2019-2020年高一英语冀教版必修1教案:Unit 3 Men and WomenDifferent Roles in Society(1).doc

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2019-2020年高一英语冀教版必修1教案:Unit 3 Men and WomenDifferent Roles in Society(1)一. 教学内容:Unit 3 (I)1. role n.(现实生活中)身份,作用, 任务,职责例句What is her role in the management? 在管理中她的身份是什么?The president plays an important role in the university. 校长在大学里起着重要的作用。What is the school role? 学校的职能是什么?(演员扮演的)角色例句The old actor played the leading role in the play. 那位老演员在这个剧里担任主角。 有用的短语: fill the role of 担负的任务例句 In the journey the local filled the role of guide. 在旅行中这个当地人担任向导的任务。play an important role in在中起重要作用例句Teaching method plays an important role in education. 教学法在教育中起着重要的作用。play the leading role起主要作用, 起带头作用例句 He always plays the leading role in every aspect. 他在各个方面总是起到带头作用。play the role of(sb.) (在剧中)扮演(某人)角色例句 In the film he plays the role of Chairman Mao. 在电影中他扮演毛主席。2. respect(1)n(与of, for连用)尊敬;尊重例句We should show respect to those who are older. 我们应该尊敬长者。The students have great respect for their history teacher.学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。They should do that without respect to race. 他们做那件事时不该有种族歧视。关心;注意例句The cruel mother pays no respect to her child.这位残酷的母亲对孩子漠不关心。(pl) 敬意;问候例句Give my respects to your wife. 请代我向你太太问好。(2)vt 尊敬;尊重例句Ill respect your wishes. 我尊重你的愿望。Usually people dont respect those who are too pliant.一般来说人们看不起那种唯命是从,唯唯诺诺的人。Respect yourself, or no one else will. 谚人必自敬, 然后人敬之。有用的短语:in respect of 关于;就来说 例句 In respect of terrorism, the US should be responsible for that.对于恐怖主义,美国是有责任的。without respect to不管;不考虑with respect to谈到,关于例句With respect to the recent flood, he became upset. 谈到最近的洪水,他很不安。give(send)ones respects to向致敬例句 Please send my respects to your family. 请代我向你家人问好。have respect for尊敬重,重视例句 We should have respect to the old. 我们应该尊重老者。out of respect for sb. 出于对某人的尊敬例句 We held a party out of respect for the famous scientist. 我们举行了一个晚会来向那位著名的科学家表示尊敬。词汇拓展:(1)respectful adj.恭敬的, 尊敬的, 尊重人的, 有礼貌的 例句We should learn to be respectful to the others. 我们应该学会尊重他人。(2)respectable adj. 可敬的,有名望的,高尚的,值得尊敬的例句He is a respectable teacher. 他是一位可敬的老师。 He is too respectable for my taste. 那个人太高雅了,我不喜欢。(3)respectability n. 可尊敬之人或物,可敬;可尊重;有名望例句As a teacher, he has much respectability. 作为老师,他很有名望。(4)respectfully adv.尊敬地,谦恭地例句Yours respectfully(=respectfully yours) 谨上,敬礼(用于致长者书信的结尾,作客套语)3. edge (1)n刀口,刃例句That knife has a sharp edge. 那把刀的刃口锋利。The knife has no edge.这刀子很钝。边,棱例句The edge of the plate was blue. 这盘子的边是蓝色的。The breaking waves had edges of foam.波浪边上带着泡沫。边缘例句He stood on the edge of the cliff. 他站在绝壁的边沿。(2)vt, vi 开刃;镶边 例句She edged the quilt with fanciful embroidery.她把棉被边缘镶上奇特的镶边。沿边慢慢移动 例句Edge your chair a little. 把你的椅子稍微挪动一下。Children edged themselves / their way to the front of the crowd to see the actors and actresses more clearly. 孩子们侧身挤到人群的前面想更清楚地看看演员们。有用的短语:have the edge on 比强 例句 He had on the edge on the others at chess. 他在棋艺方面比他人强。on edge 紧张不安 例句 Before the interview, she kept on edge. 在面试之前她一直紧张不安。et sb.s teeth on edge 使生气例句 The naughty boy often sets his fathers teeth on edge. 