2019-2020年语文版中职英语(基础模块 上册)Unit 9《Cultivation》word教案.doc

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Unit 9 Cultivation-Period1 Warming up and Reading教学目标设计Knowledge Aims: have fights with, lose ones temper, keep ones temper, the number of, a number of, not at all, be able to目标设定依据1.学情分析Students are new term here; they want to know how they friends feel and how they spend their holiday. So they have more interesting to learn this unit. Teacher should help learn this unit well.2.教材分析This period opens with a picture presenting the new function in real world setting. This article introduces the target language.1a. introducing the key vocabulary and the idea of making predictions1b. giving students practice in understanding the target sentences in practice重点难点1. Key words and expressions2. Translate the important sentences3. Get the students to learn different reading skills. 教学过程设计自学内容安排Step: Greeting to the students T: Good morning, class! Ss: Good morning, teacher!Step: Lead-in Warming up a. Think about the following questions:Q1:What will you do to make your friends smile and feel happy?Q2: Do you sometimes lose your temper when you are in trouble?Q3: How can you get on well with others?Ss can discuss these questions together. When they discuss they can speak in English or Chineseb. Teacher sum up the conclusions that Ss discussed. Then give them a proper answer and go into the picture.c. Teaching students the new sentences, new words and new expressions in the picture. Teacher reads, and students follow.Step: Review the greetings and leadin the reading Ask students the following questions so as to begin to focus students attention on the main topic of the reading passage. Q: What is your opinion of friendship?Step: a. Ask questions of the picture in the text, and then lead in the title of the reading Food for thought.Q1. Whats in the picture?Q2. Whats in the boys hands?Q3. What does the boy want to do?Q4. Why does he do like this? b. Listening to the text c. Have the class to read the passage loudly e. Then let the students answer the questionsStep V: Learn new words and expressionsa. Divide students into groups and ask them to read new words and expressions one anotherb. Learn key words by making up sentences 1. Food for thought2. He often had fights with friends.Have fight with 与某人打架3. every time he lost his temperE.g. Every time I saw him, he was reading a book.Lose ones temper 发脾气Keep ones temper 忍住脾气,心平气和E.g. you must learn to keep your temper, or you cant get on well with others.4. Then the number of nails became less and less in the following days. The number of 的数量E.g. Since then the number of wild animals has greatly increased. Little ,less, least less and less 越来越少In the following days 在接下来的日子里5. The boys discovered that it is easier to keep his temper than to drive the nails into the fence.Keep ones temper 控制脾气 ,不发脾气6. Finally the day came when the boy didnt lose his temper at all. Not at all 一点也不 。E.g. this question is not difficult at all.7. His father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence.Take somebody by the hand 抓着某人的手Lead。to 领某人到8. The fence will never be the same as it was before.Be the same as 与。相同E.g. Your classroom is the same as ours.9. When you say some words in anger, your bad temper will leave a scar just like a hole.In anger生气的E.g. She ran out of the classroom in anger.10. Even if you say you are sorry, the wound is still there.Even if /though 虽然尽管We like English even if it is rather difficult for us.11. They make you smile and happy.Make 使 让E.g. You must make him work better.Step: Reading aloud Play the tape of the passage for the students to listen to and followStep: Postreading Get the students to do the exercise in the reading prehension.Step: Consolidation and Homeworka. Book shuts. Get the students to retell the article and useful sentences.b. Homework1. Practice the greetings after class2. Try to retell the passage3. Finish off the related workbook exercises4. Use “there be” to describe your school!2019-2020年语文版中职英语(基础模块 上册)Unit 9Cultivationword教案Knowledge Aims: 1. Get the students to learn and grasp some important new words and expressions 2. Get the students to learn and grasp the sentential forms: The Present Continuous Tense(现在进行时), The Past Continuous Tense(过去进行时), The Present Perfect Tense(现在完成时)Emotion Aims: Get the students not to be afraid of grammar learning.目标设定依据学情分析Students often feel grammar very abstract and boring, so it is necessary to make theclass lively and interesting. Example sentences and grammar summary should becarefully designed so as to make it easy for students to understand and accept.教材分析This part introduces the target language and grammara. introduce the key grammar and idea of making predicationsb. give students practice for understanding the target grammar in practice.教学重难点1. useful words and expressions2. Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense(现在进行时), The Past Continuous Tense(过去进行时), The Present Perfect Tense(现在完成时)教学过程设计Step: Revisiona. Check the homework exerciseb. Have a dictation to write some important words and expressionsStep: a. Get the students to plete the following sentences with the correct form of the words or expressions in the box. b. Explain the problems the students meet while checking the answers.Step: Grammar现在进行时 The Present Continuous Tense1.时间:现在,此刻(now) 2.