2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Pygmalion语篇解题微技巧 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Pygmalion语篇解题微技巧 新人教版选修8.doc_第1页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Pygmalion语篇解题微技巧 新人教版选修8.doc_第2页
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Unit 4 Pygmalion推理判断题之文章出处题(阅读理解)方法指导这类试题的提问方式主要有:1.The passage is most likely to be taken from .2.Where would this passage most probably appear?解答这类题主要从文章的体裁和题材内容来判断其出处:1.报纸:前面会出现日期、地点或通讯社名称。2.广告:因其用词和格式特殊,容易辨认。3.产品说明:器皿、设备的使用说明会有产品名称或操作方式,而药品的服用说明会告知服用时间、次数、药量等。有时命题者为了增加试题的难度,特殊的格式或日期可能不出现,这时需要根据文章的题材内容进行推断。如果内容是新闻,最可能出现在报纸上;如果是科普读物,最可能出自科普杂志。典例引领 (2013课标,B)The baby is just one day old and has not yet left hospital.She is quiet but alert(警觉).Twenty centimeters from her face researchers have placed a white card with two black spots on it.She stares at it carefully.A researcher removes the card and replaces it by another,this time with the spots differently spaced.As the cards change from one to the other,her gaze(凝视)starts to lose its focusuntil a third,with three black spots,is presented.Her gaze returns:she looks at it for twice as long as she did at the previous card.Can she tell that the number two is different from three,just 24 hours after ing into the world?Or do newborns simply prefer more to fewer?The same experiment,but with three spots shown before two,shows the same return of interest when the number of spots changes.Perhaps it is just the newness?When slightly older babies were shown cards with pictures of objects(a b,a key,an orange and so on),changing the number of objects had an effect separate from changing the objects themselves.Could it be the pattern that two things make,as opposed to three?No again.Babies paid more attention to squares moving randomly on a screen when their number changed from two to three,or three to two.The effect even crosses between senses.Babies who were repeatedly shown two spots became more excited when they then heard three drumbeats than when they heard just two;likewise(同样地)when the researchers started with drumbeats and moved to spots. 1.The experiment described in Paragraph 1 is related to the babys.A.sense of hearingB.sense of sightC.sense of touchD.sense of smell2.Babies are sensitive to the change in.A.the size of cardsB.the colour of picturesC.the shape of patternsD.the number of objects3.Why did the researchers test the babies with drumbeats?A.To reduce the difficulty of the experiment.B.To see how babies recognize sounds.C.To carry their experiment further.D.To keep the babies interest.4.Where does this text probably e from?A.Science fiction.B.Childrens literature.C.An advertisement.D.A science report.方法运用语篇解读本文为说明文,题材为科普知识类。婴儿究竟能不能感知数量呢?科研人员对此进行了实验研究。1.B细节理解题。研究人员在婴儿眼前摆放带有不同数目黑点的卡片,以测试婴儿对数量的视觉反应。2.D细节理解题。根据第二段第四句可知,卡片上物品的数目而不是物品本身的变化对婴儿的视觉产生了影响。故选D项。3.C推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第二句(这种效果甚至在不同的感官之间转换),再结合下文关于鼓声的实验,可推断出答案选C,即研究人员在进一步做实验,以测试婴儿对数量变化所做出的反应。4.D推理判断题。文章通过研究人员的实验,来证明婴儿具备感知数量的能力。故这篇文章最有可能出自一篇科学报告,而非科幻小说、儿童文学和广告。

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