那淘气的男孩经常使他的父亲生气。on the edge of 在边缘上;快要,眼看例句 The two countries are now on the edge of war. 这两个国家的战争一触即发。The pany was once on the edge of bankruptcy owing to the bad management.这个公司由于经营不善一度处于破产的边缘。edge with 用加上边例句 He edged the garden path with plant. 他在花园小路两边种植花木。edge sb. on 怂恿煽动某人例句 The bad fellow often edged children on stealing. 那个坏家伙经常怂恿孩子偷窃。4. fix(1)vt, vi使固定;钉牢例句He fixed a picture to the wall. 他往墙上贴了张画。Fix bayonets! 上刺刀!确定;决定例句The hours and the places of the meetings will be fixed at the chairmans discretion.开会的时间和地点将由主席决定。准备;安排例句Let me fix you a drink!让我给你倒杯饮料。We must fix Uncle Fox up with a room in the hotel.我们必须为福克斯大叔在旅馆里安排一个房间。If you want to meet the director, I can fix it. 如果你想会见董事,我可以安排。修理例句I asked the boy to fix the bicycle. 我请这个小伙子修自行车。拉拢,收买,贿赂;报复;处罚例句Can they fix the judge? 他们能买通法官吗? Ill fix George. 我来对付乔治。Ill fix him for calling me a swindler! 他骂我是个骗子,我要和他算帐!使(颜色)不变;摄定影 例句 The photo needs a certain period to fix. 照片需要一定的时间定影。(2)n解决,修复用于修理或修复的东西;例句There is no easy fix for an intractable problem. 没有简单的办法解决难题。定位;方位例句A briefing that gave us a fix on the current situation. 简报让我们对目前形势有一个明确的看法。有用的短语:(1)fix on决定例句Weve fixed on the 14th of April for the wedding. 我们决定4月14日结婚。 Weve fixed on starting tomorrow. 我们已决定明天动身。专注;凝视 例句Thousands of eyes are fixed on the Tian An Men rostrum.千万双眼睛仰望着天安门城楼。(2)fix up 安排例句We can fix you up for the night. 我们可以给你安排今晚的住处。(3)be in a (pretty) fix 束手无策, 进退两难 例句The lazy students are often in a pretty fix in study.那个懒惰的学生在学习中经常陷入进退两难的境地。(4)get oneself into a bad fix 陷入困境 例句In the dark he lost his way, that is, he got himself into a bad fix. 黑暗中他迷了路,那也就是陷入了困境之中。5. besides (1)prep 除以外例句Besides milk and cheese, we need vegetables. 除了牛奶和干酪外,我们还需要蔬菜。 (2)adv 此外;而且例句I dont want to e out now, and besides, I must work. 我现在不想出去,而且我还得工作。He gave me a book, a pen and some money besides.他给我一本书,一支钢笔,此外还给一些钱。词汇拓展:beside (1)prep. 在旁边;在附近;与相比;离开;在之外;与无关例句Beside yours our achievement counts for little.与你们的成就比较起来,我们的算不了什么。His argument is beside the subject. 他的议论离开主题了。He has no money beside this. 他除此之外没有钱了。(2)adv. 在旁边例句The ladies rode in the carriage and we ran along beside.女士们乘坐马车,我们则跟在车旁跑。有用的短语:beside oneself不知所措;精神错乱,为某事而忘形例句At the unexpected news he stood there beside himself.听到这个意外的消息,他站在那里不知所措。6. suitable adj. 适合的,适当的;相配的(to,for)例句These are books suitable for children. 适合儿童阅读的书籍。This wine is not suitable to my taste. 这酒不合我的胃口。词汇拓展:suitability n. 适合性,适应性,适合,相配 例句 The Chinese medicine needs suitability in treatment.中药在治疗中讲究适应性。 7. relax vt, vi放松;缓和,减轻例句Dont worry about it, just try to relax. 不要为这事担心,放松些。 松弛例句His muscles relaxed. 他的肌肉松弛下来了。 松懈;减少例句Dont relax your efforts. 你不要松懈下来。词汇拓展:relaxant adj.弛缓的 n.弛缓药relaxation n.松弛,放宽,缓和,减轻,娱乐例句He often played golf for relaxation. 他经常打高尔夫球作为消遣。8. concern(1)vt关于;对有关系例句Attend to what concerns you. 注意与你有关的事物。影响;关系例句This concerns us deeply. 这事对我们关系极大。This concerns the healthy growth of the children deeply. 这事对孩子们的健康成长关系极大。担心;担忧;挂念 例句Were rather concerned about fathers health. 我们相当担心父亲的健康。(常与with, about, in连用)关心;关照例句 She would like to concern oneself with public work. 