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Iamthekingofthewholeworld Whatdoesthelionsay DirectSpeechandReportedSpeech 引语的概念 直接引述别人的原话 叫 直接引语 用自己的话把别人的话陈述出来 叫 间接引语 直接引语通常都用 括起来 引号 间接引语在多数情况下都构成一个 宾语从句 了解宾语从句 定义 复合句中 放在动词或介词后充当宾语的句子叫宾语从句 语序 宾语从句四要素 引导词 时态 人称 人称的变化 一随主 二随宾 第三人称不变 引号内的第一人称变间引后与主句主语的人称保持一致 引号内的第二人称变间引后与主句宾语的人称保持一致 引号内的第三人称在变间引后人称不变 Shesaid IlikeTennis Shesaidthatshelikedtennis HesaidtoLily youmustgetupearly HetoldLilythatshemustgetupearly Shesaidtome Theywanttohelphim Shetoldmethattheywantedtohelphim 一随主 二随宾 第三人称不更新 二 引导词 Ihear that hewillbebackinanhour that that可以省略 eg 当陈述句充当宾语时 由 连接 Hesaid that hewasverynervous Exercises 1 BettysaystoHarry Iwanttoborrowyourbook 2 Myteachersaid sheisagoodstudent BettysaystoHarry that shewantstoborrowhisBook Myteachersaidthatshewasagoodstudent 2 当特殊疑问句充当宾语时 由 连接 Eg 1 Whatisshedoing Canyoutellme Canyoutellmewhatsheisdoing 2 Wheredoesshelive Doyouknow Doyouknowwhereshelives 特殊疑问词 5 Whatareyougoingtodo heasked 6 Howdoyougotoschooleveryday askedMr Zhang HeaskedmewhatIwasgoingtodo Mr ZhangaskedhowIwenttoschooleveryday 2 DoesKategetupearly Doyouknow Doyouknowif whetherKategetsupearly 1 IsJimagoodstudent Idon tknow Idon tknowif whetherJimisagoodstudent 3 当一般疑问句充当宾语时 由 连接 if whether eg 3 Sheaskedme Doyouagreewithme 4 Anneaskedhermother Isthereanydeliciousfoodtoeat SheaskedmeifIagreedwithher Anneaskedhermotheriftherewasanydeliciousfoodtoeat 4 直接引语如果是祈使句 要将祈使句的动词原形变为带to的不定式 句型 tell ask ordersb not todostheg Makesurethedoorisshut MrXusaidtous Don tsmokeintheroom MrXusaidtous MrXutoldustomakesurethedoorwasshut MrXutoldusnottosmokeintheroom 注意 只能用whether不用if的三种情况 一般情况下 if和whether可以互换 但以下3种情况只能用whether 与ornot连用 HeaskedmewhetherornotIwascoming 在介词之后 Itdependsonwhetheritisgoingtorain 在不定式之前 Wehaven tdecidedwhethertogothere 7 Momsaid Don tchatwithstrangers 8 Goshoppingwithme please saidMr Wang Momtoldmenottochatwithstrangers Mr Wangaskedmetogoshoppingwithhim 三 宾语从句的语序 1 如果从句原来部分主语前连系动词 be 助动词 will has have 情态动词要将他们移到主语后面 Where syourpenpalfrom Canyoutellme Whenwillyoucomeback CanyoutellmeHaveyoufinishedyouhomeworkyet Canyoutellme 宾语从句必须用 陈述语序 Canyoutellmewhereyourpenpalisfrom 2 如果从句原来部分主语前有助动词do does did时 则要将它们去掉 后面的动词要做相应的变化 若是don t doesn t didn t则不去掉 则放到主语之后 Wheredoeshelive Doyouknow Whendidheleave Idon tknow Whydidn tyoucometotheparty Canyoutellme Idon tknowwhenheleft Doyouknowwherehelives Canyoutellmewhyyoudidn tcometotheparty 3 当what which who在从句中作主语或是以下句子时 语序不变 What swrong What sthematter What shappening Whathappened e g Canyoutellmewhoisoverthere Idon tknowwhat