2019-2020年新人教版英语九年《Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark》word教案.doc

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2019-2020年新人教版英语九年Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the darkword教案. Analysis of the Teaching Material1. Status and FunctionIn this unit, students learn to talk about what they used to be like. Such topic reminds students of the days of their childhood. It is helpful to raise learning interest of students and students are sure to be active in all the activities in this unit. (1)The first period introduces a lot of words describing people first. And then students are provided listening and oral practice using the target language Mario used to be short. Yes. he did. Now hes tall. (2) In the second period, students learn yes, no questions and short answers using the structure used to. Using the target language, students get more detailed information of their classmates. Students are fond of such activities. So they are helpful to improve students spoken English. (3)A lot of situations in the third period are designed for students to talk about what they used to be afraid of and what they are still afraid of. In this way, students know that everyone sure changes and that they should take good care the process of their growth. (4)In the fourth period, the vocabulary extension activity introduces more words to students. The other activities provide more listening and oral practice using both the old and new target language. All the activities are helpful to improve students listening and speaking skills. (5) In the fifth period, students practice reading and writing using the vocabulary words and the target language presented in the preceding classes. Such practice is useful to improve students integrating skills. (6)The Self check in the sixth period is designed to give students more reinforced practice, especially writing practice. In this way, students better understand how to apply what theyve learned in this unit to their daily life.2. Teaching Aims and Demands (1) Knowledge Objects In this unit, students learn to talk about how they have changed. To make students learn and grasp the structure used to, including statements and yes/no questions and short answers. (2) Ability Objects To train students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. To train students integrating skills. (3) Moral Object To enable students to know that everyone surely changes. If you are afraid of speaking in front of the class, encourage yourself not to be shy. More practice, and youll feel more confident.3. Teaching Key Points To learn the key vocabulary and the target language. To learn the usage of the structure used to.4. Teaching Difficult Points To improve students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. To enable students to grasp the usage of the structure used to. 5. Studying Way Teach students how to use the structure used to to pare the past with now. Language Function Talk about what you used to be like. Target Language 1. Mario used to be short. Yes, he did. Now hes tall. 2. I used to eat candy all the time. Did you? Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot. Structures 1. Used to 2. Conjunction but. Vocabulary used to, dark, spider, insect. Recycling alone, quiet, snake, outgoing, friendly, serious, funny, tall, shy, short, straight, long hair.Learning Strategies 1. Brainstorming 2. paring.Teaching Time: Seven PeriodsThe First Period.Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects (1)Key Vocabulary:used to, dark (2)Target Language Mario used to be short. Yes, he did. Now hes tall. 2. Ability Objects (1) Train students listening skill. (2) Train students municative petence.3.Moral Object Dont judge a person by his appearance.Teaching Key Points1. Target language2. The structure: used to. Teaching Difficult PointThe structure: used to. Teaching Methods1. Teaching by induction2. Pairwork. Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. Pictures of people cut out from magazines or newspapers. Teaching ProceduresStep Revision (1) Check the homework exercises. (2) Ask some individual students their ways of learning English. Step 1aThe activity introduces tile key vocabulary. Call students attention to the chart with the headlines Appearance and Personality.Say, You are to fill in the chart with words describing people. The words under Appearance will describe how people look and the words under Personality will describe what people are like. Ask two students to say the sample answers. Then elicit one answer to each column from the class.Get students to fill in the chart individually. Check the answers by asking different students to read their lists to the class.Step 1bThe activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Write two dates side by side on the blackboard. The first is todays date, including the year, and the second is the same day, but ten years ago.Ask a student to stand up. Use words or phrases to describe that student now. Ask students to suggest words Or phrases that describe him/her ten years ago. Ask some more questions and add more examples to both columns.Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen.Play the recording again. This time, students listen and fill in the blanks.Check the answers. Step 1cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class.Call students attention to the conversation in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class. Say, look at the picture in Activity 1b.Have a conversation with a partner about people in the picture. Talk about how the People look now and how they used to look.Step SummarySay, In this class, weve learned the key vocabulary words used to and dark. And weve also learned the target language Mario used to be short. Yes, he did. Now hes tallStep HomeworkTake out the pictures of people cut out from magazines or newspapers. Hand them out to students. Its better to find colorful, full-length photos. Ask students to write about the person in the picture as they are now and as they were ten years ago. Students may collect pictures and information of the person they like best.Then write a passage about the person.Step Blackboard Design Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section AThe First Period1. The structure: used to Sep. 10,2004 Sep. 10,1994 tall short long hair short hair Liu Chang used to be short, but she is tall now.She used to have short hair, but she has long hair now.2. Target language: A: Mario used to be short. B: Yes, he did. Now hes tallThe Second Period. