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2019年小升初英语语法专项32( C ) 1. Five and seven _ twelve. A. be B. are C. is D. am解析:五加七是一个整体,谓语后接is ( D ) 2. - _ is your toy car? - Its on the desk. A. Who B. What C. How D. Where解析:对地点提问用where ( B ) 3. - _, please? - Its eight oclock. A. Whats this B. What is the time C. Whats your name D. What about it解析:对地点提问用B ( D ) 4. Mike is not at _ school. A. a B. an C. the D. /解析:at school ,在学校 ,固定用语 ( B ) 5. - Whats six _ three? - Its nine. A. but B. and C. or D. for 解析:几加几的加用and ( B ) 6. Here are some flowers _ our best wishes. A. to B. with C. for D. of解析:withour best wishes for sb 为某人带去诚挚的愿望 ( A ) 7. - Where is _? - September the tenth. A. Teachers Day B. The Teacher Day C. The Teachers Day D. Teachers Day解析:教师节为Teachers Day( C ) 8. This is Susan King. We usually call her _. A. Miss Susan B. Mrs Susan C. Miss King D. Mr Susan解析:外国人的姓氏在后面。所以为C ( C ) 9. - _ are you going there? - On foot. A. Where B. Why C. How D. What解析:如何,怎样用How ( C )10. What are you going to do _ this afternoon? A. in B. on C. / D. at解析:时间状语直接用语句子末尾 ( C ) 11. Im going to _ Uncle Wang _ Tuesday. A. look at; / B. see; / C. see; on D. watch; on解析:看望用see,在某一天用on ( C ) 12. Granny Li often _ the children stories. A. speaks B. talks C. tells D. says解析:讲故事tell story (A )13. The shop is about _ away from here. A. two hundred meters B. two hundreds meters C. two hundred meter D. two hundreds meter解析:在修饰的中心词上用复数,中心词为米,故A ( B ) 14. - Im sorry. I cant help you with your English.- Thank you _. A. very much B. all the time C. at all D. of course解析:Thank youall the tim同样很感谢你 ( A )15. I have a new bike. bike is under the tree. A. The B. A C. An D./解析:特制某种物品前面家定冠词the

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