2019-2020年人教新课标高二选修7 Unit 3 Under the sea课堂练习.doc

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2019-2020年人教新课标高二选修7 Unit 3 Under the sea课堂练习I. 根据本部分所学单词及提示写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. The price for the holiday includes flights and a_.2. If you d_ something, you pull it along the ground, often with difficulty.3. There is a need for the c_ of trees, or there will soon be no forests.4. Scientists have established the r_ between lung cancer and smoking.5. After a short p_, they continued walking.6. The boy ran to the pool, d_ in, and swam to the other side.7. Dennis told one or two amusing _ (轶事) about his years as a policeman.8. We could hear Pete y_ at the top of his voice. 9. Details on the moons surface can only be seen through a(n) _ (望远镜).10. The boat was about a mile from the _ (岸) when the engine suddenly died.II. 每空填一词,使每组句子的意思相同或相近。1. During the civil war thousands of people ran away from the country.During the civil war thousands of people _ the country.2. We must cross the bridge to get to the other bank of the river. We must cross the bridge to get to the _ bank of the river. 3. The river is about ten meters deep, so it is dangerous to swim in it.The river is about ten meters _ _, so it is dangerous to swim in it. 4. If you want to join the club, there is a membership fee of 500 yuan every year.If you want to join the club, theres a(n) _ membership fee of 500 yuan.III. 根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子。1. 他们敦促我们给予支持。 (urge)_2. 我们现在亲眼看到暴力犯罪增多。 (witness)_3. 三年前他遗弃了妻子和儿女。 (abandon)_4. 我失业时,朋友帮了我一把。 (help . out)_Part 2 Learning about LanguageI. 根据本部分所学单词及提示写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. Mike had five shots but he didnt even hit the t_.2. My father was walking at a very quick pace and I had to j_ to keep up with him.3. Every summer we go to the s_ for two months, where we can enjoy seafood and bathe in the sea. 4. The living-room windows have n_ curtains which let in sunlight but stop passers-by looking in from the street.5. It is said that high t_ and severe flooding have damaged beaches.II. 用括号内动词的正确形式填空。A: Who is the man 1. _ (interview) by so many reporters? B: You dont know him? He is Tim Cook, who is said 2. _ (appoint) as Apples new CEO after Steve Jobs resigned.A: Oh, I see. It is a great honour 3. _ (choose) to be CEO of Apple. B: And a challenge as well. 4. _ (accept) all over the world, Apple always has to invent new products.Part 3 Using LanguageI. 根据本部分所学单词及提示写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. Tom often gave a very v_ and shocking description of his time in prison.2. Everything in the house was n_ and tidy, which surprised us all. 3. The stream was quite s_ so we were able to walk across it.4. Now nobody can be sure that the air in the countryside is p_ and healthy.5. The fence marks the b_ between my land and hers.6. Michael put the cigarette to his lips and s_ in the smoke.7. I never cycle up that hill its too s_.8. The man wont be able to receive his p_ until hes 65.9. The cage should have no s_ edges that might cause injury.10. A f_ is an electric light that you hold in your hand and point at things. 11. There is a(n) _ (方面) to the problem that we have not discussed.12. They had a(n) _ (令人畏惧的) task ahead.II. 根据括号内的汉语提示补全下列句子。1. I need time _ (考虑你的提议).2. David _ (意识到了吸毒的危害). 3. Jane _ (吓得要死) when she saw someone walking slowly towards her in the dark.4. Turn the cake _ (翻过来) and cover it with cream.答案Part 1I. 1. acmodation 2. drag 3. conservation4. relationship 5. pause 6. dived7. anecdotes 8. yelling 9. telescope 10. shoreII. 1. fled 2. opposite 3. in depth 4. annualIII.1. They urged us to give our support.2. We are now witnessing an increase in violent crime.3. He abandoned his wife and children three years ago.4. My friend helped me out when I lost my job.Part 2I. 1. target 2. jog 3. seaside 4. net 5. tidesII. 1. being interviewed 2. to have been appointed3. to be chosen 4. Having been accepted / AcceptedPart 3I. 1. vivid 2. neat 3. shallow 4. pure 5. boundary 6. sucked 7. steep 8. pension 9. sharp10. flashlight 11. dimension 12. awesomeII.1. to reflect on / upon your offer2. was / became aware of the danger of taking drugs3. was scared / frightened to death4. upside down

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