2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修三Unit 1《Festivals around the world》词汇导学案.doc

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2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修三Unit 1《Festivals around the world》词汇导学案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修三Unit 1Festivals around the world词汇导学案二、学习重点(Important points): 重点词汇的正确运用三、学习难点(Difficult points):如何牢固的记住重点词汇并灵活运用下面可是本单元的重点单词和短语啊,相信你肯定能熟读啦!四、重点单词1. celebration 2. starve 3 origion 4. religious 5. belief 6. arrival 7.gain 8. gather 9. award 10. admire 11. energetic 12. permission 13.apologize 14. obvious 15. forgive 五、重点短语1.take place 2. in memory of 3. dress up 4. play a trick on 5. look forward to 6. day and night 7. as though 8. have fun with 9. turn up 10. keep ones word 11. hold ones breath 12. set off 13. remind.of 14. apologize to sb. for doing sth 15. forgive sb. for doing sth哇塞!要记得单词和短语好多啊!没关系啦,先找出你已熟悉的单词短语吧!六、找熟词(可能会有.)Celebration arrival gain forgive play a trick on day and night as though have fun with 等等(同学间可能找得不一样啊,看你的词汇积累啦)七、重点拓展1.starve v饥饿 n Starve to death 饿死 starve to do渴望干 e.g In the old days, many poor people had nothing to eat and to death. 翻译: 2.belief n(c/u) 信仰,信念,相信 vt 复数 pl. beliefs chiefs safes gulfs(海湾) serfs My belief is that knowledge is power.翻译: have belief in vt 相信beyond belief adj./adv. 令人难以置信的to ones belief adv. 使某人相信的是3.arrival n 到达 v 类似构词 survive survival 考点:on arrving= on ones arrival 一到达就 On his arrival at hisclassroom, he opened his book and began to read.翻译: .4.award n. 奖品,奖项,奖金, 助学金 reward 回报,报酬 vt. 裁定;颁发;授予 award sb sth= award sth to sb He was awarded the first prize. 翻译: The judge awarded her $200 as damages. 翻译: 5.admire vt. 钦佩;羡慕;赞美 n adj admire sb. for sth.因某事而羡慕某人我们都钦佩他的勇气。翻译: 6.apologize v 道歉 n Apologize to sb for doing sth 翻译:他因弄坏了我的眼镜而向我道歉。 7.obvious adj 明显的 考点:It is obvious that很明显 翻译:很明显你是对的!8.forgive v 原谅,宽恕 Forgive sb for doing sth 汉语: 9.take place发生,举行 Great changes have taken place in China during the past 20 years.翻译: 英语中表示“发生”的词或短语均为不及物,不用于被动语态。主语为所发生的事。take place, happen, occur,break out10. dress up vi. /vt. 盛装打扮,装饰,掩饰The whole family are dressing up the Christmas tree.dress up in 穿服装打扮I just love the fun of dressing up in ancient clothing.dress up as 打扮成The little girl dressed herself up as an angle.考点:be dressed in 穿She is always dressed in white.11.look forward to 期望,盼望 e.g The letter he looked forward to at last. A. arriving B. arrive C.arrived D. to arrive12.你肯定认识它们啦turn up/down /on/ ,把意思写下来吧 13.keep ones word break ones word eat ones word14.set off / set out/ set about 区分一下吧 Set off for sp 出发到某地15.remindof remind sb to do sth 翻译:这张老照片使我想到了我的童年。 16.in memory of 为了纪念 ; 作为对的纪念 in honour of为向表示敬意,为纪念,为庆祝八、 练一练吧1.The girl had been d to death in the river before the police came to save her.2.Parents are always f their little children for making mistakes3.A lot of people g round,curious to know what was happening.4.No pains,no g .5.I havent much b in his honesty, because he often tells lies.6.Do you know when India gained its _(独立) from Britain?7.Do you know the _ (起源) of life on the earth?8.He got a lot of _(奖状) for his excellent study.9.His nervousness was _(显然的) right from the start.10.They entered the area without _(允许). Drowned forgiving gathered gains beliefIndependence origin(s) awards obvious permission短语填空1._出现;到场2._出发;动身;使爆炸3._搞恶作剧4._纪念;追念5._盛装;打扮;装饰6._期望7._玩得开心8._守信用9._屏息10._使想起 九练就火眼金睛,找出本单元学的单词 It is obvious that beliefs differ in different societies.It is our custom to gather together to celebrate the arrival of a festival and the admirable gains of a rich harvest. But its origin is unknown.十、小结反思意识流,想到哪个写哪个,看看自己记住了几个单词啊! 十一每日背诵 (积累词汇就是收获财富啊)10个单词,5个短语,3个句子 1. Starve 2. religious 3.belief 4.arrival 5.gather 6.award 7.admire 8. energetic 9. permission 10. obvious 1.take place 2. in memory of 3. dress up 4. play a trick on 5. look forward to 1.Great changes have taken place in China during the past 20 years.2.She is always dressed in white.3.The letter he looked forward to arrived at last.


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