2019-2020年牛津版必修1《Module1 Unit2 word study》学案.doc

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Module One Unit Two Growing Pains2019-2020年牛津版必修1Module1 Unit2 word study学案、课前预习 A. 跟读磁带,要求准确朗读模块1 Unit 2词汇表中每一个单词。B. 完成下列单词拼写:1. Can you take out the _ when you go off to work? (垃圾)2. Such _ is unacceptable in public. (行为)3. Various _ for these changes in climate have been offered by scientists all over the world. (解释)4. In the final _, Harry expressed his love to Julia. (场景)5. Teachers in this school are given plete _ in their choice of teaching materials. (自由)6. The explorers _ to death in the desert. (饿死)7. I cant _ being laughed at in public. (容忍)8. She drew back the _ to let in the light, and then sat down to enjoy a cup of tea. (窗帘)9. You were always finding _ with us. (过错)10. In this country, women are _ to enter the temple. (禁止)、主体参与 自学下列内容,探究本单元重点单词的用法:1. bend (bent, bent ) vi.弯腰,屈身 vt.(使)弯曲 She bent down to lift the box off the floor. 她弯下身从地上扛起箱子。 The road bent sharply to the right.(急转弯)bent adj. be bent onHe seems bent on success at all costs. 他好像下定决心不惜任何代价一定要成功。He is bent on being an experienced teacher. 她一心想成为有经验的老师。2. starve vi. 挨饿;饿死 vt. 使挨饿 Theyll either die from the cold or starve to death. They starve for knowledge. 他们渴望知识。 Im starving. = Im hungry.die of starvation = die of hunger3. tolerate vt. 容忍;允许(= stand; bear; put up with) She cant tolerate the boys bad behavior any longer. I cant tolerate being laughed at in public. tolerance n. zero tolerance4. fault n. 过错,错误;缺点,瑕疵find fault with 找的茬,挑剔 They like to find fault with my work. find fault in 看出在方面的缺点 I cant find fault in your paper. It is faultless.at/ in fault 有错,有责任 Her doctor was at fault for / in not sending her straight to a specialist.Its ones fault that 是某人的过错 Its not our fault that we were late. 5. defend vt. 辩解,辩白;防御,保护(n. defence) They went to defend their country against enemies. Its not your fault. You have to defend yourself.(辩护) The soldiers died in defence of their country.(防御) I have to say in her defence that she knew nothing about it.(为她辩护)6. deserve v. 值得,应得;应受deserve to do sth. He deserves to know the truth. He deserves to be sent to prison.deserve attention /consideration etc. If you do wrong, you deserve punishment. deserve doing = deserve to be done = be worth doing Your bad behavior deserves to be punished/ punishing.7. insist v. 坚决要求;坚持认为insist on doing He insisted on finding a taxi for me.insist that Mike insisted that he was right. (坚持宣称,坚决认为)They insisted that everyone should e to the party. (坚决要求,一定要)He insisted that he _ (steal) anything and that he _ (be) set free.8. forbid vt. (forbade, forbidden ) 禁止forbid doing sth. Forbid smoking here!forbid sb. to do sth. As a punishment he was forbidden to leave the house.forbid sb. from doing sth. He has even forbidden me from meeting my friends online at the Internet caf.the Forbidden City紫禁城9. limit vt. 限制 limit sth./oneself to sth. He limited his breakfast to a glass of milk. be limited to something The damage was limited to the roof.n. 限制;极限;界限 limit to/on There is no limit to serving the people. adj. My knowledge of the business is limited.10. balance vt. & vi. & n. 平衡;抵消 I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates. She lost her balance and fell off. He is healthy because he has a balanced diet. (均衡饮食)The programme is in the balance. ( = be uncertain) (悬而未决)11. upset v. & adj. vt. 使不高兴,使失望 Dont do anything that would upset him. adj. (not before n.) be upset by/about/at/that She was really upset about the way her father treated her.Debbie was upset that he didnt spend more time with her.【辨析】upset nervous upset (unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened) nervous (worried or frightened about something, and unable to relax)She was so nervous about her exams that she couldnt sleep.12. handle 把手;处理,应付 n. 把手,柄 Then he turned the handle and went in. v. 处理,操作;应付(局面等)puters can handle huge amounts of data.The headmaster handled the situation very well.13. tend v. vi. 往往,趋向 tend to do sth. People tend to need less sleep as they get older. vt. & vi. (to look after sb. or sth.)照看tend (to) sb./sth. Sofia was in the bedroom tending (to) her son.tendency n. The drug is effective but has a tendency to cause headaches.14. normal adj. 