2019年六年级英语上册 Unit2 Katie always gets up early(第1课时)教案 湘少版.doc

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2019年六年级英语上册 Unit2 Katie always gets up early(第1课时)教案 湘少版.doc_第1页
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2019年六年级英语上册 Unit2 Katie always gets up early(第1课时)教案 湘少版.doc_第2页
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2019年六年级英语上册 Unit2 Katie always gets up early(第1课时)教案 湘少版Period 2Teaching aims:(教学目标) A. Knowledge and skills(知识与技能) a. Learn Part A Lets listen and say. Katies Day.b. Grasp the usage of adverbs of frequency. B. Processes and methods(过程与方法) a. With the studying strategies, get the students to work in pairs or groups to talk about their day. b. Let the students practice speaking and writing. C. Emotion, attitudes and value(情感态度与价值观) The content of this part is close to the students daily life and the topic deals with the students daily activities, so it is helpful for the students to learn about more daily activities. It can help the students to carry on the language practice about the topic and to arouse their great interest in learning English; On the other hand, it provide the students with opportunities to understand one another better.Teaching difficulties and focuses:(教学重点与难点)a. Ss can use the present tense of the third personget-gets make-makes wash-washes run-runs leave-leaves have-hasb. Ss can master sentence structure: sb do sth at some timeTeaching Process: (教学过程)Step 1 Warming up a. Greetings. b. sing a song Step 2Review Use the PPTto go over the words Step 3 Presentation and drilla. T: Youre very good. You are all good pupils. And Katie is a good pupil too. Everyone likes her. She is never late for school. She always gets up early every day . Then she has breakfast and goes to school bed .she does her homework before dinner, sometimes she plays chess with her father after dinner. c. Fast reading the text.d. Answer the following questions. Does Katie always gets up early?What time does Katiehas breakfast ?What time does Katie go home? e. Explain the grammar for the pupils: The present tense of the third person.get-gets make-makes wash-washes run-runs leave-leaves have-hase.g. 1.I always get up early. Katiealwaysgets up early. 2.We usually have breakfast at 6:30am. He usually has breakfast at 6:30am. 3.You often do your homework at 6:05am. She often does your homework at 6:05am. Step 4 Practicea. Reading the text carefully.b. Listen and repeat itc. Retell it , check the resultStep 5. Homework:Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words

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