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2019年六年级英语滕爱英期中试卷听力部分(50分)一、听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组。听两遍。(10分)( ) 1. A. walk B. work C. world( ) 2. A. month B. mouth C. mouse班级( ) 3. A. parents B. presents C. present( ) 4. A. shopping centre B. sports meeting C. singing concert姓名( ) 5. A. play B. plane C. plan( ) 6. A. write B. light C. night( ) 7. A. 8:15 B. 8:45 C. 9:15( ) 8. A. there B. their C. theyre( ) 9. A. better B. letter C. let( ) 10. A. go shopping B. go camping C. go climbing二、听问句,找答句,将编号写在括号每题读两遍。(10分)( )1.A. I go at 7:30. B. I go by bus. C. We go by bus.( )2.There is one. B. There are two. C. There are three.( )3.A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, he does. C. No, he isnt.( )4.A. White. B. Red. C. Yellow.( )5.A. No, he doesnt. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, I do.( )6.A. Five yuan. B. Five. C. Fine.( )7.A. Sure. B. OK! C. Thank you.( )8.A. I get up at 6:30. B. I go to bed at 10:00. C. I go there by taxi.( )9.A. Its windy. B. Its Friday. C. Its fall.( )10.A. Yes, we do. B. We can go by bus. C. Yes, we can.三. 听音,选择。(5分) A B C D E( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四. 听音,补充下面对话中缺少的单词。听三遍(10分)Amy:How do we go to the ?Chen:We can go _ ! Go from . Then . Its next to the . e on! Lets go!Amy:No! Wait a minute. Its a !五、听短文,判断所给句子是否与内容一致,一致写“T”,否则写“F”。本题读两遍。(10分)( )1.Jim goes to school at 6:30.( )2.His home is not far from his school.( )3.He has classes at 7:30.( )4.He has lunch at home.( )5.He goes home at 5:00.六. 听音,根据听到的对话给下面各句选择正确的答案。(5分)() 1. Zhang Peng is going to visit .班级A. his grandparents B. his auntC. classmates() 2. Zhang Peng is going by .姓名A. bus B. bikeC. subway() 3. Mike is going to buy a in the Science Bookstore.A. story-bookB. dictionaryC. post card() 4. Zhang Pengs grandparents live next to .A. the Science BookstoreB. the subway stationC. the post office() 5. Mike and Zhang Peng are going after .A. breakfastB. lunchC. dinner笔试部分(50分) 八、按要求写单词。(10分)1. have(三单形式) 6. lets(完整形式) 2. no(同音词) 7. he(宾格) 3. many(同义词) 8. touch(第三人称单数) 4.I am(缩略形式) 9. there(反义词) 5.Ill(完整形式) 10.twelve(序数词) 九、选择题。(10分)( )1. Are there _ apples on the table? A. any B. a C. some ( )2. I live _ England _ my parents. A. and; in B. with; at C. in; with( )3. My birthday is _ June. Aon B. in C. at( )4. _only bread and some oranges on the table. A. There are B. There is C. There arent ( )5. Su Hai wants to take _ .A. some photoes B. some photos C. any photos( )6. My father likes _ music after lunch .A. listening to B. listen to C. listen( )7. Its very late. Let _ go to bed.A. her B. she C. he( )8. Helen is looking _ her book. A. to B. for C. up ( ) 9. Your book is under the chair. Please _.A. pick it B. pick up it C. pick it up ( )10.Happy birthday to you! _. A . Nice to see you. Thank you. . All right. 十按要求完成下面的句子。(10分)1.Drivers drive on the right side in China.(改为一般疑问句)2.You can go there by bus( 改为否定句)3.My mother goes to the park every week.(用next week代替every week改句子)4.Mr White and Miss Black is going to have a picnic.(改错句)(写出正确的形式)十一. 阅读下面的对话,判断对话后面句子的正(T)误(F)并在图中标出各人的座位。(10分)This is a classroom. You can see some boys and girls in it. Do you know the boy in a black and white T-shirt? His name is Jim. He sits beside the window. The boy behind Jim is Liu Lin. He is a Chinese boy. He likes stamps. He has many Chinese stamps. The girl next to him is Lucy. She is English. Her twin sister is Lily. They are in the same row but they are in different groups(组). Look at the girl in red dress. She is Li Ying. She sits between Jim and Helen. She is Helens good friend.() 1. Jim sits beside the window.() 2. Liu Lin sits behind Jim.() 3. Lily sits next to Liu Lin.() 4. Lucy and Lily are in the same row.() 5. Li Ying sits between Jim and Helen. 听力材料一、听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组。听两遍。