep medicine, 3._(make) sure that I was okay. I recently saw a picture of me before my operation, and I know 4._ a big job she did.Dr.Barone 5._ (operate) on people with all types of birth defects. She also goes to other countries where people cannot afford this treatment and helps them 6._ free.Many people benefit from her new ways 7._ (invent) to fix birth defects of the head and face. She has won many awards. A few of the most recent 8._(be) Best Doctors in America 20132014, Americas Top Plastic Surgery, and many others.Dr.Barone was my doctor when I was a kid, and even though I was 9._(probable) just another patient to her, to me she was 10._ (much) than just my doctor. She was and is my hero, and she gave me back my smile.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了Barone医生治病救人的故事。1解析:根据and前的important可知,空处应用形容词effective。答案:effective2解析:序数词前一般用定冠词修饰,表示第几的概念。答案:the3解析:make和句子谓语动词let之间没有连词,且和句子主语She之间构成主谓关系,故用现在分词作状语。答案:making4解析:what引起的感叹句的结构为:whata/an形容词可数名词单数,故填what。答案:what5解析:根据语境可知,此处表示经常做的事情,故用一般现在时,且由句子主语Dr. Barone可知,应填operates,与下文的goes和helps呼应。答案:operates6解析:for free意为“免费”,为固定搭配,故用介词for。答案:for7解析:invent和句子谓语动词benefit之间没有连词,故用非谓语动词,且空处和其逻辑主语ways之间构成动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。答案:invented8解析:根据A few可知,此处谓语动词应用复数,且此处表示客观情况,故用一般现在时的复数形式,即are。答案:are9解析:此处应用副词probably在句子中作状语。答案:probably10解析:由than可知,此处“more thann.”意为“不仅仅,不只是”,是固定搭配。故填more。答案:morePassage 9A triathlon (三项全能运动) is a sports event which bines three sports, 1._(typical) running, biking, and swimming. During a triathlon, athletes finish all three sports without stopping 2._(beat) the clock. People of all ages and sizes can pete in triathlons. But much like other sports events, a lot of professional 3._(pete) rule the triathlon world. In addition, many triathlons 4._(hold) to benefit charity, much like marathons.The modern triathlon appeared in California in 5._ 1970s. It usually begins with the swimming, 6._(follow) by cycling, and finally running. A triathlon tests the endurance (忍耐力) and speed of an athlete, as well as his or her ability to keep energy and focus 7._ the race as a whole. A triathlon petes against a clock, rather than against other athletes. A variation of the triathlon is a relay triathlon, 8._ a different athlete pletes each stage.The swimming stage takes place in a lake or the open ocean. As soon as athletes e out from the water, they change into cycling at the 9._(fast) speed to save time. After cycling, the athletes change shoes to run. The course is considered plete once the athletes 10._(cross) the finish line.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了三项全能运动是怎样的一项运动。1解析:句意:三项全能运动是一种包含三项运动的体育比赛,通常是赛跑、骑自行车和游泳。修饰动词应用副词typically“通常”。答案:typically2解析:句意:在三项全能运动中,为提前完成任务,运动员需要毫不停歇地完成所有的三项运动。根据句意可知,此处应用不定式作目的状语。答案:to beat3解析:空处位于形容词professional后、谓语动词rule前,故要用名词。再根据句意“但是就像其他体育赛事一样,很多专业的参赛者掌控着三项全能运动领域”及前面的“a lot of”可知,此处要用表示人的名词petitor“参赛者”,且要用其复数形式。答案:petitors4解析:此处描述的是现在的一般情况,要用一般现在时;此外,主语many triathlons与hold之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。答案:are held5解析:句意:现代三项全能运动于20世纪70年代出现在加利福尼亚。表示“在世纪年代”时要用定冠词the,这是固定用法。答案:the6解析:它通常从游泳开始,接着是骑自行车,最后是赛跑。swimming与follow“跟随”之间是逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词。答案:followed7解析:focus on是固定词组,意为“集中注意力或精力于”。答案:on8解析:句意:三项全能运动的一种变化形式是接力三项全能运动,在这个运动中不同的运动员完成各自的部分。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,且在从句中作地点状语,先行词是a relay triathlon,故填where。答案:where9解析:为了节省时间,运动员从水里一出来就以最快的速度改骑自行车。根据空前的“the”和空后的“to save time”可看出,此处要填fast的最高级形式。答案:fastest10解析:根据常识可知,选手要在冲过终点线之后才能算完成比赛。故此处要用现在完成时。答案:have crossedPassage 10Starting a new school term is always exciting. It is a chance 1._ (see) your friends again. But most exciting of all, the new term lets you take up new hobbies. In Britain it is mon for students to take up new hobbies after the Christmas holidays. Promising to learn something new is a mon New Years resolution.Most schools offer different kinds 2._ hobby classes. Students 3._ (usual) take them in their free periods or after school. Some classes you have to pay for but some 4._ (be) free. For example, I once took a free Wednesday evening gymnastics class 5._ is offered by my school. But when I learnt how to play the drum, my parents had to pay for the lessons.The most popular extra classes at my school were piano lessons and drama lessons. Both classes offered exams students could take. Students with many hobbies sometimes felt 6._ stressed than those without any. But the students with hobbies left school with many extra 7._ (skill)I havent continued any of the hobbies I 8._ (begin) at school. But I have never regretted taking 9._. My 10._ (good) friend today is someone I met in my gymnastics class.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了英国的兴趣班。英国的学生可以参加兴趣班,其中有收费的,也有免费的。在兴趣班,你可以认识很多朋友。1解析:分析该句结构可知,It作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。答案:to see2解析:different kinds of为固定搭配,意为“各种不同种类的”。答案:of3解析:副词修饰动词。故用usual的副词形式usually。答案:usually4解析:根据but前的have可知,应用一般现在时;该句中的some指some classes,故用复数形式are。答案:are5解析:分析句子结构可知,该句为定语从句,先行词为class,在从句中作主语,故用which或that引导该定语从句。答案:that/which6解析:根据该句中的“than”可以判断,该句使用“比较级than”的结构,根据句意可知学生们会感到更大压力,故在其前加more。答案:more7解析:根据空前的many可知,空处应用复数。答案:skills8解析:根据语境可知,begin这一动作发生在过去,故应用一般过去时。答案:began9解析:根据语境可知,空处指代上句的“hobbies”,故填them。答案:them10解析:根据语境可知,我最好的朋友是在体操班认识的,故用good的最高级best。答案:best


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