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海南省儋州一中2018-2019学年高二英语上学期第二次月考试题 考试时间120分钟 满分150分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What are the speakers doing? A. Looking after Dad.B. Buying a jacket.C. Holding a party. 2. Who is the man probably? A. The house owner. B. The repairman. C. The tutor. 3. Whats wrong with the man? A. He breaks a drum.B. He feels unwell.C. He forgets to take his medicine.4. What did the man do yesterday? A. Finished reading a book.B. Had dinner with the woman.C. Gave a speech. 5. How would the woman like to go home? A. By bus.B. By subway.C. By taxi. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Why does the woman gain weight? A. She eats too much.B. She feels stressed.C. She is at the age of getting fat. 7. What will the man do to lose weight? A. Go to a yoga class. B. Join a jogging club. C. Go running everyday. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What will the woman do tonight? A. Go back home early. B. Go to a party. C. Talk to Mom. 9. What does the woman think of her mother? A. Kind. B. Strict. C. Open-minded. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Where are the speakers probably? A. In a store. B. In a post office. C. At home. 11. How much will the man pay for the delivery? A. For free. B. 15 yuan. C. 20 yuan. 12. When will the man get his delivery? A. Today. B. Tomorrow.C. The day after tomorrow. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Whats the relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Friends.C. Colleagues. 14. What dessert will be prepared tomorrow? A. Fruits. B. Strawberry pie.C. Chocolate cake. 15. What day is it today? A. Friday. B. Saturday.C. Sunday. 16. What will the man do after lunch tomorrow? A. Watch a football game. B. Send children to school. C. Take a shower.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. At what age did Dessi Sieburth start loving birds? A. 6. B. 8. C. 14. 18. Why does Dessi make boxes for bluebirds? A. They are everywhere in his hometown. B. They are easy to track. C. They lose their nest places. 19. Whats the function of Dessis website? A. To do researches. B. To teach people about birds. C. To raise money for birds. 20. What did Dessi do in Alaska recently? A. He interviewed biologists. B. He bought some gold there. C. He studied on a type of eagle.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第1节 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D,)中,选出最佳选项AOphelia and the Marvelous Boy by Karen Foxlee Type:FantasyStoryline: When Ophelia moves to a strange city where it never stops snowing, she discovers a boy locked away for 75 years in a museum. She must help the boy before the Snow Queen freezes the world.Along the way, Ophelia learns how to believe in things she cannot see.Targeted readers:People who like fairy tales would enjoy this book. A Hundred Horses by Sarah Lean Type: Mystery Storyline: The wooden horse Nell brings along during her visits to her aunt and cousins is stolen by a girl named Angel. As Nell finds out Angels true identity, a bond grows between them and a group of 99 horses. Word has it that the 100th horse is magical. But where is it? Nell doesnt know, but Angel might know. Targeted readers: Kids who like animals and nature will be sure to find this book exciting. How to Catch a Bogle by Catherine Jinks Type: Fantasy Storyline:Birdie is an orphan who is good at trapping monsters with her singing voice. She is the only goblin(小妖精) hunter in the world. When kids go missing, its up to her to figure out why. Targeted readers:Anyone who is looking for monsters will take great pleasure in this book. I Even Funnier: A Middle School Story by James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein Type: Fiction Storyline: After a car accident Jamie loses his family, and then he moves in with his aunt, uncle and his cousin Stevie, whose basic aim is to trick Jamie. But Jamie keeps having a positive attitude and running after his goals. He was recently honored the Funniest Kid ic of New York State. Targeted readers:This book would be great for anyone who is fond of humorous books.21Which writer tells a story about a girl saving a boy?AKaren Foxlee.BSarah Lean.CCatherine Jinks.DJames Patterson and Chris Grabenstein.22Nature lovers may take interest in_AOphelia and the Marvelous Boy BA Hundred HorsesCHow to Catch a Bogle DI Even Funnier: A Middle School Story23Who went through life challenges without losing heart?AOphelia. BNell.CStevie. DJamie.24In which section of a newspaper can we find such a passage?AFashion. BLiterature.CBusiness. DLocal news.B Recently, a painting of actress Elizabeth Taylor, which was drawn by American artist and filmmaker Andy Warhol, sold for US $63 million. Another simple black-and-white image of a Coca-Cola bottle sold for US $35 million. But the all-time record for a Warhol painting is $100 million for a piece titled “Eight Elvises”. Whats amazing is not that the pieces sold for so much, but the fact that they are not what you would call traditional art. They are “pop art”, art based on simple images of things and people from advertising, movies, music and day-to-day life. Born in the 1920s, Warhol grew up mostly separated from other children due to (由于) health problems. He spent a lot of his time alone drawing and then went on to study art in college. He began his career as a mercial (商业的) artist, creating pictures for magazine articles and newspaper ads. That inspired him to experiment with pop art and he hosted Americas first pop art exhibition in the 1960s. The show met with a lot of discussion with some people saying that what he was doing was not art. Warhol followed his first works with a series we are all familiar with paintings of Coca-Cola bottles, Brillo soap pad boxes, and portraits (肖像) of famous people. Soon after, Warhol stopped creating his own artwork. Instead, he had assistants and other artists create them at his studio called “The Factory”. Warhol wanted to show the world that art doesnt have to be plex or original; it can be created by anyone using ordinary