2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 23 Conflict高考试卷分块专练 北师大版选修8.doc

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2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 23 Conflict高考试卷分块专练 北师大版选修8.doc_第1页
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2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 23 Conflict高考试卷分块专练 北师大版选修8.doc_第2页
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2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 23 Conflict高考试卷分块专练 北师大版选修8.doc_第3页
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Unit 23 Conflict高考试卷分块专练第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A(2018江西省红色七校联考)Signing up for a digital TV service provides you with access to over 200 channels from all over the globe.However, television today is dominated by adult language, making it hard for concerned families to find channels suitable for young eyes.Therefore, most movie channels are automatically removed from the list of TV channels for an entire family.The following are some good ones based on popularity on a global scale.Discovery ChannelDiscovery and its many channels can be considered as the founding father of informative channels on television.What National Geographic does in a scholastic (学术的) manner, Discovery tries to do in an entertaining manner educating the masses about everything.Fox FamilyFinding a movie channel that broadcasts pictures suitable for teenagers and kids alike is very difficult unless your service operator offers you Fox family movies.This channel screens most movies before it broadcasts them, ensuring that no movie shows unacceptable material for young eyes.NickelodeonA channel very similar to Cartoon Network, it mostly shows US. programs.However, their shows are sometimes a bit more mature for younger kids and better suited to kids aged 5 and up.ABC FamilyABC started the ABC family channel in an attempt to introduce familycentered shows and serials to the public in the US.A. The need for this channel was felt after ABC observed the lack of proper family type US. channels.LivingIf traveling is a family hobby and better living is the motto then there is no better channel than Living.Kids can see neverseenbefore sights, learning about new places while adults can practice their cooking and learn amazing things about motorbikes.语篇解读:注册数字电视服务能够提供全球范围内200多个频道,但很多频道不适合全家人一起观看。本文根据节目的受欢迎度为读者介绍了五个适合带孩子观看的电视频道。21According to the text, most channels offered by a digital TV service _.Acan keep people away from TV violenceBare weled by families with small childrenCare concerned about the proper use of languageDare unsuitable for the whole family to watch together解析:选D细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句“. making it hard for concerned families to find channels suitable for young eyes.”可知,数字电视服务提供的大多数频道不太适合全家人一起观看。故选D项。22Which of the following can best describe Discovery Channel?ARelaxing.BTouching.Cmercial. DProfessional.解析:选A推理判断题。根据文章Discovery Channel部分的“.Discovery tries to do in an entertaining manner educating the masses about everything.”可知,探索频道寓教于乐,由此可推知,该频道应是令人放松的。故选A项。23If people want to know about what a traditional family is like, they can choose _.AFox Family BNickelodeonCABC Family DLiving解析:选C细节理解题。根据文章ABC Family部分的最后一句“The need for this channel was felt after ABC observed the lack of proper family type US. channels.”可知,该频道是在缺乏合适的美国家庭类频道的情况下设立的,因此,如果人们想要了解传统家庭是什么样子的就可以选择ABC Family频道。故选C项。