2019-2020年新人教版英语高二下Module 8《Unit 3 Inventors and inventions》word学案.doc

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Book 8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions2019-2020年新人教版英语高二下Module 8Unit 3 Inventors and inventionsword学案内容简析本节课的内容是人民教育出版社出版的NSE高中教材选修8第3单元的Pre-reading, Reading, prehension 部分,本单元的话题是发明家与发明。本节课是单元的阅读课,教材以记叙文的文体呈现,讲述一个女孩如何通过多次尝试最后成功的把母亲院子的一窝蛇捉住并放归大自然,她的捕蛇技术申请了发明专利。教师可在充分利用教材资源的基础上,结合学生的实际情况设计教学活动,旨在帮助学生有效地掌握阅读技巧,形成有效地学习方法和阅读策略,同时了解记叙文篇章结构和写作特点,同时,也让同学们了解申请了发明专利的一些信息。目标聚焦一、知识目标1、初步理解、掌握课文中关于发明家与发明方面的词语,学习分析课文中的长难句子,初步感知课文中出现的的本单元要学的语法现象。2、利用已获取的信息发表自己对发明问题看法和了解申请了发明专利的标准。二、技能目标1、能理解文章主旨大意,获取信息、处理信息、进行推理判断和表达的能力。 2、形成分析篇章结构的能力,提升逻辑思维能力3、学会总结故事体裁文章主题的方法。三、策略目标1、通过图片和标题预测文章内容;运用略读和找读策略迅速获取信息,并能够精读文章获取信息和分析信息。 2、能利用上下文猜测生词词义。(四)情感态度目告诉学生不要害怕失败,失败是成功之母。方法运用1、整体教学法2、体裁教学法 3、导、读、练的教学模式 学习流程Before class (课前自主学习,合作探究)Task 1 Vocabulary(词汇预习)Preview the new words of this text.【设计意图】通过预习词汇为下一步的阅读扫清生词障碍。Task 2 Warming up(热身)Please look at the three pictures in the textbook, and read the questions on P19and answer or discuss:1.What is a discovery?2. What is an invention? 3. What are the important inventions of the 20th century? Then explain how they changed peoples lives.【设计意图】通过图片激发学生兴趣,引出本单元的话题:发明家与发明,为后面的阅读做铺垫,帮助学生顺利完成阅读部分。Task 3 Work out a suitable order in pre-reading.Task 4 Read the text and try to Exx1,2 in prehending Task 5 Read the text and try to find out the difficult and charming sentences and then try to analyze or memorize them.【设计意图】通过让学生课前自己找出难句、典句并试着分析和欣赏,培养学生主动发现问题问题和解决问题的能力,同时为课上的研读环节作了充分的铺垫。In class(课上交流展示、研讨提升)Step 1 Check-up and lead in(展示预习成果和导入新课)1. Get two memebers of different groups to e to the Bb and check up their prevision tasks, one group to do the following task:Speak out the English words and expressions according to the Chinese meanings.A._ 专利证书;专利权B._ 显示的差别;使有所不同C._ 产品D._ 粉末;火药E._ 无锈的;没有污点的F._ 突然的;意外的G._ 便利的;方便的H._ 小心;谨慎I. _ 抓住;捉住J. _标准;尺度K. _有效的;确凿的The other group is to report their prevision of the warming-up part.L. A discovery is an activity which can be protected by using _.M. An invention is an activity which can be recognized and protected by getting _.【设计意图】该环节的设计意图是检查学生对前两个课前预习任务的完成情况。2. Get the Ss to look at the pictures and the title of the reading passage and predict the content and then lead into the new lesson.【设计意图】通过看图片和标题对课文内容进行预测,培养学生预测阅读内容的能力。同时通过预测激起进一步探究的好奇心,顺理成章的引入新课。Step 2 Fast reading(速读)1. Read the passage quickly and find out the answers of these questions, using skimming and scanning skills. 1) What was the mother upset about?2) Why was the writer happy to help her mother ? 3)Why did cooling the snakes make them less active? 2. Then guide the students to discuss what the advantages might be of getting a patent: :【设计意图】通过设计三个问题引导学生运用略读策略快速了解课文的主要内容,并检查读前预测是否正确;考虑到学生归纳概括的能力比较薄弱,采用提问和讨论的形式给予学生帮助,可以降低难度,同时通过讨论,让学生从发明产生的过程到专利权的申请熟悉所学内容。 Step 3 Careful reading (细读)Read for the general ideas.a) Paragraph1: find a problem b) Paragraph2: _c) Paragraph _: think of a creative solution d) Paragraph _: test the solution several timese) Paragraph7: _ 【设计意图】让学生归纳每段段意,提供具体信息,旨在帮助学生把握课文要点,学会总结和归纳课文内容。让学生在完全掌握课文内容和结构的基础上,可以顺利进行下一步的研读。Step 4 Study-reading1. Deal with Task 5 in Before class2. Read the text again, find out the sentences and analyse them.1)Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something that would catch snakes but not harm them.