2019-2020年北师大版高中英语选修八Unit 22《Environmental Protection》word教案.doc

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2019-2020年北师大版高中英语选修八Unit 22Environmental Protectionword教案 单元教学目标技能目标Goals Read an article on global warming and identify missing information in a text. Talk about environmental issues in the world today. Listen to and take notes from a lecture and a radio interview. Write a report about the environment. Revise reported speech and practice vocabulary relating to global warming, natural disasters and endangered animals. II 目标语言功能句式1. Justifying Arguments.so that.Thats why.I mean, basically.And I think, because of that.Thats the reason why.One reason they are poor is.2. Giving opinionsWhat I dont understand is.Whats really worrying .Im not sure. I havent thought about it much.Whats ridiculous is.Thats a good question.What we should do is.词汇1 课标词汇 trap, ecology, botanical, consultant, brewery, reserve, principle, boycott, corrupt, conservation, consensus, beyond, relevant, refer, ray, bounce, pin, agriculture, coincidence, condemn, federal, reservation, sacrifice, advocate, recycle, substitute, threaten, pancake, hurricane, tortoise, mainland, hook, seize, behalf, typhoon, grand, scale, changeable, thunderstorm, rainfall, irrigation, arm, rough, quake, offshore, catastrophe, separation, means, construct, shabby, clay, brick, slip, slide, mountainous, howl, flee, potential, roll, plug, quilt, cushion, skyscraper, adopt, rail, warehouse, considerate, finance, allocate, politics, fragile, pest, sharpener, sharpen, valid, evolution, trunk, tusk, mature, carve, calculate, cube, cubic2 认读词汇greenhouse effect, endanger, claim, drought, species, leopard, crested ibis, alligator, extinct, habitat, Tibetan antelope, Tibet, fashionable, enforce, orangutan, landslide, tsunami, industrialisation, negative, soundproof, decibel3 词组a number of, beyond ones control, look ahead, in turn, lead to, take action, ahead of, apart from, answer for, call for an end to sth, or else, wrap up, on somebodys behalf, for good, carry off, all in all, result in, earn ones living, plug ones ears, all the best, sum up, as a matter of fact, break away from语法Reporting.warned that. will cause.found that . is regulated.Passive Voice (III)I hate being treated like a child.His work tends to be criticised.重点句子1. In the last few decades, scientists have reached consensus and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earths climate something previously seen as beyond our control. 2. Nature is turning on us!3. A number of nations have already been in armed conflict over water, and reduced rainfall in the west of the US has resulted in huge forest fires.4. This catastrophe is still very fresh in the minds of people worldwide who have not yet got over their separation from loved ones lost in the tsunami.III 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以环保为话题,介绍了人类与环境、动物与环境的关系。本单元通过读听说写系列活动使学生了解环境方面存在的问题及解决办法。通过课堂上的系列教学活动,使学生了解地球变暖、温室效应、濒危动物、自然灾害、环境污染、噪音污染等问题,在当今时代,日益恶化的环境告诫人们:环境保护事业与全人类生存休戚相关。本单元的教学旨在激发同学们的环保意识,号召人人为保护环境做出贡献,让人们永远生活在美好环境中。1.1 In this unit you will . 介绍了本单元的学习目标,让学生了解本单元的话题和内容,明确了学习方向。1.2 Warmup 通过一系列的听说写活动,激发学生的兴趣,为本单元的学习奠定良好的基础。内容涉及环境方面存在的问题及拯救濒危动物的建议。1.3 Lesson 1 Global Warming介绍了什么是地球变暖以及地球变暖对人类的影响。语法涉及Reporting和Passive Voice (III)。在学习课文之前要求学生就发展中国家还是发达国家对地球变暖负有更多的责任加以讨论,这些问题旨在调动学生学习的主动性,引导学生学会思考问题。在学习课文之前要求学生弄懂一些重点词的意思,减少阅读中的困难。通过课文的学习,学生们可以了解什么是地球变暖以及地球变暖对人类的影响。在此基础上引导学生对怎样减少温室效应进行讨论。 课文后附有词汇和语法练习题。练习题的设计还是围绕环境问题进行的。1.4 Lesson 2 Endangered Species通过一系列的听说练习让学生了解不同濒危动物,并且就保护濒危动物问题提出建议。要求学生根据听力策略学会在听报告时记要点,学会表达自己的观点,能够使用恰当词汇辩论。1.5 Lesson 3 Natural Disasters课文介绍了各种自然灾害。Read to learn介绍了阅读策略:pleting texts with sentence gaps, 要求学生根据这一策略完成课文内容。在通读课文的基础上,回答课后问题。Vocabulary要求学生学习掌握一词多性。Speaking部分要求学生对最近发生的自然灾害进行讨论,要求学生对怎样改善环境及怎样帮助受害者给出建议。1.6 munication Workshop通过听一段电台采访录音,让学生了解噪音污染和控制噪音污染的措施。本课还介绍了报告的书写步骤和方法。通过听说写练习,学会用英语表达自己的观点。1.7 Language Awareness 7本课的教学目标是要求学生学习Wrapped Up时,学习体会被动语态的用法。此部分语言知识的学习充分体现了本套教材的特色在语言环境中学习语法,根据语言现象归纳总结被动语态的用法。使语法学习生动化,趣味化。1.8 Culture Corner 文章介绍世界自然基金会。世界自然基金会(WWF)是在全球享有盛誉的、最大的独立性非政府环境保护机构之一,在全世界拥有将近500万支持者和一个在90多个国家活跃着的网络。WWF的使命是遏止地球自然环境的恶化,创造人类与自然和谐相处的美好未来。1.9 Bulletin Board记述了历史上最严重的三次灾难。要求学生写出自己所知道的最严重的自然灾害。1.10 Unit Diary要求学生对本单元的学习情况做出总结,发现学习中存在问题,找出解决办法,提高学习效率。 2. 教材重组2.1 将In this unit you will. ,Warm-up和Culture Corner放在一起上一节“热身课”。让学生了解本单元的学习目标,了解一些自然灾害,了解一下世界自然基金会(WWF)。为本单元的课文学习打下基础。2.2 把Lesson 1 Global Warming和后面的Vocabulary放在一起上一节阅读课。2.3 把Lesson 1 Global Warming中的GRAMMAR Reporting和Language Power中的Lesson 1 Global Warming整合在一起上一节“语法课”。2.4根据Lesson 2 Endangered Species Ex 1-8内容上一节“听说课”。