BThe ideal relationship between brothers and sisters is obviously different from the realistic relationships that exist between brothers and sisters. Anyone who has had either a brother, a sister or both will know a little bit about sibling_rivalry. Sibling rivalry does not necessarily stem from (源于) the desire to be the “favorite” among ones parents. In fact, sibling rivalry can also be attributed to a sort of natural petition that arises between people, especially those living close to one another.Already, childhood describes and shapes the development of the relationships between siblings. So that type of hostile relationship may not continue throughout the siblings lives. This observation is apparent in many sibling relationships, even my own. Yet, what can explain the change that happens?Perhaps, it has something to do with maturity (成熟). Maturity focuses on ones relationships, even those between siblings. Whether or not maturity helps create friendly terms between siblings is not entirely clear, but it is apparent that maturity helps to explain why siblings take focus away from creating antagonism (对立). If the old saying, “Blood is thicker than water”, is applied to sibling relationships, we find that genetic relationships can enhance social relationships.So, even if we want sibling relationships to be peaceful and loving, we cannot expect those friendly terms to exist always. What is important in this type of relationship is the concept of forgiveness.Forgiveness can heal any wound, and in the case of sibling relationships, it can be the path to a life of togetherness and solidarity (团结)Therefore, it is entirely true that we cannot pick and choose who is in our family. But, we can learn to live together peaceably despite our differences. This not only applies to sibling relationships, but to all relationships in general. 语篇解读:手足之争不一定是源于希望得到父母更多的爱,还可能是出于一种人与人之间的自然竞争。本文作者对这一现象产生的原因及其发展和影响进行了分析和解读。24What does the underlined phrase “sibling rivalry” in Paragraph 1 mean?ASiblings peting for more love from their parents.BParents hardly treating their children equally.CPeople liking to live close to one another.DStudents working hard together at their lessons.解析:选A词义猜测题。根据上下文(第一段第一句到第三句)的意思可知,sibling rivalry 在此处指“手足之争”,即兄弟姐妹们争相得到父母更多的爱。25According to the author, the relationships between siblings will bee _.Amore difficult to deal with Bmore and more importantCworse and worseDbetter and better解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段第二、三句可知,兄弟姐妹之间的敌意不会持续下去,他们之间的关系会变得越来越好。由下文的论述也可得知答案。26Which of the following can lead to a peaceful and solid life?AThe concept of determination.BThe quality of forgiveness.CThe friendly relationships.DThe spirit of bravery.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句可知,原谅对稳固家庭关系很有帮助,有利于促进家庭的和睦与团结。27What should we do if we want to build good relationships?ATry our best to choose outgoing siblings.BBe always ready to help each other.CAccept all the different personalities.DTry to be quite different from others.解析:选C细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句可知,接受各自的不同个性是建立良好关系的关键。C(2018重庆市适应性测试)The idea of progress started to flower in the 17th century. At that time, many wise thinkers believed that man liberated by reason would rise to ever greater heights of achievement.The many expressions of human nature would be the engines of progress:language, business, science, and moral sensibility (情操). Unfortunately, most of those engines have failed to bring the desired human progress.The modern age has belonged to material progress and its main source has been science.Science gives huge power to change the world.But can people be trusted to use it always for good?Think of biotechnology and information technology.And it is not just that scientific progress does not deliver the emotional goods.People also fear that mankind is failing to manage science properly.The forests are disappearing; the ice is melting; privacy is leaking; life is being a depressing march in an ugly world.The point is not that science is harmful, but that scientific progress needs to be mapped tidily onto human progress.That relies on moral sensibility in its widest sense. This_liberal_force offers hope for a better future.The very idea of moral sensibility probably sounds outofdate. But researchers find that people desire a sense of moral purpose which would give life dignity (尊严). People want to determine how the world works, not always to be determined by it. Moral sensibility is why people will suffer for their beliefs, and why acts of noble selfsacrifice are so powerful.It is admitted that our moral ideals will never be realized pletely. But sometimes, however imperfectly, we can make progress. Human dignity requires the love of ideals for their own sake, but nothing requires that the love be returned. Human progress is neither guaranteed nor is it hopeless. Instead, it is up to us.28What do we know about human progress from Paragraph 1?AHuman beings were greatly liberated by the idea of progress.BLanguage failed to serve as an expression of human progress.CPeople began to think about human progress in the 17th century.DThinkers in the 17th century were optimistic about human progress.