things. Today, Warhols work is unmistakable in its uniqueness. No matter how you may feel about his work, one thing cannot be argued. He introduced the world to a whole new art form, inspiring future generations of artists, and eventually being one of the most famous and successful pop art artists in the world.25. During his childhood, Warhol _.A. drew pictures for magazines B. always lived a lonely lifeC. showed no interest in art D. liked to paint and dance26. Calling his studio “The Factory”, Warhol tried to show _.A. his studio was as big as a factory B. pop art is different from traditional artC. artists prefer to work in a factory D. art should be simple and easy to produce27. What would be the best title for the text?A. Andy Warhols world of pop art B. Women in the pop art movementC. A fun pop-art self-portrait for kids D. Popular paintings by Andy WarholCHave you ever listened to the sound of a raindrop? You might call the small sounds earth songs. Is it possible to catch earth songs, to put them into words?Long ago, poets inJapanlistened, watched, and did catch the beauty of the earths songs. They did this with the tiniest poems in the world, calledhaiku. A haikuis a poem that is just three lines and seventeen syllables long. And the poets who wrote them watched and listened, not only with their eyes and ears, but also with their hearts!In theirhaiku, the early Japanese poets caught the colors, sounds, and beauties of the seasons of the year. They sang of their islands beauties. Theirminiaturepoems were not meant to fully describe a scene or to explain it but rather were a flash impression.The old poets are not the only writers ofhaiku. Today Japanese farmers, shopkeepers, grandparents, and students write it, and because of its strong appeal,haikuis written in many other countries throughout the world.Interestingly enough, Japanese poetry has had a long and colorful history. In the prehaiku period in the early eighth century, Japanese poets wrotekatauta, poems in a question-and-answer form, using two people. Each three-line verse (诗节) contained about seventeen syllables that could be delivered easily in one breath just as one would naturally ask or answer a question. This has remained the basic pattern for traditional Japanese poetry throughout the centuries.Another form that appeared was thetanka, which contained five lines and thirty-one syllables (5-7-5-7-7), written by either one or two persons. From that evolved (发展) the renga, which contained more than one verse, or link. Written by three or more people, it could have as many as 100 links! The first verse of therengaintroduced a subject. It had three lines and was called thehokku, or starting verse.Rengaparties became a great pleasure.Around 1450,haikainorengabecame popular. This style of linked verse contained puns (双关) and was humorous and amusing. The opening three lines were still called ahokku,and from haikaiand hokkuthe termhaikuevolved.28. What does the underlined word “miniature” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Clear. B. Little. C. Detailed. D. Selected.29. We know from the text thatkatauta_.A. was humorous and amusing B. contained thirty-one syllablesC. could have as many as 100 links D. was written in a question-and-answer form30. According to the text, what was the main activity at arengaparty?A. Creating a group poem. B. Changinghaikuintotanka.C. Studying the history ofrenga. D. peting to write earth songs.31. Information in this text would be of most value to readers who want to _.A. teach how to writehaiku B. research the history ofhaikuC. pare Japanese and American poetry D. find suggestions about hosting arengapartyDRobert Munsch is an American born Canadian author of childrens books. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1945. After graduation, Munsch at first wanted to bee a priest (牧师) but then he changed his career path towards writing stories for children. He started off with working at day care centers. In 1975 he decided to move back toCanada. There he worked in the preschool at the UniversityofGuelphinOntario. He also lectured and then became an assistant professor there in the Department of Family Studies.Robert Munsch is all about storytelling and that is something he loves most. His illustrative (解说的) style of telling his story attracted the attention of his first audience in 1972. And that was the beginning of his storytelling career. According to Munsch, a perfect story takes 200 tellings in order to bee perfect. He can spend days and years perfecting his tale before performing it in front of a larger audience. Robert then started putting his imaginative style on paper and thus became a famous author of childrens books.Munschs characters are taken from real life; theyre the children he meets while storytelling in different places. For example his storyRibbon Rescuewas inspired by a girl who came to hear his story wearing a ribbon dress. Another story called Lighthouse was inspired by two children named Amanda and Jeremiah who he met inPontiac,Michigan. His own children have also played some parts in his stories.Munsch has written many books which have also been translated into various languages. His first booksThe Mud PuddleandThe Darkwere published in 1979. His most notable work is the bookLove You Forever, which was published in 1986. This book became an international bestseller.Robert Munsch is known for his overstated (夸张的) way of storytelling and use of different voices. He repeats a story many times to improve its quality. Some of his books have also been made into animated (动画的) series namedA Bunch of Munsch.32. After graduation, Robert Munsch _.A. became a priestB. set up a day care centerC. decided to take up teaching in a collegeD. prepared himself for his desirable career path33. What does Robert Munsch think of storytelling according to Paragraph 2?A. Its the perfect job for him.B. It involves a lot of hard work.C. Its hard to satisfy the audience.D. Its easy to be bored with the job.34. What can we infer from Paragraph 3?A. Munsch got ideas for his stories from real life.B. Munschs traveling experiences are interesting.C. Munsch helped many children while storytelling.D. Munschs children helped him create some stories.35. Which of the following best describes Robert Munsch?A. Brave and caring.B. Talented and devoted.C. Determined and patient.D. Warmhearted and honest.