2.5将Lesson 2 Endangered Species Ex 9-12和Language Power中的Lesson 2 Endangered Species放在一起,上一节“综合课”。2.6将Lesson 3 Natural Disasters和后面的Read to learn放在一起上一节阅读课。2.7将Lesson 3 Natural Disasters 后面的Vocabulary、Speaking和Language Power 中的Lesson 3 Natural Disasters放在一起上一节词汇、语法课。2.8根据munication Workshop中的Writing和后面的Talkback内容上一节写作课。2.9将munication Workshop后面的Listening、Speaking 和Language Power 中的Focus on reading 放在一起上一节“综合课”。2.10根据Language Awareness 7和Language Power 中的Language Awareness 7内容上一节语法课。2.11根据Language Power 中的Check your progress内容上一节“综合课”。2.12要求学生课下根据Bulletin Board和Unit Diary提示,完成本单元的自我评价。 3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,本单元可以用12课时教完)1st Period Warm-up & Culture Corner2nd Period Lesson 1 Global Warming (I)3rd Period Lesson 1 Global Warming (II)4th Period Lesson 2 Endangered Species (I) 5th Period Lesson 2 Endangered Species (II)6th Period Lesson 3 Natural Disasters (I)7th Period Lesson 3 Natural Disasters (II)8th Period munication Workshop (I)9th Period munication Workshop (II)10th Period Language Awareness 7 11th Period Check your progress12th Period Bulletin Board & Unit Diary IV. 分课时教案The First Period Warmup & Culture CornerTeaching goals教学目标1. Target language目标语言 重点词汇和短语global warming, the greenhouse effect, endangered animals, natural disasters, flooding, poverty, over-fishing, trap, ecology, botanical, consultant, reserve, principle, boycott, corrupt, conservation, a number of2. Ability goals能力目标Help students to learn Unit objectives and get students thinking and talking about natural disasters.Read an article about WWF.3. Learning ability goal学能目标 Stimulate students interest and get them prepared for what they will be studying in the unit.Teaching important points教学重点Unit objectives and warm-upTeaching difficult points 教学难点How to motivate students and get them thinking actively and speaking freelyTeaching methods教学方法 Discussing, listening & reading.Teaching aids教具准备The multimedia puterTeaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式 Step I Lead inPlay the song, Pass It On Down by Alabama. Ask students what this song means to them. What is the song trying to say? Then brainstorm about the problems the earth has and is experiencing (i.e. pollution, global warming, etc.) Write their answers on the blackboard.T: Now please listen to a song. When you listen to the song, try to get what this song means to you and what this song is trying to say. After listening to the song, brainstorm about environmental problems.After talking about environmental problems, present the title Environmental Protection.T: Today the quality of our natural environment has bee an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has bee too crowded. We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this,life on earth cannot survive. Happily concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection. Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air,forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution. People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products. So in this class we are going to learn Environmental Protection. Step II Unit objectivesIn this unit you will Deal with In this unit you will. First ask students to read Unit objectives, which is a clear direction to learning Unit 22. Ask them to think about which of the objectives will be most important for their individual learning.T: Good morning /afternoon, class!Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Mr. /MsT: Look at the two logos! Can you guess what organization they stand for? S1: The first one stands for State Environmental Protection Administration of China.S2: The second is the logo of Earth Summit.T: Quit right! They both have some association with Environmental protection. In this unit, we are going to learn something about Environmental protection. As usual, before we start a new unit, what shall we do?Ss: Learn the unit objectives.T: What are the objectives in Unit 22? (Show the unit objectives on the PowerPoint and color the language skills. Ask students to pay more attention to the colored words. Or ask students to read the unit objectives on Page 5 together, and they should pay more attention to the words in blue.) Please discuss which of the objectives is most important to you.After discussing the unit objectives, go on with Warm-up. Step III Warmup Deal with Ex1 in Warm-up. Show some pictures or video clips about environmental problems for students to describe.T: Now lets watch some video clips and then you will be asked to describe the environmental