解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第一段第二句可推断出,17世纪的思想家们对人类的进步是持十分乐观的态度的。故答案选D。29Why does science fail to bring the desired human progress?AProper governing is not guaranteed in the use of science.BScientific progress does not give people dignity.CScience is misunderstood because of improper management.DThe engine of progress was sensitive and unreliable.解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第二、三段可推断出,人类在使用科学的过程中没有施以适当的管理,使得科学没有给人类带来预期的进步。故答案选A。30What does the underlined phrase in Paragraph 3 refer to?ADepressing life. BHarmful science.CHuman progress. DMoral sensibility.解析:选D词义猜测题。根据第三段第二、四句可推断,“This liberal force”指的就是上下文中所提到的“moral sensibility”,即道德情感。故答案选D。 31What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo emphasize the function of the idea of progress.BTo express anxiety about the death of moral sensibility.CTo show the importance of moral ideals in human progress.DTo blame the harm of material progress to human development.解析:选C写作意图题。纵观全文可知,文章第一段指出人类并没有像很多思想家预料的那样取得长足进步,第二、三段说明了原因,即这是因为科技的发展没有与道德情感相联系,第四段说明即使我们不能完全实现道德理想,但有了它的指导我们也能取得进步。由此可知,本文主要谈论了道德理想在人类进步中的重要性。故答案选C。D(2018湖南省重点中学联考)Professional courses, such as Masters of International Business or MIB, have been taken by many students in the last two decades.They are choosing newage nonconventional courses that guarantee a better future.MIB is a specialized course that teaches the international business.There are valid reasons for so much popularity of the MIB course.The course content and teaching methods of MIB are quite different from a normal MBA or Master of Business Administration.It has been designed with the sole objective of developing professionals with an indepth understanding and knowledge of the international trade.The course offers various advantages over the conventional MBA degree course.The massive increase in the international business and foreign trade gives excellent job prospects (背景) to the new generation.Acquiring a degree of MIB offers outstanding growth of job opportunities. Those who want to pursue in the field of marketing also have a good future after pleting the degree from a reputed MIB college.Big multinational organizations look for talented people who can handle the job profile of International Marketing Manage, and people with MIB degrees are preferred.The profile needs an indepth understanding of overseas markets because it is the strategic post from the perspective of panys international business growth.Since business finance and economics are covered at_length in the curriculum of MIB, students have great job offers in the field of finance as well.Typically, organizations offer the profile of international finance controllers to those who plete MIB with the specialization of finance.The specialization covers aspects of international taxes, accounts, budgeting and so on.People in this field are wellpaid, and growth prospects are unlimited.After pleting degree courses from a reputed MIB college, there is a good scope in the banking and finance sector as well.International banks appoint people who have an excellent grasp over the international banking policies, currency exchange, and international policies.Thus, MIB is the golden key to success with brilliant job opportunities in national and multinational sectors.语篇解读:本文介绍了近二十年里逐步流行并受学生青睐的MIB课程,即国际商务硕士课程。该课程与常规的MBA大有不同,它具有多种优势,包括可以增强学生的就业竞争力。