译:_.本句中有个完全倒装句,是:_,其中,distinguish myself意为:_。 2) The first thing I tried to do was to see if there were products that might help me. 译:_.本句是由_ 引导的条件状语从句,主句中to see 做_。而从句含有一个_从句,其先行词是_。3) This was in the expectation that the snakes would bite again.译:_.(1) 本句中that从句是一个_从句,其先行词是expectation。Expectation 为名词意为预料;期待。例如:今晚预计无雪。译:_.4) Find out the sentences in the text which have similar meanings with the following ones.(1) You cant say you are truly an inventor unless you had that recognition._.(2)Youll know if I receive a patent by check my bank balance._.5)Change the sentences according to the suggestion.(1)The criteria are very strict. It is not easy tfor new ideas to be accepted.(用sothat连成句子)_(2)Nor will you receive a patent until a research has been made to find out youre your product really is different from everybody elses.(改成强调句式) _【设计意图】通过研读,让学生学会分析相关的长难句,彻底扫清所有的语言障碍,完成相关的知识目标,同时也是为下一步的读后任务做好必要的语言知识积累和语言障碍清除。Step 5 Post-reading1. Read the passage carefully and match the meaning of the words and expressions using the context.(1)The word “approach ” in the second paragraph can be replaced by_. A. arrival B. method C. movement D. requestThe habitat to an animal or plant is what the _to us humans.A. home B. house C. village D. farmThe word “abruptly” in the sentence “They abruptly disappeared into a convenient hole in the wall.” means_ .A. fast B. quickly C. suddenly and unexpectedly D. pletelyThe word “released” in the last sentence of the sixth paragraph means_. A. returned B. relaxed C. dismissed D. set free“ unless they are truly novel” .What does the word “novel” mean? A. strange B. unique C. new and unusual D. special2. Group-discussionDiscuss the following questions:Do you think inventions are important to humans lives?What do you want to invent and how you suppose it change people lives?【设计意图】故事复述旨在让学生熟悉故事体裁文章的写法,加深对故事内容的理解,练习口头表达能力;在学生理解了文章的主旨大意,把握了文章的相关细节信息,并进行了深入理解后,再对信息进行再整合,根据自己对文章的理解概括全文的主要内容。而通过Group-discussion的讨论加深了学生对文章主旨的深入体会,既实现了有语言输入到语言输出的跨越。 After class(课后巩固提高、预习准备)1.以为题Life in the future,写一段话。【设计意图】课后以写作任务形式进行话题的延伸,可以进一步训练学生运用本节课掌握的语言知识和相关信息发表自己看法、实现语言输出、解决实际问题的能力。教学反思本节课的设计最大的特点是充分考虑了选修教材的阅读教学的特点,既注重语言知识的积累,又注重熟练掌握各种阅读技能的特点,从训练高效的阅读策略,使用恰当的阅读技能入手,同时为激发学生的探究欲望和阅读兴趣设置了由浅入深,层层推进的任务型阅读的教学模式。同时为适应当前素质教育的深入推进的要求和出于对英语课堂教学和英语学习大面积提升和促进的要求,为鼓励学生主动学习,积极学习,我们采取了课前课中课后的这样一种阅读课教学模式,课前自主学习,合作探究;课上交流展示、研讨提升;课后巩固提高、预习准备,我们希望通过这样的课堂设计过程,通过老师所创设的这样一个教学流程和情境,让学生通过自己的探索、研究,解决问题、获取知识。从而真正达到学生自主学习、合作学习、探究学习、积极学习的目的。另一个特点是教学环节的设计层次分明,衔接流畅自然。整个的教学活动清楚地划分成读前、读中、读后3各阶段,并且,每个阶段的设计思路明确,读前活动体现背景知识的激活和语言准备,读中活动突出阅读技能、阅读策略的训练,读后活动指向语言的应用和话题的拓展。整个环节的设计由浅入深,由表及里,层层深入,步步为营,使阅读活动从整体到部分最后回到整体,理解的层次也由读懂到读深最终到读透。参考答案Before class(略)In classStep 1 Check-up and lead in1. A. patent B. distinguish C. product D. powder E. stainless F. abrupt G. convenient H. caution I. seize J. criterion K. valid L. copyright M. a patentStep 2 Fast reading(速读) (略)Step 3 Careful readingb) do research c) 3 d) 4,5,6 e) apply for a patentStep 4 Study-reading1). 这回我有机会来表现一下自己了,我要发明某种东西,既可以抓蛇,而又不会伤害它们。Here was a chance for me 使;自己出名,使自己与众不同。2) 我所做的第一件事就是看看有没有现成的产品能帮助我。If 表语 定语products。3) 这是因为我预料到蛇还会再咬人。同位语;There is no expectation of snow tonight.4) Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor. Youll know if you succeed by the size of my bank balance. 