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2019年PEP小学四五年级重点单词知识点数字 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteentwenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety ninety-one颜色 white black brown blue yellow orange red purple pink green grey职业 driver doctor nurse farmer worker teacher student actor singer dancer baseball player basketball player football player人称 father mother brother sister uncle aunt baby parent(s) grandfather(grandpa) grandmother(grandma)食物 hamburger hot dog bread cake chicken French fries rice noodles fish beef egg cabbage eggplant dumpling soup冷饮 water milk juice Coke ice-cream 形容词 long short tall new old young strong thin fat small big quiet active beautiful pretty smart cute lovely handsome curly四会词 book bag bed boy girl friend pen pencil pencil-case ruler teacher student sister brother father mother driver doctor farmer nurse school home room desk chair window door rice beef bread milk egg water chicken fish 三会词 Unit2: board light picture floor puter teachers desk wall fan Unit3:Chinese book English book math book story-book math book notebook Unit4: long hair short hair thin strong quiet friend(s) music science sports puter game painting Unit5: fish noodle(s) vegetable soup knife chopstick(s) spoon plate fork Unit6: family parents uncle aunt baby baseball player 易混淆词 photo-phone; kitchen-chicken; bedroom-bathroom; hair-chair; rice-nice; read-bread; fork-knife; spoon-sport; driver-doctor; girl-friend-driver; plane-plate-paint; ball-doll-door; board-bird-bear; light-right-night; wall-call-ball; bag-bed-book-boyLets do1:Open the door. Turn on the light. Sweep the floor. Clean the window. Put up the picture. Clean the boar. Lets do2:Put your notebook under your bag. Put your pencil-case on your chair. Put your pencil in your desk. Put your eraser near your pencil-case. Put your English book on your head.Lets do3:Listen to music. Do sports. Paint. Make friends. Play puter games.Lets do4:Go to the living room. Watch TV. Go to the study. Read a book. Go to the kitchen. Have a snack. Go to the bathroom. Take a shower. Go to the bedroom. Have a sleep.Lets do5:Sit on the sofa. Make the bed. Watch TV. Answer the phone. Open the fridge. Set the table.Lets do6:Give me a spoon. Pass me a fork. Wash the plates. Use the chopsticks. Cut with the knife.Lets do7:Act like a teacher. Act like a doctor. Act like a nurse. Act like a farmer. Act like a driver. Act like a baseball player.四年级上册重点句型1. (A)-Whats in the classroom? -A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. (B)-Whats in your schoolbag? -A pencil-case and many books. (C)-Whats in your pencilcase? -Three pencils, a ruler and an eraser.2. (A)-Wheres my seat? -Its near the window/door. (B)-Where is my ruler? -Its under your English book. (C)-Where are my glasses? -They are on the fridge/shelf.3. (A)Let me clean the board. (B)Lets clean the desks and chairs.4. (A)I/We /You/They have a new classroom. (B)He/She/It has an old classroom.5. (A)-How many peaches do you have? -I have four. (B)-How many strawberries can you see? -I can see five. (C)-How many people are there in your family? -There are seven.6. (A)-How are you? -Im fine. Thank you. (B)-How old are you? -Im ten. (C)-How much is it? -Twenty yuan. (D)-How nice! -Thank you.7. -What colour is your schoolbag? -Its black and orange.8. -What would you like for dinner? -Id like some rice and vegetables.8. (A)-May I have a look? -Sure. Here you