problems youve seen in the videos.S1: In the first video clip, we saw some natural disasters: earthquake, flood, volcanic eruption and drought.S2: In the second clip, the government calls on people to protect the endangered animals.S3: From the third clip weve learned thousands of people in the world are living in poverty.S4: From the fourth one we can learn waste gasses from cars can cause global warming.T: From the video clips we learn there are many environmental problems. Please open your books and look at the Key Words in Ex1 on page 5. They are about environmental problems. Lets read the Key Words together. .T: (After reading the Key Words) Please plete the sentences. After finishing the sentences, you may work in pairs and check your answers. After checking the answers, ask students to read the sentences together.T: Do you know who help protect the Earths natural environment? Show the logo on the PowerPoint. Step IV Culture Corner Introduction of the Panda LogoT: Look at the logo please. Can you get the full name of the organization? What do the initials WWF stand for? (Show the following pictures on the PowerPoint.)Ss: The World Wildlife Fund.T: Quite right! Back in 1961 when it was founded, WWF stood for the World Wildlife Fund. However, as the organization grew over the 70s and into the 80s, WWF began to expand its work to conserve the environment as a whole (reflecting the interdependence of all living things), rather than focusing on selected species in isolation. So although we continued to use our well-known initials, our legal name became World Wide Fund for Nature (except in North America where the old name was retained). More and more, however, to avoid confusion and mixed messages across borders and languages, WWF is known as simply WWF, the global conservation organization. In this class we are going to learn something about this organization. By the way, do you know the story behind the panda logo of WWF?Ss: No.T: OK, please read the following and you will be clear why Panda Logo was chosen. The story behind the panda logo of WWFThe inspiration for the panda in WWFs world-recognised logo came from Chi-Chi, a giant panda that had arrived at the London Zoo in the year 1961, when WWF was being created. Aware of the need for a strong, recognisable symbol that would overe all language barriers, WWFs founders agreed that the big, furry animal with her appealing, black-patched eyes would make an excellent logo. The first sketches were done by the British environmentalist and artist, Gerald Watterson, in 1961. Based on these, Sir Peter Scott, one of those founders, drew the first logo, and said at the time. We wanted an animal that is beautiful, is endangered, and one loved by many people in the world for its appealing qualities. We also wanted an animal that had an impact in black and white to save money on printing costs. The black-and-white panda has since e to stand as a symbol for conservation world-wide.The following is the logo of WWF in China.As the global conservation organization, WWF works to conserve species at risk, protect threatened habitats and address global threats. Deal with ReadingStudents are given five minutes to read the text. Five minutes later students will be asked to do the post-reading exercises. After doing the exercises individually, students will work in groups and check their answers with other group members.T: Please read the text and learn more about WWF. After reading it, do the post-reading exercises.(After checking the answers .)T: While doing the reading prehension exercises we pay more attention to some facts about the Earths natural environment. From the passage we learn that: WWF is one of the worlds largest and most experienced independent conservation organizations, with almost 5 million supporters and a global network active in more than 130 countries. WWFs mission is to stop the degradation of the planets natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by: conserving the worlds biological diversity ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption T: Do you want to do something to protect the Earth? Would you like to be a volunteer? Please join the WWF Youth Volunteer. The WWF Youth Volunteer Programme enables small teams of mitted and outstanding young people, aged 20-27, to have 2 to 3 month volunteer experiences working with WWF field projects in Madagascar, India, Bhutan and Fiji.The goal of the volunteer programme is to provide you with a powerful, direct experience of the unique challenges developing nations face in