2019-2020年北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 14《Careers》word导学案6.doc

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2019-2020年北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 14《Careers》word导学案6.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 14Careersword导学案6Lesson 3 Nine to Five Tips:Those who have courage to master their lives are heroes.有勇气主宰自己命运的人才是英雄。Learning aims:1 熟读课文,理解文章大意。2 学习运用阅读策略。3 会复述课文。4 了解成功的秘诀,为自己的事业做出规划。Learning important points: 1. 熟读课文 2. 学习阅读技巧Learning difficult point: 会复述课文。Learning processes:Step1.重点词汇背诵(A级)1._ n宇宙 2._ n人类 3._ n鸟窝,巢 4._ n羽毛 5._ n弯腰 ,倾身 6._ n. 舞台,阶段,时期 7._n腕 8._ adj. 低级的9._ adj. 不合法的,违法的 10._ adv.在底下 11._ vt.战胜,克服 12._ vt.理解,领先,抓牢,抓紧13._ vt.& vi. 旋转,转动14._ v.仔细检查_ n. 检查,视察15._ adj.不断的_adv. 不断地16._ v.犹豫_ n. 犹豫17._ n.光荣,荣誉 _ adj.光荣的 18._ vt.投入_ n.承诺,忠诚,奉献19._ v.存在,生存_ n.存在 Step 2: Read and answer. 朗读课文,回答下面问题(B级)1. What characteristics does Wang Junyan believe made her a success?2. What did Wang Junyan do with her mother that taught her to be curious?3. What made Wang Junyan realise the importance of being a journalist?4. What does Wang Junyan like most about being a reporter?5. What does Wang Junyans story tell you about success?Step 3: Read the article twice ,and retell the text.重读课文至少两遍, 复述课文。(B级)Wang Junyan is the 1._ for Universe TVs news programs. She said it is curiosity, perseverance, and a mitment to truth made her success today.As a child, she never dreamed of being a famous 2._ on TV. Her mother taught her to be curious and 3._ her 4. _ and 5._ byher attitude towards life and truth.After 6._ , Wang Junyan became a reporter for a 7._ newspaper. The reason why she chose to be a 8._ is that she thought it is important to report mews and to 9._ the truth. She once was asked to 10._ an illegal business, and her report help people who had been affected. Her perseverance 11._ off because she won an 12._for the report. When asked what she liked most about being a reporter, she said she found it interesting and 13._ . She added that she was 14._ challenged to learn more and to be curious as a journalist. “I still feel like Im turning over stones to see what might be hiding 15._.”Step 4: Read the text again , write down the phrases that you find.再读一遍课文,归纳自己所找到的词组。 (B级)Step 5:巩固练习(C级)1. 完成第27页第四题2. 完成第70页第一题Step 6:当堂作业(C级)熟读课文,理解文意,尝试翻译这篇文章,比比看谁译的好!Step 7:学后反思:_

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