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形容词 副词原级 比较级 最高级 用法 规则形容词 副词的变化 单音节与少数几个双音节容词 副词的使用练习I练习II练习III 不规则形容词 副词的变化 双音节与多音节形容词 副词的使用练习I练习II练习III 单音节 双音节 多音节形容词 副词的使用 形容词的定义形容词修饰名词或代词 在句中作定语 表语 补语 状语等Mygrandfathertoldmeaninterestingstoryyesterday Thegirlisverycareful WethinkitdifficulttolearnEnglishwell the 形容词 表示一类人或事物 作主语时 谓语动词用复数动词Theoldtodayaretakengoodcareof Therichdon tenjoythemselves 数词的复合词形式起形容词作用 作定语时要前置 中心词用单数 词之间要加连字符 aone thousand wordarticlean8 year oldgirl 形容词和空间 时间单位合用时须后置 twoyearsago 100mileslong twometreshigh fivemetresdeep 前置形容词的排列顺序 冠词 物主代词 指示代词或名词所有格形式 描述性的定语 数量 性质 大小 新旧 年龄 颜色 本质性的定语 被修饰的名次somegreenratingapplesablackyoungGermandogThosebeautifulroundmulti colouredChinesecloisonnevases 那些漂亮的圆型的多色的中国景泰蓝花瓶 Shieisabeautiful kind andrichlady 容易混用的几组形容词 alone单独 独自 常用表语 lonely孤独的 既可以作表语又可以作定语 alive活着的 常作表语 living有生命的 常作定语 handsome good looking英俊的 beautiful pretty美丽的 语法 形容词 副词的比较级 最高级在英语的形容词和副词中 表示 比较 和 最 这个概念时 要用特别的形式表示 称为比较级和最高级 相对而言 原来的形式为原级 即 形容词和副词在应用中有三个级别 即 原级 比较级 最高级 在形容词和副词后加上 er 表示 比较 加上 est 表示 最 例 tall高的 taller较高的 tallest最高的一 形容词 副词的比较级 最高级的构成规则 1一般在形容词 副词后加上er表示比较级加上est表示最高级原级比较级最高级1 smallsmallsmall2 youngyoungyoung3 fastfastfast er est er est er est 4 slowslowslow5 hardhardhard6 cleancleanclean7 loudloudloud8 strongstrongstrong9 coldcoldcold10 coolcoolcool er est er est er est er est er est er est er est 2以不发音的e结尾的 只加上r表示比较级 加上st表示最高级 1 largelargelarge2 nicenicenice3 finefinefine4 wisewisewise5 widewidewide r st r st r st r st r st 6 whitewhitewhite7 latelatelate3以辅音字母 y结尾的 把消去y 然后加上er表示比较级 加上est表示最高级 原级比较级最高级1 earlyearlyearly2 happyhappyhappy r st r st ier iest ier iest 3 heavyheavyheavy4 easyeasyeasy5 busybusybusydirtydirtydirty4双写最后一个辅音字母 然后加上er表示比较级 加上est表示最高级 原级比较级最高级1 bigbigbig ier iest ier iest ier iest ier iest ger gest 2 thinthinthin3 wetwetwet4 fatfatfat5 sadsadsad6 hothothot5双音节和多音节的形容词 副词 在这些形容词和副词前加上more表示比较级 加上most表示最高级 原级比较级最高级happilyhappilyhappilyheavilyheavilyheavily ner nest ter test ter test der dest ter test more most more most 3 expensiveexpensiveexpensive4 carefullycarefullycarefullyexcitingexcitingexcitingfrighteningfrighteningfrighteningboringboringboringcarefulcarefulcareful more most more most more most more most more most more most 6不规则变化的靠背熟原级比较级最高级1 good wellbetterbest2 ill bad badlyworseworst3 littlelessleast4 much manymoremost5 farfarther furtherfarthest furthest6 oldolder elderoldest eldest 二 形容词和副词三个等级的用法 1没有与别人比较用原级 往往有 very非常 as as与 一样 notas so as与 不一样 enough足够 too todoSth太 而不能做某事 so that 如此 以致 这些单词和短语用原级 例 Sheistall 她是高的 2两者之比用比较级 往往有个 than比 字 例 Sheismuchtallerthan Iam 省略句 她比我高HedoeshisworkalittlemorecarefullythanRose does 注意注意 much比 得多 far比 得多 alot比 得多 abit比 一点 alittle比 一点 even甚至 更 still更 这些词语可修饰比较级 3三者或三者以上之比用最高级 往往有 in 在 范围里 of 在 中 短语 例 Sheisthetallestgirlinourclass 在我们班里她是最高的 注意 形容词的最高级前要加上 the 副词的最高级前 the 可省略例 Sheruns the fastestofthethree 那三个人中 她跑得最快 l 比较级 比较级 表示 越来越 warmerandwarmer越来越暖tallerandtaller越来越高moreandmorebeautiful越来越漂亮moreandmoreslowly越来越慢eg Theweatherisgettinghotterandhotter Mysonismoreandmoreinterestedinfootball the 比较级 the 比较级 表示 越 就越 Themore thebetter Themoreyouhave themoreyouwant Thefasteryourun themoretiredyouwillbe Theolderwegrow thepoorerourmemorywillbecome 单音节和少数双音节形容词 副词级别的用法练习I 用括号里所给的词的适当形式填空1Sheisa girl young Sheis thanSueandAnne Sheis ofthethree Ourschoolisvery large Peterrunsas asKendoes fast young younger