2019届高三英语二轮复习 书面表达专项练习(4)应用文写作-感谢信.doc

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2019届高三英语二轮复习 书面表达专项练习(4)应用文写作-感谢信.doc_第1页
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2019届高三英语二轮复习 书面表达专项练习(4)应用文写作-感谢信.doc_第3页
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感谢信1、假设你是李明,最近参加了一期“澳大利亚冬令营”活动。共两周时间你住在Johnson 夫妇家中,他们为你提供了吃、住、行及旅游方面的帮助。请写一封电子邮件感谢他们。内容包括以下要点:1.安全到家 2.感谢 3.感受 4.保持联系注意:1.词数120左右;2.可以适当增减细节,以使行文连贯;3.邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好。 Yours,LiMing2、假如你叫李明,在伦敦学习期间,你待在Jonathan的家里。请你给Jonathan 写一封电子邮件表示感谢,并邀请他明年暑假来你家。内容要点:1. 感谢Jonathan让你住在他家;2. 他们给你创造了一个很好的家庭氛围;3. 明年你将中学毕业,届时你将有两个月的假期,你和家人诚邀Jonathan暑期来西安度假。注意:1.词数:100 词左右。2.内容应包括以上要点,并适当增加细节,以使内容连贯3.短文开头已写好,但不计入总词数.4.提示词汇: 氛围:atmosphereDear Jonathan, I cant tell you how much I appreciated your kindness in letting me stay at your home when I was in London. Yours,Li Ming3、假定你是李华,已申请就读英国圣安德鲁斯大学(the University of St Andrews)。在申请过程中,得到前英国外教Ms. Rowling的帮助。请你给Ms. Rowling写封信,内容要点如下:1.已被录取;2.感谢帮助;3.期待再见。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Ms. Rowling, Yours,Li Hua4、假如你是李华,本学期你在校报上投稿获得了较多的点赞,请你就此给校友们写一封感谢信。内容包括:1.表示对大家支持的感谢;2.不负厚望,继续撰稿。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:点赞thumbs-upDear fellow schoolmates, Yours,Li Hua5、假定你是李华,今天上午上英语课时身体不适,课后你的外籍教师Peter送你去医院,之后他因故返回学校。现在Peter发短信了解你的病情,请根据以下内容,回复短信。内容主要包括:1.感谢;2.现状(发烧,医生建议留院观察两天);3.心情(尽快康复,返回课堂)。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Peter, Li Hua6、假定你是第一中学的学生李华,刚从美国参加中美学生文化交流活动回来,请代表你们学校给美方学校写一封感谢信。要点如下:1.自我介绍;2.表达感谢;3.说明活动收获;4.邀请对方来中国。注意:1.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2.词数100左右;3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;4.参考词汇:款待 hospitality。Dear Sir / Madam,Greetings from China! Yours sincerely,Li Hua7、假如你是某中学高三学生李华,你的外籍教师 Johnson曾帮助过你学习英语。感恩节即将来临,请给已经回国的他写一封电子邮件,感谢他对你的鼓励和帮助。 注意: 1.词数不少于100; 2.信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数; 3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 Dear Mr. Johnson How is everything going? Yours, Li Hua 8、假如你是李华,上个月在加拿大参加了你校组织的“文化交流日”活动,并住在Cathy家里。请你给在加拿大期间认识的新朋友Cathy 写封感谢信,内容包括:1. 活动中的收获;2. 难忘在Cathy家的美好时光;3. 感谢她送你的英文小说。注意:1.词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连冠;3. 开头和结束语已为你写好(不计入总词数)。提示词:文化交流日Cultural Exchange DayDear Cathy, I ve already returned from Canada. Yours,LiHua 答案1答案:Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,Im writing to you from my home inChina. I returned home safe and sound. When I think of the wonderful two weeks I spent inAustralia, I just cant help thinking of both of you. It was so kind of you to have provided everything to make my staying there such a happy and lucky experience. Ive learned so much, not only English but also culture. And I really enjoyed those happy days that we spent together. Thank you very much. Ill always remember this trip as well as your kindness. Ill keep in touch and write to you later. Please take care!Yours,LiMing2答案:Dear Jonathan, I cant tell you how much I appreciated your kindness in letting me stay at your home while I was in London. It was a delight to see a loving family. You kept me pany and created a great home atmosphere for me. I shall always treasure the time when we were together. Next summer, I will graduate from senior high school and it will be about two months before I go to university, so my parents and I would really like you to e here on vacation. There are a lot of beautiful and historic places in Xian. Im sure you will like it. Meanwhile, we will have a nice time and enjoy ourselves again. Im looking forward to your reply. Please send my best regards to your parents!Yours,Li Ming3答案:高分范文Dear Ms. Rowling, Im glad to tell you that I have been formally admitted to the University of St Andrews and will begin to study there next September. At the same time, Im really grateful to you for your help last year during my stay there trying to apply for British universities, without which it would have been much more difficult for me. I know my university is close to vour home so I wish I could visit you as soon as I arrive there. Im dying to meet you soon. Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua(90 words)标准范文Dear Ms. Rowling, I hope everything is okay with you. Im Li Hua, your former student in China. Hopefully youve not forgotten me since you helped me a lot last year when I was trying to apply for British universities. Im writing to tell you that I have been admitted to the University of St Andrews and will start my study there next September. Im really grateful to you for your help. I wish I could visit you after I get there. Im looking forward to meeting you soon. Best regards.Yours,LiHua(88 words )4答案:Dear fellow schoolmates, I would like to give thanks for your thumbs-up for my essays in the school newspaper. Seeing that great changes take place around the whole school, I cant help making them known to all by writing to the newspaper. Receiving so many thumbs-up is beyond my expectations. Therefore, I am determined to go on to live up to your expectations. I am willing to share more with you.Yours,Li Hua(70 words)5答案:Peter, Thank you for texting. Its kind of you to take me to hospital when I felt sick in the English lesson this morning. I am quite grateful for what you have done for me. Because of your timely help, I could get treated in time, or I couldnt imagine what it would be like. I am much better now. My doctor thinks Ive just got a cold. But I have been told that I need to stay in hospital for two days and receive further examination because I still have a fever. I am looking forward to being well soon and with you again in your lively class. See you then.Li Hua 6答案:Dear Sir / Madam, Greetings fromChina! I am Li Hua from the Xin Hua Middle School and Im writing this letter on behalf of our school to thank you for your warm hospitality during our recent visit to your country. I would also like to thank you for your wonderful cultural exchange activities. I am sure that we can improve our understanding through such activities. We sincerely hope to have more chances to take part in such activities. We are looking forward to your early visit toChinaand then we will be able to pay back the hospitality we received during our stay in your country. Thank you again, and best wishes!Yours sincerely,Li Hua7答案: Dear Mr. Johnson How is everything going? With the Thanksgiving Day approaching, I couldnt help recalling your help. I made great progress in English with your help. Here Id like to express my gratitude to you. I still remember that when I started learning English in senior high school, I found it much more difficult than what we learned in junior high school. Without your help, I would have lost heart. It was your encouragement that made me realize the importance of English Therefore, I got up early every morning, recited English words and texts, listened to tapes and did a lot of exercises. Now, Ive improved my English greatly. And Im getting more and more confident in learning English. Thanks for your kind help and encouragement. Best regards! Yours, Li Hua 8答案:One possible version:Dear Cathy, Ive already returned from Canada. Thank you for the warm help during my stay in Canada. Last month. I participated in the Cultural Exchange Day. I enjoyed myself in your country .We visited the city museum and some places of interest, which made me have a better understanding of the Canadian society, culture and history. Of course, I also made many new friends. Whats more, I was lucky enough to stay at your home. And I will never forget the days we spent together. Here I especially thank you for the English novel you offered me as a gift. Its a great help for me to learn English well. I will treasure and make full use of it. Wele to China when its convenient for you!Yours,Li hua


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