(10分)1. They dont work at the weekends.2. There is a cat running after a big mouse.3. I often go to the park with my parents after supper.4. There is a singing concert in our school.5. I can play the violin.6. Turn on the light, please.7. Its a quarter to nine now. 8. Theyre farmers.9. He wants to do better, but does not know how.10. We often go climbing.二、听问句,找答句,将编号写在括号里。本题读两遍。(10分)1.How do you go to school, Sarah?2.How many traffic lights are there in every country?3.Do you go to the park by bike?4.Which light means “Wait”?5.Is your father a driver?6.How are you?7.Can I go on foot?8.When do you go to bed?9.What day is it today?10.Can you go shopping by bus?三听音,选择。Teacher:How do you go to school, Amy?Amy:I usually go to school on foot, because my home is near.Teacher:What about you, Mike?Mike:My home is near, too. So I usually go to school by bike.Teacher:Thats fine. How do you go to school, Sally?Sally:I go to school by car, because my father has a car.Teacher:What about you, Zhang Peng?Zhang:I go to school by bus, because its cheap.Teacher:Do you go to school by bus too, Peter?Peter:No, I dont go to school by bus. I go to school by subway, because its fast.四听音,补充下面对话中缺少的单词。Amy:How do we go to the bookstore?Chen:We can go by bike! Go straight from here. Then turn right. Its next to the hospital. e on! Lets go!Amy:No! Wait a munute. Its a red light!五、听短文,判断所给句子是否与内容一致,一致写“T”,否则写“F”。本题读两遍。(10分)Jim is a Primary School Student. He goes to school at 6:20. His school is near his home. Go straight and turn right at the bookstore. You can see it. He has classes at 7:30 in the morning . He has lunch at school. He has two classes in the afternoon. He goes home at five oclock.六听音,根据听到的对话给下面各句选择正确的答案。 Mike:What are you going to do this afternoon?Zhang:Im going to visit my grandparents.Mike:How do you get there?Zhang:I get there by subway. Mike:Where do they live?Zhang:Their home is next to the Science Bookstore. I turn left at the traffic lights in front of the subway station, then go straight. Their home is on the left. Mike:Im going to the Science Bookstore this afternoon! I want to buy a dictionary.Zhang:Lets go together after lunch.听力部分答案一 BCACA BBCAC二 BCACB CABBC三 BADCE四 bookstore by bike straight here turn right hospital red light五 六 A C B A B笔试部分答案七BDABC七 1.difference八 + 2.know 3.much 4.bought 5.I will 6.let us 7.him 8.touches 9.here 10.twelfth九ACBBB AABCB十1.Dodrivers drive on the right side in China?. 2. You can t (can not)go there by bus( 改为否定句) 3. My mother is going to go to the park next week 4. Mr White and Miss Black are going to have a picnic十一. 四、在B栏中找出A栏中句子的正确应答,将序号填入括号里。(5分) A B( )1. How many stops are there? A. Great.( )2. How can I get to Jinling Primary school?B. Gao Shan is.( )3. Lets go and visit the History Museum.C. Only two.( )4. Is it far from here?D. About nine thirty. ( )5. Is there a snack bar near our school?E. No, it isnt.( )6. How far did David jump?F. Its near the cinema.( )7. Where is the post office?G. Yes, she does.( )8. Whos taller than Jim? H. Sorry, I dont know.( )9. Does Mary have any brothers? I. Four metres.( )10. What time do you go to bed?J. Yes, there is.五、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. He is asking Yang Ling how _(get) there.2. The little girl runs _ (fast) than the little boy.3. I want to get off at the _(nine) stop.4. Let me_(help)you.5. They _ (stop) the thief and took him to the police station.6. My father gets up as_(early) as my mother.7. I like_(story).Id like_-(read)thestorybook.8. They are _(live) in Beijing now9. How many_(bus)are there?六、按要求完成下列各句。(8分)1. Mr Black es from America.(改为一般疑问句) _Mr Black_from America?2. He did well in English last year. (改为否定句) He_ _ well in English last year.3. There is one stop on this road.(对划线部分提问) How_ _ are there on this road?4. History, go, he, to, the, Museum, wanted, to (.) _5. Its four kilometers from here. (对划线部分提问) _ _is it from here?6. Did he do well in Maths last term?(改为同义句)_ _ _ _Maths last term?7. I fly higher than Gao Shan.(改为同义句) Gao Shan_ _than me.8. Yang Lings schoolbag is heavier than mine. (对划线部分提问) _ schoolbag is heavier than ?