theyoungest large fast 4Peterdoesn trunso asKen fast Kenruns thanPeter 5Shewastoo tocatchthefirstbus Soshewas forschoolthismorning Shewas studentinherclassthismorning Herteacherwasangry late fast faster late late thelatest 6My sister我姐姐is enoughtogotoschool old Acaris thanaminibus Aminibusis thanabus Acarruns ofthethree fast 8Peterhas moneythanKen much Kenhas moneythanPeter little elder old faster faster thefastest more less 9Whichdoyoulike applesororanges well Whichdoyoulike apples orangesorpears 10Kenis thanI am strong Iam thanKen is weak 11Shegotupso thatshecouldcatchthefirstbus early better best stronger weaker early 12Beijingisoneof big cities最大的城市之一inChina 13Whichis heavy adog ahorseoracat 14Ofalltheboys在所有的男孩中 hegetsup early 15Winteris cold seasoninayear thebiggest theheaviest the earliest thecoldest 16Summeris hot seasoninayear 17Hisboxis big thanmine Butmineis light thanhis 18Heisalittle fat thanI 19Sheissingingas asabird happily thehottest bigger lighter fatter happily 20Hedoeshishomework badly Hedoeshishomework thanPeter Peterdoeshis thanKen Hedoeshishomework inhisclass ofthethree 21Theweatherisgetting and cool inautumn badly worse worse the worst cooler cooler 练习II 选择填空 1Theboywalks AquickBquicklyCslowDmoreslow 2Shelooks thanhedoes AyoungByoungerCtheyoungestDyoungest B B 3Mr Chenis tallest thefour A ofBthe ofCthe inD in 4Whichis ken PeterorBenny AthinBthinnerCthethinestDthethinnest B D 5Theboyisnot enoughtogotoschool AoldBolderCtheoldestDelder 6Hehasgot moneythanI AmanyBmuchCmoreDthemost A C 7Heismy brother Heisfouryears thanI Aelder olderBolder olderColder elderDelder elder 8 seasonoftheyearissummer AWarmBWarmerCWarmestDThewarmest A D 9Heis tocarrytheheavybox AstrongerenoughBenoughstrongerCstrongenoughDsostrong 10Yesterdayitwas Itwas dayinthismonth Acold colderBcolder colderCcold coldestDcold thecoldest C D 11ChangjiangRiveris riverinChina AlongBlongerClongestDthelongest 12Sheisoneofthetallest inourschool AgirlBstudentCteachers D C 13Ofallthe sheisthetallest ourclass Agirl inBstudent ofAgirls ofDstudents in 14ZhaoBensanisthe man thefour Afunny inBfunniest ofCfunnier ofDfunniest in D B 15Shefeelsmuch before AwellBbetterthanCgoodDthebest 16Thenoisesoundedeven AloudlyBloudCmoreloudlyDlouder B D 17Thiscoatisalittle thatone AlargeBlargerthanClargestDthelargest 18Chinaisgettingmoreandmore AbeautifulBbeautifullyCthemostbeautifulDstronger B A 19Mybikeis cheaper yours Amore thanBvery thanCmuch thanDtoo in 20Shelikesapples oranges AmuchBmuchmorethanCmanyDmost C B 练习III 用所给词的适当形式填空1Thestudentsaresittingso intheclassroomthattheclassroomisvery quiet 2Shedidn tfeel Shewenttoseeadoctor Shefeels now good 3Shesings ofallthegirlsinherclass good quietly quiet well better best Theweatherismuch todaythanthatyesterday wet Aliceisoneofthe girlsinherclass tall Hishouseis fromourschool Butmineismuch fromourschool too far wetter tallest far farther Ofallthe star itisthe bright Shecandanceas asAnne beautiful Shehas books more Sheis enoughtowork eldest stars brightest beautifully many old Heis atEnglish better Hedoes inEnglish Buthedoes inmathsthanEnglish better Theboysareplaying noise Hismotherareaskingthemnottomakeany good well better noisily noise 14Letuslearnthisgrammar far 15Thecoatistoo expansive canitbe cheap Shesaidtothesalesgirl further expansive cheaper


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