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2019-2020年高一上Unit5Rhythmword单元学案一、学习目标【单元话题】1. 熟悉了解主要英语国家的艺术形式。2. 了解中外著名画家、艺术家、建筑师,以及不同的艺术、建筑风格。【词汇】Lesson 1:effect, performance, base, award, anger, audience, disappoint, impress, extraordinary, extremely, creative, powerful, throughoutLesson 2:instrument, male, female, general, bine, in other wordsLesson 3:talent, key, beauty, appearance, quiet, worldwide, at timesLesson 4:generation, type, ordinary, unique, noble【交际用语】学习请求允许或拒绝的用语Is it OK/all right if I?Can/Could I? Would it be all right if I did?Please let me.No, Im afraid you cant.【语法】1. will用于表示决定。2. 学习时间、原因、结果、目的等状语从句。二、单元知识要点Lesson 11. Read the concert review and match the four paragraphs with the titles.读这篇音乐会评论,把这四段和对应的标题连接起来。matchwith 把和搭配起来,也可用matchto。You should match your blouse to/ with your skirt. 你应该把上衣和裙子搭配起来。match the article with/to the writermatchwith 还可表示:使与对抗/搭配The teacher matched me with Tom in todays tennis match.老师要我在今天的网球比赛中跟汤姆比。使与结婚He matched his daughter with his friends son.2. Canadian singer and song writer, Alanis Morissette, is used to being in the public eye.加拿大歌唱家阿兰妮丝莫里塞特已经习惯了公众的关注。be/get used to(doing)sth. 习惯于(做),为固定短语。be used to do sth. 被用来做 ,是被动语态。used to(do sth.)过去常常,是情态动词。He used to get up late but he is/gets used to getting up early now.他过去常常起得很晚,但现在他习惯早起了。Wood can be used to build houses. 木头可用来建房子。3. e out出版、刊出、发行His first novel will e out next month.他的第一部小说将在下个月出版。(花)开,绽放Roses will e out soon. 玫瑰不久就会开放。(秘密等)泄露The secret has e out at last.(结果)变得Everything came out all right in the end.结果一切都变得顺利。4. She has continued giving great performances on stage.她继续举行精彩的个人演唱会。continue后可接to do或doing sth.作宾语,用法相同。She continued crying/to cry. 她继续哭着。continue(to be)依然,仍旧,后接形容词。She continued(to be)poor until she died. 她到死时依然贫困。The weather continued(to be)fine. 天气一直很晴朗。5. I hope well warm it up in here for you.我希望我们的演唱能把温暖带给大家。warm upvt. 使热,使暖和He made a fire to warm them up. 他生起火来让他们暖和些。vi. (比赛前)做热身运动变暖和发生感情You must warm up before you play football.在踢足球之前你必须要做热身。They began to warm up after they went into the room.6. Her singing was full of feeling, the first part of the song was filled with anger,她的歌唱充满了感情,这首歌曲的第一部分充满了愤怒,be full of与be filled with均有“充满”之意,但前者是形容词短语,后者是动词短语,为fillwith的被动结构;一般两短语可以互换。His pockets were full of money.他口袋里装满了钱。His pockets were filled with money.7. long-time fans长期的歌迷long-time是“形容词名词”构成的合成形容词,又如:second-hand二手的 high-class高级的常见的合成形容词构成方法还有:数词名词(单数):one-child独生子的 two-hour两小时的数词名词(单数)形容词:three-year-old 三岁的 six-meter-tall 六米高的形容词名词-ed:cold-blooded冷血的 good-tempered 脾气好的形容词/副词分词:ever-lasting 永恒的 well-dressed穿着好的名词分词:life-saving 救生的 state-owned国有的名词形容词:world-famous 世界闻名的 tax-free免税的Lesson 21. such as与for examplesuch as为短语介词用法,表列举与上文所说事物有相似点的事物,意“象那样的”,后直接加名词、代词,不与and so on连用。如:Children such as these make people cheerful.象这样的孩子们会使人们欢喜。I visited several European countries, such as France, Italy and Germany.for example“例如”,用来举例子,可以放在所举例子的前面,也可放在所举例子的后面,常用逗号隔开。We visited several European countries, for example, France, Italy and Germany.(也可说成France, Italy and Germany, for example.)此外,for example还可用来引出一句话或一件事来举例说明上文内容,如:Tom is a kind person. For example, he often offers money to poor people2. Well, symbols play a very important role in Beijing Opera.一些动作在京剧中起着非常重要的作用。play arole 起作用、扮演角色,相当于play apart。He played an important role in the talk.他在那次会谈中起了重要作用。She played the leading role in the movie.她在那电影中扮演主角。3. 请求允可,做出许可或拒绝用语。Is it ok(all right)if I go? 我可以走了吗?Can/Could I do?