2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修五Unit 3《Science and nature》(第1课时)教案.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修五Unit 3《Science and nature》(第1课时)教案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修五Unit 3Science and nature(第1课时)教案课题Unit 3 Science versus nature课型复习课教学目标明确学习目标,把握考点,突破单词,重点句式重点突破单词,重点句式难点突破单词,重点句式教法讲授法、讨论法、探究法教学过程教 学 内 容 个案调整教师主导活动学生主体活动 First period Listen and learn: Listen to the wordlist and try to learn the words and phrases by heart.Step 1: Step 2: Personal showTask 1: Give the following words Chinese meaningconsequence n.结果,后果harvest vt. & vi.收割(庄稼) n.收获;收成transform vt.使改变外观或性质 (尤指向好的方向) ; 使改变形态concept n.概念;观念breakthrough n.突破conduct vt.实施;指挥乐队nutrition n.营养reliable adj.可信赖的,可依靠的brief adj.短时间的,短暂的; 简洁的,简单的confirm vt. & vi.证实,证明; 确认;使确信Task 2: Translate the following words戏弄,摆弄;把当作儿戏toy withn.意图,目的;企图intentionvt.收养,领养;采用,采纳adoptadj.法律许可的,合法的legal义无反顾地进行, 努力推进push ahead with效仿某人follow in ones footstepsn.总结;概括,概要summaryn.资源resourcen.仔细考虑; 必须考虑的因素;体谅,顾及consideration n.利润,收益 vi. & vt.获益;对有用profit Step 3: Text reading Listen to the text and then finish the following sentencesPara. 1 Different opinions on the first human embryo 1. _For: Human embryo cloning can produce valuable tissues2. _ bone or lung tissuethat could be used to 3. _ human lives. Against: We may be on the way to producing a real-life Frankensteins 4._. Para. 2 Different opinions on the birth of 5. _For: People 6. _ scientists for the scientific breakthrough.Against: Cloning would create more 7._. Para. 35Ian Wilmuts intentionSeverion Antinoris intentionResearch efforts should be 8. _ on creating new tissues and organs for medical use. Cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no 9. _ for human life.To be the first to clone a human being.Para. 6 Chinese scientists have focused their efforts on cloning 10. _, as well as cloned tissues to be used in medical treatment.They have succeeded in cloning cows and goats. Homework: 1. Read the text 2. Try to recite the sentences in step 3-Task 1板书设计当堂作业课外作业教学札记

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