protecting their environment and its assets. The aim is also is to enable you to effectively municate your experiences to others.Overall, WWF wants to provide you with an insight into the world of conservation work on the ground, in the field. In doing so it hopes and believes that you will be inspired and motivated by what you see and what you do, and that you will carry this through the rest of your life.Show your care for nature. Take action online for the environment. Step V Warm-up Ex 2-4Deal with Ex 2.Ask students to read the statements in Ex2 and ask them to guess what the report is about. Play the tape for students to listen and judge the statements are true or false. Play the recording again if necessary. After checking the answers, play the recording for a third time so that the students can correct the false statements.T: After learning about some information of WWF, lets listen to a news report. First please read the statements and try to guess what the report is about. Students are given two minutes to read the statements. Then play the recording for students to listen. If necessary, play the recording again so that they can decide if the statements are true or false. Deal with Ex 3&4.Ask students to work in pairs and list 5 animals which are most endangered in China. Then discuss what you can do to protect them. Five minutes later, ask some pairs to present their results to the class.T: Wild plants and animals are increasingly threatened by population explosion and economic development. As a result, many animals and plants, especially the rare and endemic species, as well as those of great economic value, bee endangered and threatened. As we know, panda was chosen as the logo of WWF in 1961, for it is endangered. What other animals are also endangered in your opinion? Please work in pairs and list 5 animals which are most endangered in China. Discuss what you can do to protect them. Five minutes later, you will be asked to present your result. You can refer to the following chart.类别 category中文名Chinese name英文名English name爬行类 reptile龟tortoise鳖soft-shelled turtle蛇snake哺乳类/兽类mammal/beast穿山甲pangolin scales熊bear虎tiger豹leopard犀牛rhinoceros麝/獐musk deer / river deer鹿deer羚羊antelopeT: OK, who would like to tell us what animals are endangered in China? And what you are going to do to help save them?S1: Chinese Alligator (Alligator sinensis) an endangered species but successfully bored in captivity in a breeding center located in Anhui Province; wild population has increased in reserves too. The Giant Panda, Golden Monkey, Takin, Chinese Alligator, and Manchurian Tiger are endangered animals in China. Chinese have been trying to preserve them. The giant panda of China has bee the unofficial symbol for wildlife protection. But in spite of widespread publicity for the plight of the panda and over 20 years of international conservation work, the panda is still listed as one of the most critically endangered of animals. We should protect their inhabitant. Although zoos in China are administered by Urban Construction Department with long-standing efforts in planning and education, more attention has been given to research on breeding and reproduction of rare and endangered animals, and studbooks of certain species are now being established. In fact, reproduction and artificial insemination of Giant Panda succeeded in the 1950s and 1970s respectively. Moreover, captive breeding of certain species has also proved promising, such as Manchurian Tiger, South China Tiger, Lesser Panda, Clouded Leopard, Golden Monkey, cranes, eared-pheasants, Chinese Alligator, etc. Meanwhile we should build a number of breeding farms for wild animals.S2: Rhinoceros horn. Excessive rhino hunting means that the rhino population today is only a tenth of what it was fifty years ago.Tigers: different species have been hunted for their bones and skins in China and the Chinese government has made law against tiger hunting.Musk deer, the Chinese alligator and various orchids: these only exist in China and are on the brink of extinction. Native bears: all five types of bears native to China are highly endangered. Excessive hunting of bears for their gall bladder and bile has caused their numbers to dwindle.The government should make sure everyone is aware the importance of saving the endangered animals. Everyone should take action to protect the endangered animals from being harmed. Step VI Homework1. Go over the vocabulary in Unit 22.2. Make a survey on how students e to school.

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