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects (1)Key Vocabulary be interested in, sure (2)Target Language I used to be really quiet, I know. Now youre very outgoing. Did you use to have straight hair? Yes, I did. Did you use to play the piano? No, I didnt.2. Ability Objects (1) Train students listening skill. (2) Train students integrating skills.3. Moral Object You should have the courage of your opinions. Teaching Key Points1. I used to be really quiet. I know. Now you are very outgoing.2. Did you use to have straight hair? Yes, I did.3. Did you use to play the piano? No, I didnt. Teaching Difficult Points1. Yes/No questions with used to2. Statements with used to. Teaching Methods1. Teaching by explanation2. Pairwork. Teaching Aids1. Pictures of people cut out from magazines or newspapers2. A tape recorder. Teaching ProceduresStep RevisionCheck homework. Ask a student to hold up the picture given to him yesterday or a picture he/she collected himself/herself to the class. Then let him/her read out his/her article about the person in the picture.Step 2aThis activity provides listening practice using the target language. Point to the picture and ask students what is happening. Elicit answers from students.Point to the six words in the box and ask students to repeat each one. Make sure students know the meaning of each word.Say, You will hear a boy and a girl talking to each other at a party. Listen to the recording and check the words you hear they say. Point out the sample answer.Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen.Play the recording a second time. This time ask students to put a check in front of the words they hear. Check the answers.Step 2bThis activity gives students practice understanding the target language in spoken Conversation.Ask students to point to the blank lines in the conversation. Say, You will writeone word on each blank line.Read the conversation aloud saying blank when ing to a blank line.Play the recording. Students fill in the blanks with the words they hear.Correct the answers. Read the conversation aloud, filling in the missing words.Students check their answers.Step 2cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language. Focus students on the conversation in Activity 2b. Ask a pair of students to read it to the class.Point to the sample conversation. Get another pair of students to read it to the class.Say, Now work with a partner. Start by reading the conversations in Activities 2b and 2c. Then make conversations about yourselves.Have students work in pairs. Move around the room listening in on various pairs and offering help if necessary. Check the answers by calling on different pairs to say their conversations to the class. Note: Answers will vary.Step Summary Say, In this class, weve mainly learned the use to questions and used to statements.Step Homework Ask students to write a short report about what a favorite film star or a famous scientist was like when he/she was a child. Suggest students to add pictures to their written work.Step Blackboard DesignUnit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section AThe Second PeriodTarget language:1. I wasnt very outgoing.2. You used to have long hair.3. Did you use to have straight hair? Yes, I did.4. Did you use to play the piano? No, I didnt.The Third Period. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects (1)Talk about what you used to be afraid of and what you are still afraid of. (2) Key Vocabulary terrify, be terrified of, on2. Ability Object Train students integrating skills.3. Moral Object Are you afraid of speaking in front of a group? Dont be so shy. Be confident of yourself. Practice more, and you will sure change. Teaching Key PointsTarget LanguageDid you use to be afraid of the dark?Yes, I did.Are you still afraid of the dark?No, Im not. How about you?Me? Oh, yes! Im terrified of the dark.So, what do you do about it?I go to sleep with my bedroom light on. Teaching Difficult PointTalk about what you used to be afraid of and what you are still afraid of using the target language. Teaching Methods1. Teaching by demonstration. 2. Pairwork 3. Groupwork. Teaching AidA projector. Teaching ProceduresStepRevisionCheck homework. Ask different students to read their reports about his favorite film star or a scientist. Then collect their writings and write ments on each paper before returning them, Display some better ones in the classroom.Show a students work on the screen by a projector. Help him/her correct any errors.Step 3aThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Point to the pictures and ask students to tell what is happening.Draw students attention to the chart. Read each of the four headlines and the list of items in the first column to the class. Demonstrate how to fill in the chart with a good student orally.Tell students where to put a check in the chart.Ask students to plete the I column of the chart on their own by checking the items that they used to be afraid of and that they are still afraid of.Check the answers.Step 3bThis activity provides oral practice using the target language. Focus attention on the conversation. Ask a pair of students to read it to the class. Write the conversation on the blackboard. Point out the list of items in the first column of Activity 3a. Say, Ask your partner about these items and plete the My partner columns of the chart in pairs. Ask students to work with partners. Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.Step Part 4This activity gives students an opportunity to use the target language to talk about themselves.Read the instructions to the class. Ask a good student to give an example from his or her own experience. For example, for the word eat, a student might say, I used to eat chocolate. Now I like to eat fruits of different kinds. I think chocolate is rich in calory and fat while fruits are rich in vitamin, which is good for health.Help students to write chocolate and fruits in the chart.Ask students to plete the work in groups of four. Walk around the classroom listening in on different groups and offering help with pronunciation and writing.Ask a few students to tell the class about the other students they have talked to.For example, a student may say, my desk- mate Wei Mei used to eat a lot of chocolate. Now she likes to eat fruits. She thinks keeping fit is of great importance.Step SummarySay, In this class, weve talked about what you used to be afraid of and what you are still afraid of using the target language of this unit.Step Homework(1) Ask students to find out what their grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and old friends used to be afraid of when they were children. What did these people used to be afraid of that todays children are not afraid of?