2019-2020年高一英语提高班 记单词和猜词技巧 教案.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语提高班 记单词和猜词技巧 教案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高一英语提高班 记单词和猜词技巧 教案一怎样记单词1、结合记忆法:将比较生疏,不常用的单词放入一定的语言环境句子中,结合句意来记忆单词。遇到此单词时,若词义忘记,则可通过回忆所在句子的意思来记忆单词。例如:Slope: n. 倾斜;坡度;斜度e.g. There is always a certain slope in a ships deck. 船的甲板总有几分倾斜。 斜面;斜坡e.g. We climbed the steep slope of the hill. 我们爬了那座陡峭的倾坡。 vi.倾斜e.g. The railroad slopes up slightly at this point. 铁路在此处有轻微的倾斜。Critical: adj.批评(性)的,吹毛求疵的I dont like people who are too critical about everything. 我不喜欢对每件事都太吹毛疵的人。紧要的,关键的;危急的His condition is reported as being very critical. 据报告他的情况非常危急。2、同类记忆法将同类词汇收集在一起,同时背记。注意,同类词汇与同义词不同:同义词是指意思相同,而同类词是指基本属性相同、具体意义的层次,级别或范围不同的一类词汇如headmaster和principal是同义词,都表示,“中小学校长”;president和chancellor是同义词,都表示大专院校“校长”。这两组词是同类词汇,都表示“校长”,但具体级别不同,所以两组词不是同义词。再如bachelor(学士)、master(硕士),doctor (博士)三个词都表示学位授予的情况,“但具体级别不同,所以这三个词也是一组同类词汇。3、比较记忆法把同义词或形似词放在一起,加以区别、说明来掌握单词的方法。记忆的过程是一组组,一对对单词同时记忆。这种记忆方法可以记住单词拼写的同时,还掌握了词与词的区别和各自特殊的用法,于是将平时极易混淆的单词清楚地区别开。例如:同义词admit和confess均表示“承认”。但confess,含有“坦白”,“忏悔”,的意思,而admit却无此意。admit除含有“承认”之意外,还含有“允许,接纳”的意思。acquire、inquire、require是三个形似词,拼写很相似,但意思却完全不同acquire(取得,获得)。inquire(打听,查询)、require(需要,要求,命令)。4、构词法记忆法通过掌握构词法来记忆单词。英语主要有三种构词法: 转化,即由一个词类转化为另一个词类。例如:picture(n)画-picture(v)描绘 water(n)水water(v) 浇水 派生,即通过加前缀或后缀构成另一个词,例如:happyunhappy(加前缀)happiness(加后缀) 合成,即由两个或更多的词合成一个词。例如:wood(木)cut(刻)woodcut(木刻) pea(豌豆)nuts(坚果) peanut(花生)5、根义记忆法利用根义代替记忆多义,可以解决“没有生词”却老读不懂的问题 The woman immediately behind the car. She is my immediate neighbor.immediate(ly)根义:中间没有间隔(地),(时间)立刻;(空间)紧挨,通接,紧跟 6巧借拼音妙记单词 ban n.禁令,禁止记法将“ban”当作汉字“颁”的拼音,则可记成:颁ban布禁令。 change n./v.变化,改变记法将“chang”当作汉字“嫦”的拼音,“e”当作汉字“娥”的拼音;则可记成:嫦chang娥e跳舞,变化多端。 gang n.一群,一伙记法将“gang”当作汉字“冈”的拼音;则可记成:一群大老虎,重现景阳冈gang。 jump n./v.记法将“ju”当作汉字“车”的拼音,“m”当作汉字“马”的拼音声母,“p”当作汉字“炮”的拼音声母;则可记成:象棋车ju马m炮p,不停地跳跃。 mouse n.鼠,鼠标记法将“mou”当作汉字“某”的拼音,“se”当作汉字“色”的拼音;则可记成:某mou种颜色se的鼠标。 pale a.苍白的,灰白的记法将“pa”当作汉字“怕”的拼音,“le”当作汉字“了”的拼音;则可记成:苍白的脸色,表明他怕pa了le。 7连词成句 马戏团的鹦鹉:它一岁的age(年纪) 会说人的language(语言) 头脑很懂manage(经营) 要求增加wage(薪水) 惹得老板rage(发怒 ) 把它关进cage(笼子) 败家女的生活 天生就很lazy(懒惰的) 生活就爱cozy(舒适的) 上街血拼crazy(疯狂的) 体胖心感uneasy(不安的) 减肥虚脱dizzy(头晕眼花的) 成天沉溺fantasy(幻想) 作家的退休生活 每月都领pension(退休金) 天天守着television(电视机) 社交没有occasion(场合) 生活缺乏passion(激情) 于是下定decision(决心) 进行旧书revision(修订) 八戒怨唐僧 总住破烂hut(小屋) 门都没有shut(关闭) 餐餐吃peanut(花生) 一年没haircut(理发) 老指俺的nut(坚果,头) 说等妖怪cut(砍,剪) 猜猜这是哪 有一个nation(国家) 最崇拜examination(考试) 不考查creation(创造) 只检查information(知识) 不管你有多少imagination(想象力) 也只能听到老师的explanation(解释) 二猜词技巧1. 定义与解释线索 Definition and Explanation clues 单词的意义可由定义线索来判断。常用的词有:is, are, or, means, is called, known as, refer to, that is, in other words。也可以通过同位语、定于从句、破折号、括号、插入语等解释线索来猜词悟义。例: Philatelist is a person who collects stamps. ( ) Solar energy is energy from the sun. ( ) People who study the stars are called astronomers. ( ) There are four parts, or ponents, in a simple stereo system. ( ) Diet also refers to the kinds of food one eats regularly. For example, if someone eats meat and fish but no fruits and vegetables, his diet is not well balanced. ( ) Some people do not eat meat or fish at all, they are called vegetarians. ( )2. 同义线索(Synonym clues) 单词的词义可靠同义线索来判断。例:Some animals hibernate in winter. They have winter sleep under the mud, or under the snow. ( ) Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity. This rule tells us why things fall to the ground.( ) ( ) In the United States businessmen are skilled at handling strong disagreements in meeting. The Japanese, on the other hand, are adroit at avoiding such confrontations.