5) The criteria are so strict. that it is difficult for new ideas to be accepted ) It is not until a research has been made to find out youre your product really is different from everybody elses that you will receive a patent .Step 5 Post-readingBBCDCAfter class(略)Unit3Inventors and Inventions Period 2 Learning about language主备人:袁峰玉 修订人: 胡佳秀 黄安进 编制时间:_本节课的内容是人民教育出版社出版的NSE高中教材选修8第3单元的Learning about language部分,本单元的话题是发明家与发明。教材以记叙文的文体呈现,讲述一个女孩如何通过多次尝试最后成功的把母亲院子的一窝蛇捉住并放归大自然,她的捕蛇技术申请了发明专利。教师可在充分利用教材资源的基础上,结合学生的实际情况设计教学活动。 目标聚焦一、知识目标1、初步理解、掌握课文中关于发明家与发明方面的词语,学习分析课文中的长难句子,初步感知课文中出现的的本单元要学的语法现象。2、利用已获取的信息发表自己对发明问题看法和了解申请了发明专利的标准。二、技能目标1、能理解文章主旨大意,获取信息、处理信息、进行推理判断和表达的能力。 2、形成分析篇章结构的能力,提升逻辑思维能力3、学会总结故事体裁文章主题的方法。2、能利用上下文猜测生词词义。三情感态度告诉学生不要害怕失败,失败是成功之母。方法运用 本节课将采用新课标所提倡的“任务型教学”途径,侧重于提高学生在语言知识学习中的归纳能力,以及对所掌握语言知识的灵活运用,同时培养学生自我完成任务的能力。 按照高中英语课程标准所倡导的以学生为本的教学理念,采用任务型语言教学途径,促使学生积极运用语言,完成任务;采用词组翻译、句子理解翻译、通过句子辨析词义,在完成练习的过程中达到巩固词组以及语法的用法的目的。学习流程Before class (课前自主探究,合作学习) Task 1 根据汉语提示写出下列词汇或短语。(方法引导:先默写,然后再核对答案,错误之处用红笔标出,写出正确单词并加以巩固。) 1.经历;审查_ _ 2.赞成,认可_ 3.想起来,记起;想出来_ _ 4.决定-或做-_ _- 5.给-打电话 _ _ 6.偶尔_ _ _ 7.摆脱,除掉_ _ _ 8.感到自豪,骄傲_ _ 9.使自己与众不同; 使自己出名 _ _10.似乎有什么/发生什么 There _ _ _ 11. 开始,着手_ _ 12. 准备好-be _with13.用-把-盖上_ 14. 同时 _15.着手干-_ to doing 16. 小心的,谨慎的 with _ Task 2 完成课本第1、2、3三题。In class:(课上展示交流、研讨提升)Step 1 Check-up (展示预习成果)1. Get three Ss of different groups to e to the Bb and write down their answers to the exercises on Page 23.2. Get other Ss to check their work in pairs.Step 2 Discovering useful words and expression (方法指导:先把原文句子呈现出来,然后观察列举出的例句,归纳总结出重点词汇的用法,背诵带有的句子,并完成相应的练习。) 1.call up【原句再现】When I called up my mother in the countryside on the telephone she was very upset.( 翻译)【观察探究】1)I called him up and told him the excited news.我打电话告诉他这让人激动的消息。2)All the men between the ages of 18 and 25 were called up. 所有18至25的男性都被应召入伍。3) The sound of happy laughter called up memories of my childhood.幸福的笑声让我想起了童年。【归纳总结】call up的意思是_ ; ; 。【知识链接】打电话的具他表达方式有:ring sb. up; call sb.( up);telephone sb.;phone sb.;give sb.a phone call; give sb.a ring有关call的其他短语: call back召唤某人回来;再访;回电话 call for需要,要求 call in召见,叫进来 call on拜访(人);呼吁、号召 call at拜访(某地) call off取消【即景活用】1单项选择。1) -Can I do the job? -Im afraid not, because it_ skill and patience. A. calls on B.calls out C.calls up D.calls for2) When I_ Tom, he was doing some shopping. A. call on B.called up C.called off D.called over2. distinguish【原句再现】Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something (翻译) 【观察探究】 1) Speeches distinguish human beings from animals.人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。2) She distinguished herself by her coolness and bravery.她因头脑冷静、敢做敢为而为人称道。 3) Dogs can distinguish a great range of sounds than humans.狗能够辨别的音域比人类大。【归纳总结】distinguish vi&vt.的意思是 【知识链接】distinguish frombetween区别;区分 distinguish A from B = tell A from B 区分A和B distinguish oneself by某人因而突出 distinguished adj.著名的,出名的,令人钦佩的 distinguishing adj.有区别的 distinguishable adj.可区别的,区分得开的 distinguish oneself某人表现出众【即景活用】翻译句子。 1)这个人因智慧而扬名。 2)把工作和娱乐区分开来很重要。 3. convenient 【原句】They abruptly disappeared into a convenient hole in the wall.(翻译) 【观察探究】1)This dishwasher is very convenient to me. 对我来说,洗碗机很方便。2) Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow?你方不方便明天开始工作?3) Its very convenient to have a supermarket nearby. 