2019年六年级英语下册 Unit 1 练习题3 人教新版.doc

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2019年六年级英语下册 Unit 1 练习题3 人教新版一、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.我在北京出生。I was _ in _.2.你的奶奶什么时候出生?_ was your _ _? 3.我在商店。I was at the _.二、选择。( )1.You cant _ your things. A. look at B. take care of C. look in ( ) 2. I was born _ the same day _ you! A as on B on for C. on as ( ) 3. I was born _ January. A. on B. in C. to ( ) 4.Were you _ in the new books?A. interest B interesting C. interested( ) 5. Did the students enjoy_?A. them B themself C themselves.三、补全对话A. I was born on the same day as you!B. Where were you?C. Where were you born?D. Were you born in Hangzhou?E. And when were you born?Li Yan: Hi, Yang Ming. You were not at school last week. _Yang Ming: I was in Hangzhou.Li Yan: Hangzhou? Why?Yang Ming: My grandma is in Hangzhou. She was ill last week.Li Yan: Oh, Im sorry. _Yang Ming: No, I wasnt. But my father was born there.Li Yan: _Yang Ming: I was born in Beijing.Li Yan: oh, me too. _ Yang Ming: I was born on January 1st, 1992.Li Yan: On New Years Day?Yang Ming: Yes!Li Yan: Wow!_

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