她乐意关心公众事务。 Were rather concerned about fathers health. 我们相当担心父亲的健康。(2)n有利害关系;所关切的事例句Its no concern of mine. 这事与我无关。The managing directors only concern was how to improve the quality of their products.总经理心里想的全是如何提高产品质量。关心;关怀;关照例句There is no nurses concern for a sick man in that area. 在那个地方护士对病人没有关心。担心;担忧例句She showed great concern about you. 她很为你担心。 公司;商行例句Our concern only makes shoes for children. 本公司专做童鞋。有用的短语:be concerned about 关心 例句 I am very concerned about her. 我非常挂念她。be concerned over/at sth. 为某事忧虑 例句 He is always concerned over his sons future. 他总是为他儿子的前程担忧。be concerned in sth.和某事有牵连 例句 The driver was concerned in the accident so he kept silent all the time. 司机和这次车祸有瓜葛,所以他一直保持沉默。be concerned with 牵涉到, 与有关, 参与例句 What he said at the meeting was concerned with what he had been against.他在会上的发言与他一致反对的东西有关。feel concern about 忧虑,挂念 例句 Dont feel concerned about the result. Just try! 只管努力,不要担心结果。have no concern with和毫无关系例句 After he left the pany, he had no concern with it in any case.他离开了公司以后,就与其没有任何联系了。9. suppose(1)vt(常与that连用)认定;猜想例句What do you suppose you will do after school? 你放学后想什么? Suppose a pany has a new breakfast cereal that it wants to sell.假设有个公司想出售一种新的早餐麦片粥。应该;准;允许例句We are not supposed to play football on Sundays. 不准我们在星期日踢足球。(2)n. 想象; 推测例句the wildest suppose 最荒唐的想象有用的短语:be supposed to (do) 被期望或要求;应该(用于否定句中)不被许可 例句 Youre supposed to be my friend. 我把你看成是我的朋友。We are not supposed to smoke here. 我们在这儿不能抽烟。let it be supposed that 假定 例句 Lets suppose (that) the news is true. 让我们假定这消息是真的。suppose that/ supposing that假定例句 Suppose we win the lottery. 假定我们赢了彩票。Suppose we dine together. 让我们一块儿吃饭吧。词汇拓展:supposedly adv. 想象上,按照推测例句He was supposedly an American. 人们猜想他是个美国人。supposition n. 假定,想象,推测,推想例句We mustnt condemn him on mere suppositions. 我们不可全凭臆测来指责他。10. scream(1)n尖叫声;嚎叫声,吼叫声 例句 The girls scream in the lift sounded weak in the hall.那女孩在电梯的尖叫声在大厅里听起来很微弱。滑稽可笑的人;可笑的事物;令人捧腹的笑话例句He was a perfect scream. 他是极其可笑的。(2)vt尖叫;嚎叫例句 She screamed with fear. 她害怕地尖叫起来。 厉声说;放声大笑;高声喊道例句 Stop screaming, we can hear you. 别高声大叫,我们可以听到你的话。11. wave(1)vi, vt飘扬;摇摆 ;(常与to连用)招手,挥手(致意)例句 He waved desperately to his panion. 他绝望地向他的伙伴挥了挥手。She waved her hand to say good-bye. 她挥手告别。 卷(头发)例句 Her hair waves naturally. 她的头发卷得很自然。(2)n波浪 例句 It is difficult to sail against the wave. 逆水行舟不容易。(手的)挥动例句 She gave a wave as she left the house. 她离开家时挥了挥手。(头发的)波浪形;(情绪)波动,高潮 例句 The Europeans usually have wave hair.欧洲人一般都头发弯曲。波例句 The student knew nothing about radio waves.那个学生对无线电波一无所知。有用的短语:brain wave突如其来的灵感; 巧妙的主意例句 The famous writer often had brain waves in thought.那位著名的作家在思考中常有灵感的火花迸出。make waves 兴风作浪; 制造纠纷例句 The criminal often made waves in the street.犯罪分子常常在街上制造纠纷。wave aside 对置之不理例句 The boss seldom waves the demands of the employees aside.老板很少对雇员的要求置之不理。wave away off挥手告别;挥手使离去;谢绝,拒绝例句 When the clerk entered the office, the boss waved him away.职员进入办公室的时候,老板挥手示意让他离开。12. insist vi, vt(常与on, that连用)主张;坚持例句 He insisted on the importance of being punctual to the students. 他向学生们强调遵守时间的重要。 We insist on / upon self-reliance. 我们坚持自力更生。坚持要求例句I insist on your being there. 