2019-2020年外研版高中英语版必修2 Module 3《Music》(SectionⅣ)学案.doc

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2019-2020年外研版高中英语版必修2 Module 3《Music》(SectionⅣ)学案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年外研版高中英语版必修2 Module 3《Music》(SectionⅣ)学案.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年外研版高中英语版必修2 Module 3Music(Section)学案写作指导一、佳作展示与背诵假如你是中学生李明,经常收听某广播电台音乐频道的节目。请你给音乐节目主持人Miss Zhang写一封信,谈谈你对该频道音乐节目的看法。信的要点如下:1喜欢该频道的节目,特别是英文歌曲和流行歌曲;2听该频道节目能调整心情,使人身心放松,且能学到一些英语单词;3希望播放一些校园歌曲,建议增加互动点歌节目,减少广告插播次数。注意:1.词数:100左右,开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总词数;2可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;3参考词汇:校园歌曲 campus song;互动点播 interactive requestDear Miss Zhang,Im Li Ming,a middle school student._Finally I sincerely hope the programme will bee more and more popular.Yours sincerely,Li MingOne possible versionDear Miss Zhang,Im Li Ming,a middle school student.I like your music programme so much that I listen to it every day.Among the songs,the English songs and pop songs,especially Jay Chous songs are my favourite.Im glad to tell you that this programme has benefited me a lot.Whenever I feel stressed,I relax by listening to your programme.It forts and encourages me whenever I am in trouble.Ive also learned many English words by listening to English songs.I hope Ill be able to hear more campus songs.I also make some suggestions.An interactive request section should be included in the programme.The number of advertisements should be lessened.Finally I sincerely hope the programme will bee more and more popular.Yours sincerely,Li Ming二、思路点拨1本篇短文为建议信。信中应提出自己对该广播电台音乐频道节目的看法、意见及建议。时态以一般现在时为主。2信的正文部分可分为三段:第一段:开门见山,表明自己对该节目的喜欢程度以及喜欢哪些歌曲。第二段:说明喜欢的原因。第三段:提出建议。3词汇短语:与音乐相关的词汇:soft/light music,rocknroll,pop music,classical music,folk music,country music,campus songs,traditional music,album,band,singer,musician,singer fan,pianist,poser,violinist,programme,performer,perform.表达爱好及描述音乐的词汇:like,dislike,appreciate,leave/make a deep impression on,perfect,wonderful,boring,relaxing,fortable,peaceful,calm,interesting,exciting,pleasant,encouraging,sad,sorry,moved,touched,noisy,be regarded as,benefit,advantage,disadvantage,do good/harm to,concentrate.on,have a good understanding of.,express feelings,develop personal quality,encourage and fort us,municate with others.建议及看法:improve,more.should be needed,offer,designed for,with more efforts.承接词汇:especially,also,of course,besides,personally,in ones opinion.4常用句型:Whenever I feel stressed,I relax by listening to your music programme.It forts and encourages me whenever I am in trouble.I hope Ill be able to hear more campus songs.I also make some suggestions.三、经典句式1Whenever I feel stressed,I relax by listening to your programme.本句是由whenever引导的时间状语从句。2Ive also learned many English words by listening to English songs.句中的by为介词,意为“通过”,后用动词ing形式,构成介宾结构。提示:用最精练的语言把你当堂掌握的核心知识的精华部分和基本技能的要领部分写下来并进行识记。

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