2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection period 1 教案2.doc

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2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection period 1 教案2.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection period 1 教案21. Teaching aims:(1) To know some basic knowledge of wildlife and wildlife protection.(2) To learn the new words and expressions2. Teaching important & difficult points points(1)To get the students to understand the article.(2)To get the students to master the usage of the new words.3. Teaching methods: Task-based Language Teaching4. Teaching tools:Multimedia and other normal teaching method.5. Teaching procedure:Step 1. Greeting and Lead-inThe teacher will ask the students to read the new words of unit 4 and then the teacher will list the Chinese meaning of the new words and ask the students to say the English expressions.And vice visa.Then the teacher will ask the students a question:What makes the world around us so wonderful?Supposed answer:WildlifeT: Are wildlife all wild animals?Ss:No. There are also wild plants.After the students says their answers, the teacher will use the powerpoint to show the pictures of endangered wildlife:PandaSouth China tiger milu deerantelopeWhile showing the wildlife, the teacher will five the students some simple explanations about them likeStep 2. Pre-reading.T: Are these annimals beautiful?Ss:Yes.T: Can you see them everywhere?Ss:No.T: Why?Ss:T: Yes,because they are endangered and they dying out.Language points:The teacher will first ask the students to look at the usage of this word by themselves and then ask them to say it out .Then the teacher will give the students 2 minutes to memorize them and then check through the powerpoint.Die out 灭亡,绝种例句:Dinosaurs have died out long ago. 在很久以前,恐龙就已经灭绝了。其他搭配: die of 死于(内部原因比如疾病,衰老,情感等) die from 死于(外部原因,由环境造成的、主要指事故,地震等) die off 一个个死去【巩固练习】(1)Those species inadaptable to changing conditions may_(2)The plants in the garden are _because there has been no rain.(3)The patient_ the doctors neglect of duty.(4)Mary did _ love.Supposed answers:(1) die out (2) dying off (3) died from (4) died ofStep 3 A discussionT: Just now we have said that the wildlife are endangered and dying out. And now lets see what we human beings have done to them.Then the teacher will the students some pictures on peoples hunting for animals without mercy.(The aim is to shock the students and rise a natural feeling to protect them)T: More and more animals are killed by humans, what should we do to protect the wild animals? Now I will give you 5 minutes to have a disscusion on how to protect the wildlife. Four students a group. Each group should have a leader to stand up and state your ideas later.T: Here are some useful expressions you can use while disscussing. I think 我认为 In my opinoin在我看来 In my eyes在我看来 As far as Im concerned据我所知T: Now begin.Then the teacher will ask 3-4 groups to stand up to have their ideas heard.Then the teacher will do the summary.Supposed answers:1.Protect the environment(环境).2.Laws should be passed to prevent people from killing or hunting(捕猎) them.3.To collect money to help them4.Eco-system & Environment protection areas are being built.5.Set up nature reserves(保护区) or natural protection area.6.Stop buying clothes made of their furs(毛皮).Step 4. ReadingA.Enjoy a play.T: Daisy is a girl who longs to help endangered wildlife and one day a flying carpet fullfilled her dreams and brought her to Tibet and see an antelope and yesterday I have asked some students to prepare a play about this .Youme acts Daisy , Inman acts the flying carpet and Orange acts the antelope.Lets giive them a warm wele and see whats happening here?B.Language points:The teacher will first ask the students to look at the usage of this word by themselves and then ask them to say it out .Then the teacher will give the students 2 minutes to memorize them and then check through the powerpoint.【回顾】As a result 结果As result of (=because of) 由于例句:1.He didnt study hard.As a result, he cant find a job now.他以前不好好学习,结果现在找不到工作。2.As a result of the heavy rain, the train was delayed(推迟). 由于大雨,这趟火车晚点了。Result in+ 结果,意为“结果是”Result from+原因,意为“起因于”【牛刀小试】大雪导致了这趟火车的晚点。1.The trains being delay _ the heavy rain.2.The heavy rain _the trains delay.Supposed answers: resulted from resulted inStep 5. Summary The teacher will make a summary of what the students have learned this period. The teacher will say the Chinese meaning and the students are required to say the correspondent English expressions.And we can do a lot of things to protect the wildlife and protect our homes.Step6. Homework1.Recite the new words of this unit.2.Exercise 1 on page71 inXuehaidaohang.

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