我坚持要你在那里。We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work.大家都坚决要求不完工就不休息。有用的短语:insist on v.坚持,坚决要求 The boy insisted on being served with a cake. 那孩子坚决要求吃蛋糕。词汇拓展:insistence n.坚持,坚决主张例句 Because of his insistence, we had to return to the old temple together.由于他的极力主张,我们又一起回到了那座古庙。insistent adj.坚持不懈的例句I went to her birthday party at her insistent request.在她的一再要求之下我参加了她的生日晚会。13. fairly adv.公正地例句He told the facts fairly. 他实事求是地叙述这些事实。 相当;尚可例句She paints fairly well. 她画得相当好。The speaker seems to be fairly apprised of the situation in the Far East.报告人似乎对中东局势相当熟悉。She speaks Spanish fairly well.她的西班牙语说得相当好。完全地;全然地例句He was fairly beside himself with joy.他欣喜若狂。词汇拓展:fair(1)adj.美丽的,女性的,(肤色)白皙的,(头发)金黄的,干净的,公平的,(天气)晴朗的例句I have made you a fair copy of the report. 我已为你准备好一份誊清的报告。English people usually have fair skin. 英国人通常是白皮肤。(2)adv.公平地, 公正地, 直接地, 清楚地例句There must be fair play whatever the petition is.不管是什么样的竞赛都必须公平合理。(3)n.美好的事物, 美人, 展览会, 市集如a book fair 书展a worlds fair世界博览会(4)vi.转晴14. demand(1)n要求;请求例句Ives listened to the workers demand for more money. 艾夫斯听着工人们要争取更多钱的要求。 需求;需要例句It is impossible to satisfy all demands. 有求必应是不可能的。Teachers are in demand in this area. 在这个地区很需要教师。(2)vt要求demand an apology from sb. 要求某人道歉 I demand that John (should) go there at once.我要约翰马上去那儿。急需;迫切需要This work demands your attention. 这工作急需你去做。The house demands repairing(to be repaired). 这房子需要修。有用的短语:in (great) demand需要量很大;许多人都需要例句 Such books are in great demand.这种书需要量很大。15. right (1)adj公正的;正直的 例句 We should do the right things by the law. 我们要按法律做正义的事情。正确的;真正的例句He gave us the right answer .他做出了正确的回答。She was right! It was upside-down!她说得对!是挂倒了!右边的;右方的例句That was a right turn at the corner. 在拐角处那是个右转弯。(2)adv直接地例句Look me right in the eye. 正视着我。靠右地;向右地例句Turn right at the corner. 在拐角处向右转。一直地;照直地如go right back to the beginning 一直回到开头的地方I read right to the end of the book. 我一口气把这本书看完了。(3)n正义;公正 权利例句We must work for equal rights for everyone. 我们必须为每个人争取同等的权利。右边;右方例句Keep to the right! 靠右!The school is on the left of the road, and his house is on the right. 学校在马路的左边,他家在(马路的)右边。(4)vt扶正,纠正,使处于正常位置例句The cat righted itself during the fall, and landed on its feet. 猫掉下时摆正身子,然后四爪着地。有用的短语:by rights按理;照理说 例句He made a wonderful speech at the conference by rights.照理说他在研讨会上作了一个很好的发言。put to rights修正;整顿例句This medicine will soon put you to rights. 这药很快就能使你复原。 16. providevt, vi供应;供给例句They provide us with food. 他们供给我们食物。We provided food for the hungry children. 我们为饥饿的孩子们提供食物。预约;规定例句It is provided in the contract that the work should be acplished within a year. 契约上规定这项工作必须在一年内完成。The law provides that the government must preserve valuable ancient buildings.法律规定珍贵的古代建筑物必须由政府加以保护。(常与for, against连用)预防,防范 例句Its wise to save some money and provide for the future.积蓄点钱,为将来使用作些准备是明智的。17. publishvt.出版;发行例句This pany publishes childrens books. 这个公司出版儿童书籍。 公开;发表例句News of the generals sudden death was not published for several days.那个将军突然死亡的消息有好几天没有公布。词汇拓展:publishableadj.可发表的例句He has wrote a lot of articles but there are no publishable ones.他写了好多文章,可是没有可以发表的。publishern.