32How is the second paragraph mainly developed?ABy analyzing causes.BBy listing figures.CBy making parisons.DBy proving definition.解析:选C写作手法题。根据第二段首句“The course content and teaching methods of MIB are quite different from a normal MBA or Master of Business Administration.”可知,MIB与常规的MBA大有不同,由此可知,该段采用了作比较的说明方法。故选C项。33Why do more and more people intend to acquire a degree of MIB?AIt is a pulsory course in the colleges.BIt sounds more special than other courses.CIt offers them opportunities to do small businesses.DIt helps them get good jobs in some organizations.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Acquiring a degree of MIB offers outstanding growth of job opportunities.”以及第四句“Big multinational organizations look for talented people who can handle . and people with MIB degrees are preferred.”可知,获取MIB学位有助于人们在一些组织、机构中争取到好的职位。故选D项。34What can be inferred from the last paragraph?AThe international finance controller is a highquality job.BMIB holders are more promising in all careers than others.CInternational banks merely employ MIB college graduates.DPeople get higher salary in business field than in finance field.解析:选A推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Typically, organizations offer the profile of international finance controllers to those who plete MIB with the specialization of finance . People in this field are wellpaid, and growth prospects are unlimited.”可推断,国际财务总监是一个高级职位。故选A项。35What does the underlined phrase “at length” in Paragraph 4 mean?AAt last. BOn average.CIn detail. DBy chance.解析:选C词义猜测题。根据最后一段首句中的“students have great job offers in the field of finance as well”可知,学生们在金融领域也能找到很好的工作。由此可判断金融学和经济学在MIB大纲中已有详尽的诠释。at last意为“终于”;on average意为“平均”;in detail意为“详尽地”;by chance意为“偶然”。故选C项。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Apps can teach some great things at low or no cost. _36_Too much screen time can impact everything from kids health to their school readiness. Here are smart tips to manage your kids app habit.There are better teething devices than electronics. If your kids start to put your phone in the mouth, theyre too young to use it. _37_Pay attention to what theyre doing. _38_ And check out the apps before your kids do to make sure that the subject matter is right for their age. Can they understand the words? Can they manipulate (操作) the game? Really young kids are still developing their fine motor skills, so unless you want a frustrated child, make sure that a game doesnt require lots of coordination to play.Dont make phones a habit. _39_ If they associate going to restaurants or driving in a car with playing games on your phone, it will be difficult to change the behavior.Balance coping skills. Finally, we want kids to amuse themselves without batteries. Make sure that your kids are equally fortable with board books, music, and that old faithful the crayon.Remember that youre their role model. _40_ If youre always on your phone, theyll want to be, too.AKids learn their behavior from you.BLittle kids love apps and so do most parents.CRemember that kids quickly develop routines.DFind something else for them to chew, shake, or throw.EMake sure you download ageappropriate apps there are lots of them.FThe ability to tap and touch can lead to hours of fun, especially for tiny fingers.GBut that doesnt necessarily mean that you should always hand over your device when your little one is bored.语篇解读:如今,很多孩子对一些应用软件很着迷。本文向我们介绍了一些控制孩子玩电子产品的方法。36解析:选G上文提到通过应用软件人们可以低成本或者免费体验很棒的东西,下文提到过度沉迷于电子产品的危害。G项(但是那并不意味着在孩子感到无聊时你总是应把电子产品交给他)承上启下。37解析:选D上文提到孩子太小不能玩手机。D项(另外找点东西让他们咬、摇晃或者扔着玩)紧承上文。38解析:选E下文提到孩子因太小而无法看懂或者无法操作一些软件,由此他们会感到沮丧。E项(要确保你下载的软件适合孩子的年龄,有很多此类软件)引出下文。39解析:选C本段主旨为不要让孩子养成玩手机的习惯,下文提到孩子如果玩手机游戏上瘾会很难改掉这一习惯。C项(要记住孩子很快就会养成习惯)符合此处的语境。40解析:选A上文提到你是孩子的榜样,下文提到如果你总是玩手机的话,他们也会跟着这么做。A项(孩子会学习你的一些行为)符合此处的语境。