are. (B)-Can I have some chicken/juice/bread/grapes? (C)-Can I have an apple/orange/egg? (D)-Can I have a hamburger/Coke?9. (A)-Who is he/she? -Hes my brother. /Shes my sister. (B)-Who are they? -Theyre my parents. (C)-Whos your best friend? -Henry. (D)-Whos your math/Chinese teacher? -Miss Lou. /Mrs Zhang. / Mr Pan. (E) -Whats his /her name? -His name is Mike. /Her name is Sarah. (F)-Whats your father/mother? -My father is a driver. /My mother is a doctor. (G)-Whats he/she like? -Hes tall and strong. He looks young. -She has long hair and big eyes. She looks quiet. (H)-What does he/she like? -He likes sports. /She likes singing.一般疑问句:1.(A)-Is this your bedroom? -Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. (B)-Is he in the living room? -Yes, he is. /No, he isnt. (C)-Is she your aunt? -Yes, she is. /No, she isnt.2.(A)-Are they on the table? -Yes, they are. /No, they arent. (B)-Are they farmers? -Yes, they are. /No, they arent. (C)-Are the keys near the phone? -No. They are in the door.3. (A)-Do you like fish? -Yes, I do. /No, I dont. (B)-Do you see my family photos? -Yes, I do. /No, I dont. (C)-Does he a baseball player? -Yes, he does. /No, he doesnt. (D)-Does she a basketball player? - Yes, she does. /No, she doesnt.四年级下册单元重点词汇四会词:(A) puter电脑,board写字板,fan风扇,light灯,teachers desk讲台,picture图画 /照片,floor地板,wall墙壁,play玩/踢,football足球,time时间,class课程,oclock 点钟,colour颜色,today今天,here这里,there那里(B) apple苹果,banana香蕉,pear梨,orange橙子,watermelon西瓜(C) horse马,cat猫,rabbit兔子,pig猪,duck鸭子,dog狗(D)math数学,Chinese语文,English英语,P体育,music音乐,(E)one一,two二,three三,four四,five五,six六,seven七,eight八,nine九, ten十,eleven十一,twelve十二,thirteen十三,fourteen十四,fifteen十五,twenty 二十(F) jacket夹克衫,shirt衬衫,skirt裙子,dress连衣裙,T-shirt jeans牛仔裤(复数),pants长裤(复数),socks袜子(复数),shoes鞋子(复数), shorts短裤(复数)(G)red红色的,blue蓝色的,yellow黄色的,green绿色的,white白色的(H) warm暖和的,cold寒冷的,cool凉爽的,hot炎热的,snowy下雪的,rainy下雨的, sunny晴朗的,windy有风的,cloudy多云的,big大的,small小的,long长的,short 短的(I) this这/这个,that那/那个,these这些,those那些,it它,they他们,my我的,your你的,be /am /is /are是,yes是/是的,no不/不是,(J) hes=he is,shes=she is,its=it is,theyre=they are,isnt=is not,arent=are not, cant=can not,lets=let us,thats=that is,whats=what is,whos=who is,(K) what什么,when什么时候,where在哪里,who谁,whose谁的,how怎么样, how old几岁,how much多少钱,how many 多少(L)on在上面,in在里面,under在下面,behind在后面,next to在旁边,for为/给三会词:(A) playground操场,garden花园,teachers office教师办公室,library图书馆,canteen 食堂(B)art room美术教室,puter room计算机教室,washroom卫生间,music room音乐 教室, gym体育馆,TV room电视机房(C)breakfast早餐,lunch午餐,dinner晚餐(D)English class英语课,music class音乐课,PEclass体育课(E)get up起床,go to school上学,go home回家,go to bed上床睡觉(F)colourful色彩丰富的,pretty漂亮的,可爱的,cheap便宜的,expensive昂贵的(G)sneakers胶底帆布鞋/网球鞋(复数),slippers拖鞋(复数),sandals凉鞋(复数), boots靴子(复数),sweater毛衣,weather天气(H)sheep绵羊,hen母鸡,lamb羊羔,goat山羊,cow奶牛,tomato西红柿,cucumber 黄瓜,potato土豆,onion洋葱,carrot胡萝卜四年级下册重点短语Go to the garden. Water the flowers. 去花园浇花Go to the library. Read a story-book. 去图书馆读故事书Go to the canteen. Eat some noodles. 去厨房吃面条Go to the teachers office. Hand in the homework. 去教师办公室交作业Go to the playground. Play football. 去操场踢足球Time for breakfast. Drink some milk. 早餐时间喝些牛奶Time for lunch. Have some chicken. 午餐时间吃些鸡肉Time for P.E. Jump and run. 体育时间跳跳跑跑Time for English. Read and write. 英语时间读读写写Time for music. Sing and dance. 音乐时间唱唱跳跳Put on your T-shirt. 穿上你的T恤Hang up your skirt. 挂起你的短裙Take off your jacket. 脱掉你的夹克衫Fold your dress. 折叠你的连衣裙Wash your shirt. 洗你的衬衫Put away your sweater. 收拾好你的毛衣Its rainy. Open up your umbrella. 下雨了,打开你的伞。