2019年六年级英语下:Unit10 Section B同步练习(含答案).doc

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2019年六年级英语下:Unit10 Section B同步练习(含答案)一、单词拼写:根据句意和所给汉语提示,完成句子。1. There are three _(银行) in our city.2. The room is very _(脏).3. There is a new _(超市) near my house.4. At the _(开始) of the new term, I see my old friend again.5. Are there two _(桥) over the river?6. I can buy some things at the _(市场).7. Can you _(转) right?8. He wants some food. He is _(饿了).9. He _(穿过) the road.10. They plant some flowers in the _(花园).二、句型转换,每空一词。1. My house is across from the park. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ house?2. I tell you the way to the school. (改为同义句)_ tell me the way to the school.3. There is a house behind the big tree. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ a house behind the big tree?4. His house is near our school. (改为同义句)His house is _ _ our school.5. They walk to go to school on Monday. (改为同义句)They _ _ _ to go to school on Monday.三、补全对话:根据对话内容在空格处填入适当的句子。A. weleB. Can I help you? / What can I do for you?C. Thank you all the same.D. where is the SupermarketE. Excuse meGreen: 1Tom: How can I get to the Supermarket, please?Green: Im sorry I dont know. Youd better ask the girl over there.Tom: 2(One minute later)Tom: 3, could you tell me the way to the Supermarket, please?Rose: Yes, I live near there.Tom: Is it far?Rose: No, not at all.Tom: But 4?Rose: Now walk along this street about two minutes. The Supermarket is over there between the school and the bookstore.Tom: Oh, I see. Thank you very much.Rose: Youre 5.答案:一.banksdirtysupermarketbeginningbridgemarketturnhungryacrossgarden二.Where are your house?PleaseIs thereclose togo on foot三.B C E D A

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