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2019年小学英语六年级下册一般过去时复习课教案xiao教学内容与目标:1、复习三四单元过去式的单词及四会句子。2、掌握动词过去式的变化规则以及正确运用一般过去时2、通过谈论“the goats”培养学生热爱生活的积极情感,合理安排生活、正确娱乐休闲的生活态度。教学重点、难点:能灵活运用动词过去式谈论过去发生的事情。一、热身活动1.Enjoy chanting.(P26.P41两部分合并)2.Free talk.T: Hello! I am Miss Li. I often play games to relax myself on the weekend. What about you? What do you often do on the weekend? 师生问好,回答问题。热身,引出话题.。S1: I often play football on the weekend.T: I like holidays.It can make me feel happy.Do you like holidays?Ss:T:What do you often do on your holiday? S2:I often on my holiday.T:What does he often do on his holiday?Ss: He often (在副板书上板书:I often play football on the weekend. He often on the holiday.)二、故事引入再现知识点1.布置任务,过第一关。T: We often do many interesting things to relax ourselves, to make ourselves happy. Today our friends -the goats were caught by the big bad wolf. Lets rescue(营救)the goats.(板书rescue(营救)the goats ) we should pass the 5 tasks to find the pass word of the room. Are you ready? Lets go! Task 1:找出过去式的动词2.记录首个pass word,再过第二关。Task 2:找出过去时的时间3.记录第二个pass word,勇闯第三关。Task 3:看图问答4.记录第三个pass word,勇闯第四关。Task 4:摘苹果:找出下列动词的过去式形式并归纳动词过去式的变化规则5.记录第四个pass word,勇闯第五关。Task 5:运用一般疑问句、特殊疑问句谈谈你的上一次旅程6. 记录第五个pass word,解救小羊们。 T: The goats came out. They want to take a trip. Can you give them some suggestions? Lets read. After listening, the goats want to take the trip with you. 三、小结。1.总结知识。齐读句子和词组。2.总结如何过有意义的假期和周末。We like weekends and holidays. We have a lot of fun on the weekends and holiday. We learn how to make our weekend/holiday corlourful and interesting. We are studying, we are happy. Homework:Write a short position about your last trip. 写一篇英语作文,说说你的上一次旅行。板书设计Rescue(营救)the goats (my weekend/holiday)What did you do last weekend/on your holiday?I _(板书-ed的短语)_(板书不规则动词的短语) Where did you go on your holiday? I went to How did you go there? I went

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