八、根据中文意思,完成下列句子。(16分,每格1分)1打扰了,你能告诉我怎么去金陵花园吗? _ _, can you tell me Jingling Garden, please?2沿着这条街往前走,在第二个十字路口向左转。 Go_ this street and turn _at the_crossing.3你可以在电影院前乘8路公交车,在第五站下车。 You can_ No. 8_the cinema and at .4瞧,火车站离这儿不远。 Look, the _is not_here.5. 育才中学在你的右边。 Yucai is .6. 女孩们比男孩们英语学得好,但是男孩们足球比女孩们踢得好.Sometimes girls in English than boys, but boys at _ football than girls.九、阅读理解。(10分) A Mrs Smith is a friend of mine. She es from America. She is living in China now. Shes on holiday. Yesterday I met her on Wumo Road. She wanted to go to the post office to post a letter to her son, but she didnt know the way. I spoke to her in English. I said she could take bus No. 9. It is next to Wujiang Library, and get off at the fourth stop. Mrs Smith was very happy to see me, she said she was going to the shopping centre later, and I told her the way. 选择正确的答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。( )1. Where does Mrs Smith e from? A. The UK. B. The USA. C. China.( )2. Where did Mrs Smith want to go first? A. The post office. B. The library. C. The shopping centre.( )3. Who did she want to post a letter to? A. Her daughter. B. Her son. C. Her husband.( )4. How can Mrs Smith go to the post office? A. By bus. B. By bike C. Take bus No. 6.( )5. How was Mrs Smith? A. She was not happy. B. She was happy. C. Shes forty-one.BLast Sunday, Lucy and I went to a bookshop, then we wanted to go to the shopping centre but we didnt know the way how to get to the bookshop. We asked the policeman in the street for help. He told us to walk along Renmin Road, and turn right at the fourth crossing. Then we walked and walked but we didnt see the bookshop. We were too tired so we took a taxi. “Please take us to the bookshop.” We told the taxi driver. The taxi driver laughed and said, “ The bookshop is over there, you may get off now.” 对的在括号内写 “T”, 错的在括号内写 “F”。( )1. Lucy and I went to the bookshop last Saturday.( )2. We also wanted to go to the shopping centre.( )3. The policeman told us the way to the shopping centre.( )4. Lucy and I went to the bookshop by taxi.( )5. The driver didnt know the way to the bookshop.听力文字稿一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(每小题读两遍)1. away 2. around 3. road 4. station 5. music 6. know 7. stops 8. ten to six 9. get on 10. Theatre二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(每小题读两遍)1. Do the boys run faster than the girls?2. Thank you very much.3. Excuse me, where is the supermarket?4. How many stops are there?5. How far is your school from here?三、根据所听到的内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(每小题读两遍。5分)1. A:Is he good at English? B: Yes, he is .2. A: Does his sister like swimming? B: No, she likes dancing. 3. A: Wheres the hospital? B: Its on Shanghai Road, near the post office.4. A: Whose English book is it, Mike? Is it yours? B: No, its not mine. Mine is on my desk.5. A: How many pens do you have? B: I have four. Look, theyre in the pencil case.学校 A. taller , strong B. tall , strong C. tall , stronger ( )15. Kate is my friend . We _good friends . A. are B.A re C. / ( )16. Mike is _. He speaks _.A. American , American B. American , English C. England , English ( )18. He is two months older than me . My birthday is in May . So his birthday is in _. A. March B. April C. July 五、用所给词的适当形式填空(5 分。)1. The boy _ ( go ) to the cinema with his parents last weekend .2. Whose bag is _ (heavy ) , yours or hers ?3. Would you like _ ( have ) some tea now ?4.This elephant is_ ( big ) than that ant.5.You are (fat) than me. 农一师第四中学XXXX学年第一学期测试题六年级英语(人教版)(满分100分,时间60分钟)三、根据所听到的内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)(每小题读两遍5分)( )1. He does well in English.( )2. His sister likes swimming.( )3. The hospital is near Shanghai Road.( )4. Mikes Maths book is on the desk.( )5. My pens are in the pencil case.笔试部分(80%)一、判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的打“”,不相同的打“”。