第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 With todays stressful lifestyles, its important to have time that you spend doing something just for the fun of it. While there are many great hobbies to choose from, the hobbies here are particularly useful in relieving stress._36_Whether you simply learn to take better pictures of your friends and family, or explore the world of creating true art, photography can be a great hobby. As you practice seeing the world through the eyes of a photographer, you may begin to see things differently.GardeningGardening can be a great stress reliever for many reasons._37_. In addition, it can also create more beautiful surroundings to e home for each day, and more.KnittingAside from helping you create beautiful gifts for yourself and others, knitting provides you with an opportunity to relieve stress. The repetitive motion can get you into an experience of “flow”,or can at least provide an outlet for nervous energy._38_DrawingYou can get in touch with your artistic side and use drawing as a way to process emotions._39_. The end result will be something beautiful and personal that you can enjoy or share.Playing the piano_40_. While listening to music can probably be considered a hobby, creating music can be an even more powerful stress relieving hobby. Learning to play an instrument such as the piano can be a stress reliever for you as well as for those around you.ALaughing more, stressing lessBExploring photographyCIt can get you into the sunshine and fresh airDMusic has many health and stress relief benefitsEThese suggestions can help you reduce tension in your body nowFGradually knitting may be making you better at your day jobGBesides, it can distract you, and achieve other stress management benefits三、完形填空 (每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案。 In the fall of 1985, I was a bright-eyed girl heading off to Howard University, aiming at a legal career and dreaming of sitting on a Supreme Court bench somewhere. Twenty-one years later I am still a bright-eyed 41 but one with quite a 42 story to tell. My grandma, an amazing woman, 43 from college at the age of 65. She was the first in our family to reach that 44 . But one year after I started college, she 45 cancer. I made the choice to stop learning at college to 46 her. It meant that school and my personal dream would have to 47 . Then I got married with another dream: building my 48 with adopted and biological (亲生的)ones. In 1999, we adopted our first son. To lay eyes on him was 49 and very exciting. A year later came our second adopted boy. Then 50 son No. 3. In 2003, I 51 birth to another boy. You can imagine how 52 occupied I became, raising four boys under the age of 8! Our home was a plete zoo a joyous zoo. Not surprisingly, I 53 did make it back to college full-time. But I never gave up on the dream, either. I 54 only one choice: to find a way. That 55 taking as few as one class each semester. The hardest part was feeling 56 about the time I spent away from the boys. They often wanted me to stay home with them. There certainly were times I wanted to 57 , but I knew I should set an example for them to follow through the rest of their lives. In 2007, I finished my study in the University of North Carolina. It took me over 21 years to 58 my college degree! I am not 59 , just single-minded. It always struck me that when youre looking at a big challenge from the outside it looks huge, but when youre inside, it just seems normal. Everything you want wont arrive in your life in a day. Its a 60 . Remember: little steps add up to big dreams.41. A. teacher B. housewife C. dreamer D. mother42. A. differentB. terrible C. simple D. disappointing43. A. graduated B. came C. admitted D. entered44. A. chance B. dream C. college D. goal45. A. cured B. developed C. treated D. gained46. A. talk with B. look at C. watch out D. care for47. A. begin B. realize C. wait D. hide48. A. house B. garden C. family D. flat49. A. tiring B. fantastic C. hard D. busy50. A. followed B. shared C. expected D. left51. A. offered B. gave C. brought D. bore52. A. partly B. particularly C. fully D. perfectly53. A. always B. sometimesC. ever D. never54 .A. lost B. put C. picked D. had 55. A. enjoyedB. seemed C. meant D. appeared56. A. guilty B. satisfied C. tired D. proud57. A. explain B. continueC. quit D. encourage58. A. accept B. get C. hold D. master59. A. monB. famousC. alone D. special60. A .process B. change C. chance D. method 第卷语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分):阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。During the Renaissance , new ideas and values gradually replaced those 61. (hold) in 62. Middle Ages. People 63. (begin) to concentrate less64. religious themes and adopt a more 65. (human) attitude to life. At the same time painters returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art. They tried to paint people and nature 66. they really were. Rich people wanted to possess 67._ own paintings, so they could decorate their superb palaces 68. great houses. They paid famous artists 69. (paint) pictures of themselves, their houses and possessions as well as their activities and 70. (achieve)第四部分: 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)增加:把缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(/)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。Dear Editor,Im a middle school student naming Lily. Im writing to tell you something I dont think it good. Recently Ive noticed many of my classmates often went to the Internet bar near our school. The other day I went there, too. I was very surprising to see many students playing games, seeing films or chat. Some were even talking about love affairs on-line. In my opin

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