2019-2020年高一英语下学期 第6周 Module3 Unit 2 Project导学案.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语下学期 第6周 Module3 Unit 2 Project导学案【学习目标】A. Get to know the development of Chinese characters.B. Get informed of the formation of Braille【知识准备】Find some information on the Internet about the development of Chinese characters and Braille. 【自主探究】Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-inShow the students a picture of a running horse. Simplify the image using lines. And explain how it became the origin of the character “马”. Introduce the topic “The development of Chinese characters”.Step 2 The development of Chinese charactersRead the article and summarize the main idea for each part. Main ideaPart 1(para1) ( )Part 2 (2) ( )Part 3(3-4) ( )Part 4(5) ( )A.The origin of Chinese characters.B. Simplified Chinese characters. C. Brief introduction of Chinese characters.D. Form and development of Chinese characters. Answer the questionsPartWhat makes the Chinese language differ from many Western languages?_Part 2 Who is said to have invented Chinese writing? _Give a short introduction of Cang Jie._What fired his idea of inventing Chinese characters? _Part 3How are Chinese characters formed? 1._2. _examples: 家(有房有猪) 采(手采摘草本植物)尖(上小下大) 旦(地平线上的太阳)More characters are given to the students. They are encouraged to use their imagination to explain them. 囚人困于门中, 伐人持刀戈, 仙山中人,众多人, 男田里的劳力, 休人倚木而息,明日与月, 鸣鸟口之声, 孬不好,森众木, 炎多火, 本木之根,末木之梢, 歪不正 3. bine meaning and pronunciationpictophonetic characters(形声) _-examples: 砖 编 聆 骂 Part 4When were simplified Chinese characters introduced by the Chinese government? _Where are simplified Chinese characters used? _Step 3 The story of BrailleRead the second passage and answer the questions:Who is Braille?_What happened to him when he was three years old?_How did he create his system?_What do you think of Braille and his system?_【巩固提升】单词填空1. The famous singer was reported to have drunk so much that he was b_ from driving for two years.2. The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy a_ to the required information.3. In the mountain villages, the air is p_ and the crops are free of harmful chemicals.4. It shocks us that as many as 100 species of fish, some u_ to these waters, may have been affected by the pollution.5. In western countries, its the c_ for women to get married in white.6. People should learn to play and its important to d_ between business and pleasure. 7. Knowledge from books is important but p_ experience is always an advantage.8. I have never seen a shier boy like him.At first I thought he was shy, but Ive e to the _ (结论) that hes simply unfriendly!9. Hes very _ (温和的) with his kids.No wonder they treat him like friends.10. They chose me to _ (代表) them at the meeting.Then you should be well prepared for the speech.11. By shaking her hand secretly, she _ (暗示) to me that she didnt want me to say anything.12. To see clearly what was happening in the shop, he _ (压) his face against the window.13. The _ (斗争) for womens rights has never e to an end and will continue.14. Whatever his _ (缺点) as a husband, he was a good father to his children.15. You didnt tell Tom what had happened. Why?I tried to, but he kept _ (打断) me.用所给短语的正确形式填空over time according to differ from in that this way deserve careful thought turn into as a whole develop into make up work on1. Old English _ greatly _ the modern English we use today.2. Life on the island has changed _ because of the growing number of tourists who visit it every year.3. _ the tickets, the train will leave at 8:30. Wed better hurry to get to the station on time! 4. She said it was the teachers praise and encouragement that _ her _ a good student.5. Install this spell check software on your puter. You will avoid making spelling mistakes_.6. Considering your idea _, I think it will contribute significantly to the development of the pany. However, it may cause some problems as well.7. I was lucky _ I was able to find what I wanted.8. Seeing her brother crying, Jane _ stories to amuse him.9. Hes _ a new project which has to be finished by the end of the year.10. The report to be sent to the manager _, because one small mistake will cost us any chance to lose the job in the pany.


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