(6分)( )1. mouse house ( )2. shop post ( )3. cousin out( )4. first girl ( )5. history primary ( )6. e wele二、中英互译。(10分) 1每5分钟 _ 2Stop thief!_3问路_ 4Bank of China_5右转_ 6a shopping centre _7在中山路上_ 8live in Nanjing_9邮局_ 10at the third crossing_三、选择正确的答案,将其序号填入括号内。(15分)( )1. Tom _from the USA. A. esB. e C. are( )2. Wheres Mr Brown? Hes _the bus stop. A. in B. on C. at( )3. _Can I get to the cinema? And_way should I go? A. How; which B. Where; whatC. What; which( )4. What subject _ you good _? A. are; at B. do; in C. do; at( )5. Let me _ , please. A. to go to home B. to go homeC. go home( )6. You can take bus No.1 and get _ at the fourth stop. A. onB. offC. down( )7. How can I_No.2 Hospital? A. goB. get to C. get to the( )8. They are from _.They can speak _. A. Australia; English B. Australian; ChinaC. Australia; Australia( )9. A thief_ my purse and _away yesterday afternoon. A. steal; ran B. steals; runsC. stole; ran( )10. I want to buy some presents_my parents. A. to B. forC. give( )11. I met Mr Smith_ Shanghai street. A. in B. on C. at ( )12. Turn right_the first crossing, the middle school is_your right.A.on; on B. at; in C. at; on( )13. Jim jumps as_as me.A.tall B. higher C. high( )14. your sister late for school?A.Is B. Are C. DoD. Does( )15.- Thank you very much.-_ A. Thats right. B. All right. C. Thats all. D. Youre wele.四、在B栏中找出A栏中句子的正确应答,将序号填入括号里。(5分) A B( )1. How many stops are there? A. Great.( )2. How can I get to Jinling Primary school?B. Gao Shan is.( )3. Lets go and visit the History Museum.C. Only two.( )4. Is it far from here?D. About nine thirty. ( )5. Is there a snack bar near our school?E. No, it isnt.( )6. How far did David jump?F. Its near the cinema.( )7. Where is the post office?G. Yes, she does.( )8. Whos taller than Jim? H. Sorry, I dont know.( )9. Does Mary have any brothers? I. Four metres.( )10. What time do you go to bed?J. Yes, there is.五、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. He is asking Yang Ling how _(get) there.2. The little girl runs _ (fast) than the little boy.3. I want to get off at the _(nine) stop.4. Let me_(help)you.5. They _ (stop) the thief and took him to the police station.6. My father gets up as_(early) as my mother.7. I like_(story).Id like_-(read)thestorybook.8. They are _(live) in Beijing now9. How many_(bus)are there?六、按要求完成下列各句。(8分)1. Mr Black es from America.(改为一般疑问句) _Mr Black_from America?2. He did well in English last year. (改为否定句) He_ _ well in English last year.3. There is one stop on this road.(对划线部分提问) How_ _ are there on this road?4. History, go, he, to, the, Museum, wanted, to (.) _5. Its four kilometers from here. (对划线部分提问) _ _is it from here?6. Did he do well in Maths last term?(改为同义句)_ _ _ _Maths last term?7. I fly higher than Gao Shan.(改为同义句) Gao Shan_ _than me.8. Yang Lings schoolbag is heavier than mine. (对划线部分提问) _ schoolbag is heavier than ?八、根据中文意思,完成下列句子。(16分,每格1分)1打扰了,你能告诉我怎么去金陵花园吗? _ _, can you tell me Jingling Garden, please?2沿着这条街往前走,在第二个十字路口向左转。 Go_ this street and turn _at the_crossing.3你可以在电影院前乘8路公交车,在第五站下车。 You can_ No. 8_the cinema and at .4瞧,火车站离这儿不远。 Look, the _is not_here.5. 育才中学在你的右边。 Yucai is .6. 女孩们比男孩们英语学得好,但是男孩们足球比女孩们踢得好.Sometimes girls in English than boys, but boys at _ football than girls.九、阅读理解。(10分) A Mrs Smith is a friend of mine. She es from America. She is living in China now. Shes on holiday. Yesterday I met her on Wumo Road. She wanted to go to the post office to post a letter to her son, but she didnt know the way. I spoke to her in English. I said she could take bus No. 9. It is next to Wujiang Library, and get off at the fourth stop. Mrs Smith was very happy to see me, she said she was going to the shopping centre later, and I told her the way. 选择正确的答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。( )1. Where does Mrs Smith e from? A. The UK. B. The USA. C. China.( )2. Where did Mrs Smith want to go first? A. The post office. B. The library.

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