出版者,发行人publishing pany出版社18. replace vt.放回原处例句When you have finished using the axe, please replace it. 当你用完斧子时,请放回原处。取代;代替例句George replaced Edward as captain. 乔治接任爱德华当队长。代替,取代(by, with);接替,替换例句We have replaced coal by with gas我们已用煤气代替煤作燃料。19. force(1)n力,力量例句You must use force to open that bottle. 你必须用力打开那个瓶子。There is force in what he said.他的话有说服力。暴力例句The thief took the money from the old man by force. 小偷用暴力夺走了老人的钱。物力例句The force of gravity makes things fall to earth.地心引力使物体落向地面。武装力量例句The air force is one of the armed forces.空军是武装部队的一种。(2)vt强制;迫使例句Its not proper to force your idea upon others.把自己的想法强加于人是不恰当的。勉强做出例句He forced a laughter at the bad news. 听到这个坏消息他强颜欢笑。有用的短语:be forced into被迫例句The enemy was forced into grounding their arms. 敌人被迫放下武器。by force用暴力; 强迫地例句The police made the thief bring out the treasure by force. 警察迫使小偷拿出了珠宝。with force and arms用武力例句The Japanese soldiers were driven out with force and arms.那些日本士兵被用武力驱赶出去了。e into force生效, 实行例句The new program has e into force. 新的程序已经生效。20. immediately(1)adv. 立即;即刻例句She came immediately. 她立刻就来了。(2)conj.马上;直接地(=as soon as)一就例句They phoned immediately they reached home.他们到家后马上打了电话。21. appoint vt.任命;委派例句We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school.我们必须立即委派一名新教师到那山村小学去。He was appointed mayor of the city.他被任命为市长。(常与for连用)指定;约定例句The manager appointed a time for a meeting. 经理指定了开会的时间。They appointed a place to exchange stamps.他们约定一个地方交换邮票。词汇拓展:appointment n约定(会面时间或地点)例句I made an appointment to see the doctor. 我约定好时间去看医生。职位例句He got the appointment of a chairman in the mittee. 他在委员会中获得了主席职位。The businessman often fixes an appointment with managers.商人经常与经理约会。22. judge(1)n法官;审判员 例句In the court, he works as a judge. 他在法院当法官。鉴定人;鉴赏家例句Im no judge of music. 我对音乐是外行。Shes a good judge of wine.她是鉴别酒的专家。体裁判例句In the match the judge was not just.在比赛中裁判不公正。(2)vt, vi审判;审理 例句Who will judge the next case?谁将审理下个案子?裁决;裁判例句Whos judging the races? 谁是比赛的裁判? 评论;评判;判断例句Can you judge which shoes are best? 你能鉴定哪双鞋子最好吗?Dont judge by appearances.人不可以貌相取人。短语讲解1. hang out晒晾,挂出去She hung out the washing in the yard.她在院子里晾出了洗的衣服。居住;停留He hangs out in an old house. 他住在一所旧房子里。坚持,维持 The fine weather will hold out for at least 3 days. 这个好天气至少还要持续三天。短语拓展:hang vt, vi 悬挂,吊I hung my coat (up) on a hook. 我把外套挂在挂钩上。悬挂着The decision is still hanging.尚未作出决定。短语扩展:hang about闲待着,终日无所事事 ;闲荡;缓缓行走He hung about outside my house. 他在我家房子外面转悠。hang back畏缩不前,退缩We hung back in fear.我们都吓得畏缩不前。hang on紧握着Hang on to the strap. The bus is starting. 抓住皮带,汽车要开动了。hang up 挂,悬;挂断电话Hang your coat up. 把你的上衣挂起来。 2. pick off掐下, 摘下(花朵、水果等) She picked off an apple in the garden freely. 她随手在花园里摘了个苹果。逐个地瞄准打死 The criminals were picked off one by one. 罪犯们被一个个打死。短语拓展:pick on选择 Why pick on me? 为什么偏偏挑中我? pick up 捡起;改良;进步;增加;加速;获得;收听My radio can pick up France. 我的收音机可收听法国广播。 pick out 摘出,剔出;挖出;啄出;挑出,拣 pick up with 认识,结识 pick ones way 小心往前走3. stop from 阻止 (= prevent from; keep from from不可省略)We should do something to stop our earth from pollution. 我们应该采取措施阻止我们的地球受到污染。 The government did nothing to stop the factories giving off poisonous smoke. 