动作状态:正在进行3.动词变化:助动词 动词变化: 表时) 一单: 动词变化 助动词be(表时) 一单 am 表时 二/复:are 复 三单: 三单:is 实义动词(表态): ):V-ing:+ing去e+ing 实义动词(表态): : 两辅夹一元,双写最后一个字母+ing 两辅夹一元,双写最后一个字母4.句型变化: 句型变化: 句型变化 肯定句型: 肯定句型:主 + be + v-ing 否定句型: 主 + be + not + v-ing疑问句型:be + 主 + v-ing? ?E.g.: Listen! She is singing an English song. ! 听,她正在唱英语歌. Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park. 看这幅图,那些孩子正在公园放风筝. They are playing basketball now. 现在他们正在打篮球. We are waiting for you. 我们正等你呢. 我们正等你呢.过去进行时(The Past Continuous Tense)1. 时间:过去 2. 动作状态:正在进行3. 动词变化:助动词be: 一单 三单:was 一单/三单 三单: 动词变化:助动词 二/复:were 复 实义动词: 实义动词:V-ing4. 句型变化:肯定句:主 + was/were + v-ing 否定句:主 + was/were + not + v-ing疑问句:was/were + 主 + v-ing? ?e.g. I was doing my homework at 9 p.m. last night. 昨天晚上九点我在写作业.She was washing her clothes when her mother came in. 当她妈妈进来的时候,她正在洗衣服. We were watching TV from seven to nine last night. 昨天晚上七点到九点我们正在看电视. What were you doing this time yesterday? 昨天的这个时候你在干什么? 现在完成时( 现在完成时 The Present Perfect Tense)1. 时间:过去2. 动作状态:过去完成的动作对现在造成了影响或3. 动词变化:助动词:三单:has 动词变化:助动词:三单: 一单/二 复 一单 二/复:have 实义动词:V-过去分词4. 句型变化: 句型变化: 肯定句: 过去分词 肯定句:主 + has/have + v-过去分词 过去分词 否定句:主 + has/have + not + v-过去分词 疑问句:has/ have + 主 + v-过去分词eg: She has learnt English for 3 years. 她学英语已经三年了. They have lived here since 1990. 自从1990年起他们就住在这. She has already finished the work. 她已经完成了她的工作. Have you ever ridden a horse? 你曾经骑过马吗? I have stayed in Beijing for two years. 我在北京呆了两年了. Step: 1. Get students to fill in the blanks of Grammar Focus2. Check the answersStep V: Homeworka. Finish off the related workbook exercises b. Write down the sentences in language studyUnit 9 Cultivation- Period 3 prehensive language Skill Listening教学目标设计Knowledge Aims: 1.Get students to learn new words and expressions.2. Get students to know munication repairsAbility Aims: 1. Enable the students to listen and understand the listening materials2. Develop the students listening ability目标设定依据学情分析Through listening and exercise, students know munication repairs. In this way, students feel that they have ability to munication.教材分析This period opens with two pictures presenting the situation of greetings, introducing and leaving taking.重点难点1. Develop the students listening ability, especially listening to and understanding key words and speakers attention and attitude.教学过程设计Step: Revision Check the homework exerciseStep: a. Introduce the picture to the students. b. Let students to talk about the picture. c. Play the tape of the picture for the students then check the students answers. d. Get the students to scanning the second part of the listening. e. Play the tape of the passage for the students, let then listen to what they are talking about and fill in the missing words according to what they have heard. f. Listen to the tape and choose the polite and appropriate responsesStep: a. Check the answers. b. Play the tape again and let the students read after the tape. c. Ask the students read the whole passage.Step: Homework a. Finish off the workbook exercise. b. Write down the whole passage after class. Unit9. Cultivation-Period 4 Speaking, Reading and Writing教学目标设计Knowledge Aims: 1. Get the students learn some useful expressions about 2. Get the students to learn the English Alphabet well 3. Get the students to learn the abbreviations wellAbility Aims: 1. Develop the students speaking ability by making and acting 2. Develop the students writing ability 3. Get the students to learn to collect useful ideas and sentences by using the brainstorming way or making a poster.目标设定依据学情分析Students in this age are shy to open their mouths. So in this period should be placed on developing students speaking ability. Make sure that after learning this period, students are willing to speak English. For the poor learners, after this period learning, they could read and write the English Alphabet skillful and they could copy write a position.教材分析This period opens with a new function in real-world setting and copy write a po-sion It mainly introduces the basic oral English and the class situation.重点难点1. Develop the students speaking ability by making and acting dialogues.2. Enable the students to have ability to municate with others in English.3. Develop the students writing ability by making a brainstorming map and a poster.4. Get the students to learn to use connecting word and sentences properly to arrange sentences correctly教学内容安排Step: Revision1. Check the homework exercise2. Ask some students ro play the dialogue that learnt last classStep: Leadin The teacher can first ask students to give examples about some useful expressionsStep: Speakinga. Get the students to read the useful expressions on the page 74b. According to the useful sentences, teacher can ask students to read the sentences in the form. The group can have three or two people. Let the students act like in the real situation.c. Get the students to follow the given model and make a dialogue with their partners. The useful expressions above may help them.d. Ask the students read the model togethere. Teacher explain the dialogue for studentsf. Students make new dialoguesStep: Let the students fill the blanks with some information you have learned from the text “ Food for thought” to plete this short passage.(page74)Step: Summing up and Homeworka. useful words and expressionsb. new grammar item

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