我可以吗?Would it be all right if I did?Shall I do?Please let me do.Yes, you can.All right. Ill let you do.Sure./Certainly, you can./Of course./ Go ahead.No, Im afraid you cant.Lesson 31. Kong goes for folk! 孔喜欢民歌。go for喜欢be fond of, like, enjoyI dont go for Beijing Opera. 我不喜欢京剧。去做Lets go for a walk. 我们去散步吧!去取(请,叫)Ask him to go for the doctor. 让他去请医生来。努力想获得go for the championship 努力想获取冠军适用于What I said about Peter goes for you, too.我说的关于彼特的话也适用于你。2. surprised his fans last week by giving a concert bining classical music with Chinese folk music.通过举办了一场把古典音乐与中国民间音乐相结合的音乐会,让他的歌迷感到新奇。by giving 介词by短语作方式状语The old man made a living by selling vegetables.binewith 把和结合起来(混合)bine theory with practice 理论结合实际She bines wit and beauty. 她才貌双全。bine hydrogen with oxygen 使氢与氧混合(同mixwith)3. His mother couldnt buy him a piano until he was seven他妈妈直到他七岁时才给他买了一架钢琴。notuntil 直到才until前主句为否定句时,谓语为终止性动词;其主句为肯定句时,谓语用延续性动词。He didnt go to bed until his mother came back.直到他妈妈来到他才去睡觉。The boy slept until his mother came back.那个男孩一直睡到他妈妈回来为止。4. She had to draw piano keys on a piece of paper so that he could learn to play as early as possible.她不得不在纸上画钢琴键,为了他能够可能早地学会弹钢琴。so that“为了”,引导目的状语从句,从句中常用can, may, could, might等情态动词。He got up very early so that he could catch the early bus.他起得很早为了是能赶上早班车。so that也可引导结果状语从句,意“以至于,结果”。He was lazy at study so that he didnt pass the exam.他学习很懒惰,结果没能通过考试。可用“so形容词/副词that”表示结果。He was made to practise the piano so much that, at times, he thought about giving up.他不得不每天花很多时间练习弹钢琴,有时他都想放弃了。Kongs new experiment in Chinese folk music is so important that he even changed his appearance.as early as possible尽可能早as early as sb. can/ could又如: as fast as possible, as many/much as possible, as soon as possible, as tall as possible5. Whether Kong is changing his appearance or transforming his music, he is a pioneer in music today.不管孔祥东正在改变他的形象,还是他对音乐进行改革,他都是当今音乐界的先锋。whetheror 不管还是,引导让步状语从句。Whether he takes the bus or drives his car, hell be here on time.不管他乘公交车还是开车来,他总是会准时到达的。Whether you accept or refuse the invitation, you should let me know.6. The concert last week was such a success that Kongs Dream Tour Concert is expected to run for the next two years in Beijing,上周的音乐会非常成功,以至于他的梦幻之旅音乐会要在北京,等城市进行为期两年的巡演。such(a/an)形容词名词that,可引导结果状语从句。He came to such a sudden stop that we almost hit him.他突然停下来以至于我们差一点撞到他。They are such kind people that we all like them.Lesson 41. Ballet tells a story with music and actions but no words.芭蕾用音乐、动作,而不是用语言来讲述故事。tell“讲述”,主语一般是人,有时也可用物,故事、电影名称等作主语。The film E.T tells a story about a strange creature from outer space.电影ET讲述的是关于一个来自外星人的故事。物作tell的主语时,还可表示“表明、显示”。This red light tells you that the machine is ready to use.这红灯表明机器可以用了。2. Many countries have produced ballets, including China.很多国家,包括中国在内也有芭蕾舞。including介词,“包括”,指某事物是上文整体中的一部分。比较:介词besides也有“除之外(还有)”之意,但与including不同之处在于,前后两者属于互不包括的两个独立部分。如:Ten other countries have produced ballets, besides China.除中国外,还有其他十个国家有芭蕾舞蹈。(共11个国家)3. Another folk dance is the Yangge, which is often performed on special occasions.另外一种著名的民间舞蹈是秧歌,常在节日庆典时上演。perform表演、演奏The magician performed some astonishing tricks.魔术师表演了一些令人惊叹的魔术。实行、完成The surgeon has performed the operation.外科医生已做完了手术。occasion“时刻、时节、特殊场合”,常与介词on连用。on special occasions 在特别的时节,在节日庆典时on several occasions 好几次On that occasion I was not at home. 那时我恰好不在家。I only wear a tie on special occasions. 我只在特殊场合才打领带。on occasion有时、偶尔4. They are dressed in beautiful costumes, skipping back and forth to the rhythm of loud drums.他们身着亮丽的服装,和着锣鼓点儿,扭来扭去。be dressed in“穿着”,表示穿着的状态,后面接表示衣服的名词。The children are dressed in new clothes on Childrens Day.dress作动词,表示动作“给穿衣”,后接人作宾语。