政府没有采取措施来制止工厂排放有毒气体。短语拓展:stop at nothing 什么也做得出;不择手段;肆无忌惮;勇往直前stop away (from)未来参加stop behind留下(暂时不走)stop by 美顺便到(某处)访问stop clod 美口使呆住stop down 等候;留在某人家里吃、喝stop in顺便访问某人;呆在家里,不出门;关(在)学校不准回家stop off中途停留;中途下一下车;用砂填塞;英口进监牢stop out美遮避(风,日光等);呆在屋外,外宿;继续罢工;中途退学4. in general 一般地;大体上;通常 (= generally)I like games in general, and especially football. 各种运动我一般都喜欢,尤其是足球。 I am glad to find myself in general accord with your opinions.我很高兴地发现我的意见与你的看法基本一致。(= as a general rule) 大都;多半;一般而言People in general like her. 大家一般都喜欢她。5. make sense 有意义;意思清楚;有道理 What he said at the meeting made no sense at all. 他在会议上所言毫无意义。短语拓展:make sense of 理解;懂;明白 no sense in没道理have no sense of shame 无羞耻心, 毫不知耻e to ones senses恢复理性, 苏醒frighten scare sb. out of his senses 吓得某人魂不附体in some sense 在某种意义上lose ones sense 昏过去; 发疯; 失去理性6. as well as conj. 既又He is really courageous as well as strong.他的确既健康又勇敢。prep. 都The editors as well as the proofreaders are working overtime.编辑和校对者都在加班工作。短语拓展:as good as 和一样好;几乎和一样The manager as good as refused your demand. 经理几乎回绝了你一样。as far as 远达;就而论;依看来As far as I know, she is a diligent student. 依我看,她是一个勤奋的学生。as long as 长达;只要You can realize your dream as long as you work hard. 只要你努力,你会实现你的梦想。7. run for v.竞选,赶快去请;逃跑The famous actor ran for the governor and he got a great success. 那位名演员竞选州长大获全胜。短语拓展:run into v.跑进,撞上,偶遇,陷入,达到 run in v.跑进,顺便探访,插入,拘留,使不间断,试车,使当选 run into debt 负债8. call for需要;要求;值得:They tried to call for bid but failed.他们想招标可是没有成功。The occasion calls for a cool head.这种场合需要冷静的头脑。短语拓展:call after 依名字而命名;追呼其后call at 访问;拜访;停泊call away 请到别的地方;分心;改变思想等call back 召回;收回;取消;撤销;回想,回忆;回电话call off 取消;叫走;使转移call on 拜访;要求,请求,招致;指名call out 大声喊叫;召集;命令(工人)罢工;使跃出;向挑战;要求和决斗call out at对某人高声叫喊call over点名call over to美打电话给疑难辨析1. fix, settle, establish这组同义词的一般含义是使某人某物稳定、固定下来(1)fix特别强调使某物在位置、状态或特征方面固定下来Her eyes were fixed on her plate她的两个眼睛盯着盘子(2)settle的含义是使某人某物安定下来He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country. 他常想在英国过退休生活,并打算在这个国家定居下来。The dust has now settled. 灰尘现在已经平定了。The weather has settled at last. 天气终于稳定下来了。(3)establish的原来含义也是使位置固定,但常常表示使确立,使存在It is a newly planted tree and it has not established yet. 这是一棵新栽的树,还没有扎下根来。2. besides 和except 都含“除外”的意思。(1)besides指“除外,另外还有”,着重“另外还有”,如:I have five other books besides this.除这本以外,我还有五本别的书。(2)except的含意是“从整体里减去一部分”,因为“所说的道理或事实不能适用于那部分”,着重于“排除在外”,如:We all went there except Xiao Li. 除了小李以外,我们都到那儿去了。3. fit suitable proper appropriate 都含“适合的、适当的”意思。fit系常用词, 指 “能适合某些条件、环境、目的或要求的”,有“吻合的”含义, 如:The dress is not fit to wear.这衣服不适合穿。suitable指“符合某时或某一环境下的要求或需要的”,如:The shoes are suitable to travel.这鞋适用于旅行。proper指“正当的”、“正确的”,如:Fill in the blanks with proper words.用适当的词填空。appropriate指“恰如其分的”,比fit和suitable 有更强的正面意义,如:His quotation from Shakespeare is appropriate.他引用莎士比亚的话是恰如其分的。4. wave ripple roller breaker 都含“波浪”的意思。wave系常用词, 指“任何形式的波浪”,尤指“海浪”,如:Waves urge waves.后浪推前浪。ripple指“细浪”、“涟漪”,如:Throw a stone into still water and watch the ripples spread in rings.投石入静水中, 看到微波荡漾成圈。roller指“起伏的巨浪”、“大浪”,如:Huge rollers broke on the beach. 巨浪拍打着海滩。

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