sthematter 四 宾语从句的时态1 如果主句的时态是一般现在时 宾语从句的时态根据具体情况来确定 可以是 时态 Idon tthink that youareright Pleasetelluswherewe llgofishingtomorrow DoyouknowwhenMr Smithmovedhere 任何 2 如果主句的时态是一般过去时 宾语从句只能用相应的 时态 一般过去时 过去进行时 过去将来时 过去完成时 例如 HetoldmethathewasborninBeijingin1992 HesaidthathewouldgobacktotheU S soon 过去 3 如果宾语从句所陈述的是客观真理 即使主句用了过去时 从句仍用 时态 例如 Theteachersaidthattheearthmovesaroundthesun 一般现在 Thelittleboyaskedifthesun intheeast 太阳是否在东方升起 rises 直接引语 间接引语 指示代词 时间状语 地点状语 方向性动词 this that these those now then today thatday thisweek thatweek yesterday thedaybefore lastweek theweekbefore fourdaysago fourdaysbefore thedaybeforeyesterday twodaysbefore tomorrow thenext followingday nextmonth thenext followingmonth here there come go bring take 情态动词 can may must could might hadto 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 Hesaysthathe read now 2 Canyoutellmeifthey finish theworkalready 3 DouyouknowwhereJohn go yesterday 4 Mysistertoldmeshe be freetomorrow 5 Iwantedtoknowifyou like themovie 6 Theteachertoldustheearth go aroundthesun 7 Couldyoutellmeifthere be ahospitalnearhere isreading havefinished went wouldbe liked goes is Doyouknow A wheredoessheliveB sheliveswhereC whereshelivesD whereshelive2 Hisparentswantedtoknowwhathe atthattime A isdoingB wasdoingC hasdoneD willdo C B 巩固练习 I 从下列A B C D中选择一个正确选项填空 4 Lily smotherlookedforherforhalfanhour butcouldnotfind whatLilywasB whatwasLilyC whereLilywasD wherewasLily C 3 Wedon tknow ItissaidthathewasborninCanada whatheisB whenhewasbornC wherehecomesfromD ifheliveshere C 5Thegirlsaskedifthey somefoodanddrinkwiththem A tookB takeC takesD willtake 6Lindasaidthemoon roundtheearth A travelledB hastravelledC travelsD hadtravelled A C 7 Couldyoupleasetellme hewillcomeheretomorrow A ifB weatherC whatD which A 8 Couldyoutellme A whenwilltheyleaveBeijing B whenwouldtheyleaveBeijing C whentheywillleaveBeijing D whendidtheyleaveBeijing C II 改错 1 MissZhangaskedmewhywasIlateforschool MissZhangaskedmewhyIwaslateforschool 2 Fathertoldmethesunalwaysroseintheeast Fathertoldmethesunalwaysrisesintheeast 3 Hedoesn tknowthatwhenshecancomeback Hedoesn tknowwhenshecancomeback 完成句子 1 Ihear that he inanhour 我听说他一小时后回来 Willbeback 2 Hesaid that he verymuch 他说他非常想念我们 missedus 3 Askhim 问问他是否能来 If whetherhecancome 4 Canyoutellme 你能告诉我他在哪儿吗 whereheis 宾语从句小结 一 结构1 当陈述句作宾语从句时 结构 主句 that 主语 谓语部分2 当一般疑问句作宾语从句时 结构 主句 if whether 主语 谓语部分3 当特殊疑问句作宾语从句时 结构 主句 特殊疑问词 主语 谓语部分 宾语从句小结 二 主从时态关系主句从句 一般现在时 一般过去时3 特殊 任何时态 客观 自然现象 三 语序 陈述语序 时态不变 时态相应变化 一般现在时


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