The woman dressed her baby in a hurry.wear, have on也可表示穿衣状态,后接“衣服”作宾语;have on不用于进行时态。back and forth前前后后介词to表示“随着,和着(音乐,节拍等)”。dance to the music5. popular 流行的,受欢迎的be popular with sb. 受的欢迎That teacher is very popular with her pupils.练习检测:. 单项选择1. I think the curtains dont _ the paint.A. match B. match with C. fit D. suit2. The American _ western food, but he _ Chinese food now.A. is used to eat, used to B. used to eat, is used toC. used to eating, is used to D. used to eat, used to3. When will his new album _?In a month.A. e up B. e down C. be e out D. e out4. The superstar played a few songs from her new album, _“You are my honey”.A. for example B. as C. such as D. take for example5. There was not an empty seat anywhere in the concert hall at last Thursdays event, _it was an extremely cold night.A. because B. though C. as if D. however6. Well hold a party when the guests _.A. arrive B. arrived C. will arrive D. are arriving7. How would you like your coffee, sir?_.A. I like it very much B. Very niceC. Its well done D. The stronger, the better8.I want to leave tomorrow. Do you think it will rain?_. Why not wait here for two more days?A. No, Im afraid not B. All rightC. I am afraid so D. Go ahead9. The role Mr. White _in the play was very successful.A. did B. played C. made D. performed10.What do you think of Micky?I dont _men of this type.A. fond of B. go in C. go for D. be fond of11. He _the river until he walked 10 miles.A. didnt find B. found C. would find D. hasnt find12. He saw _that he couldnt remember them all.A. such many new things B. so many new thingsC. many new such things D. many so new things13. _you are an official or a clerk, you must obey the law.A. If B. Because C. While D. Whether14. Many people went to visit the sick old man, _.A. include Mr. Black B. Mr. Black includingC. included Mr. Black D. including Mr. Black15. Have you seen a girl who _white?A. are dressed in B. dressed inC. are dressing D. dresses. 根据所给单词的首字母或汉语写出所缺单词的适当形式。1. Did the medicine have any e_ on his disease?2. I know two m _who can play many different instruments.3. As a student, it is good for us to c_ learning with fun.4. The manager often goes to the workshop to talk with the o_ workers.5. There are thousands of a_ watching the play in the theater today.6. I felt very _(失望)to hear what he had done.7. Mozart was one of the most famous _(钢琴家)in the world.8. No one can enter the lab without _(允可).9. The play was well _(表演)by the students.10. Their three _(代)live in the small flat. 阅读理解Acting is such an overcrowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a younger person thinking of going on the stage is“Dont!”But it is useless to try to discourage someone who fells that he must act, although the chances of his being famous are small. The normal way to begin is to go to a drama school. Usually only students who show promise and the talent are accepted, and the course lasts two years. Then the young actor or actress takes up work with a repertory pany, usually as an assistant stage manger. This means doing everything that is to be done in the theatre: painting scenery, looking after the furniture and publicity, taking care of the costumes, and even acting in very small parts. It is very hard work indeed, the hours are long and the salary is tiny. But young actors with the stage in their blood are happy, waiting for the chance of working with a better pany, or perhaps in films or television.Of course, some people have remarkable