2019年三年级英语上册 1-3单元测试 广州版.doc

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2019年三年级英语上册 1-3单元测试 广州版1、 用阿拉伯数字给听到的字母编号。(10分)( )a ( ) b ( ) c ( ) d ( ) e ( ) f ( ) g ( ) fe ( ) bag ( ) gc2、 写出下面小写字母相应的大写字母。(5分) d f b e g .3、 听句子三次,写出句子所缺的单词。(5分)1. - , Janet. How are you?-Im Ok, you. And you?2. - is my teacher Miss Liu.-Nice to meet you, Miss Liu. - Nice to you, too.3. -Hi, My is Zhang Ming.-Hello, Zhang Ming. Im Jane.四、选出老师所读的单词,把听到的单词的英文大写编号写在括号内。(10分)( )1. A. Miss B. Mr ( ) 2. A. I B. my( ) 3. A. you B. your ( ) 4. A. am B. and( ) 5. A. hello B. hi ( ) 6. A. morning B. afternoon( ) 7. A. is B. this ( ) 8. A. nice B. miss( ) 9. Thank you. B. And you? ( )10. A. Miss White B. Mr White五、把相应的答句的字母编号写在括号里。(6分)( )1. Hello. A. Im Janet.( ) 2. Good morning, Miss White. B. Im OK, thank you. And you?( ) 3. Good afternoon, children. C. Good morning.( ) 4. My name is Ben. Whats your name? D. Nice to meet you, too.( ) 5. How are you? E. Hi. ( ) 6. Nice to meet you. F. Good afternoon, Mr Chen.六、用适当的单词填空。(10分)1. A: are you? 4. A: your name? B: Im OK. You. B: name is Liu Xiaoping. 2. A: morning, Miss White. B: morning, Yongxian 3. A: is my brother Ben. B: to meet you. C: to meet you, .七、在下面的情景中你该怎样说?(10分)1.早上见到老师,你可以说什么问候的话? 2.见到熟人你可以怎样打招呼? 3.别人对你说“Good afternoon! 你应该如何应答? 4. 别人对你说”How are you?你应该如何应答? 5. 傍晚你可以如何问候别人?小学英语三年级上册第二模块测验1、 听单词两次,选出所读的词,并把单词大写字母编号写在括号内。(10分)( )1. A. leg B. left ( ) 2. A. this B. is ( ) 3. A. am B. arm ( ) 4. A. hand B. head ( ) 5. A. face B. foot ( ) 6. A. that B. dad ( ) 7. A. am B. and ( ) 8. A. my B. mum ( ) 9. A. nose B. nice ( ) 10. A. and B. hand三、根据你在录音中听到的内容,将下列每组中的单词选出来,将其字母标号填在题前的括号里。(5分)( ) 1. A. red B. green ( ) 2. A. book B. look( ) 3. A. bag B. leg ( ) 4. A. black B. brown( ) 5. A. nose B. mouth四、选择句子中的正确单词填空。(5分)1. I have (有)two (hand, hands).2. This is my right (foot, feet).3. This is (I, my) eye.4. Clean (you, your) face.5. That (is, /) a toe.五、 根据中文把英文词组或句子写完整。(10分)1. Two (手)2. My (嘴巴)3. (你的) right (眼睛)4. (这)is my nose。5. Thats your left (腿)6. (一只)ear. (一只)arm.7. (我)am a teacher. (你)are a student.六、用所给的词组成句子。(10分)1. hands,raise,your 2. your, touch , face3. your, legs, wash4. teeth, my, brush 5. is, this, head, my 小学英语三年级上册第三模块测验1、 听单词两次,选出所读的单词,并把单词的大写字母编号写在括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. A. where B. chair ( ) 2. A. pencil B. pen ( ) 3. A. on B. no ( ) 4. A. no B. not ( ) 5. A. rubber B. ruler ( ) 6. A. box B. book ( ) 7. A. bag B. pack ( ) 8. A. head B. lend ( ) 9. A. what B. where ( ) 10. A. desk B. Table二、听读问句,找出对应的答句,并在括号里写上顺序编号。(5分) ( ) 1. Yes, it is. ( ) 2. Thank you.( ) 3. Its on the table ( ) 4. No, the book is not in my bag.( ) 5. The rubber is over there, on the chair.2、 根据听到的内容把句子补充完整。(10 分) 1. your books, children. 2. is a . 3. is my pen? Here . 4. Is it the chair? No, it . 5.Please lend me your . you are.3、 选择正确的单词填空。(10分)1. A: (Where, Wheres) my pencil-case?2. B: ( On, No) the table.3. A: (Is, is) the pen in the box?B: Yes,it (is, isnt).4.A: (Here, Heres) my pen.B: Thank (you, your).5.A: Is ( it, in) on the bed?B: No, it (isnt, is).6. A: Wheres your English book?B: ( Here, Where) it is! 五、找出下列句子的答句并把字母编号写在相应句子的括号内。(5分)( ) 1. Is it on the table? A. Thank you.( ) 2. Here you are. B. No. Its a Chinese book. ( ) 3. Pack your bag. C. OK!( ) 4. Where is your ball? D. Yes, it is.( ) 6. Is that an English book? E. Here it is. 6、 如果遇到下面的情景,你能应对吗?(10 分)1. 你想问Ben 借一把尺子,你说: lend your .2. 有一天,你找不到自己的英语书,你问: is my book ?3. 上课的时候老师要求同学们打开书,老师说: your book, .4. Mike 向你借一块橡皮,你把橡皮递给他的时候,你说: 七、用下面的字母组成一个单词,使句子成立。(5 分)1. (h, e, e, w, r) is my bag?2. Is (h, s, t, i) your bed?3. Is your ( n, c, p, e, i, l ) on the desk?4. That is my (b, t, l, e, a ).5. That isnt my ( u, e, r, r, l ).


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