(2)Finish off the exercises on pages 67 of the workbook.Step Blackboard DesignUnit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section AThe Third PeriodTarget language:A: Did you use to be afraid of the dark? B: Yes, I did.A: Are you still afraid of the dark? B: No, Im not. How about you?A: Me? Oh, yes! Im terrified of the dark.B: So, what do you do about it?A: I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.The Fourth Period. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary spider, insect, chew, gum (2) Target Language I used to eat candy all the time. Did you? Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.2. Ability Object Train students ability to talk about what they used to be/do.3. Moral Object People surely change. Students should take good care of the process of their growth. Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabulary spider, insect, chew, gum2. Target Language I used to eat candy all the time. Did you? Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot. Teaching Difficult PointTalk about what you used to be/do. Teaching MethodPractice method. Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. A picture with spiders and a picture with insects.3. A gum. Teaching ProceduresStep RevisionCheck homework. Invite different students to report what his/her grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, or old friends used to be afraid of when they were young.Step 1aThis activity introduces new vocabulary words and provides practice with the target language. Using pictures, teach students to practice the words spider and insect. Teach the word gum by holding up a gum. And teach the verb chew by chewing the gum. Call students attention to the pictures.Say, Please check the things you liked to do when you were a child.Ask students to plete the work individually.Step 1bThis activity provides practice with the target language. Point out the box under the pictures. Read the instructions to the class. Get a student to write his/her sentences on the blackboard. Help correct any errors.Step 2aThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.Set a time limit of one minute. Ask students to look through the sentences in the box. Say, You will hear a boy and a girl talking about how life used to be when they were much younger on the recording. Listen and check the sentences you hear. Point out the sample answer. Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen.Play the recording again. This time students check the sentences they hear.Check the answers.Step 2bThis activity gives students practice in understanding and writing the target language. Call students attention to the chart with the headlines In the past and Now. Set a time limit of one minute for students to look through the unpleted sentences. Say, You are to listen to the conversation again and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Point out the sample answers.Play the recording again. Students listen and fill in the blanks. Ask a student to read these sentences, filling in the blanks, the rest of the class check their answers.Step 2cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Ask a pair of students to read the sample conversation to the class.Ask students to pay special attention to the question “Did you?” and the answer“Yes, 1 did.”Remind students of the negative answer No, I didnt. Say, Now work with a partner. Start by reading the sample conversation with your partner. Then make new conversations.Check the answers by calling on different pairs to say their conversations to the class. Ask students to talk about good and bad habits. Then make sentences with “used to”to show which habits they have stopped and make sentences with “still” to show which ones they still have.Step Summary and HomeworkSay, In this class, weve learned the new vocabulary words spider, insect, gum and chew and the target language I used to do sth. After class, finish writing the sentences in Optional Activity.Step Blackboard DesignUnit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section BThe Fourth Period1. Sample answers to Activity 1b: (1) I used to play football with my brother. (2)I used to eat hamburgers a lot. (3)I used to watch cartoons. (4)I used to run with my father in the morning.2. Target language: A: I used to eat candy all the time. Did you? B: Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.The Fifth Period. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects (1)Key Vocabulary right, ic (2) Practice reading and writing using the target language.2. Ability Objects (1)Train students ability to get information in reading or in conversation. (2)Train students ability to express their ideas using the target language.3. Moral Object Talk to your parents as often as possible so that you can understand each other better. Teaching Key PointPractice reading and writing using the target language. Teaching Difficult PointWrite a passage about how someones life has changed. Teaching MethodPractice method. Teaching Aids1. A projector 2. A sample version. Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionReview the target language presented in this unit. Invite a student to e to the front of the classroom and demonstrate an activity. The rest of the class guess what he/she is doing first. Then make sentences using the words used to and the guessed activity. Demonstrate how to play the game.Step 3aThis activity provides reading practice using the target language.Teach the words right and ic. Call students attention to the article. Invite a student to read it to the class. Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student provides a good model for the rest of the class.Point out the chart. Elicit the first answer from the class: Rose Tang then. had so much time. Guide students to find out the information in the reading. It sayswhen I was young, I used to have so much time,Say, Now read the article and plete the chart.

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