chance, which lead to fame and success without this long and tedious training. Connie Pratt, for example, was just an ordinary girl working in a bicycle factory. A film producer happened to catch sight of her one morning waiting at a bus stop, and he got out to speak to the girl. He asked her if she would like to go to the film studio to stand a test, and at first she thought he was joking. Then she got angry and said she would call the police. It took the producer twenty minutes to convince Connie that he was serious. Then an appointment was made for her to go to his studio the next day. The test was successful. They gave her elocution(演说术)lessons and within a few weeks she was playing the leading part opposite one of the most famous actors of the day. Of course, she was given a more dramatic name, which is now world-famous. But chances like this happen once in a blue moon!1. The author does not encourage young people to choose the profession of acting. The reasons for his doing this do not include _.A. there is intense petition in this processionB. the chances of being famous are really smallC. only genius can take up the professionD. this profession really involves much hard work2. After finishing the courses at a drama school, the young actor or actress may work as an assistant stage manager in a repertory pany and dont have to _.A. paint scenery and take care of the costumesB. look after the furniture and publicityC. learn elocution lessonsD. act in very small parts3. According to the author, a young actor or actress is willing to take up work with a repertory pany because _.A. the work is not really hardB. the salary is goodC. they have a hope of getting a chance of work with a better pany in the acting professionD. they need this kind of experience to try their will and perseverance4. The author uses the example of Connie Pratt to show that _.A. luck is much more important than talent in the profession of actionB. there are indeed some people who do not get their way to fame and success in the action profession through hard work, but the chance is so smallC. sometimes one should take jokes seriously because chances may be involved in themD. some film producers choose actors or actresses arbitrarily5. In the last sentence, the phrase “once in a blue moon” means _.A. once in a year B. incredibleC. once in a very long time D. remarkable and rare答案与解析:.单项选择1. A. match意“两者相搭配”,后直接加名词;C指大小、尺寸适合;D指颜色、式样等适合某物/人。2. B. 第一空指“过去常常(吃西餐)”;第二空意“(现在)习惯中餐了”。3. D. e out意“出版”,没有被动语态。4. C.5. Balthough“尽管”,引导让步状语从句。6. A. 时间状语从句中一般不用将来时态(主句已用将来时)。7. D. 由would可知,应是问“你想要什么样的咖啡”,不是“你认为你的咖啡怎么样?”8. C. 意“明天恐怕要下雨”,和下文“为什么不在这里多呆两天呢”相一致。9. B. play a role in。10. C. go for喜欢。11. A. notuntil意“直到才”,否定句中主句谓语用终止性动词。12. B. 形容词many, few, much, little表数量修饰名词时,其前常用so。13. D. whetheror不管还是。14. D. including是介词,逗号后不能用谓语形式。15. A.为be dressed in sth.的现在时态。. 根据所给单词的首字母或汉语写出所缺单词的适当形式。1. effect 2. musicians 3. bine 4. ordinary 5. audience 6. disappointed 7. pianists 8. permission 9. performed 10. generations. 阅读理解本篇为论说文。作者论述了通往成为电影明星的道路很艰辛,成名的可能性也很小。对众多想上舞台的年轻人说:“Dont!”但作者也举出由于极偶然的机会获得成功的例子。1. C. 第一段中,A、B、D三项内容均涉及到:an overcrowded profession表明了激烈的竞争;the chances of his being famous are small表明成功机率小;It is very hard work indeed.表明需付出的艰辛。而C项“只有天才方能涉足这一职业”与原文不符,文中的意义是“只有那些展露出希望和天赋的学生才被接受”。2. C. 根据第一段后半部分“然后年轻的演员在戏剧团承担工作,通常担任助理舞台监督”,这就意味着要做A、B、D中所罗列的各项工作,而C项不属此范围。3. C. 根据第一段最后一句得出结论。4. B. 作者举出此例显然想表明这种可能性是极小的。5. D. 根据字面意义及语境应该能猜测出,“once in a blue moon”意思为“罕见”。

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