第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)A few years ago, I was with a close woman friend in a grocery store in California. As we walked between the _41_, we became aware of a mother with a small boy moving in the opposite direction. The woman barely_42_ us because she was so bored at her little boy, who kept on pulling items _43_ the lower shelves. As the mother became more and more impatient, she started to _44_ the child and later began to shake him by the _45_.At this point my friend spoke up. As a wonderful _46_of three children and founder of a kindergarten, she had probably _47_ once in her life treated any child so badly. I _48_ my friend would give this woman a solid mothertomother talk about _49_ herself and about the effect this behavior has on a child.However, my friend said, “What a _50_ little boy! How old is he?” The woman answered _51_, “Hes three.”My friend went on to _52_ how curious he seemed and how her own three children were just like him in the _53_, pulling things off shelves, so interested in all the wonderful _54_ and packages.“He seems so bright and intelligent,” my friend said.The woman had the _55_ in her arms by now and a shy smile came upon her face._56_brushing his hair out of his eyes, she said, “Yes, hes very smart and _57_, but sometimes he wears me out.” My friend _58_ sympathetically,“Yes, they can do that; they are so full of _59_. But that is what makes him a kid.” The woman _60_with approval.As we walked away, I heard the mother speaking more kindly to the boy. “Well have your favorite macaroni and cheese this evening,” she told him.语篇解读:在商店里,一位母亲因为孩子不断乱拿东西而对他进行了不适当的处罚,作者的朋友巧妙化解了这个问题。41A.shelvesBpricesClines Dcustomers解析:选A根据语境及后面一句中的“the lower shelves”可知,当作者和朋友在食品杂货店里的货架(shelves)之间走着时,她们意识到一个小男孩和他妈妈正朝相反的方向走去。42A.noticed BpaidCacpanied Dasked解析:选A句意:那位妇女几乎没有注意到我们,因为她太厌烦小男孩了他不断从较低的货架上向下拿东西。notice“注意到”,符合语境。pay“付钱”;acpany“陪伴,伴奏”;ask“询问”,都与语境不符。43A.in Boff Cby Dat解析:选Bpull .off .意为“从上取下”,为固定用法,符合语境。44A.point to Bpick upClaugh at Dyell at解析:选D句意:因为那位妈妈变得越来越不耐烦,她开始朝着男孩大声喊叫,后来开始摇晃他的胳膊。yell at“冲着大声喊叫”,符合语境。point to指向;pick up“捡起,采摘,偶然学会,用车接”;laugh at“嘲笑”,都与语境不符。45A.leg BarmChead Dhair解析:选B根据前文可知,小男孩不断从货架上向下拿东西,气坏了的母亲开始晃他的胳膊(arm)。46A.assistant BmotherCfather Dsister解析:选B句意:身为三个孩子的很棒的母亲和一家幼儿园的建立者,她很可能在一生中都从未那么恶劣地对待过任何孩子。根据后面的“of three children”可知,作者的朋友是三个孩子的母亲(mother)。47A.even BstillCever Dnever解析:选D根据语境可知,作者的朋友很可能从未(never)恶劣地对待任何孩子。48A.suspected BdecidedCexpected Ddoubted解析:选C作者预料朋友会和那位母亲进行纯粹的母亲之间的谈话。expect“预料,期待”,符合语境。suspect“怀疑”;decide“确定”;doubt“怀疑”,都与语境不符。49A.controlling BforgettingCblaming Dchanging解析:选A根据语境,朋友和那位母亲谈话的内容应该是要控制自己。control“控制”,符合语境。forget“忘记”;blame“责备”;change“改变”,都与语境不符。50A.disturbing BlovelyCboring Dpromising解析:选B根据前后语境可知,作者的朋友没有像作者预料的那样对那位母亲进行理论上的说教,而是夸奖那个男孩可爱(lovely)。disturbing“引起烦恼的,令人不安的”;boring“无聊的,烦人的”;promising“有希望的,有前途的”,都与语境不符。51A.happily BloudlyCcautiously Dsilently解析:选C根据语境与生活常识可知,陌生人询问孩子的情况会让一位母亲“小心谨慎(cautiously)”。52A.show off Bment aboutCfocus on Dagree with解析:选B作者的朋友接着评论那个小男孩看上去是多么好奇,而她自己的三个孩子在商店时也像他一样。ment about“评论”,符合语境。show off“炫耀”;focus on “集中(注意力)于”;agree with“同意”,都与语境不符。53A.group BschoolCend Dstore解析:选D根据后面的“pulling things off shelves”可知,此处是指孩子们都差不多,在商店(store)里会从架子上向下拿东西。54A.colors BsizesCdrinks Dchocolates解析:选A孩子们都会对商店里所有的美妙的颜色与包装感兴趣。故选A。55A.girl BboyCfriend Dbag解析:选B句意:现在那位妇女抱住了那个男孩,一抹羞涩的微笑出现在她的脸上。56A.Quickly BRegularlyCNormally DGently解析:选D句意:那位母亲轻轻地(gently)把男孩的头发从他的眼睛上拨开。根据生活常识可知,此时那位母亲对孩子很温柔。quickly“迅速地”;regularly“定期地”;normally“正常地”,都与语境不符。57A.wise BquietCyoung Dcurious解析:选D那位母亲认为小男孩的确很聪明很好奇,但是有时他会让她疲惫不堪。根据前一段中的“how curious”可知答案。58A.responded BcriedCcalled Dthought解析:选A对于那位母亲的烦恼,我的朋友充满同情地回应:“是呀,他们会那样,他们如此精力旺盛。”respond回应,符合语境。59A.humor BcourageCactivity Denergy解析:选D根据语境与生活常识可知,小孩子精力充沛。be full of energy为固定短语,意为“精力充沛”。60A.refused BhesitatedCnodded Dapplauded解析:选C对于朋友的说法,那位母亲赞同地点点头(nod)。refuse“拒绝”;hesitate“犹豫”;applaud“鼓掌”,都与语境不符。第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)“What would you do if you had only one day _61_ (leave) to live?”I asked this question to my young students when _62_ (teach) English this winter.“I would watch television!”“I would play with the puter” .My heart was hurt. I was too frightened _63_ (listen) to more answers like that.Ten years ago, _64_ their age, I had a diffe


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