2019-2020年高一英语M1 U2 Reading I导学案 牛津译林版.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语M1 U2 Reading I导学案 牛津译林版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高一英语M1 U2 Reading I导学案 牛津译林版Class: Group: No._ Name: 【使用说明与学法指导】课前先预习课文,掌握文章大意,完成相关预习题。将预习中不明白的地方用红笔标出,待课上解决。课堂上15分钟自学课文,独立完成Task1,Task2,Task3.规范书写。(写好后熟读课文)小组合作探究10分钟,尽可能解决所遇问题。(仍有问题的提出来,其它小组帮助解决,老师给予必要的点拨)当堂检测 【Learning goals】1. To prehend the passage thoroughly and get the main idea2. To learn to catch the detailed information by self-directed study and cooperation.3. To know the way of reading a play and learn to act out a play.【课前预习,静学深思】1. 完成金太阳导学案P37 背景材料阅读练习2. 阅读课本P23 Reading strategy 回答问题 When we read a play , what should we pay attention to?_3. 主旨大义归纳 Whats the main idea of the article? ( 不超过30个词)_ 4. 运用阅读策略阅读课文, 完成金太阳导学案P38 基础学习交流练习【课内探究,携手共行】Task 1: 完成金太阳导学案P38阅读理解探究I.Fast reading; II.Careful reading 练习。Task 2: 完成课课练P37 二、表格填空Task 3: plete the diagram according to the context of the passage.Dad and Mom e back a day (1)_ than expected.The house is in a (2)_. The dog looks tired and (3)_. The money left to buy dog (4)_ is gone. Dad and Mom blame Daniel for his laziness, bad (5)_.Daniel is angry. He runs into his room and (6)_ the door.Eric enters the room and advises his (7)_ to tell the parents the truth.The truth is that Spot, the dog was (8)_ and the brothers used the money to take it to vet, thus they had no time to clean the house.Dad decides to (9)_ Daniel for his being (10)_ to them in spite of Moms suggestions.【活学活用,当堂检测】回答老师课件上的问题【课后拓展,能力提升】1. 分角色朗读课文2. 分角色表演剧本

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