正常的,一般的A normal working week is 40 hours.It is normal (for sb.) to do sth. Its normal to feel nervous before an exam.【辨析】mon usual normal ordinarymon 表示“普通的,随处可见或随时会发生的,共同的”usual 即“惯常的,通常的,符合习惯的”normal 意为“符合标准的,正规的”ordinary 意为“不特殊的,一般的,普通的”15. cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待地想 I cant wait to tell them the good news! I just cant wait to be king! (from Lion King) 我等不及要当国王! can hardly wait to do sth.We can hardly wait to read his latest novel.16. be supposed to do sth. 应该做,被期待做You are supposed to be here by eight. 你应该在八点到这儿。Everyone is supposed to bring a dish to the party. 每个人都应该带一道菜来参加舞会。The meeting was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but weve had to delay it.这个会本应该星期二举行,但我们不得不把它推迟了。17. mix upmix sb./sth. up with sb. 混淆,弄混(人或物)I always mix him up with his brother. They look so much alike.mix sth. up 弄乱(某物)Dont mix up those papers, or well never find the ones we need.mix sb. up 使(某人)糊涂They kept trying to mix me up. 他们一直想要把我弄糊涂。18. along with prep. 随同一起;除了之外Mother sent me some money along with her letter. 母亲在信中附寄了一些钱给我。当along with连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词和第一个名词的数保持一致。类似结构还有:together with, as well as, except, but等Our monitor along with some of our classmates been to the USA.、课堂检测 (一)单项选择1. We insisted that the sick children _ to hospital at once.A. must be sent B. be sentC. will be sent D. is sent2. We forbid _ here, but we never forbid you _ in other parts of the museum. A. smoking; smoking B. smoking; to smoke C. to smoke; to smokeD. to smoke; smoking 3. _ youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as4. The message is very important, so it is supposed _ as soon as possible. A. to be sent B. to sent C. being sent D. sending5. She has finished her task perfectly, so she deserves _. A. to pay B. to be paid C. paid D. to being paid6. The _ expression on his face suggested that the film was so _.A. frightening; frightening B. frightened; frightenedC. frightening; frightened D. frightened; frightening7. Jason along with his friends who _football matches _ to school today. A. likes; hasnt gone B. likes; havent gone C. like; hasnt gone D. like; havent gone8. It is difficult to _, so Ill give them a detailed _. A. explain the problem for beginners; explanation B. explain beginners the problem; explanation C. explain the problem to beginners; explanation D. explain beginners the problem; explanation(二)词组填空:be supposed to be hard on at present forbid.from mix up stay up now that as if along with insist on1. Generally speaking, a lot of successful people_ themselves.2. Im sorry hes out _. Can you leave a message?3. Our school _ students _ using mobile phones.4. I understand him much better _ Ive seen his living conditions. 5. Mike is impossible! He treated me _ I were a plete stranger! 6. Im sorry, but you _ hand in your paper last Monday.7. We went to bed, but Julie and Kate _ talking and playing cards.8. She_ following me all the way here, though I told her not to. 9. Be careful not to _ those papers on the desk.10. She lost her job when the factory closed _ hundreds of others.、巩固发展 判断下列每组单词的词性或词义,并根据其在句中的位置选择所给单词的正确形式填空:A. tend tendencyYoung children _ to get sick more often than adults. There is an increasing _ for women to have children later in life. B. explain explanation He gave no _ for what he was doing that evening.He _ to me that it had been a difficult film to make.C. upset nervousI wish youd stop looking at me like that. Youre making me _.- Whats the matter with Rod?- I think hes still _ that we forgot his birthday. D. mon usual normal ordinaryYesterday he got up earlier than _, for it was not an _ day for him.Dont ask me about it! Its _ sense.What is the _ body temperature?参考答案、课前预习 B. 完成下列单词拼写:1. garbage 2. behavio(u)r 3. explanations 4. scene 5. freedom 6. starved 7. tolerate 8. curtain(s) 9. fault 10. forbidden、主体参与7. hadnt stolen; (should) be18. has、课堂检测 (一)单项选择1-5 BBAAB 6-10 DCC(二)词组填空:1. are hard on 2. at present 3. forbidsfrom 4. now that 5. as if6. are supposed to 7. stayed up 8. insisted on 9. mix up 10. along with、巩固发展 A. tend; tendencyB. explanation; explainedC. nervous; upsetD. usual, ordinary; mon; normal


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