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2019年四年级上学期英语竞赛试题(无答案)姓名 班级 分数 把正确答案的序号填在相应的表格内。(每题4分)题号12345678910111213答案题号141516171819202122232425-答案一、选出字母或字母组合,使单词完整。1. p cil A. er B. en C. ea 2. t cher A. er B. en C. ea3. fri d A. er B. en C. ea4. b g A. a B. o C. e5. st dent A. a B. u C. v二、选出正确单词,使句子完整。6. Good morning, Chen Jie. clean our classroom. A. Lets B. Let C. lets 7. This my new schoolbag. A. am B. is C. are8. Who your friend ? A. am B. is C. are9. English books can you see ?A. How many B. how many C. How much10. What colour ?A. is it B. it is C. are it11. Here are ?A. you B. your C. Your12. My friend is strong. He short hair.A. has B. have C. is13. Look, this is his photo. tall.A. Hes B. hes C. Shes 14. My friend is a girl. thin.A. am B. is C. areA. Hes B. hes C. Shes15. Whats in the classroom ?A. on B. in C. near 16. Wheres my seat? Its the door.A. on B. in C. near17. We 6 new lights.A. has B. are C. have18. Let clean the window.A. me B. my C. we三、根据上下句的的对话,选出正确的答案。19. “Whats this ?” “ a English book!”A. is it B. its C. they are20. “May I have a look ?” “ . Here you are.”A. Sure B. Ok C. Yes 21. “Can you spell these words?” “ , I can.”A. Sure B. Ok C. Yes22. “How many story-books have?” “I have 20”A. can you B. do you C. you can23. “Who is he ?” “ my new friend.”A. Hes B. hes C. Shes24. “Whats his name?” “ name is Zhang Peng.”A. Hes B. His C. Her25. “Whats her name?” “ name is Amy.”A. Shes B. His C. Her

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