附近有家超市,确实很便利。【归纳总结】convenient adj.意思是 、 常用句型: (对某人方便) (对某人来说)做某事方便(convenient的主语往往是something,而不是somebody)【知识链接】convenient n.便利、方便 for convenience 为了便利 at ones convenience 在某人方便时 for the convenience of sb.为了的便利 【即景活用】 1) e and see whether . (xx,天津) A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you 2) If it is quite to you, I will visit you next Tuesday. A. convenient B.fair C.easy Dfortable4.bear 【观察探究】1) She bore the pain with great courage.她以极大的勇气忍受着痛苦 2)All the costs of the repairs will be borne by our pany.所有的维修费用都由我们公司承担。3) The lady has borne three children.那位妇女生了三个孩子。 4) The tree is bearing a lot of apples this year.今年那棵树结了很多苹果。 5) On the way back from the forest,we met with a huge brown bear.在从森林回来的路上,我们遇见了一只巨大的棕色的熊。 【归纳总结】bear vt. 意思是 。bear n意思是 【知识链接】作为“忍耐、忍受”时,与bear同义的单词或短语还有:stand;endure;tolerate;put up with 其用法为:bear sth. /bear doing sth.bear to do sth. 1) a free man,he is now in chains.(他生来是自由的,) 2) I dont think our relationship could the strain of her mother visiting for a month. A. bear B.tell C.put up D.hold5every time 【原句再现】Every time you do you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before(翻译) 【观察探究】The old man is sitting in the same chair every time I see him每次我看见他的时候,他都坐在同一把椅子上。 【归纳总结】every time的意思是 ,等于each time。此处是名词短语连词化,引导时间状语从句。 【知识链接】引导时间状语从句,能用做连词的名词短语还有:the first time 第一次; the last time上次;next time下次; the instantmomentminute一就【即景活用】1单选。1) I found myself in an entirely new world I arrived in Beijing. A.at the moment B.the moment C.for the moment D.in the moment2) Jack saw her; he fell in love with her. A. For the first time B.The first time C.At the first time D.In the first time3) I know her address, but I cant remember it . A.at the moment B.the moment C.for the moment D.in the moment6.get through【观察探究】1) Just now I phoned David, but I couldnt get through. 刚才我给大卫打电话,但是没有打通。 2)Lets start, there is a lot of work to get through. 还有很多工作要完成,让我们开始吧。 3)The bill has got through .这项议案通过了。 4)I can not imagine how they will get through the time. 我无法想象他们将怎样打发时间。【归纳总结】get through 的意思是 【知识链接】常与 go through 进行区别。go through 经历(困难,痛苦等)仔细审阅,检查 翻找,查,搜寻 穿过,通过(地点、地方)【即景活用】用get through 和go through 填空。 1)Her telephone is so busy/ engaged that I cant to her all day. 2) I have never this kind of the thing, so Im afraid. 3) I will join you as soon as I with my assignment. 4) Tom his position once again and was sure that there were no mistakes. 7set about【原句再现】I set about researching the habits of. snakes to find the easiest way to trap them.(翻译) 【观察探究】Do you know how to set about going on this work?你知道怎样着手进行这项工作吗?【归纳总结】set about的意思是 【知识链接】set about doing sth.= set out to do sth. 有关set的其他短语: set off出发、动身 set out for = set off for = leave for动身去 set aside留出(时间、金钱)、储蓄;对不予考虑 set down记下、写下 set up创立、建立Multiple choice.单项选择。1.-My brother from Shanghai last night, saying he would offer me a job. - Congratulations! A. called on me B.called me up C.called me off D.called me in 2. - Can you the different musical instruments playing now? - Of course. I can even play all of them. A. recognize B.speak C.judge D.distinguish3. We have to his bad temper because he is a bit annoyed these days. A. admit B.appreciate C.bear D.accept 4. For all these years I have been working for others. Im hoping Ill_ my own business someday. A. tum up B.fix up C.set up D.make up参考答案:知识点:(一) 即景活用:1. 