Its windy. Hold on to your hat. 刮风了,抓紧你的帽子。Its sunny. Put on your sunglasses. 出太阳了,戴上你的墨镜。Its snowy. Put on your boots. 下雪了,穿上你的靴子。Its cloudy. Take your raincoat. 多云,带上你的雨衣。Put on your sneakers. Run in the park. 穿上你的球鞋,在公园里跑跑。Put on your sandals. Wiggle your toes. 穿上你的凉鞋,动动你的脚趾头。Put on your boots. Splash in the puddles. 穿上你的靴子,溅水洼。Put on your slippers. Dance in your room. 穿上你的拖鞋,在房间里跳舞。Feed the hens. 喂母鸡Ride a horse. 骑马Milk a cow. 挤奶Shear a sheep. 剪羊毛Hold a lamb. 抱抱羊羔【四会句子】1. This is my puter. 这是我的电脑。2. That is your puter. 那是你的电脑。3. Is this a teachers desk? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 这是讲台吗 ?是的。/不是的。4. What time is it? Its two oclock. 几点了?两点整。5. Its 9:45. Its time for math class. 九点四十五分了,数学课时间到了。6. Is this your T-shirt? Yes, it is. / No, its not. 这是你的T恤?是的。/不是的。7. What colour is it? Its white. 它是什么颜色的?它是白色的。8. Its warm today. Lets play football. 今天很暖和,让我们去踢足球吧。9. Its cool. Is it cold? 天气凉爽。天气冷吗?10. How much is it? Its ten yuan. 它要多少钱?十元。11. How much are they? Theyre three yuan. 它们要多少钱?三元。12. Are they ducks? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 它们是鸭子吗?是的。/不是的。13. How many horses are there? Twelve. 有多少匹马?12匹。重点句型1. Where is the canteen? Its on the first / second/ third/ floor.食堂在哪里?在一/二/三楼。2. What time is it? Its two oclock. 几点了?两点。3. Its time to(跟动词) / Its time for (跟名词)现在是时间。4. I like the white sweater with the green skirt. 我喜欢穿白毛衣搭配绿裙子。5. These are your baby pants. 这些是你小时候穿过的裤子。6. What are they? They are goats. 它们是什么?它们是山羊。7. This is the weather report. 现在是天气预报。8. Heres the world weather. 现在是世界天气预报。9. Its cool in Lhasa. 拉萨很凉爽。10. Its cold and snowy here. 这儿天冷多雪。11. Can I wear my new shirt today? Yes, you can. /No, you cant. 我今天可以穿新衬衫吗?12. Whats the weather like in Beijing? 北京的天气怎么样?13. How about New York? 纽约的天气怎么样?14. Whats the weather like at the farm? 农场的天气怎么样?15. Whats the matter? 怎么啦?16. Not much. 没什么。17. How much is that colourful dress? 那条彩色的连衣裙要多少钱?18. This shirt is colourful, but its too big. 这件衬衫是彩色的,但是太大了。19. I want a pair of sneakers. 我想买一双球鞋。20. Are they all right? 它们合身(合脚)吗?21. This shirt is nice. It fits me well. 这件衬衫很好。很合身。22. Do a good job. 好好工作。23. I made a mistake. 我犯了个错误。24. Youre fired. 你被解雇了。25. My jacket is too small. 我的夹克衫太小了。26. Lets have a picnic tomorrow. 我们明天去野餐吧。27. Tomorrow will be warm and sunny. 明天是暖和而晴朗的。28. Its your turn now. 现在轮到你了。五年级英语上的重点单词和句子【单词1】young年轻的;old年老的;short矮的;tall高的;strong强壮的;thin瘦的;kind和蔼的,亲切的;strict严格的;active活跃的;quiet安静的,文静的;funny滑稽可笑的;smart聪明的;very非常;but但是;whos=who is;whats=what is;hes=he is;shes=she is;【单词2】Monday(Mon.)星期一;Tuesday(Tue.)星期二;Wednesday(Wed.)星期三;Thursday(Thu.)星期四;Friday(Fri.)星期五;Saturday(Sat.)星期六;Sunday(Sun.)星期日;day天,日子;do homework做作业;watch TV看电视;read books读书;have有,吃;on在时候;too也,太;What about?怎么样?【单词3】eggplant茄子;fish鱼;green beans青豆;tofu豆腐;potato土豆;tomato西红柿;grape葡萄;fruit水果;sweet甜点;sour酸的;salty咸的;fresh新鲜的;tasty好吃的;favourite最爱的;for为,给;lunch午餐;we我们;theyre=they are;dont=do not;Id like=I would like;【单词4】cook the meals做饭;water the flowers浇花;sweep the floor扫地;clean the bedroom打扫卧室;make the bed铺床;set the table摆饭桌;wash the clothes洗衣服;do the dishes洗碗碟出;use a puter使用计算机;cant=can not;【单词5】curtain窗帘;trash bin垃圾桶;closet衣橱;mirror镜子;end table床头柜;bedroom卧室;bathroom卫生间;kitchen厨房;living room客厅;clothes衣服;in在里面;on在上面;under在下面;near在旁边;behind在后边;over在上面;in front of在前面;【单词6】river河流;lake湖;flower花;grass草;tree树;forest森林;path小道;road公路;house房子;building建筑物;bridge桥;park公园;picture图片;clean干净的。【句子】1.Whos your English teacher? Mr Carter. 