2019年六年级英语下册 Lesson19 Let’s Go to the Park教案(1) 冀教版.doc

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2019年六年级英语下册 Lesson19 Let’s Go to the Park教案(1) 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019年六年级英语下册 Lesson19 Lets Go to the Park教案(1) 冀教版教学目标:1、复习动词过去式。2、复习形状词汇。3、掌握单词:cloud,sky,lie和句型It looks like _.4、通过对课文的阅读理解,培养学生的阅读能力。重点难点:单词cloud,sky,lie和句型It looks like _.教具准备:录音机,课件,实物投影,图片,单词卡片学具准备:水彩笔教学过程:Step1: Greeting Step2: Review the words 利用单词卡片复习以下动词过去式:am/is was are were do did make made run ran go went say said look looked Listen and draw:(复习形状)a. Draw a circle.b. Draw a square.c. Draw a rectangle.d. Draw a triangle.e. Draw a line.Step3: New words and sentences 教师利用图片演示单词cloud与sky。利用幻灯片图片演示单词lie,同时说出如下句子:Look! The girl is lying on the grass. 教师利用一张蝴蝶形状的风筝的幻灯片讲授句型It looks like _.设计意图:多媒体辅助教学,形象直观,易于学生理解新知。 Ask and answer:(出示幻灯片,让学生对所学的新句型进行巩固练习)T: What does it look like?C:It looks like _. Draw and say :(学生自己画画,然后用所学句型进行简要描述)Step 4 New text Listen to the text. Read the text.Step 5 Practice Do the exercises 3 in the activity book.设计意图:训练学生的听力,并检查学生对所学单词理解的程度。Step 6 Homework学生总结本课所学内容,布置课下作业。师生互说“Goodbye! See you next class!”

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