1)D 2) B 2. 1) The man distinguished himself by his wisdom.2) It is important to distinguish work from entertainment. 3. 1) C 2) A 4. 1) he was born to be 2) A 5. 1) B 2) B 3) C 6. !) get through 2)gone through 3) get through 4) got through Multiple choice1.B 2. D 3. C 4. CBook 8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventionsPeriod Three Reading & Language study主备人:黄安进修订人:胡佳秀袁峰玉编制时间:目标聚焦1. 通过阅读了电话发明家亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔的故事2. 识记并掌握下列单词或短语的用法:set out, at a time, in truth4. 了解发明产生的过程,激励学生的求知欲和学习兴趣教学思路本部分通过介绍电话发明家亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔发明电话的过程,以及电话给人们的生活带来的巨大变化,让学生了解人类科学发展的历史,进而培养学生不怕失败、敢于创新的精神。本课是阅读、知识点讲解,重点是通过阅读材料,理解文章的内容后对该话题进行理解,然后进一步深化该话题,掌握有关的单词短语的用法。教学内容主要有以下几个方面: 1. 通过对话引出本课的话题电话的发明。2. 通过速读完成主旨大意的归纳,细读完成细节信息的处理,训练提高学生的阅读能力。3. 让学生重点掌握课文中出现的重点句型、单词和短语的用法。学习流程Before class Task 1 VocabularyPreview the new words and phrases of this text.1._ n. 额头 2. n. 稻草;饮料吸管3. n.重要性 4. n. / adj. 流;电流 / 现在的;当前的;5. adj. 稳定的;稳固的 6. _开始(做)7. _ 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 8 . _的确,事实上In class:Step1 Check-up and lead in1. Check the answers of Task 12. Ask students if they know of Alexander Graham Bell. Then ask them to guess which invention (still used today) he invented.Step 2 Fast readingRead the passage quickly and find out the main idea of the text._Step 3 Careful reading 1. Read again and find the answers to the following questions. 1) How did curiosity make Alexander Graham Bell into a great inventor?_ 2) What did he think was the key to his success as an inventor?_3) Why will he always be known as the inventor of the telephone? _2. Read the text carefully and choose the correct answer to plete each sentence. 1). Bell invented_ by chance according to the text.A. Morse code B. telegraphC. telephone D. tetrahedron2). Which statement is true according to the text?A. Bell made a contribution to the deaf education.B. Bell invented the telephone for the deaf.C. Bell thought you shouldnt think too much about something you had never seen before.D. Bell invented a lot of flying machines while searching for a kite to carry a man into the air.3). According to the text, Bell got such great achievement thanks to_.A. a straw joined to a deaf mans earB. the exploring around problemsC. a moving electrical currentD. his excellent assistant Watson4). We can infer from the text that_.A. doing research in telegraph helped Bell greatly in inventing the telephoneB. Bell was given the patent after he succeeded in sending the first telephone messageC. in order to make the bridges stronger Bell discovered telephoneD. Bell discovered so many practical solutions that he must be a millionaireStep 4 Study readingRead the text again, find out the sentences and analyze them.1. He found that by pressing his lips against his mothers forehead, he could make the bones move in such a way she could understand what he was saying. (P25 L4-6)翻译:_本句是一个复合句,that 引导_从句; she could understand what he was saying是以_为先行词的_从句。注意:the way 做先行词引导_时引导词有三种情况,1)in which 2) that 3)不填如:I dont appreciate the way that /in which /- you deal with such a problem.翻译:_2. It was this exploring around problems that led to his most famous i


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