( ) ( ) The teenagers was ordered to make full restitution to the owner of the damaged car. He swiftly made full payment for the damage to the auto he had hit. ( ) The cost of a college education is skyrocketing. Since tuition costs are rapidly rising, many students must take jobs to help meet expenses. ( ) Moving closer to school can both ameliorate your muting problem and improve your social life. ( )3. 反义线索(Antonym clues) 通过反义线索可悟出词义。常用的词有:but, although, however, despite, nevertheless, rather, yet, while, on the other hand, in contrast with/to, instead of等等。例: Everyone has strong points as well as drawbacks. ( ) Although the patient is usually morose, she seemed happy today. ( ) Some students were inadvertently late for class while a few were purposely late. ( ) The major points of your plan are clear to me, but the details are still hazy. ( ) Even though he was usually a careful driver, he was arrested after yesterdays party for reckless driving. ( ) That woman confuses me; Sometimes she is so warm and friendly, and other times, she is very standoffish. ( )4. 推理线索(Inference Clues) 例: The soldiers were ordered to fire to the enemy. In this sentence, fire means . They lit a fire using only flint(火石) and wood. In this sentence, fire means .A. to let someone go from a job B. to shoot C. red-hot flames The workers gathered cane in the fields. Cane means .A. a stick used as support in walking B. sugar stalksC. to hit with a piece of wood D. to weave wood pieces, as in a chair The chair recognized each speaker at the meeting. Chair means .A. a piece of furniture B. to take ones seat C. a leader D. to direct a session Rice is considered a staple in many countries. Staple means .A. a basic food substance B. to fasten papers C. a metal clip used to attach items D. to supply with food5. 经历线索(Experience Clues)例:Dr Holmes tried to alleviate Marcias fear by explaining the operation. In this sentence, alleviate means . He was sitting on the front stoop waiting for the paper boy to arrive.A. a chief supporter B. a basement C. poster D. set of steps In the last Olympic Games, athletes rivaled each other for the gold medals.A. matched B. touched C. peted with D. equaled People in position of leadership are predominantly men.A. wholly B. partly C. mainly D. minimally Before we presented the play, we rehearsed for three weeks.A. repeated B. practiced C. performed D. recited The innocent(无辜的) man denied that he had stolen the money.A. confessed B. refused C. declared untrue D. admitted6. 因果线索 (Cause and Effect Clues) 例:The collision of the two cars caused a lot of damage to both. ( ) Sam was fired because he could not fulfill his work requirements.A. dismissed B. produced C. shot D. stimulated Thousands of products have been banned because government officials judged them to be dangerous.A. offered B. supported C. provided D. prohibited (禁止) I noticed her blue eyes immediately. They were her most salient feature.A. good B. obvious C. important D. false7. 实例线索例:The remuneration for many jobs can vary greatly. For example, one can earn the minimum wage at Pizza Pub, $3.50 an hour at a department store, or $4.50 an hour at the Bargain Toy store. ( )I e from the United States, but my ancestors came from Europe. My mothers family came from England, and my fathers family came from Germany.A. mother and father B. forefathers (祖先) C. the United States D. England and Germany Tom must be very affluent. He wears expensive clothes and jewelry and owns a $1,750,000 house in Beverly Hills.A. poor B. wealthy C. hard-working D. lazy


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