2019-2020年北师大版高中英语必修2 Unit 6《Design》完形填空专项讲练.doc

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2019-2020年北师大版高中英语必修2 Unit 6Design完形填空专项讲练No.1 Warm-up短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“绘画风格”这一话题,并且默写。 【我喜欢抽象画因为我们得用自己的想象。】【我也喜欢油画 “更大的水花”里笔直的线条和波纹状的水。,线条和形状都是矩形的,粗犷的,表现出战争的暴力和痛苦。】【I like abstract paintings because we have to use our own imagination .】【I also like the straight lines | 2._ the wavy water in the painting, A Bigger Splash. the lines and shapes are square and hard, 4._ shows the violence and pain of the war. 】No.2 Lesson 1短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“品味名画”这一话题,并且默写。 ,我了解了许多关于一些著名的中国画家(的知识)。【徐悲鸿发展了将诗歌与油画结合在一起的传统。,我们可以看到一匹马奔跑,。】【他画浓墨,| 也用不同的灰色阴影。】【齐白石做过木雕活。,一个小虫子的眼睛盯着白菜(看),。】【陈逸飞是一个非常成功的艺术家。他的美女软笔肖像画非常有价值。那幅名为“罂粟”的画是陈派风格的典型例子。】【,女子的手优雅地搁。,陈添加了许多细节。那衣着上的皱褶也(被)画得非常优美。】【,一个视力不好的女孩正站。】, we 1._ (learn) a lot about some famous 2._ (China) painters. 【Xu Beihong developed the tradition of combining the poetry 3._ painting. , we can see a horse 4._ (run) .】【He drew in black ink | and also used different shades of grey .】【Qi Baishi worked with wood . , the tiny insects eyes 9._ (fix) on the cabbage, . 】【Chen Yifei was a very 11._ (success) artist. His soft portraits of beautiful 12._ (woman) are very valuable. The painting 13._ (name) Poppy is a typical example of Chens style.】【In the painting, a 14._ (woman) hand is elegantly positioned . , Chen adds a lot of detail . The folds of her dress are also very 17._ (beautiful) painted.】【, a girl with bad eyesight 18._ (stand) . 】No.3 Lesson 2短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“伟大建筑”这一话题,并且默写。 这里是一些由世界著名建筑师设计、具有不同特色的伟大建筑。【,你可以看到白色的大理石墙体| 和两旁有雕像的阳台。【纽约的克莱斯勒大楼是顶楼有咖啡馆的最漂亮的摩天大楼之一。】【,有奇异的装饰物。】【令人惊奇的苏格兰Eilean Donan城堡在废墟中。它于1932年重建,座落,。】Here are some great buildings with different features 1._ (design) by world famous architects. 【, you can see the white marble walls | and the balcony with statues 3._ either side.】【The Chrysler Building in New York is 4._ of the most beautiful skyscrapers 5._ a caf on top floor. 】【, there are fantastic decorations .】【The amazing castle of Eilean Donan in Scotland was in ruins for 200 years. It 7._ (rebuild) in 1932 | and it is now located , .】No.4 Lesson 3短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“中国剪纸”这一话题,并且默写。 【动物剪纸已在追溯到南北朝时期的墓穴中被发现。】【蝙蝠、公鸡和凤凰剪纸被张贴。有汉字双喜的剪纸常被用来。】【用于宗教目的剪纸常见于寺庙。与死者有关的人往往在特别的日子制作这些祭品。作为设计式样的剪纸在珠宝盒上经常见到。】【,你可以自己尝试剪纸。】【Paper cuts of animals 1._ (find) in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern and 2._ (south) Dynasty.】【Paper cuts of bats, roosters and phoenixes 3._ (put) up . Paper cuts with the Chinese character for double 4._ (happy) are often used . 】【Paper cuts 5._ (use) for religious purposes are often found in temples. People 6._ are related to the dead would make these offerings 7._ special days. Paper cuts used for design patterns are often seen on a jewel(le)ry box.】【If you 8._ (interest) in Chinese paper cuts, you can try out paper cutting for 9._ (you).】No.5 Lesson 4短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“理想的房子”这一话题,并且默写。我们不得不很快离开Loomis的小屋。水管破裂,地面潮湿,| 我们用着隔壁(邻舍)的盥洗室。房东对我们毫不怜悯,| 因此我们不得不搬家。芒果街上的房子不是我们理想的房子。它后面有一间小小的车库,| 前面是窄窄的台阶。窗子是如此之小。总之,我们理想的房子会有自来水、浴缸和地下室。【,我们不必告诉任何人。我们的房子会是一所有个大院子,| 周围全是树,。】【我们也想搬到市区地铁旁的一所公寓,里面有窗帘和空调。每天早上有卡车。】We had to leave the cottage on Loomis quick(ly) . The water pipes broke, the flat was damp | 2._ we were using the washroom next door. The landlord had no mercy, | 3._ we had to move. The house on Mongo Street is not our dream house . It has a small garage on the back | and narrow steps 5._ front. The windows are so small . In conclusion, our dream house 6._ (have) running water, a bathtub and a basement. 【, we wouldnt have to tell anybody. Our house 8._ (be) one with a great yard | and trees around it, . 】【We also wanted to move into 9._ apartment in a downtown area near the subway, 10._ which there are curtains and air-conditioners. And there is a lorry . 】参考答案:No. 1 1. to understand 2. and 3. In 4. which No. 2 1. have learned 2. Chinese 3. with 4. running 5. across 6. moving 7. to show 8. in/during 9. are fixed 10. showing 11. successful 12. women 13. named 14. womans 15. more 16. to 17. beautifully 18. is standing No. 3 1. designed 2. in 3. on 4. one 5. with 6. representing 7. was rebuilt 8. looking No. 4 1. have been found 2. Southern 3. are put 4. happiness 5. used 6. who 7. on 8. are interested 9. yourself/yourselves本资料配有电子真人发声文本朗读MP3音频和配套字幕,用千千静听播放有窗口字幕滚动供单人观看和桌面字幕滚动供课堂教学两种模式。

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