2.Whats he/she like? Hes tall and strong. Shes young and pretty. 3.Is he quiet? No, he isnt. Hes very active. Is she strict? Yes, she is, but shes very kind. 4.What day is it today? Its Wednesday. 5.What do you have on Thursdays? We have English, math and science on Thursdays. 6.What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes, tofu and fish. 7.What do you do on Saturdays? I watch TV on Saturdays. 8.What about you? I do my homework, too. 9.Whats your favourite fruit? I like apples. (Because)Theyre sweet. 10.What can you do? I can cook the meals. 11.Can you make the bed? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 12.There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet. 13.There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. 14.Is there a forest in the park? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. 15.Are there any pandas in the mountains? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. 16.Where is the trash bin? Its behind the door. 17.Many clothes are in the closet. = There are many clothes in the closet.五年级下四会单词和四会句子【Unit1】do morning exercises晨练;have English class上英语课;play sports进行体育活动;eat breakfast吃早饭;eat dinner吃晚饭;climb mountains爬山;go shopping购物;play the piano弹钢琴;visit grandparents看望祖父母;go hiking去远足;get up起床;when什么时候;evening晚上;noon中午;weekend周末;usually通常;often经常;sometimes有时;at在点钟;【Unit2】spring春天;summer夏天;fall秋天;winter冬天;season季节;swim游泳;skate滑冰;sleep睡觉;fly kites放风筝;plant trees种树;make a snowman堆雪人;which哪一个;why为什么;because因为;best最,极;【Unit3】January(Jan.)一月;February(Feb.)二月;March(Mar.)三月;April(Apr.)四月;May五月;June六月;July七月;August(Aug.)八月;September(Sept.)九月;October(Oct.)十月;November(Nov.)十一月;December(Dec.)十二月;birthday生日;date日期;uncle叔叔,舅舅;her她的;【Unit4】draw pictures画画;cook dinner做饭;read a book看书;answer the phone接电话;listen to music听音乐;clean the room打扫房间;write a letter写信;write an e-mail写电子邮件;mom妈妈;grandpa爷爷;study书房【Unit5】fly飞;jump跳;walk走;run跑;swim游泳;sleep睡觉;climb爬;fight打架;swing荡秋千;drink water喝水;kangaroo袋鼠;【Unit6】take pictures照相;watch insects观察昆虫;pick up leaves采摘树叶;do an experiment做实验;catch butterflies捉蝴蝶;count insects数昆虫;collect leaves收集树叶;write a report写报告;play chess下棋;have a picnic举行野餐;honey蜂蜜。1. When do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00 noon.2. What do you do on the weekend? Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents. I often play football.3. Which season do you like best? I like winter best.4. Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.5. Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in the lake.6. Why do you like winter? Because I can sleep a long time.7. When is your birthday? Its in May.8. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in June, too.9. Is her birthday in June? Yes, it is.10. Whats the date? June 9th.11. This is Zhang Peng.(打电话时自我介绍)12. What are you doing? Im doing the dishes.13. Grandpa is writing a letter. Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. Hes writing an e-mail in the study.14. What is it doing? Its eating bananas.15. What is she doing? Shes jumping.16. What are they doing? Theyre swimming./ Theyre climbing trees.17. Are you eating lunch? Yes, we are. / No, we arent.18. Are they eating the honey? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.19. Is he playing chess? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.20. Is she counting insects? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.

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